Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 17, 1936, p. 7

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inancial lashes wemligo gold mines lake of the woods area lias now been complete ly dewatered to below tbe 500ft level making it possible to carry ou work on ibis horizon according to word received from a m iotter mine manager old timbers were re moved during the dewatering from the 300ft level down ana new tim bering is being done from this level to tbe 500ft horizon this will com plete the enlarging and timbering of the present shaft the mill is cur rently handling c5 tons of ore daily macassa mines reports pioduction for november of 102810 a slight decrease from the output of 105- 842 in the preceding month the mill treated 0074 tons of ore with mill- heads averaging 1g2 per ton against 02g7 tons milled averaging 1080 in october for the first eleven ninths of the current year output otalled 1132208 from 64- 401 tons created as compared with 5g9g3s5 from g1g07 tons in the same period of 1935 bankers are optimis tic on canadas economic outlook back of montreal executives dis cuss economic questions and 319 in gold per ton the old plant has been modernized by nuul- tion of ball mill classifier and flo tation unit and is expected produc tion this n onth will approximate 20000 the plant is capable of handling about 00 tons daily and is operating satisfactorily on no 9 j level hiding johnson mine man ager reports a length of 230 ft of ore with widths varying iron g to 18 ft anj average jf around 18 per ton the vein has been traced on surface fur half a mile dome mncs directors have cie- clareil the regular quarterly dividend of 50 cents per share payable jan uary 20 1937 to shareholders of rec ord december 31st production at the mine for november totalled 001728 from the treatment of 40- 700 tons of ore as against iccovery of scs5373 from 4su00 tons milled in october november millheads av eraged 1423 per ton compared with 1428 in the preceding month drifting on the no 8 level kcnlan1 told mines lake of woodj area has been carried at the 31 feet in ore averaging 11 feet wide pains all over his body kruschen made him feel a new man read the experience of this man who had rheumatism so badly that at times he was prevented from work ing about 10 months ago he writes i suffered terribly with rheuma tism and neuritis the pains were all over my body and some days could not even get up from bed to go to work a friend visited me and sug gested that i should try kruschen salts i did so the result being that the pains seemed to gradually dis appear i have been going to work ever since without a break thanks to kruschen salts and i feel a new man ar rheumatic conditions are fre quently the result of an excess of uric acid in the body two of the ingredients of kruschen salts are notable for their work in dissolving uric acid other ingredients assist nature to expel the dissolved acid from the system diarono drilling is underway on the red lake property of ltusset ucd lake syndicate adjoining mao sen red lake gold mines the drill programme is being carried out by howcy gold mines and it is under stood that three more drills which have been released from the mad- sen pioperty may be moved onto the uusset claims this week according to word from the property two quartz veins have been located aliout 175 feet east of no 4 post on faim 12822 the veins are reported to be dipping east and running nortneast southwest ami have been exposed owing to the fact that the ice tvel is about 2 ft lower than the level of the watei in the summer when this part of the property was previous- v prospected laguna gold mines operating in the herb lake area northern man itoba reports production for novem ber of 38g74 a new high record for the mine and a substantial in crease ovei the immediate preceding month total production since milling commenced on aug 1 to the end of november amounts to approximately 128174 avcragt daily production is now in excess of go tons while the mill is tuned up to obtain an extraction of slightly better than 98 per cent deepening of the main shaft has reached the 1000 ft level where a station has been established and lateral work will be underway shortly to open up two new levels at 875 and 1000 ft m ey sgf better- saxis qamci tyewalt uaccoat heating expert last winter waj one of the most severe ever known weeks of subcro weather tested fuels to the utmost and found many wanting one fuel came through that testing triumphantly that was d l w scranton anthracite which is trade- marked coloured blue to protect you against mixing or substitution the blue coal dealer will tell you more about this great fucl extra wage compensation announced for employees of general foods a week before christmas all em ployees of general foods who have been with the company prior to january 1 193g will receive an ex tra wage compensation of two weeks pay according to an announcement by r k mcintosh managing direc tor of general foods limited tor onto the distribution is being made this week an extra compensation of one weeks pay will be given to all employed between january 1 1930 and november 17 1936 these extra wage compensations affect all general foods employees in g3 plants and sales offices in canada and the united states the employees receiving it participate in the manufacture and sale of such widelyknown food products as jell- 0 maxwell house coffee grape- nuts post toastics ccrto bakers cocoa bakers chocolate sanka coffee fosts bran flakes sugar- crisp corn flakes makers coconut grapenuts flakes minute tapio ca postum and swans down cako flour the extra pay compensation is in addition to the vacations withp pay extended this year to all factory em ployees of the company that the bank of montreal is in an extremely strong position and has further buttressed its reserves and that the economic outlook in canada warrants greater confi dence than for several year past were features emphasised at the annual meeting of shareholders of the institution held recently in montreal both the president sir charles gordon gije and vv a bog joint general marager stressed the abundant evidence that the forces of recovery are now in the ascendant and dwelt on the feel ing of confidence which the found prevailing in every phase of the dominions economic activity sir charles gordon president in his address named as the five fundamental features outstand ing in canadas progress during the past year the recovery in ag riculture the extraordinary activi ty in mining the alltime record in newsprint production the grati fying increase in the tourist trade and the striking expansion in our export trade he dwelt particularly on the m industry which according to a recent survey by the bank would seem to be the greatest contributor to the federal income tax better things ahead for canada he had a word of warning re garding provincial legislation in relation to debts saying in res pect to talk of repudiation that he could not see how this line of thought could he pursued without the credit of the whole dominion coming into disrepute sir charles closed his remarks on an optimistic rote saying we still have nroblems to face but as regards these problems i stand squarely on the opposite side of the fence from the pessimists and r believe that with the experience gained in th past few years wo in canada will steadilv work our way toward better things banks position extremely strong presenting the 119th annual bal ance sheet of the bank w a bog on behalf of himself and jackson dodds his fellow general manager drew attention to the fact that the total assets of the bank had increased from 792800- 000 a year ago to 805100000 at the present time and pointed out that the extremely strong position of the bank was reflected in quick assets totalling 006500000 re presenting 8327 of all liabilities to the public in informing the meeting of the transfer of 1000- 000 to reserve account bringing this un to 39000000 mr bog said that this sum was held as a protection for the banks deposit ors that is to say he remark ed as protection for deposit lia bilities we have not only 100 in conservatively valued assets but in addition we have assets repres enting s3fi000000 of capital and 39000000 ir reserve account savings interest kate mr bog expressed regret that it had been found necessary to reduce to 1 per ann im the rate of in terest paid on savings deposits say ing the reduction had been made with reluctance and it was only the continued decline in the yield on securities and the lov level of commercial loans that had com pelled the banks to take the step a fulltime job of 70000000 acres of land suit able for agricultural development in province of alberta canada i quires all his time and attention he the frederick j perry the worlds number one amateur tennis player has decided to join the professional ranks which will earn him between 50000 and 100000 a year advocates of sport for sports sake are grumbling and already cri ticism seems to be raining like hall- stones on mr perrys head ones first impulse is to join in for some reason most of us rebel when an amateur turns professional bur a lit tle thought may calm the irritated nerves championship tennis or golf or anything for that matter is a full- time job we ourselves have raised it to that pinnace with the compe tition with the crowds that sports as practiced today attract the ama teur is an amateur in name only he can do one of two things cither levotc all his time to his chosen sport and he a champion or else forego championship laurels in fa vor of some more serious occupa tion so if mr perry wants hard cash in return for the thing that re- only 1s000000 acres are actually should not be blamed too severely cultivated beginning with january 1938 chinas fiscal year will coincide with tle calendar year vigor for nervous rundown people a tonlo glva vigor to 1 nrvou rundown peoplo i forbacvcho iclc head- i cha nd ynorl wak- i n dr hammonds f pain and nrv pilla recommended bytm wur orukufst made by f e karn co ltd toronto issue no 51 36 b x you and i and the next man win throng the stadiums have placed him in that position if we want our sport in the form of huge public spectacles we cannot expect the per formers to put on the show for no thing when amateurs go profession al we arc hypocrites to weep for the fault is at least half ours de troit saturday xight we are not embalmers of the past we are anticipators of the fu ture benito mussolini britains post office savings bank has just celebrated its seventyfifth anniversary with 10000000 depos itors tourist to native is this a very healthful place brushvilie native weil i should smile they aint been a death here for many years and the last party who dies was the under- taker and lie died from hunger he did no economic reform is going to enable us to get money without earning it mrs meeker john mr meeker yes my dear mrs meeker theres a corner torn off your pay check what did you spend it for for success keep your eyes open and your mouth shut for eating grapefruit reverse the process teacher in bookkeeping what is a debtor witty student a man who owes money teacher and what is a credit or witty student a man who thinks he is going to get it back trying to get even for what hap pened day before yesterday causes many persons to miss the opportu nity of today eloping bride heres a tele gram from daddy eloping groom what doe3 he say eloping bride dont come home and all will be forgiven man is increasingly dependent up on woman let a mans wife die and it will take him two weeks to find that extra pair of trousers lady i am going to sue my husband for divorce rrd i want you to tell the court about his character phrenologist well bring him around and ill feel the bumps on his head lady tha wont be necessary the bumps are on my head the way to avoid the fire is to keep out of the frying pan mother bobbie is grindmother asleep bobbie yes mother dear all except her nose so live that every thought and deed may hold within itself the seed of future good and future meed no failures on reoort cards new system scholarship re cords uses no red ink stern mistress to pretty maid you are discharged elsie for al lowing my husband to kiss you- what sort of reference do you expect from me after that pretty maid sweetly well you might at least say that i tried to please everyone madam customer give mo some of that prepared monoaceticcacidcster of salicyliacid druggist do you mean aspirin customer yes i never can think of that name t every hill in life looks higher than it really is as we stand at the bottom and look up lady how long will the next train be please porter one engine and three cars lady smart arent you porter no jenkins lady smart has just gone home to dinner a woman said her husband took up astronomy just so that he could get out at night what no red ink no failures thus many a surprised mother in akron exclaimed when her young son or daughter brought home his report card for the first time this fall says the christian science moni tor in a story from akron ohio outstanding indeed was the ab sence of red ink which formerly marked failures and somehow a new group of subjects had appeared alongside the old readin writin and rithmetic even the card it self was no longer called a grade card or a plain report card it seems rather it was dignified by the title scholarship record the new cards are the result of a suggestion of ralph h waterhouse superintendent of schools who be lieves that education is a process of developing an individuals capacity to live a satisfactory life rather than just a system of academic grading and failures in red ink the red ink which used to scream failure at the pupil the minute he picked up his crd really did nothing but discourage the pupil in any attempt to better himself mr waterhouse believes now instead of the letters or numbers which used to mark pro gress it includes a set of covering phrases these include unusual work and rapid progress satis factory work and normal progress acceptable work but slow progress and little or no progress the card explains that little or no pro gress indicates failure included in the group of new subjects are personal habits social habits and work habits the cards were developed by a large group of principals who have made a wide survey of pupils pro gress throughout the country in explanation of the new ideas incor porate on it mr waterhouse says reports of pupil progress should- interprct to parents the fundamental objectives of the school and give an made a wide survey of pupils pro gress towards this objective in the past almost every school used a different kind of report card ranging from the graph method to letter grading or vtters supplement ed with figures now there are uni form cards no formal report card at all is used in the first grade ac cording to mr waterhouse because the need for close cooperation be tween parents and teacher in that grade is so important that informal means of reporting progress should be used in these grades teachers should visit the home frequently and par ents should visit the school urges higher living gauge toronto eradication of cold sickness suffering and the raising of the standard of living in canada were urged by dr w it colbeck welland president of the ontario medical as sociation in addressing the social hygiene club here dr colbeck said misery produced revolutions and something had to bo done or there would be trouble in the dominion ho declared it was a matter of prime importance for the safety of canada that something be done im mediately and not put oft until next year to make life easier for the man on tho street at the present time he added the world was entering a period of pros perity but it was certain thl3 would go up until another slump would fol low canada therefore should pre pare for the future ho asked what was being done about unemployment insurance and health comfort of tho people he ex pressed the belief so long as the masses wcro in a comfortable posi tion they wcro the most docile crea- lures oldest paper to disappear flemish newspaper in existence two and a half centuries the brussels correspondent in the manchester guardian writes the worlds oldest survl- lug news paper is to disappear by end of this year this venerable pioneer of the printing press is the gazet van gent the first issue of which saw the light in that great flemish com mercial and industrial centre on january 1 1gc7 in august 1ggg the ghent print er maximilian grnct entreated tho permission of king charles ii of spain and the netherlands to pub lish a news sheet with the object of connecting the commerce of tne flemish provinces with the rc of europe and to keep traders informed of events liable to affect their activ ities the authorization was promptly given and the famous gazette ap peared on the following new years day no copy of the earliest issues has been discovered the earliest avail able bears tho date september 8 1607 and is marked no g9 it was published twice weekly and bears the stamp of tho official censor the early issues contain virtually no lo cal news but much information sent by courier or culled from travellers from vienna london paris madrid rome and elsewhere during the two and a half centur ies of its existence this flemish paper has gone through many vicis situdes but it never interrupted its issue during the german invasion in the great european war since 1853 it had belonged to the ghent family of vnnderhaegen but after the war it reappeared under new ownership since then its decline has neen marked- the present directors have been making desperate efforts to save it but so far without avail and unless someone comes unexpectedly to the rescue the oldest newspaper in the world will soon have ceased to exist to my dictionary harold wlilard gleason in tnc new york sun your pages arc tattered and frayed your teguments thumhmarked and torn your legend once proudly displayed in gilt is a shadow forlorn but by me wherever i fare ill keep you adviser and friend regardless of binding laid baro by fallingsfromgracc without end for ever when roused by the spark to lender my whimseys in verse you warn me of obs and of arch or usages possibly worse when accents or synonyms lurk disdaining to fall into line you spot them and set them to work adjusting their megrims to mine let alchemists treasure their tomes of formulae gold from the base let bibliophiles in their homes hoard firsts ranged superbly in place far clearer the wealth you contain from a unto zymurgy damp to me than bright bullion of spain heres to you you battered old tramp classified advertising gets 30 days for teasing detroit walter bielawa 82 years old was sentenced to so days in jail after testimony that he had frightened his blind mother nearly to death by telling her he was going to light a stick of dynamite in her room bielawa appeared before record ers judge christopher e stein on a charge of disturbing the peace his niece theresa piskorowska 16 tes tified against him she said that ho at first teased his mother anna 75 with whom he lives by poking her with a stick then theresa said he told his mother that he had a stick of dyna mite and that he was going to light it and blow the house to bits ho struck a match pretended to light the fuse tad ran from the room his mother became hysterical and was not calmed until two policemen called by theresa came in to assure her that everything was all right bielawa will serve at the detroit house of correction canada needs air beacons says j a d mccurdy must soon have coast to coast service dogs wanted pjogs wanted will buy puppies of lj all breeds wrlto letter with full particu lars breeds sex age colour cash prices prompt reply desired dogs tor christmas de livery bulmers kennels 740 guy street montreal stamp collecting illustrated catalogue free united states canadian british colonials jubilees edwards sets sent for postage or entirely free empire stamp co ilept pc toronto canada stammering ctammer1ng corrected write tree helpful booklet william llcnnlsnn ny carlton street toronto inventors is offer to every inventor 11st of wanted inventions and full information sent free the ramsay company world patent attorneys 273 bank street ottawa canada your safest investment is in yourself specialized training will enable you to overcome inferiority complex to develop mental power and to equip yourself for better things in life write for particulars of our special course in mental training the institute of practical and applied psychologj 910 confederation building montreal pq radios 10 and up fu oirecl from factory insiributor d save as high as ourj off list prices sind for particulars and photos all standard makes state battery or electric battery radios 12 up electric radios s11 up caplan radio corp 22 college st dept- a toronto halifax the time has come to think about inauguration of canadas proposed transcontlneuta air ser vice although much groundwork must be done before planes actually take the air in the opinion of j a d mccurdy managing director of montreal aaircraft industries on a visit to halifax mr mccurdy said before the service could he in augurated with any hope of success ful operation beacon lights would have to be erected along the route floodlights set up at airportsofcall and a system of radio beacons instal led to guide pilots fly blind in bad weather the old proverb you must crawl before you can run should be plied to the idea thinks mr mc curdy when beacons ami rorts have been established flu syp- should be inaugurated with n moot of small fast mailcarriers not un til the thoroughness and practhlity of the whole system hns been d-irwn- strated should passenger service be undertaken and the form of the comrany be hind the transcontinental service mr mccurdy boleves the uroiect should be operated by private inter ests subsidized in two ways bv gov ernment guarantee of the nteivfts of shareholders and by government guarantee of the interests of are- holders and by government owner ship and operation of the entire os tein of beacons lights and meteor ological services such a system would be irisr lo that under which inn erial airways hfs achieved an roiynm rood id mr mccurdy as trav inernsod feeder linos would be dpvcopprl d serviced on the saie system p that govorning the original trunk li recent flights of ho germ f boats aeolus and zenhr whi b bon net off to germany vl t a were of pnrt interest lo tr mccurdy he ivss lb oonis when a nlane flt radd ton made tbe first in- itvor thanair flight in l bn empire a eiiartereertury in addition to ilia mr mccnrdv is sure he was the first man in the world to crash i weddinihrtv fnm from tbe aii it was hi oil tbat his n cnnlod rs be flo over lake ontario the nlre crashed as he made a forced landing oi an is land and he was catapulted on to the verandah of a nenrbv house he arrved iivst as the piivstor was com pleting the ceremony voives of tha desi the graphiedhart shews how o read character ironi handwriting at a glance 10c prepaid graphologist room 421 73 adelaide st w toronto bluefish savage wolves t- tho deep are wanderers and t uy travel in large schools devouring and destroying everything bcrore them one observer says that a sngle bluefish can devour or dcslioy a thousand other fish in a singe day their attack is in vicious that all smaller fish flee before them they have been known to drive scnools of menhaden up on tc beaches wncre they were piled n foot ami more deep tho bluefish first appear in mid- march off the coast of the caro- linas and work northward as tn weather gets warmer the run con tinues off the vow england coast until the middle of october then they disappear and no one has yet discovered where they go the average weight of the blue fish is from three to six pounds a century ago it was not an uncom mon occurrence when a fishcrmnn hauled in a fiftypound fish today the largest bluefish seldom runs over twenty pounds the bluefish i justly famous io its flavor which is sweet and savory its peculiar fccdi- habits no doubt account for this

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