stouffville ontario thursday september 23 1937 9x v o t e the hon geo s nry conservative candidate york east recommend royal master tires w s widdif ield dealer i a garage is onyenitsnt and hsxifhl ui wndeitne hgme improvement plln saves you money declaring sho had no regrets jn leaving the films colleen moor was enthusiastically greet ed by a host of friends upon her arrival recently in vancouver by transcanada air linca sho told reporters who met her at the piano that sho was supremely happy with tho exhibitions of her famed dolls house the proceeds of which go to tld srlpplsd chil dren a resident of baker hill dead he funeral- took place on fri day sept 17 of mrs alfred baker widow of the late alfred baker mrs baker was in her eightieth year and had spent practically all of this threequarters of a century at baker hill she is survived by one sister and a son everett and is an aunt of morgan baker mp service was conducted in baker hill baptist church by rev w e smalley with interment in the baker hill cemetery music teachers convention anntouncemtjait was made today by prank e blachford president of the ontario music teachers associ ation of features at the second annual convention being held here early next month this years con vention it is announced will be held in the royal york hotel on october 5 6 and 7 musical entertainment during the threeday session will include an organ recital by sir ernest mac- millan principal of the toronto conservatory of music a recital by the melodic strings under the direction of alexander chuhaldin whose radio concerts are known to thousands of listeners across canada other music items included in the program will be selections by the canadian singers guild direct ed ly falter bates the twopiano team of coles and yanoya and the toronto trio strings and piano other featured speakers at tle open sessions will be roy fenwick provincial supervisor of music in ontario schools frederic lord brantford supervisor of music in ontario schools for the blind c a bird president of the stratford music festival and leo smith t j crawford and prof j d ketch- um professor of psychology at the university of toronto j murray gibbon noted author ity on folk songs will address tha delegates at a reception and pro gram to be given on tuesday after noon october 5 in the toronto art gallery frances james will provide musical illustrations for the address elsie spivak alberto guerrero and leo smith wellknown canadian musicians will give a recital on old vioiin and the harpsichord marriages coakwell brown a very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of the brides parents on saturday sept the 18th when miss ella elizabeth brown younger daughter of mr and mrs wade brown became the bride of mr harold milton coak- well son of mr and mrs fred coakwell rev s im kanagy uncle of the bride officiated gladioli and autuini flowers made an effective setting for the ceremony miss ruby reesor played the wedding music during the signing of the register master laurence graham sang i love you truly the bride given in marriage by her father looked charming in a gown of ivory chiffon in fitted lines with skirt ex tending into a train standup collar and yoke of lace she wore a match ing hat with short face veil and carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses miss leona brown attended her sister gowned in yellow sheer with matching accessories carried a bouquet of johanna hill roses mr arthur coakwell was best man after the ceremony the brides mother received gowned in navy triple sheer with corsage of pink roseb the grooms mother wore dubonnet crepe with corsage of yellow roses later mr and mrs coakwell left for a motor trip to the united states and eastern canada the bride travelling in navy wool suit and navy accessories on their re turn they will reside in markham missionary dedicated a former stouffville teacher left friilay for england enroute to india mission field tho designation of dr william r quinn who has been appointed to jabot india as medical missionary took place in new st james church london recently dr quinn left on friday sept 17th for england where he will spend a month in the london hospital for tropical diseases from london he will journey to bombay with mrs quinn and daughter mrs quinn formerly miss l arnold was a teacher on our school staff in stouffville some years ag scotty guattax takes 222 event at harrib scotty grattan owned by a durn- in of stouffville added to bis long list of laurels tuesday capturing two firsts and a second in the 222 race at the opening days harness races at barrle exhibition have the girls got the courage in a neighboring police court the other morning there were no less than four young men hauled up for the pernicious habit of drinking in public places the magistrate said if young girls would adopt a policy of snubbing and dropping young men smelling of liquor at dances there would be fewer of these cases he added out of beer or liquor you get nothing thats of any benefit to you but you all seem to have money to booze but none to pay a tine commenting on the above the paisley advocate says of course the magistrate is cor rect if the girls and young ladies who attend dances would snub tlote smart aleck young men who come to them smelling like the slush pile of a brewery it would certainly stop a lot of this promiscuous drinking but we are afraid that the theory wouldnt work out in practice for much as we regret saying it we do not believe the average canadian young lady has either the inclina tion or the courage to snub a man who has the smell of liquor on his breath the girl is looking for a good time when she goes to a dance and she well knows that if she snubs one or two lads for their drinking proclivities the stag line will gang up on her and she would sit out the rest of the dances as a miserable wall flower destin ed to be known henceforth as a poor sport and a killjoy and again there is far too large a percentage of our young ladies who so far condone this sort of conduct on the part of their boy friends as to join with them in consuming a hottla or two of the suds at a nearby beverage room table in fact it is considered the ultra smart thing to attend dances slightly spiffed naturally the young lady who takes a drink before she goes to a dance is unlikely to do any snubb ing of anybody so that the snubb ing if it is to be done must be performed by the nonimwibing girl and much as we appreciate the fine points in the characters of our canadian womanhood we confess that we simply cannot picture even nice girls having the courage to stand up and de clare if you wish to dance with me you will have to come without the smell of liquor or cloves on your breath just so long as drinking in bev erage rooms or in the back seats of cars is considered the height of smartness so long will we have with us the type of young men and women who insist upon tanking up before a dance engagement we wont have to go out of paisley to find many of that sort and on the night of local dances bootleggers of home brew and illegal liquor dc a great business and believe it or not but the rule is that the boyj who get properly canned up are the lads who get tho most dancing partners while the young man who does not indulge are more often than not ridiculed as being afraid to take a little drink our girls hold it within theii power to stop this ginthibing by their male partners at a dance but will they take heed of the sort of grand advice as offered by the magistrate we think not the modern girl is both beautiful and resourceful and despite many opinions is no worse than her grandmother but and it pains us to say 1t she most surely lacks the courage needed to say no when a boozesmelling youth asks her to dance with him i wsbsr gw seek hit and run driver police of tho district are on the lookout for a hitandrun driver who crowded an auto off the road near sunderland saturday night causing serious injury to two men and then sped on without stopping or reporting the accident ross redshaw driver of the car was thrown through the windshield and was badly cut by flying glass his companion in the car wilmot hill was severely cut about the head and required 27 stitches to close his wounds the third passenger gor don denison escaped with a shaking up dr b e wilson of uxbridge attended the injured the trio were returning from lindsay fair when they were forced oft the no 12 highway near sunder- duntroon minister is candidate at the conservative convention held in alllston for dufferin simcoe rev a w downer anglic an minister of duntroon was chosen candidate last week to optjosc dr w d smith liberal many folks reaction to a gospel minister entering an election con test is that ho ought to be in politics and not in the ministry probably never should have been mrs bert wilkinson was in toronto on saturday attending the wedding of her brother dr harry hobbs at dale presbyterian church- mm hon h c xixox provincial secretary who is again liberal candidate in the brant st georges riding old resident dies in west word comes to us of the death in saskatchewan on wednesday last of mrs james lemon an old resi dent of stouffville and mother of our mrs win ratcliff baker hill mrs lemon was in her 93rd year and had been living with mrs rat- cliffs brothers clark and isaac at pebbles in the quapple district interment was made at windhorst sask as an old resident mrs lemon had been keenly interested in tle friends back home and had made many enquirys about them from the ratcliffs when they visited her on their trip west this summer threaten to raise indemnity because a certain ontario town had so many accidentts due to faulty sidewalks the insurance compan carrying their accident risk has threatened to place an almost pro hibitive rate on them aud the town fathers are worried just what would the situation be here in stouffville it the village could not obtain pro tection of this kind well we hae to think of it fortunately there have been no large claims against us and we are rated as a fairly good risk by the companies taking this form of insurance repairing sidewalks that present a danger is aside from the dollars and cents view a good thing older people go out now more at night and in the daylight too a few years ago legal actions against the village were un heard of however so many bad accidents on sidewalks in various municipalities especially by elderly women who seem to be the greatest claimants for injuries by falling on the walks and in some of which cases judgments running upwards of 3000 have been obtained in the courts that several companies have recently dropped this type of insurance while others are substantially boosting their rates in view of the risk involved the records of some towns are so bad that they can hardly get insur ance of this type at all walkerton which has been on the preferred list and has been enjoying a compara tively low rate is in eminent danger of being boosted to a higher plane for coverage in view of the claims going in from there gormley mr and mrs bill thompson of mount dennis visited with mr jabez thompson and mary last wednesday mr cyril berry is calling on friends at gormey before taking ij pastoral duties at mrfabora and wallace charge he being stationed there at conference last week mr and mrs geqrge french are packing to leave for their future home at sprlngvale out ikev and mrs g johnson of port elgin visited with imr and mrs allan hoover for a few days we are glad to hear rev d w heise is gaining again we wish for him a speedy recovery mrs e c jones is visiting at niagara for a few weeks rev and mrs h shantz have returned from conference they are stationed on the gormley field for another year mr and mrs a s farmer and mr and mrs f harvey mrs j cherry and her mother mrs clem- ence were visitors to conference at kitchener over the weekend mrs h sihwan from port elgin visited a few days with rev and mrs shantz and evelyn rev and mrs e lucas and family and mrs haner from mani- toulin island are visiting with mr aud mrs george french for a few days cattle by auction thero will be sold by public auction at stock yards stouffville thursday sept 30 1937 property belonging to donald storty 5 registered shorthorn cows 3 fresh 2 due time sale 59 yrs 5 holstein cows 3 fresh 2 springers 4 blue cows 3 duo time sale 1 fresh 7 weeks 1 fresh one week 2 due 3 ayrshire cows due time of sale 3 hereford cows 1 fresh c wks veal calf by side 2 due time of sale 5 durham cows 1 fresh 2 weeks springers cows are all tb tested and purchased in the parry sound dis trict and northern part of victoria county they are large cows sound in udders in good flesh and are good producers 12 holstein heifers in calf 1 durham bull 1v year old 1 hereford bull yearling 25 stockcrs and feeders durhams and hercfords pigs anil sheep 25 pigs a number of ewes 2 oxford rams 2 and 3 years sale at 1 pm terms cash ted jackson auctioneer boleuder out again after being con fined with a bad siege of hay fever the jr institute will meet next thursday september 23rd at the home of miss velma gibson roll call will be what i like best about the farm the sixth line orchestra assisted by a few members from bethesda music makers gathered at the home of mr and mrs harry pugh last friday night where they staged a musical festival in honour of mr fred nicely and his bride a weiner roast is being held in the near future at the expense of the young couple the neighbourhood sends con gratulations to wallace wagg of sudbury who was married last saturday afternoon there were several from this vic inity present at the closing of the revival campaign at ml joy on sunday evening bethesda too late last week messrs ilalph and luther allin also mr joe gee visited with friends at vandorf on sunday several from here attended the anniversary services at wesley united church on sunday mrs crosthwaite of st catharines is spending a week at harbroley farm with her son brian mr and mrs chas atkinson delma and helen motored to niag ara falls on friday and returned with several baskets of peaches mrs crosthwaite and brian had sunday dinner with mr and mrs i pike and family we are glad to see imiiss anna peachs anniversary the annual peachs united church anniversary services will be eld next sunday sept 2g in the morn ing rev mr murray of zephyr will preach with music by the gormley male quartette at the evening ser vice 730 rev mr bishop of ux bridge will speak and the melville choir will sing quality price alfalfa wanted good quality first and second cutting hay submit samples dicksons hill mills est 1842 stouffville markham plus service boadways shell service meets your motor needs every way test out this claim today body and car repairing phone 265 main st next cnr tracks old tyme and modern dance every saturday evening commencing on september 25 billie williamson and his orchestra jack manley floor manager cedar beach gardens musselmans lake 11 the beautiful lines and pleasing colors of the new range are a delight to the eye at the same tamo it performs all the functions of an efficient cooker balcer and heater tha oran it finished inside in porcelain enamel and may be washed like a china dish always shining and fraah cooking top it of annealed gun malal finish ssily leapt clean and gloaming with liltup front taction for broiling or faadlng fa tha firapot it tha daap ovalthsped type which hat prorad audi an efficient heater grate may ba mt in aithar daap or shallow position for coal or wood according to amount of haat raadad in tha kitchen tha aztra larga wood firebox it 24 long and whan grata it in lowar position will hold larga chunks which mve it aaty to rataln good nie oyarnight construction it largely of cast iron with heavy steal enameled and rust proof built to last a lifetime tha minuta minder a handy timing device which warns you whan it it time to teko a dish out of tha oven it a new and welcome feature mirror shelves and condiment holders can be furnished to match range super ovals also now have chroma door handles always cool always shining made in tare alias with oven 16 18 and 20 inches wide tha colors all ivory ivory shaded wal nut or ivory shaded green f1ndlay products are backed by more than to years of traditional quality brathwaite hardware