stouffviue ontario thursday september 23 1937 ssbbebs pssssb 1 now for the fowl suppers once more the season is swing ing arouud to the time when one may write a reasonable comment on chicken pie suppers and suchlike as far as we know our town has a pretty good reputation for 3uch things chicken pie suppers have been discussed from almost every possible angle it has been pointed out that they attract people from all over the countryside to a most friendly gathering they serve the purpose of raising money for the church a purpose of which you may approve or disapprove they serve the purpose of showing off in a 3ure and certain way the culinary abili ties of the housewives of stouffviue and surrounding district but now how about discussing chicken pie suppers from the angle of the capacity of some people to shall we say endure them you may recall attending one of these events possibly only a year ago and having to wait your turn to eat by standing behind a man until he had completed his meal the fashion is to hold on to the chair or suffer a longer wait if someone should grab the seat before you get it possibly as you stood there you were interested in the capacity of your friend in the chair ahead your own insides were just about at the breaking point the odour of delicious pies and the sight of the heavily laden tables was a sight to provide an appetite for the worst type of dyspeptic the man ahead was having the time of his life re member he completed three help ings of chicken pie and they wera generous helpings too ahead was a meringue topped lemon pie he sampled two pieces someone pass ed along the pumpkin pie and he tried that too by this time you were gaunt and felt reasonably sure that the pumpkin pie would be the end but it wasnt the gentle man friend tried next some apple pie and washed it lown with a cup of tea he then topped off the meal with two different kinds of cake another cup of tea completed the meal but watt a minute you for- get that he had generous helping of the colorful salads on the table you expected to follow him and beat his record when you sat down but one generous helping of chicken and a taste of a few of the delica cies sufftcied for your appetite several times since you have wondered how he did it wondered whether he had fasted for two or three days or was that his natural appetite if it was heaven help his wife however it seems to he a curious but nevertheless true fact that no matter how fine a cook your wife or mother is you seem to eat more on these occassions the wonder is where do they put it all routes arranged for inspectors stallion owners wishing inspection advised to get in touch immedi ately with county agricultural representatives to arrange for free inspections protest burden of road costs consider joint lieato hare on tario government assume full responsibility rennies choice bulbs will brighten and cheer any home during the winter months plant now for early blooms hyacinths tulips narcissus daffodils etc economy sale 4 cakes of surprise soap at special the regular price 20c homes 1 cake infants delight sujsf dryd coffee soap for lc per half pound pkg 15c all for 21e rene claude and prune plums aunt jemimah pancake flo ur package 17c hammets wheat flakes p er bag 25c mixed cakes per pound 15c campfire marshmallows lb package 25c lallemands yeast 2 packages for 15c aylmer pork and beans large tin 10c fresh fish every tuesday morning from lake nipigon ratcliff co stouffville ontario the route of stallion inspectors by counties in the three provincial districts is now arranged by the stallion enrolment board in each county stallion owners should com municate with their agricultural representative at once for further details regarding times and places of inspection within the county states l b oneill live stock director of the ontario department of agriculture and secretary of the ontario stallion enrolment board mr oweill points out that no person can lawfully stand travel or offer for use or sale any stallion un less the same is pure bred and until such stallion has been enrolled and the certificate of enrolment issued all stallions which were last in spected previous to the fall of 1934 require inspection at this time this inspection is free however owners of stallions that require inspection and do not present thm at this time will be charged a tee of 10 for special inspection at a later date therefore it behooves every stallion owner to get in touch with the agricultural representative of his county immediately any stallion which has never been inspected either because it is a colt just coming into service or a matur ed horse just imported into this pro vince requires inspection mr oneill states he advisee every owner of a stallion who has not re ceived the 1937 report of the stal lion enrolment board to write for a report to the live stock branch ontario department of agriculture toronto north ontario plowing match sept 30 s the annual plowing match for north ontario will be held at the farm of allan gellately on the monck road near rathburn prob ably on thursday september 30 it is six years since this match was held in rama before the date or iginally chosen was october 6th but it toad to be changed because of the provincial election loe xoexoe aoi 30e30e early fall specials wallpaper time wallpapers that give entire satisfaction are the only kind we sell but that particul ar kind embraces a vast variety of styles all styles in fact that fashion today countenances not only the most modish novelties but graceful colorful patterns of every description to suit every purse and for every room in your home come in and make your selection we can satisfy you terry towelling several new lines have been added to our stock of towelling of fine absorbent quality and attractive patterns priced at per yard 18c 19c 22c 25c- 27c 29c blindcraft aprons plain coverall aprons or dainty after noon aprons aprons in many styles suit able for all occasions and made by the in mates of the blind institute in a good quality of print or cotton with smart con trasting trim 21c to 75c gloves for fall wear rayon gloves with fleeced lining in navy brown and black in sizes 7 and 7 a smart and comfortable glove for the cooler days per pair 35c an early fall showing of dresses black and black and white dresses are most popular for fall wear and we are show ing some very smart and attractive styles you will be well repaid by coming in and looking over these new styles prices are reasonable 395 to 895 special in hose we have gathered together several lines of service weight and chiffon silk hosein all sizes and a good range of fall shades splendid value at the price per pair 69c hats for the early fall new and attractive are these smart little hats they are in the dark shades that are so popular this season and you will find just- what you want here priced at 195 to 350 school frocks we still have a number of those smart frocks for the school miss this sale has proved very popular and there is still oppor tunity to secure very attractive values at a low price all print dresses are subject to 25 per cent reduction supply your require ments now wedding and shower gifts fine silverplate in many useful styles or a combination of silver and glassware fine english bone china cups and saucers high quality english pottery in vases jardin ieres and fancy bowls cut glass of all kinds water sets sherbets fruit bowls etc we invite you to visit our china depart ment glass bowl sets green glass bowl sets of 5 bowls with rolled edge priced at 95c flannelette blankets ibex double bed size per pair 235 ibex double bed size sep whipped 245 wearbest double bed size per pair 250 kingscot size 70x90 per pair 259 plain white per pair 200 pitcher special our pitcher special still continues and you may secure a large one quart pitcher with floral decorations which have sold regularly for 25c each at the special price of 19c each or two for 35c the w h shaw store explaining the citys position under the operation of the commis sion mayor robbins addressing a conference of the toronto and yoik county road commission and mem bers of the board of control aid the city under the original act had paid 205000 although called on to pay only 100000 the city has paid 3750000 to ward these roads since 1911 he continued we ask to be relieved of this responsibility we have lost our income tax to the government and the only source of taxation is real estate the government has sufficient revenue from gasoline and motor vehicles to pay the entire cost of these roads towards kings highway con struction toronto the mayor stated had contributed since 1919 some 25070c we dont want to be at cross- swords he said but there is no reason why we cant go hand-in- hand together to the government warden macdonald questioned whether toronto asked relief of taxation burdens at the expense of the county no the mayor declared there are details to be worked out on all these expenditures will join forces then the county will join with you warden imlacdonald said we are not attempting to gather evi dence to use against you for the county fred gardiner deputy reeve of forest hill held there is a misapprehension in that the elector believes toronto is con tributing to all highways in the province toronto he held benefits from county highways more so than richmond hill or outlying places forest hill had to raise its tax rate ten mills because premier hep burn took the income tax mr gardiner said we got one mill back same as toronto but our tax rate is still ten mills higher it would be an improvement to all municipalities if the government would take over all costs of these county highways this cooperative effort started 25 years ago to build county highways should be carried on unless the government takes over the entire burden mayor robbins said toronto main tains 543 miles of paved roads used by those in the county and paid only for by city taxpayers we have the pavements for you to use to bring your produce here for sale his worship asserted gives road figures reeve marsh magwood york township declared that total ex penditure on york county roads 1911 to 1936 had been 13087- 596 to which the province paid 5873000 toronto 3210000 york county 3919000 and other municipalities 87000 percentage contributions he gave as ontario 44 toronto 2452 york county 29 and other munici palities 66 a count made at several points on county roads over a sevenday period had shown 85000 toronto cars and 75000 cars from other places mr magwood continued burdon too heavy this demonstrates as to the maintenance that the burden j partially on citizens of toronto he said the county and city are both bearing a too heavy burden and we should both join hands to seek relief cost to the city in 1936 for york county roads he explained had been 101903 or 10422 mills on the city tax rate whereas the county paid 130358 or 10485 mills on the tax rate registration o ears and trucks in 1936 showed there were 130830 in toronto and 21801 in the county or 857 per cent in toronto and 148 per cent in the county mr magwood declared no matter whether the govern ment takes over your burden youll still be paying the shot dr l w dales reeve of newmarket said it is a mutual problem for only as the country grows around the city does it prosper we are partners in this responsibility which we can not carry alone reeve wheeler scarboro urged the government to increase its grant toward county roads reeve harris weston held that the city and county it it is agreed should withdraw from the commis sion and hand tho roads back to the municipalities but the burden would not be placed on the countys doorstep con ralph day on behalf of the city explained he had never at any time suggested that any county road be paved or taken over iby the com mission reiterates stand ive said that before and i re peat it ho declared he pointed to the number of motorists from outside which use city roads at no cost to them yet he said toronto autoists using out side highways contribute through tho gas tax we pay both ways he said yet we have no control over the commissions expenditures just as much as the county warden macdonald interjected it hasnt worked out that way and the city must fte relieved of ex penditures paid by the taxpayers over which wo have not control con day continued we believe that the government receiving all revenues from autos should bear all cost of highways outside the city do you suggest that torontos representatives on the commission have no control in expenditures warden macdonald asked there can be no control when we have a minority on the com mission con day replied commissioner of works r c harris insisted toronto has no con trol more particularly because of provisions of a bill that had been slipped through as a government measure want more relief con day declared the city on previous occasions objected to ex penditures made by the commission particularly as to a road at malvern con dr fred conboy declared the issue was the principle of the 1915 legislation under which toron to was given an unfair burden and which the government should be asked to bear all roads he said should be a provincial cost we can establish that the aid to municipalities for roads should not be from another municipality but from the government which col lects all revenues from roads con conboy declared municipalities have a narrow tax base a com mittee representing the city and county could get from the govern ment the needed relief toronto should get from the provincial gov ernment assistance from some road within its limits for we bear cost of wldenings lights etc con w j wadsworth held tor onto and york county taxpayers should seek to relieve the burden of taxation from real estate the government takes all revenue from automobiles and while it had been argued the cities would be handing over too much power to the govern ment yet he felt this would not ne the case explains resignation w j stewart cbe whose re signation stands before board of control as the citys representative on the commission explained he had not resigned because of pique or politics but had found he could not serve the taxpayers under the situation with the commission in sisting on carrying on under the act he had been advised by board of control whnn he took the post that they did not favor any more roads being built to add to existing ex penditures and cost of maintenance consequently he had communicated this direction to the commission all any man gets out of public service is his good name and i in tend to preserve mine mr stewart declared if anybody doesnot trust me then i think some members of board of control do trust me we who are about to die salute you we are the people who are going to die in fatal motor accidents dur ing the years 1937 and 1938 most of us have not even a pre monition of the fate which awaits us we do not realize that death lurks around the corner we have not seen his shadow nor heard lis footsteps but death awaints waits around the bend in the next cars faltering brakes in the trail of some chance driver who lovej to jockey in a line of traffic or swish past another car on a curve or hill in the street on the open highway what matter where death waits and does not announce his coming we are marked down to die the great god called statistics has written down our names in bis big book and by actuarial laws we are doomed we do not know it but death is coming some of us are little children our deaths will be more horrible more tragic than others but die we will parents teachers and professional lifesavers with all their earnest warnings will avail us not we are marked down we are careless now we do no take thought have you never been a child do you not know what it is to be a stranger to responsibility to depend on others for care fyr shelter for protection you will read these headline many times over in the next year but will you heed them we who are about to die salute you send the tribune to absent friends genuine values 1936 1935 1935 1930 1930 1930 1929 1929 1928 1929 1929 ford delux fordor ford tudor chevrolet tudor ford tudor ford touring chandler sedan whippet coach ford coupe ford tudor nash coupe hudson sedan special 1928 chrysler coach 1928 chev coupe 1929 chevrolet sedan 1932 dodge 2 ton truck 1932 international ivi ton panel 1934 ford ton panel 3 ford 1 ton trucks 1930 2 rugby 1 ton trucks 1929 2 chevrolet 1 ton trucks 1928 2 fordson tractors d f holden sons ford sales and service phone stouffviue 18401 phone markham 120 1938 permits are now available hon t b mcquesten minlster of highways announced that 1938 motor vehicle permits and opera tors licenses will go on sale throughout the province immediate ly agents in the larger centres are already supplied and shipments of supplies are being made daily to the smaller points the- highways department is making 1938 permits available at this time so that purchasers of new 1938 cars and trucks will not be obliged to pay for 1937 registration the advance sale of 1938 permits is also designed to alleviate th3 usual last minute rush when 1937 permits expire at the end of the year the new plates are of an ex ceptionally attractive design this year with crown and orange figures on blue background there will be no letter prefixes the series letter will come in the second third or fourth position between the numerals and each plate will have only one series letter 8 o d o o d o e o prepare for winter medical men always advise building up the constitu tion to face the rigors of winter youll find no better way than to eat a health bread regularly we make soya bean bread for the whole family visit our cake shop everything you need for your table products always fresh ask our wagon to call the stouffviue bakery phone 189 o q o o q o o d o o d o ioe3qe sioexoe aoexoi ioe30i vflaae ptaria now- ta jnotenue uaui ptojxentu why not take advantage of the home improve ment plan our nearest branch manager will gladly furnish full particulars of the unusually favorable terms to borrow money with which to improve your property write or call for descriptive booklets the bank of nova scotia over a century of banking service