Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 6, 1936, p. 5

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stouffville ontario thursday august 6th 1936 town topics ladies bicycle for sale in good condition sacrifice ror 10 can be seen at mrs alex scotts residence for sale oak bedroom suite and springs complete also kitchen table apply at frank ltaes church st e a tlrubin ko optometrist and optician will be at his oltice in stounville on monday and tuesday august 10th and 11th mr and mrs c stokes have re turned home to mount albert after attending the funeral of mrs stokes brotherinlaw john it hoover altona they also spent a few days with mrs stokes sister mrs john watson on the 10th con cession markham mrs w e tidy left for camp near gravenhurst on friday being taken north by lambert malloy mr and mrs tidy and family after ten years residence in stouffville will locate in toronto after their holiday ends they will occupy a residence on st george street which mrs tidy recently inherited some day they may return to stouffville when we will again welcome them as valu ed citizens and good neighbors to rent six roomed available august 15th miss tlue mansion house house valen- the tribune would appreciate the names of- your visitors this holiday season or a report on your trip whether you live in the village or in the district of stouffvlle mr and mrs j a mckitrick of greeubank and miss stella mccomb toronto have been visiting with mr and mrs jos wiuterstein miss mccomb is an employee in the dept of welfare parliament buildings under hon mr croll it does pay mrs wes head way advertised three articles for sale including a kitchen stove in the last issue of the tribune on the day of publication all three were sold and the corner druggist says we could have sold four or five stoves for they kept enquiring after we had disposed of everything mr and mrs isaac boadway mrs d mcconnochie and master bobbie have returned from a motor trip to barrie and victoria harbour in the simcoe county capital mr and mrs boadway stopped with their son and daughter while mrs david mcconnochie enjoyed a stay with her sister mrs noseworthy who re sides siix miles from the town at the village of colwell the party later went on to victoria harbour to see rev and mrs moleod in camp there they also spent some time with mr roadways grandson george graham who has a service station at severn ten miles from the harbour the entire journey was made without mishap and was enjoyed by our veteran townsman who does not mind driving his car on long trips even though he is 7s years of age miss ruth curtis who recently returned from daytona beach florida is holidaying in town at the homo of mr and mrs f c itowbotham miss curtis reports keen activity in the building trade on the east coast where she winter ed the weather the past season like all southern points was much cooler than usual public buildings should always be kept in order and made to look attractive if only to set a good ex ample to the private property own er we have been amazed that something of a protest has not been filed against the condition of the grounds in front of our public library building the condition of the grass is bad but added to this the place is forever littered with papers cigarette boxes and choco late bar papers recently a drain was repaired right in front of the building and a mound of earth was left that has stood all summer without being put back into place probably our library board are all away on holidays hence nothing caa be done about these untidy premis es but it was a mistake not to en gage a caretaker who would keep the grounds of this public building as they ought to be kept the cost would be small as the whole area is but a few square feet mr e m still commenced his holidays this week and will spend them with his family at his cottage on caledon lake mr h m bell is acting manager canadian bank of commerce during mr stills absence a contract has been let to mr lud hoover for the erection of two 40- foot high solos on the farms of mr george rodaazat ringwood they are being built on the miller and timbers acreage work is now underway this week mr and mrs bert llcorish and family are camping at venelon falls being an expert in the raising and feeding of gold fish for the local company mr llcorish will no doubt know how to tickle the palates of the finny tribe in the streams about fenelon falls k g tarr and wife were in markham village saturday evening joining in greetings being extended to mrs thos cocksworth on the occasion of her 82nd ibirthday the aged lady now a resident of arma dale for long years lived near cedar grove after spending three weeks with friends in michigan mr and mrs nathan forsyth returned last thursday they found the intense heat wave very trying as they were in the midst of it travelling by train in michigan listen to the band free sunday evening band concerts until september 6 with frank busseri and his orchestra dancing every evening frank busseris music prices midveek 33c plus tax sat kol 50c plus tax cedar beach dance gardens genuine values certainly 1936 is proving to be a great year for family reunions never were so many held in this section of the province and the out break seems general throughout ontario there is an old saying to the effect that a man can get along without neighbors at last relatives are being more appreciated and are proving somewhat interesting mapl leaf dairy clayt baker proprietor phone 16503 g miss mammie smith of toronto was in town on civic holiday dr tf and mrs campbell gait were with mr and mrs t b rae over sunday mrs chas ward and family obrien ave are holidaying at georgetown with her parents mr and mrs h a sanders and family spent the holiday at jack sons point lake simcoe mrs henry vanzant has gone to toronto for a short vacation miss jennie mccallum is in tor onto with relatives for a time since the demise of her sister there the strict observance of lawn hose hours 6 to 8 pm by most all who are entitled to their use is a gratifying thing it assures fewer or no general shutdown orders and still retains ample water tor fire protection any infractions of the bylaw should be reported to con stable quibell in the interest of all property owners the canadian amateur swimming association has released figures showing that more people lost their lives by drowning in canada last year than in motor vehicle acci dents the comparative figures are drowning 3201 motor vehicles 2650 the danger of swimming without proper knowledge of the art or without exercising due care can not easily be overemphasized in quoting the first two lines of the burial of moses in the litera ture paper of the recent entrance examination a candidate who must have been from bruce or grey was evidently more familiar with georgian bay than the jordan river where the arabs are busy taking pot shots at the police and jews these days for instead of quoting the first two lines correctly he or she wrote by nebos lonely mountain on this side georgian bay mr tim forsyth of toronto was the guest of his sister mrs hugh boyd over sunday mrs d c smith and miss greta are holidaying in muskoka staying at gregory mr and mrs w a gone to keswick for stay quantz have a two weeks dr neil smiths dental office will be closed during the first two weeks of august mr and mrs arnold hennessey of oshawa spent a portion of their holidays in town staying with her parents mr and mrs hugh boyd messrs h c pennock and s h cockburn toronto spent civic holiday weekend at lakeview house jacksons point mr and mrs richard ward blake street and mrs hugh anderson edward street spent sunday with mr and mrs percy stover at brooklin position wanted a lady trained nurse capable of taking full charge of refined home or children furnish ing every qualification and highest references in town only answer in care of this office smokers should be extra carefui not to throw lighted matches or cigarette ends carelessly to the ground everything is so dried out that a fire is easily started a truck er drove into a farmers yard just west of town the other day and threw a cigarette butt on the ground it scorched a large area before it was noticed and this happened close to the big barn other instances are also related to us grass fires start from the slight est cause hence it is little wonder that the hon mr mcquesten is call ing a note of warning to smokers and others ford standard coupe 1935 ford delux fordor radio heater 1934 ford delux tudor 1934 ford tudor 1932 ford victoria coupe 1931 durant special coupe rurrible 1931 ford tudor 1930 ford cabriolet 1930 chevrolet coach 1929 chrysler coach 1928 2 ford 2 ton trucks 157 wheelbase 1934 2 for 1 12 ton trucks 131 wheelbase 1930 ford 1 12 ton truck 1929 ford 34 ton light delivery truck 1929 fordson tractor 1927 3 tractor plows 2 furrow also a number of other good reconditioned cars at bargain prices d f holden dealer stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120 camp and holiday suppl tes we outfit campers from tent to everything that goes to make a holiday either in camp or by motor car a thing of pleasure fishing- tackle flash light camp stove for testing or to carry in your car camp couch easy to carry on the journey in good rugged tenting material that withstands the sun or rain scores of other holiday necessities for the car in over night stopping and for the cottage brathwaite hardware the night before he was to leave fergus on his way to vimy one of the fergus veterans lost the money that was to take him on the trip but as it was in tne form of travel lers cheques it was expected that it could ibe recovered so he secured other money and went with the rest of the old soldiers a few days after he had gone his wife found the money in the pocket of an old coat and sent her husband a wire to ease his mind and enable him to enjoy the balance of the pilgrimage frank mowder is putting on a coat and an overcoat of paint to the largest building in town the school house the trustees care taker and teaching staff all take a live interest in keeping up the good appearance of the building and grounds until it ts a matter for commendation from many outsiders who pass this way stouffville school building is one of the finest rural schools in ontario and works as it were from the ability of the staff to the general attractiveness of the building grounds and their ideal situation thos drewery of lemonvllle when in the office of the tribune declared on saturday that he could not recall another summer when the local district suffered so much from heat and drought mr drewery has lived in the district for 50 years his father came to markham from madoc apd toronto he was attracted to this section by a chum of old country acquaintance one williamson grandfather of frank on church street our lemonvllle citi zen thos drewery will be 81 years old on the 15th of august he still does a good days work and his mind is in excellent shape with a great capacity tor remembering de tails of happening a over half a century after september 15th an ordin ary gun license such as is issued by the department of game and fisheries will not permit a person to carry a highpowered rifle in the bush not even a 25 unless he has a deer or moose hunting license and that in the open season this regula tion comes as a result of a tighten ing up of ontarios game and fish laws under an act recently passed game wardens all over ontario have been instructed to enforce the new law rigorously as the one final check on those who deliberately go about shooting out of season a gun lic ense in the future will permit a man to carry only a 22 rifle or a shot gun while going through the ibush markham bowlers carriedoff first prize at the civic holiday mixed tournament here monarch park second high payk tlrfrd and the redoubtable gordonlemon taking tho only prize of five local rinks entered in all eighteen rinks were in the contest the womens insti tute had charge of the tables serv ing supper and refreshments to all who cared to enjoy their splendid culinary arrangements next sunday evening the local baptist church and the christian congregational ibody will be the only church agencies in operation with a regular service the united church evening service is cancelled for august and on sunday the mennonite church will close all day in favor of the stayner camp meeting which many of the locals attended no doubt the church at corner of obrien ave will be able to accommodate our depleted sun day population ana will gladly do so or if you wish travel east to the christian edifice aside the activity at the bowling greens on monday civic holiday was observed like a sabbath day of rest in stouffville with the heat registering around 94 many saw a real opportunity to close themselves indoors until the wave had passed around 4 qclock fortunately there was a breeze all day the seemingly one and only topic or greeting heard was on the weather and prolonged dry spell the picture theatre pro vided entertainment for many in the evening while scores were content to occupy verandas and enjoy the re freshing coolness for which the last few evenings have been outstand ing as compared to the heat of the midday the stouffville bowling club have salved the water problem for the local greens orders to cease the use of lawn hose will have no terrors for the enthusiasts of the green for they have completed the installation of an independent system drawing their supply of moisture from the creek 300 feet from tho greens a 3 hp motor docs tho pumping and throws a two inch stream from the hose in addition to having an unlimited supply of water tho particular type of fluid seems to have a much more bene ficial effect on the grass than the cold hard water from the domestic system this is the second inde pendent system linked with tho creek for lawn use dr ira freel having a similar outfit installed and which accounts for the refresh ing green lawns noout his large main street residence mr and mrs e j davey accompanied by mr and mrs honeyford and daughter of palmer- ston motored up through muskoka last week calling on friends at big bay point then on to gravenhurst bracebridge pt sydney huntsville burks falls and callander where they saw the famous dionne quints they proceeded to north bay and lake timagami stopping at cabins and hotels they found tho finest accommodation and courtesy in the north country and everything looked fine and prosperous several rain storms were encountered the cober reunion held at kitchener on monday was attended by 400 or 500 people a number of whom were from stouffville district mr and mrs nelson w byer and family were in attendance also mr and mrs jess cober of town j mr and mrs edw byer 8th con cession markham returning home in tho evening the local electrician reports encountering a terrific rain storm in the neighborhood of wood- bridge cars by the dozen were halted on tho roadside and wore un able to go again because the rain had dampened the electrical mechan ism it was one of the heaviest rains i have encountored in years mr byer told the tribune fly preparations protect your stock and house hold from the fly nulsccnco we self bells extract fly killer aeroxon fly colls fly tox tins and sprayers fly swatters wilsons fly pads tanglefoot stlckey fly pads whiz and flit special wo prepare a good reliable livestock spray price per imperial gallon without container 85c bo ad w ays drug store stouffville w boadway phm b quality service binder twine 600 ft 50 lbs 430 650 ft 50 los 480 600 ft 100 lbs 860 650 ft 100 lbs 960 wo have twine on hand the year through we consider this our service to the user besides this our price for high quality twine is below other twine dr hess fly spray kills flies in the stable protects cows in the pasture imperial gallon 90c prevents warbles king bug killer the more often used the greater the returns use king bug killer tor all purposes we have a stock of all insecticides on hand our stock u manufactured by the niagara brand spray co stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville out stock and implements a quantity of household furniture including quilts bedding and all household articles used implements 3 riding plows wagon top buggy 3 mowers disc harrows binder second hand cream separator parts ten horses for sale agent for international harvester co fleury sons peter hamilton beatty bros ltd o k canadian potato machinery co universal lightning rod co s a lister melotte cream separator co frank baker real estate handled phone 15204 ou to those who walk rllatj d say a wwdtoifou we all know that it takes at least two to make an accident you need never be one such person if you try courtesy and walk with full regard for the motorist and his problem of driving a ton of machinery in previous messages i have been appealing to motorists to try courtesy when they drive for their own sakes as well as for yours today i am appealing to you pedestrians to try courtesy for your own sakes as well as for that of the motorist let us remember that a motor car is a big heavy piece of moving machinery weighing a ton or more and that to stop it or speed it up instantly is seldom pos sible you on the other hand as a pedestrian can stop or move more quickly on the instant so when you are walking on the same thoroughfare as the one on which the motorist is driving try courtesy cross the streets with the green signal or if there is none cross at a reasonably smart walk refrain from jaywalking for this reason motorists drive their cars according to what they expect the traffic immediately around them to do and they dont expect pedestrians to go jaywalking cross at the crossings where the motorists expect you to cross and for which the motorist makes allowances by slowing down when walking at night where there is no sidewalk carry a flashlight or wear a light garment which the headlights of the oncoming motor car will pick up courtesy on foot as well as courtesy at the wheel is the mark of a true gentleman i appeal to you to try courtesy and set a good example which will make our city streets and country highways safer foe everyone sincerely yours 3 amuhuk minister of highways province of ontario thy courtesy it adds to the pleasure of driving ii rw

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