Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 17, 1936, p. 2

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vatch for the opening installment of our new serial next week crockery gful by louis allen browne a romance of illusion and disillusion that speeds to an astonishing climax fight against lf eggs skid sawfiy urged j pity the hen with parasites will take sev eral years to be effective shes not to blarot because tfey are overripe it runs in the family household science by susan fletcher puddigs for cold days some like it hot and some lik- u cold the temperature at which pudding is served depends somewhat on the nature of the puding and somewhat on personal preferences certain types such as sterm puddings and baked baiters and doughs be come very soggy when cold other puddings such as those containing tapioca rice or cornstarch lend themselves to chilling dutch appse pudding recipe i cup butter u cup sugar 1 egg 23 cup milk 2 cups flour 3vi teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt 2 apples 1s tea spoon cinnamon 2 lb sugar method 1 cream the hutter add the sugar gradually 2 add the wellbeaten egg 3 mix and sift the flour caking powder salt i add the flour altermtely with the milk 5 spread in a wellgreased pan c wipe quarter core and pare apples cut in eighths 7 place apples on batter in rows pressing sharp edges into the batter 8 sprinkle with sug- ai and cinnamon mixed u bake in a moderate oven 30 to 40 minutes 10 serve hot with a pudding sauce method 1 melt the chocolate over hot water add the milk and crumbs very slowly and let stand until very soft 2 beat the egg slightly add sugar salt and milk mixture beat until very smooth 3 add butter and vanilla 4 pour into buttered baking dish ovenpoach surround the baking dish with wa ter to food level while baking until firm about 1 hour temperature 325 f caramel pudding recipe wi cups sugar brown or white cup boiling water 2 cups scalded milk 4 tb cornstarch vi tsp salt cup cold milk 1 egg j tsp vanilla method 1 melt sugar to a car amel add boiling water gradually cook until caramel is fairly thick 2 mix cornstarch salt and cold milk add gradually to hot milk in a dou- hle boiler 3 stir constantly and as mixture be gins to thicken add caramel 4 cook 45 minutes stirring at intervals of 10 minutes 5 add the well beaten egg cook 5 minutes longer g add the flavouring pour into a serving dish 7 chill serve with cream and sugar apple tapioca recipe 31 cup pearl tapioca zv cups boiling water vi tsp salt 0 or 7 sour apples whole cloves cup sugar method 1 soak tapioca several hours in enough water cold to cover 2 drain add boiling water and salt cook in double boiler until almost transparent 3 wipe core and pare apples stick two or more cloves in each 4 place in buttered baking dish fill centres with sugar 5 pout- tapioca over apples bake in moder ate oven till apples are soft c serve with sugar and cream learn tn dance yzf coin or fxtri ft wain stamps beplnncra t iurse al hume ew trmke nik in photicrapna write oept o vz 7f irof vaclion aht uux to station t montreal ladies aprons made i iicuulirttl patterns ot tub last mints two coverall styles one pmujirt tvic ciilnuis rose blue green lud mauve ellnw sizes small medium large o for 1 00 postpaid o x lambton textile company unbtoi illlls onta io this weeks winner banana rice ring lvi cups rice 4 bananas 1 table spoon cornstarch vz cup sugar 18 teaspoon salt u cup boiling water 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons butter t tablespoons lemon juice pack cooked hot rice in a ring on a platter and fill centre with raw sired bananas and pour over this the sauce mix cornstarch sugar and salt with little cold water and boil 5 minutes after adding the m cup hot water stirring constantly add beaten eggyolk cook one minute remove from heat and add butter and lemon juice serves 4 persons mrs lome raymer creemore ont attention send in your favorite recipe for pie cake maincourse dish or pre serves we are offering si 00 for each recipe printed how to enter contest plainly write or print out the ingredients and method and send it together with name and address to household hints room 421 73 west adelaide street toronto sales mount a toii ituiik mow to be come u hockey stur hyt p tommy gorman manafter and cii of the montreal maroons profusely mlus- nited sunt containing many valuable tip on how to play tin ilano ateu autographed pictures of great players trututltvit for frumittii gruip mutititil mannits tinu la ttuiuihtfiis itr triirlkif pctirr oft ifcimy nurltnut luil hnvnes l triitlirt marty hurry itius itliuitt iio kelly girl lltiiinjoa dave kvrr hobcraiio roy vurtts otis mirkrr ace lljuiey hon it morena art iraiour joliuiiy gacrwjni prank houelict witfcutl martv ittirlo oirjo mniit- alex lovinsky your choice of the above for a label from a tin of crown brand or lily white corn syrup write on the back your name and address plainly and tho words hockey book or tho uatneoj the picture you wont one book or picture for each label mail the label to tho address below edwaposburg crdwn brand corn syrup the famous energy food a product of tbecvnadastarcucompakyumltm toronto tj the figures continue steadily to climb over twentyfive million dol lars of new ordinary life insurance was sold in canada and newfound land last month according to re turns compiled by the life insu ancc sales research bureau and just published by the canadian life in surance officers association these sales we read which tre based on returns from nineteen companies having 90 percent of the business in force are exclusive of group in surance and of annuities and pension bonds august sales were as fol lows british columbia 2102000 alberta 1095000 saskatchewan 853000 manitoba 1440000 ontario 10143000 quebec 0835000 new brunswick 882000 nova scotia 1173000 prince edward lsl 109000 newfoundland 289000 halifax herald stop the presses rep lemke who ran for the presidency but not very far is now writing a book it will not explain how he was defeat ed but will deal with a subject with which he is only remotely connected money paul mallon washing ton columnist etbsee quick action iec home course with evekv stitlka instrument new nxmbkit system ico music play a tune in 20 minutes lowest prices ever guitars from 645 violim from 395 cornets from 1695 saxophones from 3900 accordion from 345 5000 instruments to choose from scni tor our ww rig muilcal instrument catalog the fjt titr cttcn free peate musical co ltd 14293133 mansfield st montreal po fredericton nb work of fighting the timberdestroying spruce sawfiy with parasites first under taken in new brunswick last sum mer has ended in the province for this year and will be resumed next spring distribution of parasites to check the sawfiy inroads efficiently will re quire several years said k e bakh entomologist in charge of the do minion forest insect laboratory here liberation of the parasites has been carried out on a more extensive scale in quebec although the sawfiy has done no great damage in new brunswick it become numerous enough to be a serious menace said mr balch the savlly has killed a large amount of spruce in the gaspe peninsula and during the past two or three years it has increased rapidly in numbers in new bruswick ho added the in sect first noticeable in this province in 1931 has caused considerable loss of foliage in central new brunswick new brunswick areas where the parasites were liberated this year in clude a section of the southwest mir- amischi country east of mcnamee youngs brook and stanley localities in the nashwaak region the grand river district east of st leonard the canaan river district near brookvale and the fredericton area along the hanwell road braid is smart new yokk even aged eggs may be hereditary according to prof h e botstord of th6 department of poultry husbandry of cornell uuiver- sit who spoke at the poultry indus tries exposition at the port of new yor authority building if the breakfast eggs skid and also spread a over the skillet dont al ways blame tho grccer or evea the hen it might be that those kind of cjjgs run in the hens family the preferred type of egg is that iitt an erect yolk surrounded by a comparatively white albumen prof boltsfod said these thick eggs ge nerally are produced by the same strains ot layers paternity is also a determining factor what happens with age an egg loses its thickness as its age increases the yolk and albumen ot a completely spoiled egg unify into a mixture without a well defined yolk or albumen eggs which consumers favor are generally of tho softer type and grow old more slowly the american poultryman prof botsford said is faced with strains of birds producing the wanted kind of eggs and eliminating the originators of the flat types frank nebcrsky 10 years old of lambertville nj is the best poul try boy ot the year he was given the title last week at the exposition and xeborsky earned 22ss with his 1200 chicks and coo laying hens that laid 655d dozens of eggs up with the chickens neborsky a student of agriculture at lambertville high school attends to his chickens before and after his school hours he is up every morning at 530 takes care of his chickens till s oclock and then has fifteen min utes to get ready to catch the school bus from c oclock until 8 he waters and feeds the chickens and cleans the coops from s oclock until bed time he does his school work alex seplowitz of windham high school in willimantic conn was also cited for his ability in caring for chickens the hen ot the year is a white leghorn bred by otto ruehle sons ot pleasant valley ny the leghorn laid 327 eggs four times her own weight in 365 days says 1937 will es trailer year practical and luxurvjus red flannels are now streamlined prickly warmth returns to mankind in uptodate fashion 3202 black novelty woven checked satinback crepe made this youth ful dress with gored swing skirt the swinging hem is accentuated by black braid trim this smart braid trim also completely covers the stand up collar that forms a cluster at the throat the bias lines of the basquelike bodice are flattering to women they hae a slimming effect on tho waistline the log omutton sleeves give the oldfashioned height to the shoulders crepe silk is stunning for this dress with sequin bands edging the swing skirt and collar threetone velvet ribbon outlining tho hem and neck is another fascinating trim again this model is delightful without any trim in velvet crepe or wool stylo no 3202 is designed for sizes 12 14 10 is years 30 3s and 40inciies bust size 10 re quires 4 3s yards of 39inch ma terial how to order patterns write your name and address plainly giving numbed and size of pattern wanted enclose 15c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 adelaide st w toronto ont wake up your liver bile- and youll jump out of bed in tho morning renin to go tho liver ahould pour oat two pounds pt liquid bilo into your bowels daily ix this bile is not flowinjr freely your food doesnt discs t it just decays in tho bowels cfts bloats up youratomach youfceteonitfpalcd harmful poisons ko into tho body and yon ted soar sunk and tho world looks punk a mere bowel movement doesnt ulways ret at tho cause you need something that works on the liver as welt it takes thoee rood old carters little liver pills to eet these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make ton feel op and up harmless and gentle they mako tho bile flow freely they do tho work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury la them aak for carters utuo liver phls by mmclstatbornlyrciamluiyuikctlao good clothes are not enough for the modern woman she must be sur rounded by lovely things and partic ularly docs she want them in her car for this reason women are choosing mohair velvet in neutral shades as interior trim it combines all the practical qualities of long- wear coolness soft pile and has the added advantage of being very lux urious looking neutral shades of mohair velvet which combine with any body colour chosen are very popular in the above photo the love ly lady congratulating herself on the choice of interior trim is wearing kolinsky and soft velvet combined to enhance the light and color of the satin frock beneath a most luxurious cloak of deep sapphire blue with its soft collar of rich brown kolinsky fur brings out the highlights of the iceblue satin dance frock the frock is given special piquancy by the touch of ruby brilliants in the belt ornament and in the bracelet and the becoming head wreath has ber ries of ruby color and silver silver cutout slippers and long iceblue gloves complete a striking tricolor favorite new york and vicinity has goro trailer if the tiailer manufacturers ever hid any doubt in their minds as to how the kastern part of the united states would accept tne trailer idea they had their answer at the national automobile show od- serves the ny heraldtiibune not only have the visitors to the palace filled tl e trailer exhibits on the fourth floor to the extent that lines i formed on the stairs to wait their i turn to get in and see these modern homes on chassis and from actual orders for rolling homes it was in dicated that almost as many trailers will be seen round metropolitan new york this summer as have noon seen in any section of the country these were small in sie but mighty comfortable and just big enough for a game of brmjje brilli antly lighted with modernistic light ing fixtures comfortable chairs and luxurious settees in which to lounge for an hour or two they hail demon strated to them how quickly the set tees and lounges could be converted into beds for the night they saw too the methods used to convert trailer space into lockers for clothes and extra space for any trip they might have in mind they marveled at the bathrooms with running hot and cod water and last but not least they saw each and every trail er equipped with the most economic al heating appliance ever put on the market tho visitors didnt just marvel and then go home they marveled and bought and not a single exhibitor missed on orders the main pot was when can i get one who looked at the trailers yeli the answer was seen in not only the young couples who came arm in arm but there was mr and mrs middle aged and even older folks the com pact housekeeping possibility at tracted their attention then too there was that trip south this winter the thought of following the sun south and then back again to th spring they saw all the modern con- viences from the small and compact cooking stoves the unique electric refrigerators the readily reached kitchen utensil compartments and above all the homelike living rooms the trailer industry is new and will stay new for some time to come predictions are made that 200000 trailers will be seen or the roads this year and that the industry will go over the 150000000 mark for 1937 it will give thousands of per sons work and put thousands of sales men to work britain prepares food control plan speeds defences boston word is received that a western knitting mill is offering up flannel underwear for men this sea son in the flaming hue of those in which brave fire laddies used to gal lop to the rescue in the days of yes teryear but even red flannel underwear must give concessions to the demands of the highspeed age says the tran script we are informed that the red flannels 1930 model are uptodate streamlined versions to suit the taste of the modern man the shirts have quarterlength sleeves and the draw ers instead of descending to give the ankles a soft embrace when blow the wintry winds come only to the knees here is a straw in the wind a backward step which paradoxically is h l french second secretary in forward a return to red flannels the ministrv 0 agriculture will he hangs nicely upon what daniel proh- 1 in c man dean of american theatrical pro- ducers said the other day mr froh- man says the stage soon is to slough i j off its slimy skin of sex and sin and s auacks w start ths m0 return to the romantic school of generation or more ago love is still the dominant theme of life mr fiohman avers lire will be sweeter when the thespian art has been purified those will bo the days or nights when gentlemen theatre goers will find their highest emo tions stirred by the triumph of chiv- london great britain speed ed up her defence against war last week by establishing a new food control and rushing gas mask pro- i duction walter kunciman president of the board of trade ordered the creation of a food defence plans de partment which will work in cooper ation with sir thomas inskip minis ter of coordination of defence this department will coordinate plans for the supply control and distribution of food for defence purposes production of 40000000 gas masks for civil defence against aerial be not unloving books like proverbs receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of ages through which they have passed sir william temple anne zukcr in the new york times the eyo of those who do not love are like a garden without a pool airy an dvirtue in tho prickly warmth i where sparrow oriole or finch of the streamlined red flannel under- 1 may bathe or drink the water cool wear i a pool where willows may lean to j weep twentythree bank of england a lol wherein the sky may sleep five pound notes weigh only one oh love be not unloving oimee i the eyes of tloe who have forgotten i love ate like deserted houses without light their windows sightless patien as the blind when dusk abandons them to night old houses falling into slow decay where life once lived where love once lay oh love be not unloving ie p writes mrs joseph render 1629 lillian street windsor ont your vegetable compound helped mo wonderfully slnco i started taking it i have no more pains or dizzy spells i feel well and strong now i eat well and sleep well and i can do all my work why dont you try this mcdl- cine 98 out of 100 women re port benefit get a bottle from your druggist today lydirfeipinkhams vegetable compound issue no 51 36 52 gentlemen prefer office brunettes brisbane queensland gent lemen may prefer blondes but busi- i ness men in queensland show a 1 marked preference for brunettes ac- 1 cording to statistics just completed i brunettes employers say adapt themselves better to office routine i and show greater powers of concen tration in brisbane some employers refuse to engage blondes tho prettypretty girl with doll- like behaviour they say is definitely not wanted unless her efficiency is unusual poisoned kidneys stop getting up nights to harmlessly flush poisons and tcid from kidneys and correct irri tation of bladder so that you can stop getting up nights get a 40- cent package of gold medal haar lem oil capsules and take as direct ed other symptoms of kidney and bladder weaknesses are scant burn ing or smarting passage backache leg cramps puffy eyes tombstones all men use them and save dollars manuiacturcr wants to introduce quickly singer de luxe razor blades new process latest type iiube edge fin est smoothest cutting edge none made better for all new and old doublo edge hasurs free samples will be mail ed on request send 10c to cover cost of packlng und posting direct sales dept wp post office bo 72 guelph on tar be leaf santa claus ho knowj every rollyourowner wants ogdens fine cut 2lbtin 75c in a cheerful christmas carton writes the saint john telegraps- journal this is a despatch from berlin tombstone are the latest objects of nazi coordination beginning with metropolitan cemeteries plain flat memorial slabs of one standard size will replace raised mounds and ornamental erections symbolic of the equality of mortals after death all graves shall be alike and priced alike joseph pertl the official in charge announced no pompous monuments no mixture of styles will be permitted to veil the majesty of death and this is from chicago frank lloyd wright famed archi tect urged the memorial craftsmen of america today to humanize the cemeteries humanize the burial places of your kin he tod tho craftsmens national convention if we are to be regimented while wc arc alive for gods sake give i- 100m enough to lie in gracefully separate and beautiful informal in arrangement when we are dead it is valuable to cempare ivo such opposite views in favor of both of which there is a great deal to be said al know the impressive giufdour of j military cemetery where the bodies of officers and men lie marked in precisely the same manner all know equally the sentimental chord that is ttinclt when a monument to some body betrays evidence of tea affec tionate remembrance of somebody left behind all have felt the pathos of graves so indciated as t give the immession of a detaihjil nd indet system all must ometimor have shuddered at the ptentiom lack of uile displayed by those who erect elaborate memorial plainly esiiicd to glorify the inheritors of the bead persons fortune it is not easy especially in time of sorrow to view this question dispas sionately and impersonally few can attain the unique distinctiveness snd simplicity of a grave and memorial such as cecil rhodes planned for himself in the matoppos hills some thing between the berlin and chi cago ideas seems to be indicated not that kind of a marriage toledo ohio a few minutes after he obtained his marriage li cense a prospective bridegroom rushed back this isnt the kind i want he expostulated i intend to stay mar ried permanently clerks looked puzzled he pointed to tho sentence good for 30 days

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