Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 16, 1936, p. 4

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canadian writes to london editors a letter in the london spectator sir could anyone surest to london editors that it would bo a good idea for them to buy an atlas to which their staff writers could re fer when mentioning places in can ada particularly this applies to the times ami observer two papers that have been taught to believe were in fallible uhch makes fearful howlers in its verse when referring to places outside england recently the times had a photo graph of the king when prince of wales on horseback on his ranch near manitoba now the kings ranch as everyone knows is in al berta the next province east ward is saskatchewan and after that six or seven hundred miles away comes manitoba believe it or not there are quite a number of places between the ep ranch and manitoba the weekly times had an edi torial on canadian provincial debts in which came the quite unpardon able words the very unsatis factory budget before the vancouver legislature dont they know in green tea with a flavour and a delicacy beyond compare detroit there will be no sec tion of america unaffected by the projects of the farm chemurgic council it was indicated at hie sec ond industry and science here the council is rapidly working toward its ideal of allying the farmer and in dustrialist of finding new uses for the products of the land probably before the future objec- l tives of the industrialists farm lead ers and research chemists who com- london that the capital of british p int columbia is victoria on vancouver ro ther cffcct vanei asmcul island it is possible that geography tural sect of the tr- even that of the empire has been left out of the curriculum in english schools i feel sure that the times office has its radios and telephones and televisions and cablegrams and everything up to date except a map i do wish they would buy one on this side in the court and personal column of the observer i see a notice word ed as follows sir percy vincent will visit canada in august where he will be a guest of the state of van couver now where and what is the state of vancouver we in british columbia know all too well what the state with a small s of vancouver is just now tet the state that has an american savour we dont grow states in canada perhaps the editor meant province and why of vancouver please tell him this is a town and now to cap all comes a really flagrant breach of imperial diplo macy in the times weekly of april 9th is a photograph of vancouver captioned below vancouver the capital of british columbia but herewords fail me perhaps you may be able to do something about it yours truly h glynnward trcannn sidney british columbia mrs m colyer fergusson was the former edith j miller of portage la prairie guavesend england mrs max colyer fergusson who before her marriage won fame as a contralto singer died hero recently mrs fergusson who was bom at portage la prairie man was the for mer edith j miller daughter of the late w v miller postmaster at por tage la prairie man tor many years her beautiful contralto voice carried her to international renown as the manitoba nightingale miss millers musical career began officially when she was a student in toronto she won the gold medal at the toronto conservatory of music after studying under an italian music master signer dauria she studied tor throb years in win nipeg then moved to europe where she continued her music in london and paris in the latter city she was a pupil of the famous madame march esi she returned to this continent and was contralto soloist in st bartholo mews church now york and tomp kins avenue church brooklyn tor time on her second visit to england sue gave her first concert under the pa tronage of king edward vii and queen alexandra she was presented to king edward in 1907 after singing at the royal amateur orchestral con cert in queens hall she prepared for grand opera under tho tutelage of the worldfamed tenor the late m jean dc iteszko and made her operatic debut at covcnt garden london in 1913 in the role of madda- lena in verdis rigoletto other artists with whom she sang included madame melba and john mccormack she was given an enthusiastic recep tion she was married in jul 1913 to max colyerfergusson grandson or tho late sir james ranken fergusson bart and she mid her husband spent their honeymoon in canada visiting tho brides parents at portage la prairie her last canadian concert tour was mado in 1910 just prior to the death of king edward vii i reci tation of past accomplishments in 1 the year since the group first met would indicate how farmers in every section are to benefit also how new industries may be founded and the nations unemployed put hack to work on display here were the mbsern miracles of the nw who nave made highways from cotton cosmetics from oat hulls dress goods from pine trees motor fuel from weeds and varnishes from beans and nuts men who had put up plants in which the souths inutile slash pine has become a worthwhile crops by its conversion into newsprint men who have put up an alcohol plant in which the fuel for automobiles is made from farm ers crops ranging from sweet po tatoos jerusalem rtichokes sugar beets corn crops from all sections of the country the ford motor companys dis play is of the many parts of the mod ern automobile which can be made from materia once used solely for cow feed stressed throughout the exhibits and in the speeches of the delegates were the means by which the farm surpluses and agricultural wastes were being converted into cellophane cellulose rayon plastics solvents oils and finishes the sum mary of past accomplishments is more than indicative of how no sec tion of america will be neglected in the projects under way a large number of the discussions at the conference centered on al cohol indicative that it may be the first of the new vast industries to spring up in all sections of the coun try to give the farmer increased markets not only for his crops but his byproducts alcohol is being used for cars and francis p garvin president of the council made the prediction that if only a 10 per cent blend of alcohol and gasoline were made for the pres ent consumption it would take five years to build the plants required to supply the new fuel source to pro duce a onethird blend of alcohol and gasoline it would put to work g000- 000 of the unemployed and require the produce of 90000000 acres so sure were the scientists and in dustrialists of the new age which is approaching for the farmer that a warning was given them to prepare for the days when their crops will feed not only humans but machines farmers will have to know in finitely more l f livingston president of the american society of agricultural engineers declared to produce successfully the crops and to utilize the methods now takl ing form in the laboratory they will have to develop a practical know ledge of soil chemistry of plant pa thology of agricultural engineering and have at least a basic knowledge of biology viodern agriculture offers oppor tunity to youth and it spells it in bold letters indeed it needs youth to carry ahead the greater program of service that even now is taking tangible form but youth should un derstand what smart farmers long ago learned that it takes more than a pair of overalls and a hoe to make a successful farmer make linens fetching with dainty edgings says laura wheeler second shock restores life in electrocuted animals like to treat your cupboard and closet shelves a new way trim them with these dainty crocheted edgings and see them take on new importance each designs fun to do and very easy two of themresemble tatting but of course are quicker to do and think what a lot of chic theyll add to your lingerie linens hankies and such pattern 1271 contains detailed directions for making the edg ings shown illustrations of them and of all stitches used material requirements send 20 cents in stamps or coin coin preferred for this pat tern to necdlocraft dept wilson publishing co 73 west adelaide street toronto write plainly pattern number your name and address its an iii wind writes the sydney herald a broken piston rod is bringing the motorship jeff davis back to syd ney for repairs the mishap came as a bitter dis appointment to a passenger who is hurrying with her baby son to ameri cas to the only clinic in the world where an operation can be performed which may save his life on the other hand the mishap was welcomed by a newlymarried de portee on the jeff davis who will now be able to see his wife in sydney again the child to save whose life his mother is making a dramatic dash half way round the world is kel vin rodgers 3 of boort victoria who swallowed a threeinch packing nail which lodged in his lung about 20 months ago australian special ists were unable to remove it and the american pioneer line granted the child and his mother a free pas sage to new york to enable an opera tion to be performed in the only clinic in the world which possesses the equipment for such a delicate operation and surgeons trained in its use on the same ship is an american galleyboy into whose brief stay in australia was crammed a whirlwind marriage a brief honeymoon arrest and deportation upon the return of the ship to sydney he will probably be taken in charge by the police un til the vessel is ready to put to sea again but his wife will be able to see him on visiting days building of two fast passen ger ships discussed in london butkihbharri the graphochart shows how to read character from handwriting at a glance 10c prepaid graphologist room 421 73 adelaide st w toronto stir in turner valley london building of two new passenger vessels capable of competing with the fast wellequip ped ships of the matson line to maintain a monthly service between the west coast of canada and aus tralia and new zealand was the sub stance of a scheme discussed in the house of lords today lord halifax said the union steamship company of new zealand was prepared to submit such a scheme in an effort to rationalize the trans pacific service the plan would in volve the abandonment of the union steamship companys service as a means of placing the canadian aus tralasian line on a sound financial footing lord lloyd urged the granting of subsidies to the two steamship com panies which he said are suffering loss of traffic to american subsidized shipping tootle him writes the calgary alberlan it was like old times in calgary when the turner valley royalites well can- in on a recent afternoon it was better than old times for never in a history of the valley oil opera tions had there been so sensational a development the largest crude oil well in the british empire is something not to be taken lightly so as the news spread sightseers turned their cars vallcyward and into the nostrils of the little village quietly resting these last few years was breathed the breath cf a new life the valley has reawakeied an important day in the history of our alberta the event which reawoke it is the fulfilment of hopes of men who broke the soil with something of the spirit that opened up the west built tho cnnadian pacific and did ether acts that made our land what it is for the new well and the new activity to which its coming must give birth arc monuments to convic tion in the presenco of unbelief per sistence despite the criticism of well- meaning but doubting advisers the following is a japanese rule for motorists translated into english by a native official at the rise of the hand of a policeman stop rapidly do not pass him or otherwise disrespect him when a passenger of the foot hoves in sight tootle the horn trumpet to him melodiously at first if he still obstacles your passages tootle him with vigor and express by word of mouth the warning hi hi do not explode the exhaust box at the pan dering horse go soothingly by give big space to the sportive dog that makes sport in the roadway avoid entanglement of the dog with your wheelspokes go soothingly on the greasemud as there lurks the skid demon press the brake of the foot as you roll round the corners and save the collapse and tieup our empire birds vs cats writes tho st catharines standard arthur brisbane writes that a pair of cabbage lice if allowed to breed for two years without destruction would produce a progeny bigger than this earth and the same might be said of other insect families do people who nourish cats around the home to kill the birds ever think in that direction its still money writes the st catherines stand ard a popular note is struck by editor of the ottawa journal who confess he will be glad to get his hands on any of the new bilingual money to be issued by the bank of canada they are calling it mongrel coin in some places but that certain ly wont hurt its general acceptance it is quite a bit different however in the case of alberta scrip proof lcason are wonderfully helpful ami inspiring 1 have been able definitely to change of the habit of you are a krelt help and i hope it is klven me to measure up results arc wonderful we could quote from many more letters but the above extracts are proof that others aro belnk helped if others why not you glvo that mind of yours a chance write today for particulars of an intensive course f mental training tho institute of practical and applied psychology 910 confederation building- montreal fq issue no 29 36 28 the blind fanaticism of one foolish honest man may cause more evil than the united efforts of twenty rogues baron de grimm new york experiments with the electrocution of sheep and their subsequent revival by countershock begun line years ago by the bell telephone laboratories inc and the physiology department of columbia university will be completed shortly according to dr ii b williams of the college of physicians and surge ons many of the electrocuted sheen are still alive and well he said the scientific results of the ex periments are being prepared for presentation to the american insti tute of electrical engineers the original goal he explained lrd been to determine the effect oh human beings of lowvoltage shocks but the sheep chosen because their hearts conform in size and weight to those of men recorded on the ela borate electrocardiograph set up for the experiments two facts hitherto unknown that only during onefifth of the cycle of a heartbeat will short shocks of low voltage produce dnath and that in a majority of these cases a subsequent shock of high intensity and short duration if it is applied less than two minutes after the heart has stopped beating will restore the electrocuted animal to life with no permanent damage france is launching aviation education paris all french children be tween nine and 11 years old were enrolled today in a government cam paign of aviation education special courses in gliding are to be provided for boys from 14 to 17 while youths from 18 to 21 will take courses in aircraft engineering at special schools a department to superintend the work is to be formed in the air min istry wmssm m i copyright uasano qfye makers of bee hive golden corn syrup v and durham corn starch are happy to offer to their friends throughout canada a handsome two tone reproduction of his majesty king edward viii the portrait by bassano is one of the most recent and has been specifically designed for framing measuring approximately 9 by 11 it is restrained and dignified and when framed will blend in perfect taste with the furnishings of the finest room many well deserved compliments have been received on the beautiful appearance of this portrait st lawrence starch co ltd how to jzecute ttee ftotttait send in one bee hive golden corn syrup label and one durham corn starch label with your name and address written clearly on the back of either label along with tho words kings picture mail to tho st lawrence starch co limited dept 7 port credit ontario and your freo por trait will be forwarded promptly k3m

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