Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 30, 1937, p. 1

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imbiw volxlvii no so j stouffville ontario thursday september 30th 1937 a v nolan j p publisher morgan baker well received the reelection of morgan baker in north york is practically assured is the word coming out from his headquarters on yonge street everyherc he is well received and meetings are enthusiastically at tended the- campaign opened at vandorf is gaining in popularity and his opponents concede bis re turn by a snug majority lex mckenzie of woodbridge is undoubtedly a popular candidate for the conservatives while ro3s the ccf candidate is scarcely con ceded to be a serious contender the biggest difficulty mr baker is up against is overconfldence of his supporters but they are being warned about this and every elector is invited to work hard till the last vote is polled his 91st year iast friday was an auspicious day in the lite of claremonts ven erable citizen mr tobias caster who reached his 91 st birthday on that day this well known citizen is quite active and smart for bis years and he particularly appreciated he many enquires and congratulations received on his birthday from old friends in stouffvule goodwood and claremont mr casters son mr j h caster and his wife were at the old clare mont home for the day participat ing in the celebration and sharing in the birthday cake too the editor of the tribune has known mr carter since small boyhood and we are delighted to add our con gratulations to those of all other friends on this great occasion there is few who are spared in health to reach such a great age pastoral changes mbc church conference at kitchener relin quishes pastor for mission work in africa ischool is under way again heavy enrolment as paralysis scare passess election notes of june 1934 in east york riding at the last election hon geo s henry polled 11955 for the conservatives harry sanders liberal 828c and williams ccf 6086 in north york riding the vote was baker liberal 8504 case conservative 6209 ward ufo s79 the majority in east york for henry was 4297 and for baker in north york 2355 stouffville was as follows sand ers 4u henry 1g2 and markhain village sanders 271 henry 175- births baker at altona on sept 19 1937 to mr and mrs vincent baker a daughter lehman at gormley on sunday sept 2g 1937 to mr and mrs gordon lehman a son tnlt at ross memorial hospital lindsay on sept 23 1937 to lmr and mrs leonard tait of sunder land a son build up resistance take nyal creophos because of its tonic and antiseptic properties builds strength to enable the system to resist disease germs j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs all circuits were fully represent ed with delegates and pastors at the 54th annual conference of tho mcnnonlte brethren in christ church held in kitchener as usual con siderable interest was centered around the work of the stationing committee and while this was not a year for general changes there were nevertheless several import ant changs made and three new men taken into pastoral charges rev c n good presiding elder and city mission president for a good number of years was relieved of this work and appointed to the pastorate at kitchener to succeed rev s s shantz who is being initiated into the work of presiding elder for the first time irev wb moyer toronto pastor will ibe city mission president and evangelist other circuit changes include ward shantz alymer to west tor onto bethel chapel rev ernest lucas mauitoulin island to aylmer rev gordon johnston port elgin goes to manitoulin there are three probationers en tering the work as follows cyril berry of gormley goes to maraboro mr beach toronto to port elgin and mr walsh toronto will be located at bresleau rev mr schwalm of bresleau has re signed after a life time service mr and mrs earl honsberger of maralboro are going out to africa on mission work and expect to leave around the latter part of novembar mrs honsberger is a daughter of mr and mrs john r barkey of stouffvule they were given a suit able ovation and the blessing of the conference threshing hand drops dead percv taun suddenly stricken as he stood with fork in his hand western relief car of vegetables and fruits to be loaded october 12 the various churches of stouffville and surrounding district are making a strong appeal to all citizens to donate foodstuffs to help relief suffer ing in the drought stricken areas of saskatchewan the extent of total failure this year is approximately 84000 square miles almost equal in area to england wales and scotland with 250000 people entirely dependant on help from else where we ifeel confident that generous gifts will be forth coming to help meet this national calamity a refrigera tor car will be placed for tho purpose of receiving your dona tion at the canadian national railway yards on tuesday october 12th any foodstuffs such as potatoes turnips carrots cabbage pumpkins ibeets beans flour cereals onions apples pears canned fruits sugar honey syrup etc will ibe gladly accepted also cash donations for the purpose of purchasing vege tables and fruits etc for shipp ing will be greatly appreciated those hvho icannot deliver to the car will kindly notify any one of the undersigned com mittee who will make arrange ments for such donations to he picked up by truck kindly note do not don- nto clothing as this phase of the situation will be handled separately by other committees central committee j r hodglns convener mrs george t uee walter brllllngcr c d plpher james rennle ireg stouffcr bert lickorlsh ggffsp 1 gray icoach lines mil 5ke kings uujkxuay wsafe direct economical time table leave stouffville leave toronto easter standard time c d c b a dally except sun hoi b- sun hoi only d dally except satsun hoi a 715 am b 925 am c 345 pm b 940 pm 1100 am 130 pm 530 pm 545 pm 1115 pm c sat only attitactivh rates for thrllllnb 3dny visits in- new york boston washington montreal atlantic city tickets and information at mansion house phone 161 after one week of shutdown fearing an outbreak of paralysis the stouffville continuation and public schools reopened on monday wlh the largest attendance in years in so far as the high school goes the number of pupils enrolled is con siderably over the hundred mark and tho attendance on monday was nearly one hundred per cent in the public school with an enrolment of around 150 practically all the youngsters were on hand and no doubt the great percentage of them were glad to be back and to hear the old school bell again it is a source of satisfaction to announce that the health of he children is well up to normal the two treatened cases of paralysis sort of petered out as neither lad believed to be afflicted was really very sick while the boys are quarantined in their respective homes for 21 days the worry of the possibility of the dread disease having struck the home will have passed rates upward the town of aurora may find it difficult to obtain public liability insurance this year said a broker speaking before newmarket town council the other night the comp any paid in claims 6800 in aurora during one year it announced that all municipalities showing any losses during the year will have to pay an increase liability insurance rate of 25 per cent as the village of stouffville have had one or two small claims we stand to be in the class to be in creased but probably because our claims were small we may yet escape it cost the village about 125 per year for coverage of this nature melville imelville sunday school and church services will be held at the usual hour next sabbath a goodly number of melvilleites enjoyed the anniversary services at peachs last sunday a new barn is to ibe erected at glen alden farm cashel in very near future t mr and mrs harry forrester and family spent sunday with mr and mrs reld brumwell dr jenkins manager of donalda farm has purchased the tate property at cashel at present occu pied iby mr roy appleton rev abram hallman of new dundee ontario mr and mrs isaac wambold and mrs m fretz of imarkham called on mrs s b leh man last sunday mr and mrs malcalm mofarlaue of noranda and mr and mrs j wiley of toronto were the guests of rev john moewen and family last thursday the monthly meeting of the mel ville wa will be held at the home of mr and mrs bernic gayman on wednesday evening of this week mr and mrs thos myers and benson of zephyr mr barnaihy nel son leonard watman mr and mrs smith of toronto- called on the lehman family last wednesday evening mr and mrs edgar steckley and family mr and mrs wm anderson and family toronto mr and mrs b schwalm and mrs d schwalm pickering mrs barbara crone of collingwood were guests of mr le and mrs steekley on sunday melville wms were delighted to accept an invitation to hold their september meeting at the home of mrs robert young stouffville there was a good attendance and all enjoyed the afternoon the presi dent mrs wm mckay presided business was transacted and a pro fitable program presented topic for the day tho unchanging christ missionary leaflet was read by mrs young mission study chapter taken by miss janet bruce vocal ductte mrs harvey houck and mrs edgar nigh the members were pleased to have several friends now resident in stouffville with thorn at this meeting the kind hospitality of rev and mrs young is much appreciated press secretary cattle sale today this thursday ifterroon don storry will offer by auction 29 milch cows 12 heifers 25 stockers and feeders 25 pigs and a nuniber of ewes and lambs at the stock yards stouffville this is a tig sale and will be opened at 1 oclock the cows are all tb tested and a choice lot ted jackson of port porry will bo on the auction block percy taun well known farmer of bethesda died with startling suddenness about one oclock tues day noon as he stood with hay fork in hand ready to commence thresh ing on the farm of lou brlllingei 5th concession whitchurch percy with several other farmers stood in a group as mr brillinger was given them direction on how they would take up their positions for the threshing which was about to commence suddenly and without the slighest warning percy fell forward on his face and is believed to have been dead when his com rades picked him up a doctor wa3 on hand in ten minutes and pro nounced death instantaneous due to heart trouble william percy taun was born at utica reach township a son of mr and mrs john w taun of stouff ville he was in his 46th year and a bachelor for some years he had worked on the old homestead now occupied by his brother bert north of bethesda he was of quiet disposition and highly respected in the community besides his father and mother there survives two brothers messrs harvey and bert taun and two sisters mrs david crosier of altona and mrs roy grove of ringwood the funeral on thursday after noon will take place from the home of his parents in stouffville and pro ceed to the bethesda church for public service thence to utica cemetery for interment mcconnell and henry officially nominated ccf candidate also in field in east york where stouff ville electors will cast their ballots hill still sinking the all only six names added to list only six names were added to the voters list in stouffville when his honor judge parker held a court of revision to bring the local list up to date for the election on october 6 neither of the old parties liberal or conservative were represented at the sittings so the judge and clerk j s dougher ty had it all to themselves however the changes had been previously filed and it was not necessary for anyone to do any pleading prob ably due to the fact that the court was held on daylight saving those who might have been present were foaled as daylight saving time is not recognized in stouffvule the small number of changes only emphasizes this papers previous contention that there is no need of going to the expense of printing a whole new voters list when it would be a simple matter for the judge to insert the few changes in several copies of the local printed book before the great war this method was followed and it proved entirely satisfactory thousands of dollars could ibe saved by reverting to the old system in all rural dis tricts this wednesday afternoon official nominations were held over ontario particular interest locally centred in the meetings at newmarket for north york and markhain village for east york there was no surprise for in tho north morgan baker and lex mc kenzie will carry the standard for the liberals and conservatives with ross running as ccf in east york hon george henry and h j imcconnell are in the field opposing each other with the cc f also represented as a third party by arthur williams both ccf candidates ran in the last election polling small votes but as their supporters say theirs is a campaign of education east york riding is among the thickly populated ridings of the pro vince and contains about 45000 voters among them the voters of markham twp and stouffville the 146 polling subdivisions as follows east york township 79 scarboro 39 north york twp 10 markham township 11 leaside 3 markham village 2 stouffville 2 following are the locations of pol ling subdivisions for markham twp nol findley hall thornhill 2 cora allens houselot 46conl mrs craigs house lot 14 con 4 community hall victoria sq twp hall unionville 6 cashel store 7 geo cowies house con 8 8 meno haymers house mt joy 9 wm groves house iot30con8 10 dan raymers lot 1 con 10 11 cowans store mongolia 3 4 5 dangerous play the plate glass window in the pool room and a pane of glass in a west end home were broken the last few days by boys playing with air rifles these are dangerous and destructive play things and should be made illegal to fire off in town constable quibell is investigating the damage so far the bottom has not yet been struck in filling tho depression which set in at the foot of tho big nil on tho 4th of whitchurch just south of vandorf after fifty feet of new- earth had been drawn from top of the hill to the foot the road gave way and the entire fifty feet went into a great chasm of quicksand sending a pond of water over the top as the dry earth forced down ward into the quicksand this week further effort is being made to fill the invisible hole and it is hoped that success will shortly jbe attained despite the fact that ho hill was one of the highest in the township there will not be enough earth available on the hill to fill the hole and arrangements will have to be made to procure additional earth from some other source it is recalled that a similar situa tion was encounted when the cnr built their line through vandorf that was close to the present trouble and is possibly a continua tion of the same quicksand bed the railway engineers resorted to pile driving along the sides and met with considerable success after being in use three years the tracks once sank nearly out of sight over night but after being again filed and the tracks raised there has never been any further sign of trouble claims 100 in dog tax whitchurch resident is sued tor this amount plus 0 in interest given weeks remand scores of people have been haul ed into court over the years for neglecting to pay dog tax when it la owing in sums of perhaps 2 or 4 but to be sued tor 100 in dog tax plus interest of 9 is probably bat ting a record for ontario mals- trates court in court at newmarket on tues day morning c c thomson of bethesda dog fancier was charged by john crawford township treasurerwith not paying this a- raout made up as follows 1933 tax 16 1934 tax 28 1935 tax 40 and 1936 tax 16 total 100 thomson indicated he was willing to settle and asked tor a weeks remand which was granted bloomington weddings hoover allen a pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at the christian church parsonage on saturday evening when ireva blanche only daughter of mr and mrs alonzo allen be came the bride of allan hoover eldest son of mr and mrs jacob hoover rev arthur green officiat ed the ihrlde looked charming in a marina blue chiffon velvet gown with matching turban and corsage of johanna hill roses and fern she was attended by her aunt miss margaret paisley wearing a wine chiffon velvet with matching turban and corsage of johanna hill roses the groom was attended by howard allen brother of the bride a reception was held later at the home of the brides parents where a dainty luncheon was served the dining room was prettily decorated in pink and white the table matching with pink and white roses and babys breath the brides mother received wearing rosewood crepe with cor sage of talisman roses and was assisted by the grooms mother who woro rust crepe with corsage of talisman roses following tho happy couple left on a trip through eastern and northern ontario the bride attired in a grey suit with black accessories on their return they will reside in malvern ontario includad among the forty guests were the brides aunts mrs nelson graham and daughter lena from mt albert mrs fred yates and daughters joan and dorothy from sault ste imarie and mr and mrs g w crcacy of toronto also mr and mrs walter case of mt albert rev e c french wife aad family of toronto were guests at e a storrys on sunday mr and mrs connor of severn falls visited at mrs h smiths home recently mr and imrs moore and daughter of toronto visited at mr baxters on sunday mr and mrs robert leask of greenbank were at her home here on sunday mrs j storry was visiting at victoria square recently corn cutting and silo filling are the order of the day in this lurg a number from here enjoyed the special week of meetings held at ringwood church last week by rev douglas and mrs percy of little britain there will be a big cattle sale in stouffville today thursday of local interest ringwood louis a brownsberger our 75- yearold citizen leaves today thurs day for winnipeg where ho will spend the winter at tho home of his son earl mr brownsberger is mak ing his third trip west elizabeth mcguckin laid to rest on thursday morning septom- bor the 23rd last elizabeth a mcguckin eldest daughter of tho late james and catherln mcguckin passed peacefully away at the homo of her sister mrs j d altchison 211 roehampton ave toronto ontario tho deceased was born at good wood some eightyseven years ago and came with other members of her family to stouffville thirty- eight years ago since the demise of her mother in 1914 she made her home with her sister and came to toronto with her sisters family in 1926 and untill seven weeks ago had enjoyed remarkable good health in religion she was a baptist and a life member of the womens home missionary society she en joyed the acquaintance of a large circle of friends the funeral ser vices were conducted on saturday last by the rev c farcr of castle- field baptist church toronto dr mitchell officiating at the grave side interment was made at dicksons hill cemetery in the family plot deaths ginn william at toronto gonoral hospital on september 21 1937 william ginn aged 55 yeari dearly beloved husband of sarah mcmullen ginn 2962a danforth ave resting at the funeral chapel of hopkins and golden 529 yorige street service in the chapel on thursday afternoon at 230 pm hon g s henry next saturday evening hon geo s henry intends to address the electors of stouffville in iratcliffs hall when an important rally of conservative stalwarts will be look ed for the member for east york asks all his old friends and the liberals as well to attend his meet ing which will commence at 8 pm engagements mr and mrs orval n roach of markham ontario announce the engagement of their eldest daughter lillian alberta to mr melvin harmer barkey only son of mr and mrs ross barkey stouffville the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of october f c b gone on sunday september 19th francis c bennett passed away at his late home in dunedin in his 70th year he was a son of the late edw bennett of markham township he leaves to mourn his loss a devoted wife one son and three daughten also three grandchildren mr bennett was an orangeman and was burled by that order on tuesday in dunedin cemetery near stayner untimely ducking a report coming out of union ville says that a couple of stouff ville young people received an un intended ducking in the winding stream of water running back of that village one night last week it would appear that miss stiver member of the shaw staff gave a weiner roast for a number of friends standing on the steep bank of the stream one of the young ladies from town stepped backward and wont tumbling down the embankment and into the water waste deep harry stover baker of stouffville is said to have performed the rescue act in smart style but not without taking the necessary plunge into the cool and chilly waters among the churches stouffville congregational christian church arthur greer pastor sunday october 3rd 1937 harvest thangsgiving services at 11 am and 7 pm also at church hill at 3 pm miss mary hay who is intending to sail forlndia next month where she will join our former pastor mr harry worling will sing and give a farewell message at tho morning service at church hill there will be special vocal and instrumental music morning and evening by a noted ladies trio from toronto the pastor will preach at all services senior christian endeavour stouffville wednesday 8 pm churchill thursday 8 pm this week at tho homo of mr w lazen- by everybody welcome stouppviiilib united church it e atkinson minister wednesday 800 pm prayor and fellowship moeting sunday october 3rd 1937 1100 am annual sunday school rally for all children and all adults 700 pm special young peoples service subj gods poems wednesday oct 6th toronto e rural young peoples convention at uxbridge supper at 630 pm guest speaker irev d w christie of toronto you are cordially invited to come and share in our services of worship stoupfville presbyterian rev w h fuller ba sunday october 3rd 1937 200 pm sabbath school 300 pm worship service everybody cordially invited lemonvlule bloomington baiiliantrae united churches rev chas b jeffery pastor sunday october 3rd 1937 1045 am baliantrao bloomlngton and lcmonvillo services at usual hour everybody welcome stouppvhjle baptist church wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting sunday october 3rd 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm gospel service the gormley male quartette will render special music at sunday school and church service sunday morning everybody welcome christ church anglican rev f herman rector sunday october 3rd 1937 19 th sunday after trinity 2 pm evening prayer everybody welcome sixth line baptist church rov w e smaller pastor phone 2203 sunday october 3rd 1937 1000 am sunday school 700 pm gospel service bloomington and ringwood christian church rev b morton preacher there is no heavenly experience in this world or in tho world beyond the grave for men and women who are not interested in the will and way of the lord communion services sunday oct 3 1100 am bloomlngton 230 pm ringwood 700 pm altona he that bath light thoughts of sin never had great thoughts of god lot us show special interest in him on his holy day stouffv mennonitb church rot i brubacher pastor sunday october 3rd 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 700 pm gospel service it you like to hear the gospel of jesus christ lifted up you will enjoy our services

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