Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 6, 1936, p. 6

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magic stones seem to change the luck of childless couples a camera sets type i fifty years ago the liaotype mach- tokonto dr a ko da lne bet ana cast the first of type foe recently told the advertising in a newspaper office the invention and sales club of toronto that marked the greatest advance in the callanders magic stones supposed printing since the d s of gutenberg to change the fortunes of childless scores of attempts had been made to couples continue in demand and set ordinary foundry type letters nie- we have a man in our back yard chanlcally not one was good enough whose chief job is breaking up stones to interest practical printers then to keep a box full of hopeful visitors requests tor the stones have come from all parts of the world its funny remarked the physician but a umber of childless couples who came up last year ac tually came back this year with children the doctor said the quintuplets arent such a gamble in their early life if a firm advertised that they ate a certain food and the ba bies had died rival firms could have said look at what happens to babies that eat so and sos food but now theyre old enough for any mishap to be blamed on other things than food the little callander physician let it be known the quintuplet have had a spanking although ive had my doubts about procedure sometimes ive seen marie put back to bed as many as 71 times before she stayed there he said were trying to bring the babies up as an example to nil mothers of what can be done we use only foods that every mother can altord we have the big advantage of hav ing no dissensions between mother and father and other fond but dis agreeing relatives now 5 per cent 5000 cana dians benefit by new ottawa action ottawa good news for 5000 borrowers from the canadian farm loan board was announced by fin ance minister crerar recently in the reduction of the interest rate to five per cent those who had borrowed prior to october 12 1931 on first mortgage have been paying at the rate of 6m per cent and those bor rowing between october 12 1934 and may 22 1935 paid at the rate of 5m per cent effective as from july 31 193g all first mortgage loans will bear the rate of five per cent which has been in effect on loans negotiated since may 22 1935 finance minister dunning has completed arrangements for refin ancing at a reduced cost to the board of outstanding bonds issued by the board previous to 1935 and held by the dominion government this refinancing was completed on july 1 enabling the government to pass the saving along to the borrow ers who continued to pay interest at the high rates in effect in the earlier years of the boards operations approximately 10000000 in out standing loans will be affected by the interest reduction some of them go ing back to the start of the boards operations in 1929 primarily the farm loan board operated only in those provinces in which the provincial government en acted supplementary legislation on tario saskatchewan and prince ed ward island did not come under the act during the session of 1935 the act was amended in such a manner that its benefits were thrown open to farmers in every province regardless of provincial statute and the amount available for lending purposes was increased from 20000000 to 90- 000000 the federal government look over the entire responsibility from the provinces the total amount of loans now outstanding is approxi mately 20000000 reports ie will tour canada after his coronation london rumors in court cir cles have it that the king may visit canada and possibly the united states after the coronation next year it is saii she king wouid go to ot tawa and then to his favorite ei ranch in alberta returning via new york travelling as the duke of lan caster the story goes his majesty would stop with friends on long is land where he visited rs the prince of wales and would make a cour tesy call on the president official sources in london and ottawa raid they had no knowledge of reported plans for a visit to can ada and the united states by his majchy came ottmar mergenthaler with the bold idea ot a machine which would make its own type and cast it not let ter by letter but line by line faster and cheaper composition better print ing a new dress or type tor each job were the immediate gains in a mcrgethalcr linotype machine the compositor operates r keyboard much like that ot a typewriter as ho plays upon the keys brass matrices fall out of a magazine and arrange themselves into lines ot words whlcn are automatically justified each ma trix carries a sunken letter when a lino of matrices is complete molten lead is mechanically forced against it thus a whole line ot raised letters is east the matrices are then lifted automatically to ihe lop oi the mach ine sorted out mechanically and re turned to their proper channels in the magazine to be used over again in the old days a newspaper or a book was printed directly from type today fast printing of large editions especially of newspapers and maga zines demands additional steps cop per electrotypes are made from the cast type and from these magazines aro printed in newspaper offices the page of type locked together in a chase is pressed into thick pulpy pa per to form a mat in which the let ters are sunk molten lead is poured upon the mat by machine to form a stereotype and it is from stereotype plates that newspapers are printed on fast web presses in addition to this relief metbod ot printing there aie also the planogra- phic and intaglio processes in the planosrapliic process both printing and nonprinting surfaces are on the same plane but the type mat ter is photographed and then fixed as a fatty image which repels water but holds ink in the intaglio the type matter is photographed on and etched below in ihe plate surface flood the plate with n then wipe it clean and ink re mains in the sunken letter press a paper against the plate and the ink in the recesses is literally sucked out and the result is readable print on paper evidently much time and money could be saved if the steps between typsetting and printing could be re duced in number so at least a score of inventors have turned to photogra phy suppose printed letters were as sembled into lines of words ail in the black and white suppose that a pho tograph were made of these lines suppose that a photolithograph or photoengraving on zinc or copper were made from this we would have a printing plate one that could be el- eetrotyped if need be assuming that the original copy has been correct ed for typographical and other eirors there would lie no need of piocif- icading the latest and to the commentator the simplest and most promising ot all these efforts to do away with the type easting is that of samuel i s friedman and dr otto l bloom if these two inventors seem to be more practical than their predecessors it is because they have adapted the mergenthaler machine to make the necessary photographs look at the friedmanbloom ma chine as it is disclosed in a recently granted patent and you see the famil iar keyboard the familiar magazine in which the matrices are contained and the familiar matrices themselves but the matrices carry not the usual engraved letter but a letter in black and white through the operation of the key board in the usm1 way a lino ot ma trices is assembled and justified in stead of a lead easting device there is a camera tho assembled letters are photographed line by line on a length of film by moving the camera back ward or forward the typo can bo re duced or enlarged to any reasonable size several hundred lines can be set up on a continuous roll of film by inter posing special screening various let ter designs and backgrounds can also ho incorporated something now im possible with any type or linecasting machine from the final roll of film a photolithograph or photoengraving is made the rest ol the printing pro cess remains what it is off on motorboat trip across atlantic what she thought she lay in her wicker carriage alooking at the skies the hood was sonn where the sun was in her eyes peihaps she was a thinking im sure that babies do how would you like n bibpin asticking into you how would you like some lac things asewed on to your cap and tight so tight by some one you couldnt take your nap how would you like a lig strap astrapped across of you i know you wouldnt like it c h j cry thats what youd do t2 the arielle gofoot motorboat in wnicn durandcouppel de sant front inset french marine painter known as marion marie is attempting to cross atlantic alone pictured leaving new lork on daring journey woman of 105 makes 200mile motor trip then crochets a bit rochester ny arriving well enough to do a bit of crochet ing before supper mrs mary jane bushey 10g recently completed a 200mile motor trip from her home in ogdensburg she came to attend the funeral of her son edward one of her 11 children live of whom are still liv ing mrs bushey dos her own house work maintains her reputation for fine sewing crocheting and quilting deafness is her only handicap she acquired that at the age of 98 when she rescued a man from a river born in quebec mrs bushey still regards french as her mother tongue after 90 years in this country she says her prayers in french young net champion dr bruce and party pay visit to dionne quintuplets north bay ont north bay was the first place visited on a tour of northern ontario which took lieut governor dr h a bruce mrs bruce and their son maxwell as far north as moosonee on james bay the stop in north bay was brief while here the party made a trip to the dafoe nursery near callander where they were received by dr a it dafoe and presented to the di onne juintuplets speaking at a civic reception in north bay dr bruce paid tribute to the work of dr dafoe the fact that the quintuplets are alive today stands as a tribute to th worth of a sound program of ordered existence backed by sound scientific knowledge he said admitting she felt a thrill at ac tually seeing the babies mrs bruce said she had long looked forward to the visit she marvelled at the pa tience of dr dafoe with the child ren this is mrs bruces farthest north trip although she has visited sault ste marie while the party was at the dafoe nursery mayor w g bullbrook visited mr and mrs oliva dionne at their farm homo and extended felicitations on behalf of the vice regal party ancient scourge new ways of showing sizz ling love have super seded the clinch comments the new york times a news item about leprosy is an oddity these days the scourge of the middle ages has been confined largely to the tropical and sub tropical sections of asia and afri ca where dampness is combined with heat but there are still esti mated to be some 2000000 suffer ers methods have changed greatly in caring for the dread disease which eats away skin or nerves or both in medieval times persons suspected of carrying the contagion were treated with superstitious abhor rence often they were forced to live in the forests wearing bells to warn the healthy often too per sons suffering from simple skin ail ments were segregated with real le pers lepiosy is now understood to be a bacterial disease healing injec tions have been devised and lepro- sariums are undertaking the func tion of curing the infection in its early stages rather than serving merely as egregation centres for hopeless incurables uninfectious cases are distinguished and the pa tients released shoe industry is keeping in time essential for a woman know how to care for shoes to boston the greatest revolu tion in fashion design since the whalebone corset was relegated to the scrapheap has occurred in the shoe industry within the past two years according to miss ruth h kerr fashion adviser miss kerr an authority on style trends says this revolution is due to the discovery that shoes designed specifically to compli ment the natural contours of the hu man foot contribute materially to the general smartness of a womans appearance in place of the exaggerated nar row toe of a few years ago and the still more fantastic needle to of the 90s we now have nature lasts shoe sculptors have found the proportion of the human foot is in the direct relation to the proportion of the in dividual measurements of the body the problem therefore has been to bring the individual foot be it long or short wide or narrow into con formity with current style trends the long narrow foot that used to be admired because it was aris tocratic is not always the fashion able foot today she explained short vamps lower heels all are part of the stylists scheme to bring the shoe into relation to the rest of the costume it is essential for a woman to know how to take care of her shoes the first step in shoe care is to place the shoe on a tree immediately it is removed from the foot the second step is to choose the correct cleaner for the type of leather lady astors frankness observes the windsor star i like being rich 1 wish i had inore money lady astor told mr ar thur greenwood when the two cross ed swords in the britub house of cmmons during a debate on unem ployment whether they admit it or not there are few people who are not of the same mind as the wellknown woman parliamentarian quits true some persons have more money than they need but it is useless to launcn a continuous attack against them because of pure jealousy agitators and those who decree the rich on every possible occasion would not be adverse to having a lot of currency in their own pockets most of us would be glad to possess more than we have even though we arc able to live comfortably money may be the root of evil but the majority of natural beings are willing to take a chance it was to be expected that lady astor would stir the feelings of mr greenwood and other labor mem bers in the house hut they admired her frankness when she expressed the wish she might have mor money york a baldwin uniform lionized by mexicans patricia canning new 11-year- old junior girl tennis champion of the state of washington pic tured after her victorious light for title in seattle she defeated virginia wolfcnden of san fran cisco gi g2 patricia who lives in alameda cat is one of the youngest champions ever crown ed in the 1g years of the annual meet war must be debunked its horror impressed consistently on men and women no intelligent person will want to enter into it knowing what it means sherwood eddy each generation has a different problem if tho rules aro not changed fast enough and in tho right direc tion tho game eventually breaks up in a riot henry a walace right conduct is essentially bound up with truth j b s haldane hollywood kissing is be coming a lost art in the niqvies nowadays even the longest and most lyrical cinema love story has has an irreducible minimum of kisses in the total footage seldom more than four usually less this contrasts sharply with tho adolescent ago of hollywood when a picture that came along with fewer than 15 epidermal collisions was considered practically a travelogue oldtime directors contrived to have tho heroines makeup dismantled about three time per reel but there are only two kisses in 11 reel- of the lost horizon four in 12 reels of anthony adverse two in 10 reels ot rhythm on the range and four in romeo and juli et to name just a few of the newer eplcs directors have two answers for the decline and fall of osculation in the old days the only way they had of showing that man and a wo man were sizzling with attraction was to throw them into a clinch a direc tor said but with the passage of the years a whole list of different ways to get over tho same thought has accumulated thats one thing the other is the censor the real period of sufficient pro duction and adequate distribution is ahead of us henry ford selfsacrifice to be heroic must be a voluntary sacrifice and a deliberate sacrifice a a mllnc winnipeg tribune not so long since the publication of a newspaper picture of stanley baldwin in a naval uniform gave rise to the question whats his rank in a seagoing sense it was explain ed that he was an elder brother of trinity house what is trinity house to many people thats a question they could not answer or could answet only vaguely nevertheless the guild fraternity or brotherhood of the most glorious and undivided trin ity and of st clement in the parish of deptford strand is the oldest guild of mariners in bri ain prob ably in the world actually though not formally the guili would seem to have been founded in the 12th century to pre vent wrecking and pillage of vessels on the english coast and tc help shipwrecked sailors and to provide beacons henry viii gave the present trinity house its charter in 1514 today it provides pilots breaks up wrecks dangerous to shipping builds and maintains the lighthouses light ships fog signals wireless direction al stations and beacons and buoys along about 2400 miles of the eng- iih coast city child eleanor graham in the new times i am a city child i know no name for these small snowy blossoms that i touch in reverence and love expect no shame from me because my knowledge is not such that i can call the birds or name the stars or speak familiarly about the crops or choose the fruit you want from unmarked jars i cannot tell your barley from your hops but i can love your flowers and your grain and watch the wings of birds that swoop and dart and i can let your piercing points of rain run gentle daggers deep into my heart oh i can love the beautiful and wild although i am an alien city child laboratory side of zoology offers news profession to women charming senorita susana del rio usher designated queen of the lions club of mexico will grace the southern republics del egation to lions convention at providence it i dogs play important pari in games of little princesses london great britains little princesses elizabeth and mar garet rose were excited recently over the possibility they might be allowed to peep in at king edwards reception in buckingham palace the two daughters of the duke and duchess of york regard the re ception as an important part of their lives which also includes dogs and dolls and horses and penquins there arc lots of dogs at wind sor and they play important roles in the games of the princesses who stand second and third in the lino of succession to the throne they inherit their fondness for i looking through new york when gloria hol- lister the yellowhaired gifl who has been nearer the floor of the ocean than any other living woman came back not long ago from the zoologi cal expedition she headed to british guiana south america she an nounced that nothing exciting had happened thats all in the point of view however miss hollister bred to adventure thinks little of travelling over hundreds of miles of jungle some of it never before seen by a white man in a onemotor plane thezoologist who though still in her twenties is a member of the new york zoological society said the rainy season began early this year so we hurried our studies in order to save several thousand feet of film and photographs from being ruined by rain and dampness we studied and photographed birds ani mals and indians since we could see only a short distance ahead of us when travelling in the jungle on foot i found reconnaissance by an airplane invaluable in gaining a general knowledge and picture of the area once when the party of 20 ivs- travelling by boat on a lonely rivor they discovered on wakening on boat had been sunk by the heavy torrents and heavy rains in the night but it was raised and the party continued its journey miss hollister whose expedition was conducted under the auspices of the new york zoolgoicnl society is heartily in favor of her profes sion as a womans work mimsy the labrador and the rest of zoology is an excellent field for their fury playmates girls especially the laboratory side many of their games centre she said around a miniature house a giftj to princess elizabeth on her sixth birthday which has a thatched roof and is completely equipped with ev erything that a model home should have as befits the younger princess margaret rose is the more active why cow drinks a cow must drink large quantities of water because 87 of every 100 pounds of milk she produces is water thus a cow producing 20 pounds of milk daily will require about seven gallons of water when she fails to drink enough production drops herds receiving liberal quantities of drinking water at moderate tempera tures are more profitable than those insufficiently supplied water must be raised to 99 degrees before it can be used in the animal body this requires feed that cannot be used in milk production furthermore very cold water although available in suf ficient amounts will not be consume i by the cow beyond her absolute needs oklahoma juries comments the wall street jour nal afer waiting an unreasonably long time for a jury verdict in sev eral cases an oklahoma city judge in garden romps rincess elizabeth got an idea he had comfortable is rapidly approaching an age of chairs removed from the jury room dignity and discretion having pass- 1 and substitucd hardseated ones for ed her 10th birthday last april j them then he timed his jurymen princess margaret rose will have and found they reached verdicts av- a birthday on august 21 when she erasing an hour less time than bo- will he six years old and these days fore deciding to keep up the good are much colored with anticipation work he took out even the hard- of what the anniversary will bring seated chairs and made the jurymen forth i stand while deliberating that cut the younger princess likes other down the time still more creatures almost as much as dogs j the j last move was t0 nai penquins for instance she also iown ul0 w causing the air longs for a pony of her own prin- to sta jn verv sll0 timc cess elizabeth already has a pony re deliberating lime princess margaret rose gave of thc jun stii further early evidence of keen interest in animals at thc age of three when a fairytale book many successes are iluc to the pre- dogs from their father the duke with the duchess of york she came sence ot mind with which the vigilant of york who is something of nn to a picture of a dragon and ex- observer knew how to seize thc op- expert in canine matters and from claimed look mummy what a portunity offered by luck andre whose kennels come jane thc corgi darling little loch ness monster maurols

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