ho -the- news interpreted a commentary on the more important events cf the weak by elizabeth eedv this chimp appears almost human the final goal an editorial in the yorkshire 1osi influential british newspaper which is owned by the family of mrs anthony eden we believe is well north quoting from germanys final goal in the drive inaugurated by the austrian coup the newspaper declared is the total destruction of france not to gain rench territory but as mein kampi adolf hitlers autobiography and pol itical testament sets out to remove germanys last serious continental military rival and thus free her hands for the seizure of as much territory eastward as she may desire the military occupation of aus tria will be followed by an attack on czechoslovakia in order to clear that eastern route assurances to the con trary are worth just as title as have been all the rest of germanys assur ances no moke hazing those hair- raising days of the annual freshman- hatting season are gone forever from the university of western ontario the student government there voted last week to abolish initiation alto gether the genera opinion being that for tlie past coiiple of years the leg endary basing lias been getting pretty anaemic anyway all very well to do away with the cruder aspects of the sophomore- freshman conflict but we do not wish to see the color and glamor depart from college life entirely nor the students become a bunch of stuffy crepehangers old before their time 94000 up in the live months since october last ontarios relief rolls have increased from 1gg000 to 200- 000 up 50 per cent now the fight is on between the provincial government and the fed eral government over the relief grant policy ottawa has been making steady reductions in relief appropria tions lo ontario while unemployment figures have been rising premier hepburns cry is tiiat the federal gov ernment went in on the promise of making relief a national problem ontario municipalities too claim to be overburdened by relief costs head without a pody on november 1- 131s the anstro-llungar- ian empire officially came to an end ilunrary was made into a separate country austria was proclaimed a ripubiic and the constitution later adopted provided for union with ger many the republic was predomin antly germanic but the subsequent peace treaties prohibited such a union took steps to see that germany and austria were kept apart with not even a customs union allowed in tile light of these facts it is not hard to understand the attitude of tlie austrian people who although tem peramentally different from their ger man cousins appeared last week lo welcome adolf hitler as their new head of state for lite past twenty years tlie great city of vienna with its 2000000 in habitants has been like a huge head on a tiny body ail the industries commercial institutions etc of the country have been concentrated with in its confines while the rest of aus tria population 4000000 more has contributed little but scenery vienna stood ready to service a much larger countryside with plenty of natural resources toronto would be in the same position if it were cut off from all the rest of canada except for what lies with a 75mile radius the tourist industry alone could not keep austria going forever behind the victorv simul taneously with news of hitlers aus trian coup came reports of a big in surgent drive in spain meeting with such successes that the government peking man said to be cannibal lived half million years ago fragments of thighs found peipingnew proof that peking man sinanthropus pekinesis was a cannibal was reported found this week by the research laboratory of the jtockefellerendowed peking union medical college discovery of several human thigh fragments at diggings 0 mlle3 west of here were said to throw further light on the nature of the man who roamed north china a half million years ago ancient ai java man one thigh bone was split at the end apparently by a sharp rock as if to extract the marrow construction of the bone indicated peking man walked erect peking man is the designation of homold remains discovered at chou- koutlen near pelplng lit 1926 peking man was approximately as ancient as the ape man of java b l armies were being driven eastward toward the sea and that the civil war was rapidly drawing to a tragic close genevieve tabouis the noted french political observer commenting on the franco victories declared that by liiem she could see that hitler had already begun to repay mussolini for italys acquiescence in his seizure of austria the repayment she said consisted in part of shipment from germany to spain of heavy artillery aeroplanes and munitions giving franco enough equipment to guaran tee success of his drive against the government consultants only what president roosevelt said off-the-rec- ord at a press conference in 1013 throws a light on tlie policy the unit ed states is likely to pursue in the present world crisis at that time mr roosevelt declared if all the nations agreed to set up some kind of machinery for consulta tion in the event of an act of aggres sion we will be very glad to have somebody there to consult with i consider that to be a step forward do not get the idea that it means that we bind ourselves in the first in stance to agree witii the verdict we agree to consult therefore it does not lie the hands of the united states in any shape manner or form and leaves our fiual action entirely tip to us as nearly human as a dumb animal can be is fatou a trained chimpanzee owned by a man in iaris fiance not only can lie dress himself feed himself at tlie table in correct style but he can perform other tricks eeseiy rubbydubs due for big surprise denatured alcohol mixture soon to go on market will con tain castor oil 698 people live there to square mile while in canada there are only three japan is fourth on the list ottawa rubbydubs who get high by drinking denatured or rubbing alcohol are going to be surprised some day soon if they dont read this they are going to find themselves drinking a considerable amount of cas tor oil with their favorite beverage national revenue department ofli- cials disclosed last week that in re sponse to request the two already- harsh forms of alcohol be made still more unpalatable they had hit on the idea of placing in them generous doses of the medicine that curbed or cor rected the gluttony of infants a gen eration ago for external use only officials revealed the latest step in an effort to halt drinking of alcoholic medicinal preparations usually labelled for external use only followed rep resentations from the city solicitor of regina in response to requests of the canadian veterans bonus league that something be done to prevent ad dicts from obtaining supplies they said regulations covering sale of denatured or rubbing alcohol had been tightened during tlie last years but that a certain amount still found its way into the hands and down the throats of hoboes and others unable to afford genuine liquor and wishing a cheap drunk it is believed that even if addicts are able to drink hie mixture that will go on the market they will soon he discouraged by the physiological consequence of their indulgence we have heard of the man who felt he ought to buy a drum for his son because the lad had a taste for music the men in this skit paid for their fondness for music the good old times when a mans word was considered as good as his bond seem to be passing today even treaties are called scraps of paper and the loan of a tenspot is viewed with concern unless there is a signed note with plenty of responsible en dorsers a study of figures issued by the league of nations makes instructive reading tlie most densely populated country in the world is belgium with oss people to the square mile next comes the netherlands with 000 then the united kingdom including the channel islands and the isle of man with 491 these countries have exten sive overseas dominions colonies and protectorates to which there has been a large amount of emigration yet al though the homelands are the most crowded in the world there is no de mand for more expansion so as to cut down the home populations fourth on the list is japan 470 inhabitants per square mile and fur ther down the list are germany with 301 and italy witii 344 yet they want larger families not only have these three countries very much more space but two of them germany and italy are bonus- ing parents to have large families japan does not need to offer bonuses because the japs are a prolific race anyway but these figures show how specious are the claims of the totali tarian countries that they need terri tories in which lo spread out their populations they are far more com fortably off than great britain to which they constantly allude and as regards tlie matter of raw materials we know of no barrier to them buying what they want in any british bel gian or netherlands country so long s they are willing to pay for them the truth is that they are spending so much on armaments that they are not able to afford economic necessities mussolini for instance badly wants millions to pay for the development of ethiopia which cost italy about sso0 000000 and his only hope of get ting a big loan is in london no criterion of wealth neither possession of population nor lack of it is any criterion of na tional wealth if it were the domin ion of canada would be one of the poorest countries in the world pro portionately we are one of the rich est there are onlythree people to the square mile in the united states there are 41 australia lias only two tlie most populous province in can ada is prince edward island with 40 nova scotia has 25 new brunswick 15 and ontario 9 manitoba and al berta and british columbia only 1 according to the evidence recently placed before the rowell commission prince edward island is desperately poor unable to provide a normal stan dard of educational service although it has more than four times the pro portionate number of producers and wageearners that ontario has news in brief warns hitler london foreign secretary hali fax has warned germany that if she wishes to see european peace main tained she must respect the assur ance she gave to czechoslovakia fol lowing tlie austrian coup lord halifax made this clear in the house of lords in his first public statement on tlie swiftmoving events which have brought europe danger ously near the brink of war mussolinis attitude home premier mussolini re affirmed italys friendship for germany last week but warned any invasion of sacred italian frontiers would mean war we will not discrss them ii duce shouted in a nationwide broadcast we will defend them his words clearly were an effort to stifle the anxiety of the italian people with austria now only a prov ince of germany and tlie nazi frontier at the brenner pass austrias suicides vienna a wave of suicides spread across nazilied austria last week taking the lives of former mon archists despondent jews and profes sors of viennas famous medical clin ics as this 2000yearold nation be came a mere province of the german reich major emil fey former leader of the outlawed antinazi chancellor of austria killed his wife and their 19- yearold son and then himself while rejoicing crowds shouted hell hit ler in the streets successful guerilla tactics shanghai chinese guerrilla raids and smashing counteroffensive attacks appeared to have pushed the japanese back in several sections and stopped them in others over the week end from sliansi province came reports the chinese had recaptured iinfen and were making strong attacks on chaorheng and llwolisien these cit ies are in the southern part of he province in northwest sliansi the chinese said they were sweeping through a triangular area between icokn paoteh and kolan where japanese were try ing lo hold their ground editorial comment from here everywhere there and canada within ones debts a survey of municipalities shows that many cities now in need have borrowed lo their limit it is sure tough when you cant live within your debts winnipeg tribune forgotten provinces sir evelyn wrench speaks of the marilimes as canadas forgotten pro vinces it is evident that he has nev er been in ottawa when the house was in session peterborough exam iner speed is expensive if an automobile is driven at a sjieed of thirty miles tin hour its life will he three times the life of the average car economically as well as every other way speed is expensive chatham news the empire canada should take heed the decision of tlie british broad casting corporation to deny right hon josiah wedgwood the radio air to comment on hitlers or mussolinis policies is a sign of which the parlia ment of canada should take due notice we may as well admit now that there is in certain parts of this free dominion a sinister growth which unless curbed may sooner than most people think become malignant much has been said about tlie government- controlled radio commission in this country of late objection to an in crease of tlie annual fee by fifty cents is comparatively speaking an insig nificant matter the fact is the cana dian people distrust control that may result in suppression of views of pub lic men whose sole interest in their countrys future is her welfare and the preservation of her free institu tions victoria dailv times youth and politics an interesting point remarked by earl do la warr is that for a country which still thinks of itself in terms of youth australia is curiously prone to prefer government by older men the age of parliamentary representatives in australia is well above the average why should a relatively young coun try distrust youth in its political coun cils why do not our young men choose politics as a vocation or is it that the existing party machinery discourages the enlistment cf youth and bars the way to preferment to all except the mature in year these questions are well worth asking and better worth answering the youth of the fascist countries is being fired with ideals and enthusiasms which we do not share but democracy ought equally to inspire its young men with tlie ambition to serve and excel in the political sphere otherwise the restless and ambitious among them may be attracted by other ideologies to the detriment of the democracy whose spirit is being extinguished in so many lands no more than in the days of the pitts is it today an at rocious crime to be young the poli tical education of youth and the search for talent in leadership in its ranks is surely an appropriate task for a country which is young in tra ditions and outlook even if it must now be reckoned mature in years- sydney australia herald no help to villages the montreal star says that coun try towns with good highway connec tions lend to develop and prosper experience in the case of ontario vill ages is probably the reverse when good roads arrive the trade that for merly went to the village stores more often passes their doors and is re ceived by establishments in the larger centres dozens of ontario villages are actually poorer in point of busi ness done for the better road com munications that they now possess wlille larger towns and cities are en riched by the same development brockyille recorder and times 1500 sealers join in annual kill newfoundland sealing fleet sails to northern waters deadly houses this housing problem is a matter that is financial social humanitarian moral for six months in a good or a bad year it makes our courts resound with quarrels between tenant and landlord or simply between tenants a fact which brings out another as pect of the situation it takes in our province of big families an added importance and an appearance that is often dramatic in montreal it creates an endemic evil in given zones titat contaminate the human capital of the nation it the state votes millions for the hypothetical de fense f our coasts it should be able to find money to save lives which arc not vague ideas but which wither and fade like poor forgotten flowers from lack of space or air or sun mont real la patrie old horses and young horses seem to be getting scarce we have had many enquiries in tins office in recent months as to where in this community good horses may be obtained and we dont know of course there are horses for sale lots of them but they are old horses not young stock- that the farmers want to sell young stock seems to he at a premium and it takes a lot of travelling and a lot of money before they can be located and picked up huron expositor st johns nlld fifteen hun dred men drank to bloody decks and many of them as the battle meet of newfoundlands annual sealing ar mada prepared to sail on another great adventure last week six of the famous old wooden walls scarred and pitted veterans of the hunt strained at their moor ings in anticipation of the pomp and ceremony that tradition has bound round the departure one sailed from st johns and two from port aux basques on the west coast romance still hovers the oldtimers may say the ro mance of bygone days is lacking that steam wireless and the airplane have robbed the hunt of its color and legend but newfoundlanders today still fight for a berth on the ice and the opportunity of daily risking their lives up to march 15 every year the vessels cruise the bleak northeastern coast until the seals arc sighted then in a week or two word comes back to st johns the ships have lo cated the seals and vessels are jam med in the ice with their fires bank ed the kill is on killed 1000000 seal the sagona capt chas black wood sailed to the gulf of st law- mice two ether ships the union and ranger seek their kill in the gulf basing at port aux basques the other six of this years fleet left from here dean of the commanders is cap tain abram kcan obk and a jowler highest compliment that can he paid a sealer and awarded only when he has killed 1000000 seals last year he was skipper of the beothie hut on this hunt she will be under another master captain sid hill kean has retired to tell weather five days ahead such accurate predictions may be possible in near futra airmass system pasadena calif accurate weather predictions thiec to live days ahead may come in the near future dr irving krick leader in the air mass method of forecasting said here this week this will be possible if radio me teorograph stations are established all over the country he said when these air exploring devices ate sent up from ships even seasonal fore casts may become possible balloons sent i dr krick is head of the meteoro logy department of the guggenheim school of aeronautics california institute cf technology nearly all airlines use the airmass system of forecasting the u s federal veather bureau established three radio meteoro graph stations last october in bos ton burbank calif and fairbanks alaska balloons are sent up 0000 or 70000 feet carrying a tiny device weighing slightly more than a pound which reports by short wave radio the barometric pressure tempera ture and humidity at different alti tudes these radio meteorographs can be made for about 25 each which is cheaper than airplane lights said dr krick and airplanes can not go so high one in five of the instruments sent up at burbank is recovered bakeries benefit by forecasts dr krick furnishes forecasts to movie companies planning lo go on location to gas companies race tracks bakeries and many other business institutions in the united states and canada the gas people want to know how much gas they are likely to need he said if the bakery people know- it is going to be hot they bake less pastry instead of relying chiefly upon low and high pressure for forecasting the airmass system takes into ac count the movements of large mass es of dry cold air from the arctic regions and the humid air from the equator which meet and cause a tur moil in the latitudes which includo the united states air lines staff now totals 90 twentythree of transcanada men are pilots nearly 1000 men will be employ ed at the new royal ordnance fac tory in nottingham england in mak ing antitank guns and twopounder antiaircraft guns the wonderland of 02 the operating staff of the trans- canada air lines number 90 said a return tabled by transport minister howe in the house oy commons twentythree of these are pilots 20 air engineers and the remainder me chanics radio technicians and clerks all are canadian citizens except two who reside at seattle and one pi lot born in canada but who subse quently took out united states citi zenship papers this pilot is now seeking to reestablish his canadian citizenship serve probationary period employees of transcanada air lines terve a probationary period extending from one to six months three men who sought to qualify as pilots have failed to do so the re turn said the company has spent 192597 on equipment which includes five lockheed elcctra airplanes one stearman plane and three complete sets of air radio equipment contracts have been let with the fairchild aircraft limited of ion- gueuil que for 10 lockheed 1lh planes which will cost l203g4fi and 10 complete sets of air radio costing 59742 dorothy decided to accept ozmas invitation jo return with the rest of her party to the land of oz there was no greater chance of her getting home from ev than there was from oz and dorothy was anxious to see the wonderful country where her friends all lived so early the next morning the whole party set out from the land of e across the deadly des ert marching as before upon ozxnas magic carpet although it was a long journey the magic carpet travelled fast because in a short time they crossed the bor der into the munchkin country and were on the way to the emerald city they passed a beautiful building of white marble what is that build ing asked dorothy and who is that creature waving to us that is the royal college of oz answered oz- ma i had it built quite recently and that it the wogglebiig its president soon they came into sight of the emerald city and the people flocked out to meet their lovely ruler and her friends there were several bands and many ofuceis ami officials of the realm and a crowd of citizens in their holiday attire thus the beautiful oz- nia and her party were escorted to the royal palace where dorothy met for the first time glinda the good sorcer ess who had ruled the comtry during ozmas absence glinda listened closely to dorothys story i have the magic belt you know said the girl if i buckle it around my waist and command it to take me home wouldnt it do it yes said glinda and if i want to return the belt will bring me wont it no was the reply the belt has magic power only in a fairy conn- try if you wear it and wish yourself home the belt will disappear then what shall i do asked dorothy dominion plans aerial mapping rcaf will do photography for government departments ottawa royal canadian air force has now almost completed its preparations for the coming seasons photographic operations for the differ ent government departments the na tional defence department has an nounced ten airplanes are again be ing allotted to this work two planes will leave shortly for british columbia where they will op erate near barkley sound on he west coast of vancouver island survey drought area five planes will be sent to the drought area of saskatchewan and al berta as soon as the snow leaves the ground the detachment will continue detailed survey work until the ice breaks in the great slave lake area when the planes will change to floats to fly into the yellowknlfe district when this work is completed the planes will return to the prairies by way of lake athabasca where tho opening up of a new mining area has created a demand for detailed maps a fourth detachment of two planes will bo located in nova scotia and quebec and another plane will photo graph the kruco peninsula ontario fll