classified advert sgg f afars waxtkii xciviitiks auznts plcof kvkhything foit our line whirlwind tiir bijc r- xpur amazing profit cralye liruthtfn niagara fails ontario aknts uantii to manmk oci wnr iu t quickly rkly com- riiiiti writ if a tittz ifagcrs- viile out man wanted fok hauikrgh iloute sales way up this year real opportunity or rjtit man we htlp you tit tartd writ kiiwlelkh- lr m 317ulc m canada aiiticiks foit saib fclkctacms frames 150 pkk- svription filnd special low price by mail ehaefcr optical ii6 yonkr toronto sinokil droiuikad skwing mach- iius kicondilionod kua ran teed like now j 140 u mw williams drop- hcad j shipping mid ertatinir yi tstru sutherland 3ss gerrard fast toronto jiut liiojtk that engine use ovrliaul pa tinted mineral plntiuk re- tor compression stops piston slap miitktdk and oil pumping works white driving saves so x of oil saves gas 0040 satisfied user litkhest british recommend at ion costs 375 money back guarantee free information ovrliaul distribu tor hox c3 kitchener ontario hooks and magazines vouit favourite magazines of- fer thrilling and fascinating enter tainment vital instruction and help ful inspiration at surprisingly low prices subscriptions make excellent kifts too complete list free on re quest d scott service toronto 10 ontario ciutiilxli foil sale good used clothing lowest prices write for catalogue vonpe street clothing exchange c02 yonge street toronto liveloflxg and 1itijvtlxg deauti1mjl enlargement hand colored in oils free with each order roll developed and printed 25c re prints 10 for 23c rays photo ser vice station j toronto uolus developed printed 1 free enlargement 2c heprints 10 for l5o photocraft is3h king e toronto zero prices expert work roll with free enlargement 25c trcvanna studios js niagara street st cath arines out freei two beautiful enlarge- ments one colored with roll de veloped eight glossy fadeproof prints 28c highest yuallty machray films winnipeg rolus develop1sd and eight prints with free enlargement 25c reprints 3c each commercial photo service wept 1 outr einont que frie glossy enlargement with every order roll developed and printed 25c gem photo service box 729 station ii toronto ontario iiaitciitissii schools andrews academy of hair- lref spring classes forming on april 3rd free literature pg1 jjjoor wes jtoroiito foic sale for sale 150 acres in lambton county apply n leach lir no 3 wyoming ontario six ten lp pails clover gol- donrud ruck wheat mixed honey 442u in ciho daniel trafeltt south- am ont rmtmnuk 9900 a h 9900 klirhlsbejt z rooms complete with good well constructed rtirniturc kvery irailcfu piece has been thoroughly rc- eumlltlomi and is sold under a definite moneyback kunrantce if not satisfied von jo not have to take complete out fit as we will gladly substitute or omit any pieces you do not need following is an itemized list of the iroom com plete outfit beautiful chesterfield suite 3 pieces upholstered in a tine mohair with re versible marshall cushions brand new solid walnut chesterfield table new table lamp and shade new end table new modern smokirjk stand new bridge lamp and shade full sic steel walnut bed sagless spring new allfelt mat tress new pair feather pillows large dresser in rich walnut finish kitchen table and 4 chairs enamelled in ivory new fi v floor rug 3burncr gas stove and a beautiful 32pieco dinner set t ktkiiis ri itviti ui 11100 lyons tradein dept 478 yonge st toronto iijb ialthixc 1oli sams hlilij femaus mivk for spring delivery make your res ervations now i a jones 10 j3rae- rnorc gardens toronto iiaih iots vvius toupks transformations ilia ds furls and all types of lnest luallly hair goods write for llius- rated catalogue toronto human hair mipply co 52s batliurat toron- matthhssks von slk mattrkssbs sijjixg bargains new felt mattresses j3s0 spring mattresses jsmj from factory to s veteran ijcdding- s3 queen st west toronto niicai moo hdmostox citizens tbstifv for it and s powder herbal reme dy rheumatism arthritis neuritis stomach roubles etc two weeks fl50 one month 13 two months 15 druggists or j c mclnlyrc herbal ist isdmonton alberta agents iy- maiis montreal ffvsmm wmm ap aji on lunn prctui w b mikj qt ckvktu w pmonlrfy qtvx utt i h ycft lo wrrfct i 1im tmtvnj fttc j iui ii fc mtttly u tircrhi 0 masons 49 colo remedv vl ubl lot lkd t- c wnl lodf fiklditrj a r w 4j wjj ap ki r llj j aini rynkr maiom iim rmel llmno 1 4 mcaia it toiohto cakaoa duessijd dou easter chicken cow itoy toll paper hat itatloon iianeiog monkey plow out and horn bll for 00c postpaid circular free hobut llarvie 22s kilg st katt toronto okkice kttlllmknt firkphuup safes 0d amtl up cash ltgisters credit systems coun ter check hooks send postcard for illustrated folders mccaskey sys tems limited call ontario iatbxts an offish to every inventor ilst of inventions and full informa tion sent free the ramsay company registered patent attorneys 273 hank st ottawa can isioonai quit tobacco snuff drinking easily inexpensively home reme dies testimonials cuarlnteed ad vice free liox 1 winnipeg save moxky mark face creams lotions chest rubs cleaners in your kitchen fifty finest formulas 60c ivoodhead pox to stratford out lonely let us arrange a ro mantic correspondence for you a friendship letter service for lonely maidens widows bachelors widow ers absolutely confidential particu lars for stamp in plain sealed en velope for canadians paradise ser vice pox 3s toronto canada haiiv chicks popitit am imhtiiy isquipmevt for seven years we iiav1s usisp more rop pedigreed males in our matings than any other breeder or hatchery in canada and 13j is no exception send for twcddle chica- logue and read all about tweddle extra profit and special mating ltig egg chicks these chicks are born with a bead start and weig when hatched oks more than the gov ernment required weight tweddie chick hatcheries limited box 10 fergus ontario chicks barred rocks and white leghorns all breeders blood- tested and under government ap proval i j ardagb strectsvllle ontar box e trent iug revenue chicks are fast becoming a buyword and standard for superior chicks among poultry minded people becauso they quickly turn feed and labor into profits ready now trent elec tric hatchery trenton ont poultry equipment high qua- hty at low cost made in canada for canadians write for our new cata logue model incubators ltd 196 river st toronto better baby chrcks from our large leghorns wonderful winter layers of big white eggs write for descriptive catalogue shndvnook poultry farm aylmer ontario why pay more when you can purchase government approved chicks from btoodtested breeders at these prices cockerels as low as 24e pullets 10c iron sexed ehlcks 9 send for circular it tells all about linden rig isgg chifks baden electric chick hatchery box 9 uaden ontario i w w raised all but 5 of so bray r nri leghorn chicks last yi- liying tt 5 months 190 rock pullets averaged 140 eggs per day m november free entaloglte brav hatchery 130 john st north hamil ton onlario a ii bought 311 bray crossbred pullels list year lost oulv s oulv 2 cockerels housed 302 laving at ti months at 7 months laving 175 eggs daily and sfle- grading large and medium avrire for catalogue bray hatchery 130 john st north hamilton ontario high production big eggs l gs 36 bray new hampshire pul lets i months old in september aver aged 21 tkkf per day from septem ber to december 1937 less than one pullet egg per week see catalogue bray hatchery 130 john st north hamilton ontario for better chicks better livcability larger eggs better pro duction buy pletschs government approved chicks at lowest prices in years leghorns rocks minorca sexed chicks pullets ivrite today pletsch hatchery stratford route 6 ontario big vigorous selected chicks from btoodtested high production breeders leghorns sc rocks and reds 9c collins hatchery wales ont llatciirvc eggs new iiampshires and rhode is land reds heavy layers exhibition winners fifteen eggs 100 fifty j300 m fisher enterprise ontario porting goods we carry a large assortment of fishing tackle from the worlds oldest and largest manufacturers send for free catalogue is manis 171 craig st w montreal quebec black phosphorus can be produced a new kintl of black phosphorus produced from the white kind at high temperatures and pressures is reported by dr robert b jacobs of harvard university another kind of black phosphorus was obtain ed some time ago by dr p w rridgcman of harvard by the use of high pressures dr jacobs also reports a violet variety of the ele ment this makes phosphorus the most versatile of the elemental sub stances because in addition to the two black and the violet there arc the white yellow and red varieties sendyouk films to th5 houss of quality hiklur grade prints guarantee by latest developing process this months special okitr any fiicrolldcvcloped every print cnlarccif orif you prefer id print- all for 25c free film and camera coupon htuwitiuvmcedcr o bcufifii i portrait clo notion plclci iter consolidated photo service 15s catharin si hamiiton ont he suffered agony in wet weather rheumatism attacked limbs and bodv he had been bothered with rheu matism for years the pain in wet weather to use his own expression was indescribable iiut 1 tbat is gone now thanks to kruschcn read this letter i suffered with rheumatism for years 1 dreaded wet weather for during such periods the pain was con tinuous and indescribable to begin with it was consned to my limbs but in time i began to suffer as much agony in my body as i did in my limbs when i began to take krils- chen salts i found it did me more good than all the other medicine i had taken put together today i have peace and freedom from pain even during wet weather and can heartily recommend kruschen salts to anyone who suffers from rheuma tism- nm rheumatic conditions are often the result of an excess of uric acid in the body two of the ingredients in kruschen salts have the power of dissolving uric acid crystals other ingredients in these salts assist na ture to expel the dissolved crystals through the natural channels v i smiles and chuckles spring music if you like opera thats your dish heres hoping that you get your wisb but as for me now that its spring ill listen while the bullfrogs sing he appreaehed the judge with all kinds of politeness he wanted a fav or done the judge asked what it was your honor id like to get out of jury duty judge why man i can only hear with one ear judge smiling and patting him on the back its all right we ouly hear one side of the case at a time read it or not a f i turkey re cently flew through a 70 plate glass window in grandfield oklahoma host those are my grandmothers ashes over there guest oh so the poor old soul has passed on host no she is just too lazy to look for an ash tray then there is the yarn about the hillbilly who was so dumb he didnt know the difference between a squir rel and a hair brush the only way lie could tell which was which was to place them both under a tree and see which one climbed it an inspector was examining a class in geography and addressing a small boy he asked inspcclor now sonny would it be possible for your father to walk around ihc earth small boy no sir inspector why not small roy because he fell down and hurt his leg yesterday if you are a golfer dont overwork your gulf vocabulary dear old aunt did you have a good lime gilbert gilbert no the seventh tee was sloppy and all the greens were in a terrible stale dear old aunt shuddering you musnt lunch there any more gilbert you know how easily you get indiges tion one of our grocerynien had a lot of explaining to do this week a lady walked into his store and asked for some spuds the groceryman handed her a package of cigarettes the lady happened to be a devout wctu member and the poor groceryman is not sure yet whether his explanation was all right or whether he lost a customer the successful man is one who keeps bis feet on the ground at all times but who is never afraid to look up and ahead our immediate task is to do the work at hand the host we can but we should still find lime to dream of ihc plan for to morrow rolling hospitals i assist chinese chinese hospitals are now mounted on wheels to keep pace with tnc rap id movement of chinese troops mak ing offensive thrusts on the weak spreadout japanese defense lines in liortjiern and central china there are thirlyseven of these mo bile hospital units in use on the vari ous fronts with a corps of more than seven hundred doctor and nurses forming the staff supplementing the rolling operating rooms and firstaid dressing stations arc fleets of ambu lance trucks to transport medical supplies and to move severely wound ed soldiers to base hospitals far in the interior giant insects now fossilized with wing- 1 spread of eleven inches they droned around australia 100000000 years ago australia is remarkably rich in rare fossil insect deposits parlicuarly in the rocks around the city of sydney for immediately adjacent to the muni cipal area may be fouud fossils of the triassic period says the sydney morning herald our climate was al most tropical then and the insects were of huge growth one specimen triton sculleye had a wing 11 inch es in length these triassic insects droned around sydney a mere 100000- 000 years ago in layer of shale the geological epoch to which they are assigned is the lermo-carboiiif- erous which in terms of time is plac ed at 200000000 years ago while in the lake macquarie depos it the fossils are only sparsely distri buted the saturday afternoon geolo gist provided he can retain his en thusiasm seldom seeks them in vain a good bag for a days onerocs toll would be from one to five speciviens the search correspond i with the saory of he needle in the haystack but still they are there and it is only a matter of working persistently the fossils are embedded in a thin layer of shale some of it is pottery hard other layers split nicely at a few favored spots the fossils are more numerous and it would seem that in the dim past some occasion probably a fall or drift of impalpable volcanic dust caused the entombment of he insect life probably too the presence of a shallow pool or pools facilitated the collection and preservation of the insect forms one outcrop recently dis covered and worked by a wellknown sydney engineer yielded approximate ly 100 specimens during the christ mas holidays perfectly preserved the fossils are perfectly preserved especially the wings their shape and valuation being delicately moulded in the rock surely it is another marvel in nature that so fragile a thing as a tiny insects wing should be so exquis itely preserved through millions and millions of years pasteurization done at home detv mrnister o health cives lip t- rmer cotfeor treatment of milk or city folk especially with children who spend holidays in cottages or camps need not be alarmed about be ing unable to purchase pasteurized milk like the family drinks at home there is a safe easy way to pas teurize summer milk right in your cottage kitchen or even at the back door of the trailer the recipe is offered by no less an nuthority than dr b t mcghie deputy minister of health for on tario who told a reporter i use this method at my summer cottage every year lowtemperature method using an ordinary doubleboiler of any size merely heat the quantity of milk desired to a minimum of 145 degrees fahrenheit the home-pas- j teurization recipe reads hold the milk at this temperature for 30 minutes cool and use this is known as the lowtempera ture method the advantage of the doubleboiler is that as soon as the required heat is obtained 145 de grees which is considerably less than boiling point the boiler may be shoved to the back of the stove and the hot water will hold the milks temperature to the required point for the necessary halfhour that cooked flavor the advantage of this method over the alternative homepasteurization recipe known as the high-tempera- tui0 method is that there is no change in the taste of the milk in the second recipe the milk is brought to the boiling point 212 de grees it then may be cooled and used immediately this is a safe method of pasteurization for families lacking a thermometer but the dis advantage is that the milk will have a slight flavor of being cooked crook samaritan an american burglar was told that his victim had a weak heart he put down his gun gave he invalid a massage then asked where iho money was and went off with ihc loot torture in a mlnuu ffr qlltk relief from tte ltchlcg of tcitm hlotctos iajll iiilcte loot kilrr rtes ftd otter tldo erjinm- tjly lr- ivnow rae eoelicj ilui- tir liquid o o d prescription in coitle oc octhc lle irritated kio clear rrriwifmiiid ulo- irw ir flat klops tie rotl ittew itfhirr la- itaftdr a 35 trial lottie al dnitf rlorrt rovr it wccityutk mlfoedod prescription m issue no 1 38 b a along canadas mining highway slantial widths in its deep drill ing campaign barber larder shaft is down over one hundred feet next month should bring reports on tirst underground ore develop ments kerr addison mill con struction is rapidly hearing com pletion obrien mines in cadillac township quebec reports excel lent depth results iacoma gold mines in tavern- ier township continues io obtain favourable results in its extension drilling a mining plant capable of deepening the shaft from the present 250 foot level to depth and to allow for aggressive under ground development will be in stalled shortly the golden gate mine orig inally known as the liicky cross property located at swastika a few miles to lie west of the kirk- land lake camp is reported to be developing important ore in high- grade and lowgrade veins in un derground work mill construction is well advanced tovarieh larder gold mines is a new incorporation covering properties io ilie west of omega and bordering on the town of lar der lake after years of effort numerous small owners have been brought together hollinger gold mines at one time tried to nego tiate a satisfactory deal on part of the consolidation cheminis gold aiines has ob tained good grade ore over sub- gardening spread plantings most people realize that all veget ables deteriorate in storage the early potatoes are always tastier than those coming out of frosty cellars this month the former taste better be cause they are not ripe to get this quality in all vegetables experienced gardeners spread their seeding sea son over a period of weeks they realize that vegetables deteriorate in the garden just as they do in storage and so they always have a few feet of lettuce and a row or two of spin- a i corn beets and practically every thing else coming on rather than the whole gardening maturing at one time to have a succession of really ten der vegetables one is advised to make at least three sowings from the one packet at intervals of from ten days to two weeks and to still further extend the season by using early medium and late varieties for in stance by using leaf lettuce for the early crops head lettuce for june and july and again in the fall and cos lettuce for the very hot weather a fresh tender supply of this salad ma terial is available all season change there are some people who are afraid to make a change once a gar den or home is laid out but with most plants a shift is not only per fectly feasible but is good for the plants themselves this does not mean that permanent trees and shrubbery should be dug up and replanted each spring but with many of the peren nials and aunuals only confusion overcrowding and deteriorating growth will result from too long resi dence in one spot true there are cer tain species which do better in one location than another some flowers must have full sun and other partial shade any seed catalogue will list these different tastes but there are usually a score or more which have these special preferences and one may be used one season and one another sesame seed also known as til gingelly and benniseed is an im portant source of edible oil in the countries of production where it is also used as an article of food india and china account for more than nine- lenths of the world production of se same seed other minor producers be ing the angloegyptian sudan tur key mexico greece and the soviet union a small quantity of sesame seed oil is imported by canada for in dustrial purposes 8 months victim of rheumatic aches now back at work again no one wilh n fpark of human rymiwuhy could fail io lc touched by die experience of this victim of iheumatic pains who lmd pent jnmthkinhonita j ir had tried various reme dies without result until but read his own tvord i hnd riicumntism so ld i was as helpless nachild then my wife sukkestcd iymons3lt 1 am on mv third packakc and believe me the yejicf 1 received in the hrnt weclc was surprising rmd now i am back al work again i was told i thould net bcnblc to fomow my rcyular employ ment only a lipht io but there i am kicl at my work jut as if it hid not 1-ippctcd- after an experience lite that to inspire them rheumatic suffcma tan turn with confidence to jynnon salt- what hynnon salt did for tills sufferer it should do for you fynnon kilt works because it conhires many natural saltsof the earth tave a dc every day and you will mon c sinning the praifes of this famous hritih lemedy 5c a lirje package at your drujumjtr h yon have any difficulty in cetiins itopplie write i he laurcotiun actrxics ii cabricl street montreal 7 am the wind i am the wind that wavers you are the certain land i am the shadow that passes over the sand i am the leaf that quivers you the unknown tree you are the stars that are steadfast i am the sea you aiv the light eternal like a torch t shall oie you are the surge of deep music i but the cy zoe akins 4 cups of garfield tea to ehoar you tlt easy way w keep clean inside voull lileo the way it snaps you back overuiirbt to the fcimiug of rar- in to go fitness and insiae cicanil- ikss helps eliminate the leftover wastes that bold you back cause head aches indigestion etc garfield tea is not a miracle worker but if consti pation bothers you it will certainly do wonders 10c and 25c of drug- ftores or writb toit kr15k samiiks of garfield tea and garfield llfdrlie powders to gahkikld tha co dep l 11c brooklyn nv feet fallen arches worlds finest foot appliances when in toronto call en wades 12 queen st e room 502 toronto make your liver produce its bile vour liver hns n big job to do make it rtf what it is piipposod to its job is to produce is to 0c fluid ounces of bile every day nnd tend it through the system if it falls down on its job you suffer and how the most effective stimulant for the liver known to medical science is calomel which in small rioacs is of the highest use in conges tive conditions especially those due to over eating over indulgence in alcohol lack of ex ercise etc tanol tablets contain a certain proportion of calomel blended with cascara and other medicines they are mild and harm less birt your liver understands and takes the hint for aj at all druggists fioc b build up your nerves its ncrvra tturved weakened upset nerves that uually arc the caue of failing appetite lluild up your nerves with the- ereat nerve tonic phosferine and see how quickly your appetite improves and mrerigui returns at dnwete kc fl0g and flco 71 ph0sferine poultry raisers check roup ivronehlal flu with a few drops of u no danger found in canned goods speaker says ptomaine poisoning and other perhs mythicil the old popular belief that ptomaine poisoning results from canned goody or that ii is dangerous to leave fooda iu cans once the latter have been op ened were rejected by dr i j uouk chief of the research department of the canadian district of the american can company in an address last week before the food and nutrition group of the society of chemical industry at montreal dr donk said that thousands of dollars had been spent by the foouv cauniug industry not only for the pro tection of the public but in the inter est of their own industry to get at the truth of the ptomaine poisoning question but not a single element or cause of ptomaine poisoning wap found by recognized authorities over a period of several years no iii effects as io the legend regarding the danger of leaving food in opened cans he said that he had personally con ducted the research work in this con nection but laboratory tests and per sonal use by himself of 12 kinds of food which he left in their opened can over a period of three weeks failed to indicate any danger of evert serious inconvenience let alone poi soning by the end of the three weeks the food particularly the salmon did not taste so well but he suffered no 111 effects infection from outside research workers in europe and america had discovered however that a danger of food becoming infect ed from some other source than the can once the latter was opened should be considered as some foodg deteriorate quickly at certain temper atures dr donk also exploded the theory that canning processes tended to des troy the vitamin qualities of foods taking the cabbage as an example ha said that after being processed at a temperature of 260 degrees for 30 minutes it was found to possess ave times more of vitamin c the pro tective power against scurvy than the homecooked vegetable canned to matoes he said were as rich in vita min a as was butter fat the very prototype of the best of fatty foods keeping dairy utensils clean treat them so that they be come sterile the proper procedure in cleaning any dairy utensil is as follows first rinse the utensil in lukewarm water second wash it thoroughly with a brush in a strong solution of hot wat er and washing powder about a hand ful io a 12 or 14 quart pnil of water third scald it with boiling water of place it in a steam sterilizer the rea son for each step in the process is as follows lukewarm water is used tot rinsing the utensil because milk con tains about 7 of 1 per cent df albu men which is coagulated and pre cipitated on the utensil so that it is very hard to remove if water of temperature of 1c0 degrees f or above is used the utensil should be wasll- cd in a strong solution of alkali powj tier and hot water because normal milk contains about 4 per cent of bub ter fat and this solution will dis solve any fat that is on the utensil a brush is best to use for this worm because it enters the seams and creyt ices heller and can be kept clean much more easily than a cloth which may be a breeding place for bacterltf unless great care is given to cleaning it each time after using the utensil must be sterilized in order lo be per fectly clean if water is used for this purpose it must have a temperature of iso degrees f or higher in orde to kill all bacteria that may be pres ent the utensil should be left in this water for at least several minutes in order to become sterile say real cowboy a scarce article 2 the lanky romantic cowboy of the wild west has lost that certain umph thats the opinion of itussol thorp pioneer wyoming cattleman of chey enne the cowboy as i knew him and a he is pictured in literature is almo extinct thorp said it is a rarjfx now when you find a cowhand wuk both cow sense and horse sense plenty of dudes 7 theres a real shortage of skilled cowhands but plenty of dude wranglers thorp lamented i like to think of those lean and quiet men who treasured nothing higher than a good sleer or horsef they were romantic daring to point beyond fiction it is a problem today for cow out fits to find men too many young men have gone to the city j thorp said there is an abundance of young men filled with story bo6 glamour about riding roping and tlra branding but they soon learn tho lifer of a cowboy isnt all song romanca and ylpce