Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 16, 1936, p. 7

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christmas will be mondays sn proposed calendar plan ivestock plans we have a very awkward calen dar observes the halifax chronicle the earth takes 3c5i days to go roun 1 the sun hence the year cannot be exactly divided the history of the calendar is interesting roman em perors taking liberties with it to en hance their own notation rather than benefit the people who were governed by it for many years ef forts have been made at refor n but without avail now a move t is on foot which has very wide adher ents in many countries which urges through the league of nations to bring about a reform of the calen dar which would benefit all people the suggestion which has received most favor is to preserve 12 months as at present but to make the num ber of days in each quarter equal thus january would begin on sun day january to hive 31 days febru ary 30 anil march 0 and so with the three months of each quarter the first month to have 31 days the sec ond 30 and the third 30 this would make 311 days for the year to get the extra day between december 30 and january 1 an extra day would be added which would be observed as an international holiday by this means the calendar would always be the same the year would always begin on a sunday christmas would always fall on jlonday holi days would fall on the same date each year and each month would have exactly the same number of working days namely 20 the extra day on leap year would be taken care of by inserting the extra day between june 30 and july 1 and ob serving it also as an international holiday the business days of any one year would thus be exactly the same for any other year and account ing would be so much an easier busi ness the first year on which january 1 falls on a sunday is the year 1939 it would not occur again until 1950 hence the desire to reach unanimity of opinion and secure action by janu ary 1939 when the change could be brought about without disturbance london sir philip sassoons proud claim that the equipment of britains expanded air force will be second to none in the world is justified by the extraordinary quality of the new warplanes that are now- emerging from behind the curtain of official secrecy among the aircraft listed for assembly in the new type aircraft park at ilendon on the oc casion of the royal air force dis play are fighters and bombers of as tounding abilities fighters faster than airplanes in the world except a very few racers and bombers cap able of carrying immense loads n great speed over many hundreds of mlics five days ago a demonstration of six types of airplanes designed and built by the vickers and supermarine companies amply confirmed the im pression of high technical quality made by earlier revelations about machines that will form the future armament of service squadrons three of the aircraft a single- beater fighter and two bombers are especially notable for flying perfor mance and the use of novel methods of construction the fighter is the supermarine spitfire i a lowwing monoplane powered with a rolls- royce merlin 12cylindcr liquid- cooled engine it is the fastest war- plane in the world capable of a speed considerably higher than 300 mph it docs not carry so heavy load as the hawker monoplane fighter which lso exceeds 300 miles an hour both the spitfire and the hawker mono plane have been ordered in quantity for the equipment of fighter squa drons of the royal air force designed by mr r j mitchell who designed the racing seaplanes that secured great britain in per manent possession of the schneider trophy by a series of smashing vic tories over the best foreign machines the new fighter is a beautifully streamlined craft with a highly polished stressed metal skin a re- tractible undercarriage diminishes head resistance in flight wing flaps enable the machine to glide in steeply and land comparatively slowly equally notable is the new vick ers twinengined bomber constructed on the geodetic system invented by mr u n wallis and developed by him in conjunction with the vickers company during the past four years ths is a midwing monoplane de riving power from two bristol po- jjasus aircooled radial engines in flight the undercarriage units retract into recesses at the rear of the en gine nacelles in united kingdom agricul ture chief outlines proposals london eng walter elliott minister of agriculture in a recent statement outlined the governments permanent proposals for safeguard ing the livestock industry in the un ited kingdom he said the government intended to proceed on the basis of a regu lated market with the maximum sup plies for consumers consistent with a reasonable level of remuneration for producers the government desires that the responsibility for securing stable market conditions should be assumed by the producers of various coun tries to this end it proposes an empire meat council representative of the united kingdom and other empire countries and an interna tional meat conference representa tive of the united kingdom empire and foreign countries it is proposed that the aggregate exports and imports of frozen and chilled beef and meat equivalent to fat cattle during the next three years should not exceed recent lev els the government proposes also that united kingdom producers of fat cattle should have a subsidy not exceeding 5000000 about 25- 000000 annually parliament will be invited immed iately after the summer recess to pass legislation providing for cus toms duties on imported chilled froz en and other descriptions of beef and veal from foreign countries it is not proposed however that there should be duties on imports from empire countries on such meats or on rautton and lamb from any country the government proposes to continue the existing system of reg ulation of imports of mutton and lamb until 1937 thereafter it would have to be de cided whether an international meat conference in association with the empire meat council should operate with regard to exports of mutton and lamb the government also intends to ask parliament to give it general power to regulate imports of live stock and meat should need arise health on waters away from crowded new york tenements for a day happy youn heartily as hospital ship st johns guild starts first trip of season rsters and their parents cheer race it 1 1 preparations for transcan ada line going on funds ready ottawa a million dollars will be spent this year in preparation for the transcanada air mail which is expected to start in 1937 prepara tory work is being carried en looking to the future this consists in the construction or completion of land ing fields radio beams lighting de vices and other facilities for the ser vice the project has always contem plated much flying by night rather than in the day owing to the con nection with mail trains and the time of their arrival at the points of ex change establishment of the service next year and passengers as well as mails would likely figure in such de velopment is dependent on financial conditions what they will be a year fjjsgfori but tthis is merely 32 hence cannot be foreseen now and un til this is possible the expenditures will be in preparation by another year on the scale of operations now being started everything will be ready for the transcanada service if the money is available for the essential subsidies the growing popularity of an air service for passengers and of air mails where they are available both suggest a larger public patronage than was accorded such services when originally it was inaugurated it was stated in the house of com mons last session that the great rea son for the abandonment was the small degree of public patronage at the time the proposed transatlantic service has not yet reached the practical stage test flights across the ocean which were projected at conferences here and in washington last fall of british irish canadvn and united states postal and air service officials are not coming off this summer other tests however will be conduct ed into meteorological and other con ditions but the flying boats will not attempt an early crossing the transcanada service would hook up with the transatlantic though development of the former is in no senso contingent upon the latter life is seldom dull around this office remarks the genial editor of the peterborough examiner to illus trate his point he relates that in sea son trappers call at the editorial sanctum to show wolf pelts last week the game warden brought in a ifourdaysold fawn and this week members of the staff have been lug ging in snapping turtles and sun turtles even as he wrote a fair- sized snapper was sitting under an upturned waste paper basket where the reporters do their work an other and much smaller sun turtle has the run of the office because he does not snap the reporter who brought the snapping turtle in has mastered the art of catching it by the tail that being the one way in which the snapper can be handled with safety the whole picture is a very de lightful one contrasting pleasingly with the popular notion that a news paper office is a sort of a mad house where editors reporters and office boys scramble wildly about amid a bedlam of ringing telephones shouted orders and clicking type writers there may be newspapers like that in fact one sees them every now and again in the movies but most editorial rooms whiie possibly a little untidy at times arc places into which ordinary citizes may ven ture with perfect safety except for the remote possibility of being bitten by the staffs pet snapping turtle and be it understood that this is not a reference to the city editor turtles it seems to us should make ideal newspaper office pets be cause they have so many valuable lessons to impart to youthful report ers a turtle knows how to plod steadily about his business and is also aware that it is dangerous to stick his neck out unnecessarily he also knows how to make it snappy when the need arises and as all good news papermen should be he is a consis tent snapper up of unconsidered trifles but his chief value as an object lesson to members of the fourth estate is his general structure even a snapping turtle is soft and tender at heart but has a hard outer shell into which he frequently finds it pru dent to retire most newspapermen are built on a somewhat similar plan they may have a crusty exterior de veloped through years of contact with the stern realities of an exacting pro- a protec- iike the miss suffering from inferior ity complex given advice tive turtn mechanism shell exactly highway lighting safeguards life murray bay que import ance of highway lighting as a safe guard to the life of pedestrians and motorists was stressed recently by l s wood cleveland lighting en gineer in an address before the an nual convention of the canadian electrical association canadian safety campaigns he said paid too little attention to highway lighting safety campaigns have improved roads and automobile designs and have cut down daytime accidents but highway accidents at night re main at a high cvcl mr wood said sir a dhall iiwnn address to the royal society of arts on can agriculture provide substantial re lief for unemployment said that the continued decrease in small hold ings in face of deliberate efforts to increase thorn was sufficient evidence that they no longer represented a form of occupation that would at tract and retain men vacation time is here again with many shy girls dreading the coming season because they feel so alone even in a crowded resort where they have gone to meet new people par ticularly new men says the new- york sun in most instances they begin then- vacations with a bad mental outlook it wont do me any good to go away and to meet new people one attractive girl said as she dejectedly- packed her bags i just cant get into the swing of things the shy girl is not alone in a feel ing of social inadequacy many per sons with outgoing personalities are tremendously insecure underneath psychiatrists tell us if the shy girl could realize that some of her more noisy companions were just as self- eonsciousas she it might help her to overcome her difficulties one major difficulty is in making her first plunge into tho icy pool of a new social environment if pos sible she should select a place where the ice will he broken a bit for her by an experienced hostess or recre ation leader once she has been introduced it is up to the girl to do her part by appearing interested in tho people she is meeting whether they bore her or not the use of a little acting ability has gotten many a girl over the first awkward stages the shy girl often makes good progress with new men whom she meets but gives up the game when a rival with more assurance appears she completely relinquishes her man to the new girl the other girl can have him if he is that easy to get she shrugs this attitude is often misunder stood by the man who thinks he may have offended the shy girl in some fashion which he cannot understand or that he has bored her this mis taken pride on her part often causes her to lose good dates for the com ing winter months the shy girl is often too timid to join in the group activities she should realize that most of the other guests are amateurs too and that her efforts will not be disparaged she should take part in group activities as much as possible even if she lacks skill for her associations with her fellow guests promotes good fellow ship the shy girl need not be a bril liant conversationalist in order to get along socially most men and women talk too much so that her nontalking may be an nset to her if she listens well and smiles frequent ly she can be gracious too about favors done for her by the male guests she can be polite and charming to men whom she may not caralor on first sight because knownig them better may enable her to discover qualities which may interest her the shy girl cannot remake her personality for a vacation but she can assure herself of a reasonably dominion leads may list as us buyer and seller washington canada was list ed as both the best buyer and seller for markets ofthe united states dur ing may in a detailed study of ex- irts and imports by the commerce department the study showed that merchan- dis moving out of the united states to 51 others during may was greater than for the same period of 1935 ex cept to five nations these were france portugal iran the gold ccast and jamaica may imports although above 1935 in aggregate declined from last years total from more than a score of countries chief declines were from japan brazil argentina netherlands chile and columbia for the first five months of this year the 10 best customers of mer chandise from this country ranked in order are the united kingdom canada japan france germany mexico cuba italy and australia export totals range from more than 158004000 to the united kingdom down to 26010000 to australia imports for the same five month period this year show this country bought from nations of the world in this order canada united kingdom cuba japan british malaya philip pine islands brazil china geimany and dutch east indies these ranged from canadian ex ports to this country valued at 129- 191000 down to 26411000 from dutch east indies exports for five months this year were computed at 953971000 and imports at 95s169000 more interest in pamic life urged montreal nerious living and interest in public as well a3 domestic affairs on the part of women were urged by mrs d c mcdonald ad dressing the montreal sisterhood federation mrs macdonal dbelieved women should be so well trained and instructed they could step in and carry on successfully if war or any thing else took men out of the coun trys everyday activities recalling pioneer days of english settlement in canada mrs mcdon ald pointed out that then women helped their husbands in the work of seeding harvesting threshing barn raising and in social activities changes are coming very fast thesa days the speaker continued many young women of today have quite dif ferent ideals from those of their grandmothers the question they should study more carefully is whe ther movies card playing cocktail parties and dancing are more con ducive to good health happy homes and the conservation of the rewards of industry than the social enjoy ments recreational programs and home life of half a century ago british women fell b c their wants m keep c public health head urges emotional serenity mark duff of myrtle has been judge at many horse shows ood time if she hurdles the first bar riers tho followup work is import ant having made acquaintances on her vacation she should try to cul tivate them further to increase her circle of friends osiiawa out mark duff of myrtle 42 known all over canada as a noted breeder of clydesdale horses died in hospital recently after a short illness he was a pastpresi dent of the clydesdale horse breed ers association of canada and was a member of the board he had acted as judge at- all the large horse shows including those at toronto london ottawa bran don regina saskatoon calgary and edmonton mr duff started as a boy to breed clydesdale horses and at the time of his death owned one of the best string of clydesdale geldings in canada he won the saskatchewan shield for the best clydesdale geld ing raised in canada on two occa sions he also owned the grand champion marc at the royal winter fair in 1935 washington dc the advice of the united states health service as to what to do to stay comfortable and healthy in hot weather is first and most important to remain emo tionally calm dr louise stanley chief of the bureau of home economics has some words of advice about keeping cool in hot weather fruits and vege tables she says should form tin largest part of a hot weather diet they contain bulk water minerals and vitamins ah this means that the diner satisfies his hunger and gets plenty of nourishment without consuming more heat making calor ies than he can comfortably manage in summer and dont overeat it is bad at any time but especially dangerous in hot weather and defeats your ef forts to keep cool eat slowly eat moderately eat plenty of vegetables and fruit and avoid nil the heavy heatmaking foods drink plenty of cool water you need more water in summer but dont overdo it hot weather clothing dr stanley smiled and gave us a note to ruth obrien the bureaus expert on clothing and textiles her research workers have been accumulating facts on textiles fabrics and their heat conductivity much other infor mation too that is mighty interest ing to women but clothing in hot weather it is obvious that light ap parel does much to help one endure the attacks of heat and humidity but look at most men chorused the workers in the department they for the most part take slight advantage of the improvements in textures and garments cool clothing in general is made of loosely woven material is light in color and is cut loosely the loose ly woven fabrics allow a free circu lation of air so essential to carry ing off heat and perspiration the ideal clothing in hot weather given protection from the rays of the sun while making little contact with the skin that is why cool garments arc cut fuller and is a good reason for the kind of garments worn in tropi cal countries color has much to do with com fort also of course you being well informed know that dark colors ab sorb the suns rays while the light colors reflect the light and heat voice pentup grievances and suggestions at conference london in more ways than one- the british broadcasting cor poration got mere than it originally bargained for at its conference of wo men listeners more that is to say numerically and more critically certainly no sensible woman vvoulu miss such an opportunity for voicing pent up grievances and helpful sug gestions even though they were not within the legitimate scope of sche duled subjects for discussion all parts of britain india australia new zealand and south africa and abort fo womens organizations were represented among the 150 delegates the morning session was devoted to the question of a suitable time for womens talks whether cookery and child welfare were valuable subjects for such talks and whether listeners liked the week in westminster series on all points there was a good wrangle almost every time of the day was advocated by house wives domestic servants hospital nurses university women business women and ethers by a majority the meeting favored two oclock a solitary hand supported four pm washington television sets that can be sold to the public at 250 or less and new improvements in equipment that will expand this field for radio were described re cently at hearings being held by the federal communications commis sion philo t farnsworth of philadel phia vicepresident of a television corporation in san francisco re counted these advances he said the public interest in television was such that if any attempt was made to withold it from the public for per fection bootleg operations would result the engineer disputed testimony of previous experts that television must be without flaws before it can be offered to the public farncworth said it was not necessary chat tho baby he born with a beard he said television stations should be located on the outside of large metropolitan areas and the programs directed toward the centre of the area so that interference will be in one direction y iweeosmiiir great britain the london gazette announced that duko of york would head committee making plans for the coronation the committee includes baldwin hoare lloyd george winston churchill austen and neville chamberlain the canadian society of agricul tural economics will hold its eighth annual meeting at the university of new brunswick from july 13 to 16 the sessions will be held in co junc tion with those of the parent organ ization the canadian society of technical agriculturists london lady tweedsmuir has been appointed a dame of grace of the order of saint john of jeru salem the westminster gazette an nounced recently persons admitted to this order are such persons being subject of the british crown and professing the christian faith as have performed or are prepared to perforin good ser vices for the order and its objects tho objects of the order are tho en couragement and promotion of am bulance hospital and other charit- ablo work the order received a royal char ter from queen victoria in 1888 as a revival of the military and re ligious grand priory dissolved by queen elizabeth in 1559 his majes ty the king is the sovereign head j of the order probably no phase of the poultry industry is more oversupplied than the broiler trade during the summer months says the dominion depart ment of agriculture egg and poultry market report at one time broilers were scarce and prices paid for chickens of this weight were high it is evident that this is a trade that can he quickly overloaded rarely does one hear of broilers being used in the home but almost exclusively in the hotel and restaurant trade one large restaurant organization in canada is now following the english practice of roasting all chickens over two pounds in weigh and serving half the chicken thus prepared with dressing per person experience in this direction continues the report is encouraging and one which might well be followed by other catering organizations and even featured to advantage by salesmen for produce houses in their sales of poultry jock a scottish terrier k a mackinnon in the montreal star you greet me every morning with as joyful a surprise as if i came from singapore or dropped down from the skies youre every bit as lonely when i leave you for a day as if i strapped my packsack for a trip to mandalay but when you know were going where a beckoning white road lies theres heaven in your titled head and in your eager eyes and ovon when im quiet with any paper pipe and book theres utter satisfaction in your most sagacious look my comrade of the steadfast heart who knows but there may lie beyond the years a rendezvous for friends like you and lie and whether you arrive there first or whether it be i were hopeful fellow rovers and well never say goodbye

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