Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 16, 1936, p. 5

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stouffville ontario july 16th 1936 alvm s fabm8s licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere address gormley post office phone stouffrllle 6312 announcing stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffville every friday at braithwaites hardware phone 9601 cherries moxtmokescir our shipmentof montmorency cherries arriving direct from the bronte orchards will be in on tuesday july 21 if you have not already spoken for a basket let us know at once blueberries blueberries are now on the market and will bo in for canning within a week or so as in other years they will be sold at one of the lowest prices in ontario let us have your order so that we may advise you on arrival of the best canning berries combination offer special p rennles bird seed c bars of comfort soap 1 pkg bird gravel with 1 pkg rinso 25c 1 cuttlebone aud tonic all for only 20c aylmeu infant foods homes 5minute tapioca with glassware per pkg 15c diced pineapple per tin 13c paper serviettes colored or plain per pkg 10c zest brand pickles mustard or sweet mixed large bottle 25c montserrat lime fruit juice fresh fisij every tuesday thursday morning ratgliff co stouffville ontario farmers i salt in bulk coarse or fine 60c per cwt make sure you cure your hay by using salt poultry feeds chick starter growing mash and scratch grains cement tile and agricultural lime seed corn turnip seed rape seed place your order for coal now and aveid the inevitable higher prices coal coke feeds s w hastings eighty years wed children gather for annual reunion the fourth annual reunion of the dalton and robson families was held at the residence of william rennie 10th concession of mark- ham and notwithstanding the ex treme heat there- was a good atten dance the history of the dalton family dates back afcout one hundred years when the father of this large family benjamin dalton arrived in ontario from yorkshire settling in mark- ham after marriage the couple moved to uxbridge about 80 years ago mr daltons bride was mary ann robsonthen 18 years old they had four boys and three girls all of whom are living today and all except two attended the reunion those attending were john living in scott township 75 years old herbert scott 70 david w oshawa 68 rhoda mrs benjamin ball uxhridge and mrs priscilla sollitt peterboro mrs pickett ux bridge and prank of peterboro were unable to be present the original daltons were free methodists and conservatives but through marriage neither of these principles have continued unbroken both sides of politics claiming ad herents and the united church be ing principally the church home of the majority convener of the sports committee was arthur holden lunch com mittee mrs lapp and mrs munroe officers are president david dal ton vice mrs william rennie sec mrs benjamin ball the beautiful old stone residence of mr rennie has been in his pos session for 21 years and he has kept it in splendid repair and built all the outside buildings all of which nre in correspondingly fine condi tion before coming into his pos session the farm was owned by daniel hoover a member of another old historic family in whose pos session the farm was for 104 years the house has weathered 77 years and still is in as good condition as new at this reunion of 75 relatives the oldest present was george tran 81 years old and the youngest elaine spoflord eightmonthsold daughter of mr and mrs randall spofford hot weather needs dainty neckwear a fine assortment of cotton pique and novelty cottons rayon crepe and rayon satin high and low necklines tailored and femmine styles in many colours and shades priced at 19c to 125 a special in rayons odd lines of printed rayon in very attrac tive patterns regularly priced at 49c and 39c and we are going to clear them out at per yard 25c voiles for hot weather a few specials for hot weather buying voiles regularly 25c for 19c voiles regularly 35c for 25c an especially attractive buy for those who want a cool summary voile at a low price 40 inches wide at per yard 15c sunfast and tubfast prints a very full line of prints in all the most attractive patterns and you are sure to find just what you want here all 36 wide at 15c 20c 25c 29c nightwear for hot weather nansook dimity and cotton crepe gowns large and roomy in assorted colours with contrasting trim 79c 100 white gloves the kind you like to wear during this warm weather five s gloves with flaring organdie cuffs at per pair 79c chamosuede gloves plain pull on style per pair 29c and 49c white mesh gloves in particularly effective weave with flaring cuffs per pair 59c plain mesh gloves per pair 29c white washable bags and purses remarkable value good choice of styles white bag are always right get yours now everyone washable priced at 59c 1 125 rayon lingerie special rayon bloomers panties and vests some lace trimmed in white pink and peach at per garment 29c cotton underwear white cotton vests short sleeve and no sleeves fine even weave good quality per garment 25c to 49c cotton bloomers to match 25c to 49c vests and bloomers white and peach oversize 39c to 55c summertime frocks a wide range of dainty summer frocks in a variety of materials and styles suitable for all occasions and in all sizes sport frocks afternoon and street frocks smart little prints plain or with organdie trim all at remarkably low prices come in and see them swim suits of a particularly attractive style and fine quality all wool in green black blue red and white in many desireable styes 125 to 395 table oilcloth we purchased heaviiy in table oilcloth previous to the reeent rise in price and so are able to continue to sell at the old price an infinite variety of patterns and colours to choose from 1 14 yard width per yd 39c 1 12 yard width per yard 49c visit our china department and see the fine display of dinner sets fancy dishes of all kinds glassware in crystal green and pink water sets crystal or green glass pitcher with tumblers to match at 59c other styles up to 450 large bowls cold meat and cake plates very attractive each 19c queens park arena the w h shaw store phone 8s1i store open 8loqfffll ontario tuesday thursday and saturday evenings by the watchman the political pot in ontario is starting to simmer again and the conservative party is be ginning to let off a lot of steam up and down the countryside since the elevation of hon earl rowe to the leadership of the conservative forces there has been plenty of speechmaking and firing of broadsides though little damage has been done the good old summer time i not the best period in the year for political manoeuvres its too hot the conservatives show plen ty of signs of rejuvenation they are not the despondent ailing party of immediately after the 1934 election there has been a blood transfusion and the warriors are champing on the bit awaiting the signal to tear the liberals to pieces but unfortunately for them the signal for politiical warfare will not be made by their new chief when the herjburji govern ment decides to bring on a general election then and then only will the signal be given and it is a safe bet that the hep burn cabinet will follow the usual proceduie in s cases and hold back until the time is most opportune for them that the liberals are not underestimating the strength and ability of the conservatives is evidenced by the plans which have been made by the party strategists to acquaint the people with what they have done since taking office premier hep burn has just completed a speaking tour in both old and new ontario it is the first time since the election that he ha made a speaking tour lasting more than two or three days the conservatives are believ ed to be somewhat handicapped in the matter of political amuni tion true there is the separ ate school issue but many ob servers do not feel that this will be such a strong selling point as formerly believed it is certain the governments opponents will exploit this issue for all it is worth but whether it will be enough to swing the tide in their favor is something else again then there is the hydro busi ness to be fought all over again the old cry of sanctity of con tracts will be dragged out once more for vote catching purpos- esbut here again the conserva tives have an issue of rather doubtful quality it is not thought the hydro attack will be as effective as the separate school issue on the other side of the fence there is the undeniable fact that if the hepburn government can as they have promised balance the budget and show a small surplus they will be in a com fortable position so far as finance are concerned when they appeal to the people but it is a question whether the electors will pay as much atten tion to figures as they will to the rabblerousing cries of those de siring to up the government it has been the experience in the past in some elections at least that a good financial re cord makes only a small im pression on the electorate why nobody really know the record of the hepburn government to date is not the kind of one that gives encourag- ment to their opponents of course the conservatives wifll be on the offensive while the government will occupy the de fensive role and it is always eaier to attack than to defend outside of the separate school issue and the quebec hydro contracts there is not much comfort for the conservatives eager though they are for an election but it will be a terrific struggle and the electors of ontario are going to hear a lot of speechmaking and plenty of wrangling before the s clears away seven fire brigades fight to save entire village bo grove iu peru as hayfilled darn of franklin itaymer burns crowded out last week fire brigades from 7 munici palities fought a blaze tuesday evening which totally destroyed the barn of franklin raymer markham set fences and bush on fire for half a mile and threatened to wipe out the village of box grove with the slightest change iu the southwest wind hampered by scarcity of water firemen from markham unionville stouffville richmond hill broug ham claremont and scarboro with eight trucks fought to save the vill age and put out the begiuning of a serious hush fire discovering a small shoot of flame in the hayloft of the barn be lieved to have started by reflection of the sun through a piece of glass raymer just had time to dash to the open air as the flames developed the whole building with its contents of dry hay almost in an instant his son rap dashed into the barn saved his dog and just got out in time a number of chickens were roasted alive only one managing to escape through the wire netting less than 100 yards away the dry wooden buildings of box grove were saved only by the opposite wind which carried flaming fragments into fields and hush for almost a mile and started fires at several other points although the house nearby in the village was kept soak ed with water the panes of glass became red hot from the fire and cracked the loss was covered by insurance and the horses escaped having been taken out to pasture mr chakdes fkavkr outstanding lay speaker who will preach in markham sixth line baptist church next sunday morning the middleton clan 300 descendants of pioneers in attendance g l middle- ton president free to all with a complete chassis lubrication the upholstering of your car receives a thorough cleaning with our electric vacuum tako advantage of this add ed service to you today and let us prove that wc aim to please carl boadway wait end servct station opposite the mansion house phone 265 the fourth reunion picnic of the middleton clan held at couchiching beach park orillia on july 1 was a great success the attendance leing about 300 descendants of the pioneer settlers who came to pickering and adjourning townships from york shire england about 100 years ago mrs c s carnuhers of toronto president of the clan presided at the luncheon in the pavilion at 1230 oclock after an address of welcome given by mayor johnston of orillia and thanks to him from the presi dent a programme of sports took place for which suitable prizes were given presents were given as follows oldest man mr win saunders orillia oldest woman mrs wm gibson orillia oldest pair of twins mrs h hodgson and mrs georgo bowers stouffville sl years young est pair twins middleton brothers aged d years huntsville the following officers wore elected for 1937 hon president mrs c s carnithers toronto president g luther middle- ton brougham vicepresident fred middle- ton goodwood secretarytreasurermrs gordon middleton huntsville managing committee mr georgo hewitt peterhoro mr armour middleton toronto mr adam spears whitevalo the fifth reunion is to he held at the park orillia on july 1 1937 whitchurch council was offer ed riot insuranco on saurday but did not think it was worthwhile to take out a policy mansion house stouffville ontario all you can eat 35c meals tobaccos chocolates soft drink sandwiches our specialty acme famous ice cream ladies and gents rest rooms citizens demand expansionwater works program the terrible heat and drought of the past week was made even worse by the shortage of water iu stouff ville as in every other municipality where a domestic system existed even the city of toronto could uot cope with the demand but there is a strong feeling iu stouffville that had the municipal council proceed ed with the construction of a huge reservoir on the new ground pur chased a year ago the shutdown would not have had to be so com plete the problem iu this village as we all know is one of storage facili ties not one of water shortage enough runs to waste for eight months of the year to fill a tremendous reservoir which would go a long way in any ordinary dry period however the council after buying land last year lost the cnr as a customer and decided to wait and seo what difference it would make without them unfortunately it seems to make no difference at all and the demand of the ratepayers is that before another summer drought comes action be taken to store the water which is wanted for the village the tribune has made a careful canvas of the situation and is pre pared to wager that a petition pray ing the council to proceed with this work before another year comes round would be signed by almost onehundred per cent of the- water users that ought tdbe enough to fire the imagination of any council to action the expansion program has- the backing of the medical officers of health and such men as mr jas ratcliff who with dr sangster fought and won the day in demand ing the inauguration of the system over 35 years ago vandorf mr and mrs tiffin of the kingsley farm will he a great loss to our community we understand they are moving north this week there was a surprise party following our yps on monday evening in their honour roth he and mrs tiffin will be missed in all church work last wednesday evening a num ber of the temperanceville circuit met at wesley church to witness the induction of our new minister rev mr wescott a social hour wis spent getting acquainted rud enjoying a good lunch we are thing that mr we-ther- man has completely forgotton we need some rain as well as some cool er weather we all think that mr weather- field and bush fires in this district on wednesday evening july 8 there was an induction service held for our uew minister rev mr wes cott formally of hamilton several ministers including rev mr thomp son from aurora united church took part after which refreshments were served goodwood toronto flashes the pugh and white reuniou at whitevale on juue 27 attracted many from toronto aud some from goodwood john mccullough kc continues to improve in health we are pleased to announce from the toronto end the cemetery decoration day was a great success we were pleased with tho appearance of the grounds even though the grass was burned brown with the intense heat several now monuments have been added notice ably and possibly the last one mark ing the resting place of mrs thos baston the orchestra added to the service aud preaehhrg by mr lunau and was assisted by players from ux bridge and stouffville among the outside visitors we noticed at the ser vice miss ottowell mr and mrs r brown mr and mrs a brown elsie johnson geo dowswell and family mr wesney sr and jr mr and mrs george lee miss hat- ley and many others walter davey read regrets from mr mcullough on his inbility to be present and act as chairman the lol added to the ceremony being present in regalia and placing flags on the graves of their departed brethren one of its oldest menvbers bert stewart and we were glad o greet him after many years wo are sorry to learn of the ill ness of ernest morgasons mother but pleased to meet his daughter mrs fines from newmarket as she was in her accustomed place in the sunday school on sabbath morning our friend will todd visited the city on sturday we are told well that was wills day off r g clenden1ng funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 cent a mile round trip bargain fares minimum far adult 75c chud 40c friday july 24 stouffville to guelph kitchener stratford godericb kincardine southampton owen sound and all intermediate points beyond guelph to st catharines niagara falls buffalo broatford woodstock london sarnia chatham windsor detroit and all intermediate points beyond hamilton to barrie orillia gravenhurst bracebridge huntsville north bay meaford collingwood penetang midland g- all towns on lines of temiskaming northern ontario rltfl n central rly cochrane kapua p soun sudbury longlac geraldton beardmore jelllcoe sat july 25 to lindsay peterboro toronto and hamilton canadian national why waste your money on highpriced implements when you can buy implements with many years of wear for a quarter of the new prices we have several good binde rs all makes in 6 and 7 ft cut several excellent drills different makes at extra low prices to clear verity land roller good as new also several mowers by the leading makers and one good hay tedder highest prices for live fowl wool and hides b raxlin telephone 192 stouffville a word to cream shippers better returns in the long run by shipping your cream to us is not just a slogan but a proven fact by those who ship to us some who have tried other means of selling tholr cream have returned and are more satisfied than ever with our creamery if you are not a shipper you aro not only losing in dollars but you are missing a convenient courteous cream ery service stouffville creamery co open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings phone 18601 vj

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