Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 17, 1936, p. 5

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st0uffv1lle ont thursday december 17 1936 town topics i all public and high schools close next tuesday and will not reopen until monday january 4 ea irubin hooptomerist and optician will be at his office in sluiilyvillo on monday and tuesday december 21 and 22 teachers are you arranging for a christinas concert let rat- cliff co prepare the treats in individual christmas packages tor you walking between the house and barn on his farm at island lake alf vakely threw his heels up closer to the sky line than he ever did in his school days when he was even more supple coming down heavily on the icy ground he re ceived a fractured wrist and will be no better than a onearmed man about the farm for the next six weeks alf lost his footing on the ice he says stouffville december 17 christmas market our advertisers in this issue have sought to assist you with your christmas shopping mail your christmas parcels early mr and mrs bert carpenter have returned from their honeymoon and hare taken up residence in harry sawyers new bouse on centre main street the this week marshall lawton clear ed out his entire milking herd of ccws numbering 14 all of which went down in the tb test and he is now looking about for other animals to replace them betty beauty salon stouffville special meeting of stouffville war veterans will be held in the muni cipal hall on monday december 21 at s pm all veterans urgently asked to attend this is the time to leave that order for a suit to measure or if you prefer look over our range of readytowear suits and coats fe mac merchant tailor no doubt most of our readers are familiar with the federal govern ments home improvement plan but as yet few farmers have availed themselves of its advantages to add improvements to their barns or homes we notice that in this issue of the tribune farmers are invited by eastern steel products to take advantage of the arrangement whereby they can borrow from their bank on their own note at a dis count of 314per cent the funds may be used for repairs wiring or general improvements to the property of householders or farm ers the manager of the bank of nova scotia invites any interested parties to call at the bank and obtain further particulars a filled hall greeted rev mansell mcuuire of toronto and rev john paul mackey of cleveland wiieu they appeared in iratcliffs hall on saturday evening the american visitor proved himself to he a delightful gospel singer having been in vaudeville before his con version mr jicguire of course is known to everybody about stouff ville and he delivered a pointed address on current events in the light of prophecy the students aim was the subject of a tboughful address de livered by dr thos mitchell at the annual commencement exercises of markham high school quite a number of local people took in this event held on friday evening in the village to the south west end service station safety and comfort defroster what could he more appreciated as a moderately priced gift than a windshield defroster we have them only 200 or larger ones at slightly higher prices run your car around and let us hook you up with a clear vision defroster hot water heaters we have a heater that will make parlor comfort in your car come in and see it we can quote them to you completely installed a nice gift for christmas too carl opposite boadway house the other- day saturday we noticed mr lud wideman riding along in the truck engaged in hauling monuments and he looked just like any ordinary working man and so he is but he is heading for his 86th birthday on making en quiry we learned that- this citizen had assisted in the erection of three monuments that week all weighing around a ton and mr joseph hoover and mr wideman put them up in three different cemeteries we wonder if there is another man 86 years of age doing anything like the same amount of work as this veteran granite and marble cutter who was in business before half of our residents were born on the eve of leaving argyie to become the new section foreman on the cnr at stouffville mr arthur jones and mrs jones were present ed with an electric floor lamp and electric toaster by friends and neighbors who gathered in numbers at their home to give them a real sendoff mr and mrs jones have located in the west end of stouff ville permanent waving we could suggest nothing lovelier for a christmas gift than a nestle permanent wave waves can be had in spiral croqut- nole or combination prices from 350 500 750 1000 all waves include shampoo finger wave and nestle hair rinse please make your appointment early telephone 3206 the local cgit under miss ville and is one of the fine homes in helen rowbotbam made 1250 byj that section in retiring at locust their sale of baking on saturday afternoon for the star santa claus fund a warm overcoat that will defy the winter blasts makes a fine gift for the young man or father f e rae tailor is showing a line that is inexpensive yet serviceable next monday is nomination day in the village and surrounding townships miss m brown housekeeper for m t leavens sustained a fractur ed wrist the other day when she fell on an icy sidewalk this is the second misfortune to befall miss brown this year as last summer a pie and plate slipped from her hand landed on the foot and burst a blood vessel which laid her up for some time in order to prevent the pro verbial 3timesandout miss brown will have to watch her step for the remainder of 1936 mr allan black lately with brown co uniouville in the chick hatchery business has rented a place at the east end of stouffville which was one time owned by mr grw thomas and it is rumored he will establish an important chick hatchery here with mr blacks ex perience the local proposed hatchery may grow into important possibili ties mr and mrs george storey- attended the funeral of the late miss loney in toronto on friday the deceased who met a tragic death as did her companion as they attempted to cross a city street to gether was a sister of rev c j loney of hamilon hill herb is returning to the scenes of his boyhood days for he was rais ed in that locality and knows all the boys far and near mrs jarvis is also a markham girl out is more familiar with the markham village district in any case mr and mrs jarvis will be almost as close to their shopping district of stouffrul as when they were on the farm quality service the mansion phone 265 stouffville is to have still another sunday evening service since the meeting held last sunday night in the oddfellows hall by a group of 45 young people from the peoples church toronto this organization held open air meetings on the lloyd lot on main street each saturday evening during the summer season and last sunday attracted a fair attendance to the oddfellows hall where music and praise constituted the hour of worship mr gus weber of this friendly toronto church is leader of the stouffville group and he announces that regular services are to be held each sunday evening at 7 oclock until further notice in addition to the address or gospel message to be delivered splendid singing of the old cherished hymns which the people love will be sung and accompanied by an orchestra the young peoples organization of wideman mennonite church are issuing their semiannual printed program covering the six months and a persual of the topic headings indicate that some interesting and instructive meetings are in store for those who take advantage of this means of bible study and worship in addition to the knowledge gain ed on bible history the young folk obtain a real training in speaking for the programs are mostly taken by some of their own members meetings are held every tuesday evening and if you live within range of the church the opportunity is yours to attend at the final meeting of the year stouffville school board on monday- evening rejected a proposal to in crease the salary ot the continua tion principal from 2000 to 2100 jake mcmullen was absent from the meeting and ewd baker having resigned when he left town there were but four trustees to deal with the matter rev mr mcleod offer ed i sponsor a resolution for the increase but the other three mem bers lloyd turner ambrose stover and the chairman dr h freel de cided that no action be taken mr owen davies councillor of uxbridge township will run for the reeveship for 1937 we understand he is a strong advocate of better road conditions between uxbridge and lincolnville and is determined to have a hard top built on this highway which is a platform plank that will meet with the approval ot a great proportion of the rate payers timely gift suggestions hunts chocolates christmas wrapped lb 50c cameras kodaks 00c to 875 schick electric razors 1050 wilkinson razor j00 rolls razor 005 electric heating pad 301 elect curling irons 123s 150 alarm clocks 125 up watches 100 shaving bowls with mirrors 100 to 150 eclipso fountain pens 30c to 150 waterman wahl fountain pen sets 25j to 000 watermans fountain pens each 300 brush comb mirror toilet sets 205 to 005 manicure sets 50c to 105 cutex sets 2vc 0c 125 175 225 moon glow sets 75c to 150 woodburys sets for ladies or men 100 wililams sets for men 75c 1 colgate palmolive sets for men 00c and 100 yardleys sets for ladies 85c to 325 yardleys sets for men 135 up yardleys shaving bowl 100 yardleys bath salts 100 perfume in fancy bottles 25c up perfume atomizers 50c up bath salts 10c to 100 loose powder compacts isoc up bridge sets 150 mens purses and bill folds 25c to 250 tobacco pouches 35c to 75c brass ash tray sets 100 stationery in boxes 23c up giuncs toys jack knives dolls hooks autograph and birth day books also large assortment of tying cord seals tags christmas wreaths bells colored rope and wrapping paper foreign missionaries usually have greater success in their fields of labor if they have a knowledge of medicine and rev l e atkinson stouffville united church pastor also found this to be true when he went among the indians of northern ontario there he was forced to render medical treatment and pull teeth although he never laid any claim to special training along this line but it is part of the human service demanded of nature if we are to help those in heathen darkness however in countries wiith a christian civilization the medical and ministerial professions are rarely combined but the writer recalls a medical practitioner who could and did preach even as dr g w taylor of bruce county can do there are four medical men in stouffville and the only reason that none of them so far as we know has never taken charge of a church service is because they have never been asked by the local clergy to preach a sermon if any of the stouffville quartette of physicians decides to minister to the public through the pulpit we would suggucst as an appropriate text revelation 22 and 2 the leaves ot the tree were for the healing ot the nation about six feet of bologna hung in the window of oboyles butcher snop last week and all were invit ed in to guess the weight the guess ranged from 150 pounds down to- 25 but the correct guess was 34 pounds mr ira aldreth of the goodall seed co and mrs william hunt of bethesda both guessed the correct weight and the proprietor of the butcher shop presented each of them with a nice christmas roast of beef the contest was unusual in that you had nothing to buy or sell as is the custom in most all contests mr oboyle has the thanks of his patrons for his generosity the auction sale of farm stock and machinery held on the farm of william hill on the 9th concession of whitchurch last week realized very good prices the high priced cow went to peter steckley ot almira at 60 while warren rae bought several animals paying around 50 each the milk cows were all small jerseys other ani mals and items on the sale brought average price mr hill who is 93 years of age and still able to be about the place intends to move with his family into bloomington we understand one thousand hogs not eating on account of lameness we have a few sure remed ies for treating these hogs cod liver oil dr hess hog special dr bells worm rem edy the above iemedies fed along with bran and schumacher feed will quickly bring th e hogs back to their feed all stock should have solmin the approved mineral supplement the cost is low your profit is high stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville ontario mr and mrs herb jarvis ot markham township will shortly move to locust hill where mr jarvis has bought the fine h b reesor home which is raodern- ly equipped with hot avater heating and complete water system through out the place was built 27 years ago by mr n forsyth ot stouff- order your christmas cake early to be sure to get it and from the stouffville bakery to be sure it is good telephone 189 ambrose stover prop for the past month or more building operations have been carried on at the brienbush hospital stouffville where at the rear of the hospital nurses quarters are being provided in a building de tached from the hospital the annex as we choose to call it will provide a handy fully equipped place for the nurses to sleep and spend their time when oft duty at the present time the nurses quarters are at the home of mr and mrs a s collins immediately op posite the hospital but when they move to the annex they will be provided with an up and down stairs apartment that will be for their own private use shortly the finishing touches will be put on the building when it will be ready for furniture which will include beds bureaus tables chairs rugs etc no doubt the hospital authorities would appreciate donations of furni ture for this purpose and if it is real nice the donors will have the blessing of the nursing staff which is something to be appreciated 46th anniversary 46th anniversary seasons greetings to our host of customers after forty six years of your increasing patronage and confidence we best express our appreciation as follows with each repeating each year anew this ageold greeting when sent to you has deeper meanings and thoughts sincere a merry christmas a glad new year christmas fruits seedless raisins 2 lbs lexia raisins with seeds 2 lbs puffed seeded raisins pkg seeded raisins bulk 1 lb australian currants per lb finest hallowi dates 3 lbs pitted hallowi dates 2 lbs bleached sultana raisins lb 20c dessicated cocoanut 1 lb 17c 25c 25c 15c 15c 15c 25c 25c christmas fruits cooking figs fancy lb 10c sweet prunes 3040 2 lbs 25c lemon orange caps per lb 25c citron peel per lb 30c maraschino cherries per lb 45c candied cherries green lb 45c glace pineapple red or natural lb 60c flavour extracts per bottle 10c mincemeat 2 lbs j 25c boadways drug store skates for christmas a pair of new style skates and boots make a most appropriate gift for son daughter or any member of the family who enjoy thepopular winter sport choose them early while the assortment is largest and more time is possible for looking about we are opening christmas goods daily therell he hand sleighs for the children hockey sticks toys of many varieties and things for every member of the home select line of silverware on display dont go shopping without visiting our store brathwaite hardware stouffville ontario give him something to wear just 7 shopping days before christmas choose your gifts early while selections are most complete we suggest mens fine shirts in gift boxes 100 to 250 mens ties in gift boxes 25c to 100 mens braces 50c to 100 mens belts 50c to 150 mens fancy socks 35c to 95c mens doeskin melton cloth all wool wind- breakers each 250 to 500 mens horsehide coats and windbreakers suede and pigtex windbreakers mens wool plaid or check scarfs 100 to 225 mens initial linen handkerchiefs 4 for 100 mens initial tie slides collar pins arm bands and many other gifts to choose from boys shirts blouses belts golf socks sweaters leather caps ties braces handkerchiefs and many other useful gifts not mentioned in this list re curtis telephone stouffville 1602 candies cut mixed peel 25c per lb candies jumbo creams per lb 15c maple creams per lb 15c chocolate buds per lb r 20c fruit flavoured gums lb 15c alaska mixed 2 lbs 25c chocolate drops vanilla lb 15c candy fruit baskets each 15c christmas tree novelties 5c christmas kisses per lb 15c assorted chocolates lb 30c leader mixed lb 25c opera jelly bon bons lb 30c candy animals per lb 18c jelly beans per lb 15c christmas novelties 5c and 10c butterscotch per lb 25c special 4 lb box chocolates each 99 c school and class treats prepared in individual christmas packages nuts the nuts this year are some of the finest we have seen for years the walnuts are all california budded and at a specially low price the pecans are fine quality paper shell 5 at a new low price budded walnuts per lb 19c paper shell pecans per lb 23c sicily almonds per lb 25c brazil nuts per lb 20c brazil nuts hand picked lb 25c fresh roasted peanuts lb 10c sicily filberts per lb 15c shelled walnuts per lb 35c shelled walnuts halves lb 50c shelled almonds per lb 50c selected mixed nuts 20c per lb for the christmas festivities 2 tin 10c our own blend coffeefreshly ground rose brand pickles tip top tomato juice no choice tomatoes per tin 10c crushed pineapple 2 tins 25c canada dry ginger ale olives oranges selected california navels baskets of fruit for christmas cheer care fully attended to on order ratcliff co stouffville out phone 7112 delivery service quality you pay less for more at the home town store 45c cranberries christies fancy cakes fresh fruits fresh vegetables service

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