a man says he always takes his wife to town when he wants to buy himself a new suit he knows who to please father- whats that young mans intentions daughter daughter dont know daddy- dear he is keeping me pretty much in the dark a earecr should be up to you not down political speaker im pleased to see sueh a dense crowd here tonight voice dont be too pleased we aint all dense most men buy a seat in the chair car so they cm have something to set their bags on while they are in the smoking compartment judge i award the eightday clock to the plaintiff defendent and whit do i get judge you get the eight days in order to cater to an intelligent public one must have a small supply en hand himself trial bottle of kruschen get yours now alc your drusririt for a 75c kruchen giant packagflt con- i tains a regular bottle and a trial i i size bottle u the trial aize i tit and tf not atied return i 1 the regular bottle unopened i i your money will be chterfully i i refunded- youth and music hubby if you dont stoj- nagging me im going to tell yon a few things wifey you miglil begin by tell ing me why you called me baby in your sleep last night if we like his ideas he is a man of vision if we do not he is a dreamer of pipe dreams his wife you told an awful fib to the doctor when he asked you what you had been eating man i know what i was about if i had told him i had been eating porterhouse steak and mushrooms he would have charged me accordingly brunettes make the best wives asserts a psychologist in these scientific days they also make very good blondes the way to have a musical people- is to have people make music a good deal is talked about the educa tive effect of listening to radio and phonographic records and there is something in it albeit most for those who know music already but to make an actor you do not sit and watch plays hi springfield the hotels are full of especially appetizing guests who should they he but uuo boys and girls musicians in the orchestras and bands from high schools in new england towns and cities and all rehearsing like a house afire for the festival on saturday afternoon the public schools are the lifesavers of ameri can music from the drowning of too much passive listening at radio and the asphyxiation of vulgarian jazz here children are taught to know the noble music fromrubbish that is of ten filthy and vile and being taught to love the good as for their rehear sals and concerts here in this bosom is nothing but the most wholeheart ed envy of their good time for if anything has ever been found that is more fun for a musical child than a spring festival of amateur players no one knows what it is a family party at the villa of dr jean sibelius in finland was debat ing this question whether passive listening to radio and phonograph will sterilize music one of the composers daughters a pianist said i like both preserved fruit and fresh fruit each has its distinctive flavor but her father spoke as com poser and with austerity the dilettanti will continue to listen to machines and the great tal ents will continue to create mrs small has core of cancer instances cited as proof of serums cases are aided hopeless ality of the disease despite all that has been accomplished to date by- surgery or ridiutn or other treat ment total living at end organ cases of live yrs stomach 3s6 1 intestine 3 kcti ill si uterus ks itreast s5 irs dr hetts success a comparison of these records with s the records that dr llett has at this unie would certainly give the medical i profession an idea of the remarkable i suits obtained in the treatment of j the disease similarly located by dr llett with his serum i the records were examined by the j telegram and they are available to i members of the medical profession who desire to examine them the doctor says he realizes the many difficulties which can arise be fore the medical world can be con vinced a number of local medical men who have attended his clinic and examined his records have declared themselves convinced that his proof is ample but he declares some time must elapse before he lay his cards all on the table four years ago when he had only a few patients to show he was urged to announce what ho had but he declined on the grounds that it would be unwise to create any false hope if such should bo the ease time is always needed and essen tial to prove permanency of results he says but 1 can now say that my studies and observations of many pa tients prove to me beyond the shadow of doubt that permanency will be pro ven dr llett is not opposed to surgery xrays and radium he claims these all have iheir places but a very large number of patients are not amen able to these treatments or have fail ed to respond to them whilst he has been successful in advanced cases of none finer made cigarette papers a reconstruction plan for minto by prof s b mccready now that the scientific sharp minds have invented tin apparatus so de licate that they can measure a maidens blush where are they go ing to find the blush the best way to starve to death would be to start a lot of shops where the girls could be made use ful instead of beautiful friend and so you have a sweet heart in every port sailor yes i got 400 ports too friend say youre not a sailor youre a wholesaler during the last 10 years the popu lation of southwark london eng has decreased ly 22701 there is some doubt whether 1036 will be a bigger and better year but it is certain to he a noisier one a farmer paying his first visit to the seashore asked a boatman if he could buy some of the water to take home to show his wife the boat man assented and charged the farm er a quarter a few hours later the visitor returned to the shore by now the tide had gone out and the man gazed openmouthed at the spectacle by cracky mister lie said youve certainly done a big business today judith my sweetheart has just lost all of his mmey edrhlont you fee very sorry for him judith i surely do how he will miss me the human race may he compared to mushrooms most of it is mush rooms but there arc a lot of toad stools mixed in bookkeeper the new stenograph ers hair is a decided blonde isnt it boss yes though i did notice a slight indecision around the roots willing captive she was led to the altar but some made this crack that she didnt falter or try to hang hack modernized murder in the past 13 years no major un derworld figure in new york has had to answer to a court of justice for the homicides done at his bidding the only charges the major racket eers fear at all are charges of income lax evasion and surrounded by sharp and cunning lawyers who have a special lafent for fixing juries even that fear is with him not the fear of despair the racket boss has a pro found contempt for the courts and creaky court machinery if gangs and gang chiefs were not wiped out from lime to time by the guns of their competitors there would not bo en ough penthouses and of fie buildings to hold them from current history i ask your doctor first mother before you give your child an unknown remedy to take every day unthinkingly mothers take the advice of unqualified persons instead of their doctors on remedies for their children if they knew what the scientists know they would never take this chance doctors say phillips for your child when it comes lo the frequentlyused milk of magnesia doctors for over years have said phillips milk of magnesia the safe remedy for your child remember this and always say phillips when you jjmj your child deserves itfor your own peace of mind sec that you get it gen uine pliillips milk of magnesia also in tablet form phillips milk of magnesia tab lets are now on salt at nil druii stores everywhere each tiny tab let is the equivalent of a teasnoonfu of gen uine phillips milk of magnesia phillips avila of aaattesict made in canada dr j e hctt of c07 sherbourne st toronto and 223 king street k kitchener ontario who has been in terested in cancer since his graduat ion in medicine from the university of toronto in 1891 has devoted near ly all of his spare time to research work and intensive study of this great problem lie toured europe on different oc casions and visited the laboratories and cancer clinics iu london paris berlin heidelberg vienna prague padua bolonga and rome for years in his own laboratory in kitchener he worked away quietly taking no time off for sports or other diversions but devoting every spare moment after the hard days work at his profession of medicine and sur gery on many occasions he worked throughout the night eventually he became convinced that germs were the actual cause of cancer and that irritation alone was not sufficient lie pursued this theory steadily and four and onehalf years ago reached the conclusion that he had developed a serum which if given intravenously would obtain the long looked for re sults at first his patients were very few- hut gradually they have increased in numbers so that now he is very busy treating patients every week in tor onto kitchener london and windsor for somo months past records have been compiled of a large number of cases these records are scientifically prepared with tho clinical histories aud biopsies pathological reports of sections removed for diagnosis as time goes on more and more records are added and progress noted in the toronto evening telegram of november 16th last the following appeared doctors surprised a number of very prominent me dical men have examined these re cords and are very greatly surprised at the results the profession as a whole however knows but little of this work which has been going on so quietly dr hett up to the present time has not given his formulae to the profession and for that reason there has been but little publicity dr hett declares that it is his in tention to give his secret to the pro fession when the time comes i am entirely convinced myself but i do not wish to be considered premature and declaring it i have a number of cases that have been cured one two three and four years who had been given but a few months or weeks to live he told the telegram and the remarkable part of it is that these patients have kept well and ad ded more weight than a year ago and are carrying on their usual occupa tions some of them the heavy burd ens that fall on farmers wives there was no selection of these cases and a large percentage of them were looked on as hopeless and the only thing that could be done for them was the administration of mor phine to relieve their pain i am no longer experimenting that stage of the treatment was passed four years ago i am now obtaining results such as have never been obtained before anywhere he says remarkable results during the past four years dr llett has carefully watched each patient and has acquired considerable new knowledge the subject of cancer js still a very great problem and there are different forms of malignancy somo cases are slow in growth and others very rapid his serum gives a definite reaction when first admin istered and during all the times he has used it not a single accident has happened to a patient and he has treated some with very high jjlood pressure in others a very low blood pressure with heart disease and other complications ije where cancers are slow growing he j editors note this is the conclu sion of a scries of ten articles which were published recently in the harri- ston review while written special ly for the review and addressed to residents of minto township particu larly we believe they have been found interesting to many of the readers of this paper because the problems of the farm folk of minto township are the same problems that confront rural peope throughout the province so with all respect ami in all hum ility 1 make bold to suggest a recon struction plan for minto it has no connection of any sort with a politi cal reconstruction such as mr stev ens advocated in the recent election nor is it of a sort such as the five- year plans imposed on the russian farmers by their governmental dicta- i cancer he has also been successful in tors rather it is the sort of economic j cases of sarcoma he believes also reconstruction accomplished by den- i that his serum will prevent cancer but he has not given it iu a single case for the reason that it would bo impossible lo absolutely prove it he states that the time will certainly come when people will he immunized i against cancer but that will not come mark largely through a sensible scheme of adult education the ag ency which in my opinion could give the necessary leadership best for such a forward movement is the min to agricultural society a few weeks ago the society feal- until the profession will recognize that led the the cure of cancer has been discover- held its west wellington society tflrd annual fall fair that ed dr helt was the first physician in j the world to treat an internal fibroid growth by xrays he obtained a coin- i plete cure and published his results iu the journal of advanced therape utics iu september 1901 he discon tinued using xrays since then as he did not gel any results with xrays in cancer dr helt lakes no holidays and he works seven days a week ho is at i present travelling some s0o miles ev ery week covering the province wes- terly as far as windsor in an endea vor to meet the demands of patients who are- unable to come to toronto he declares the strain is a heavy one for a man of his age dr hell states that he has had quite a number of patients some of them bedridden who had been con sidered hopeless cases and who are now carrying on normal life again in fact slates the doctor the most of the cases 1 have treated were far ad vanced the case of mrs small 930 man- is discovered that ave toronto is the most re- slow browing he markable dr hett said that he has and skin rashes- use 1 dr d d dennu liquid prescrip tion made and warranted by the makers of campanaa italian balm trial bottle 35c at your druggist z4 catarrhal deafness may be overcome if you have catarrhal deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz of parmint double strength and add to it u pint of hot water and a little sugar take 1 tablespoonfu four times a day this will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises clogged nostrils should open breath ing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat it is easy to prepare costs little and is pleasant to take anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial cannot obtain a high degree of re- action whilst with those of rapid growth the reaction is very strong some of these patients are living in toronto and others outside the te legram last year and early this year had the opportunity of seeing several of them and recently checked up on their progress following the appar- 1 ent cure records recently made show remarkable gains in weight and add ed strength by some and the others continue in good health curability of cancer in 1927 the department of wealth of detroit established a cancer divi sion as a registry of the cancer cases treated in all the detroit hospitals the attempt has been made to follow the cases treated there surgically or otherwise in 1927 2s 29 for five j j not read of sich a remarkable case anywhere in medical literature and that medical men who have seen and examined her hold the am opinion i mrs small was told in june 1931 that her case was hopeless and uotli- i ing was left but morphine to ease her j her family was told three months j previously that there was no hope for her whatever she had a part of the i bowel removed in the womens col- i lege hospital in november 1932 aud tho finding pronounced by microsco pical examination was adeno carci noma xrays and radium were later given a number of outstanding med ical men and surgeons had given her up in the beginning of 1931 and it was not until july 27 193 that dr hett saw her at that time she was very low she was in terrible distress and weighed less than 100 pounds she years xo case was included unless had a recurrence and a large mass of the pathological diagnosis was record- cancer in the pelvis also cancer iu ed but the attempt was made to iu- the bladder and was taking as much elude all eases treated in 13 hospitals as 19 onehalf grain tablets of mor in attempting to cure cancer hospitals of a large city the figures show the terrible mort wake up your for sale 60 cycle 110 volt c ix excellent condition 2 horsepower wilson publishing co 73 adelai li g e motor i rsepower 3 phask 1 de st w toronto the result is an exhibition of the work phine daily on january 13 1935 she in the j took tho last dose of morphine and has not taken any since after treat ment with the serum she has grad ually improved and leads a normal life again and has been doing all her household work for a considerable time her weight is now 11g pounds tho same as it has been the past year and she is the picture of health as her photograph taken january 21 1930 shows dr hett believes this is the most spectacular caso recorded xot only j because of tho recovery after being so near to death but also because of tho breaking off of the habit of tak- and youll jump out of bed in the morning rarin to go tho liver ebontrl poor oat two pounds 0 liquid mlo into your bowcu daily it this blls is not flowinir freely your food doesnt digest it just decays in tho bowels gas bloats up your stomach yourct constipated harmful poisons fro into tho body and yoa feci soar sunk and tho world looks punk a mere bowel movement doesn talways trot nt the cause you need aoracthink that works on the liver as well it takes those rood old carters llltlo liver pills to tret these two pounds of bilo flowinir freely and make you feel up and up harmless and gentle they mako the bile flow freely they do tho work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them ask for carters little liver pius by camol stubbornly refuse anything else 26c means thai the first fair was held in 1803 i believe iho time has come when there should be a general stock taking with regard to all our agricul tural societies and other government supported rural organizations aud in stitutions to find out not only where they are at but also at what place they aim to arrive nobody denies the value of the harriston fall pair or any other fall fair as a happy social gettogether from the standpoint of encouraging and perpetuating the spirit of neigh- borliness the fall fair is well worth while indeed there should be more of such gatherings hut from the standpoint of advancing the econ omic well being of jlinto township there can hardly be the same opinion about hie value of the societys work for the tasks we are facing should not our agricultural societies modernize themselves and put them selves at the task of redirecting and reconstructing ontario agriculture the minto agricultural society has had a long and honorable career it is the one organization in the township apart from the township council that is all inclusive of the population and continuous in its op eration its purposes are unselfish its aim is the public good its lead ership is established and accepted my suggestion is that the society should broaden its services beyond the fall fair idea and become a minto agricultural and development or reconstruction society dur ing the war the ontario govern ment had an organization of re sources committee to promote food production and other wartime needs it is something like this for the new era that minto faces that i have in mind bringing about a union of all the townships forces so that it may attain to its full possibilities so that none of its resources he unor ganized should such a proposal find favor able consideration one of the first duties of the society would be to lake stock if possible the actual and real benefits not the imaginary and supposed benefits derived from the fall fair should be honestly es timated there should be careful consideration of the really construc tive value of cash prizes for most of the competitions mr whaley told me of a farmer in bruce county who hail been getting a prize for many years on the same bushel of black oats thought they had long ceased to be grown by him or anybody else then the society should take stock of the townships needs find out if possible the average milk yield per cow in the township the average wheat yield the losses from weeds the defects in potato and turnip marketing the conditions of the or chards the care given to bush lots the amount of beautilication of farm surroundings whether the live stock of the township is noticeably im proving from year to year the diffi culties of securing needed credits the burden of mortgages the cost of sickness the distresses of the aged poor the educational facilities of the township whether the schools have medical inspection and musical in struction continued next week classified advertising inventoks 1 k oifeu to 1sveuy uvvbntoh v list of wanted inventions and lull information sent free the ramsay company world patent attorneys 273 bank street ottawa canada 1adies chokers r fox rom up into chofcei cur on kiplin t black dytilj 25 your pelts made for sj50 ittldolph out insect powder cpkicvoodoo marvellous or- icntal powder compound for killing bedbugs roaches sample ten cents technical products mfg co 300 si sacrament st montreal qjauk r n supply you wit mlof and will ft teal fool iccommcnd cress corn bunion salves lit m ziruknfllt mr n in i riuhi imry ltl thoi and that 11 is his hope that tho time will soon come that it is generally re cognized that he has discovered tho treatment for cancer for which the whole world has been looking hows yourstomach you lose vim nerve force if you allow your stom ach to distress you acid stomach itwli kcition yas or bil iousness and cos- livcncss cause the blood to be ioisoned and will eventually destroy health and nerve force this is uhit clarence house- of si main st st catharines on said i had no pep had to force myself to tat and after catinu i would hclch gas and suiter from jnuirtstion and heartburn i had sour momarh uitc l bit too i used dr picrrc golden medical discovery and it toned iti ny fysteni so that i felt like a different man the discovery helped to drive away the momach distress and pave mc an apctiie new size tablets s0c liquid t00 and 135 live stock marketing shipping on tho cooperative plan has been productive of splendid results selling on the open market means real value- for tho owners get in touch with us write wire or telephone lymlhnxst 1143 the united fabmeks cooperative company limited rivk stock commission dkpt union stock yards west toronto the perfect farm insect powder sure death to parasites issue no 13 36 ing so much of morphine each day dr hett believes that no record can be found in any medical journal or other publication of a case that ap- j parcntly was as hopeless as this and a recovery made i dr hett is well up in years and re- cognize tho fact that tho time is short for tho carrying on of his work i ho states that he does not want more is patients than ho can properly treat rid your livestock and poultry kills every louse tick and mite vents immediate rclnfcstatlon ff pa rashes drlkil and in addition pn- iill information from your local cooper dealer or wrlto anuman coopkrativk wool growkhs tti 217 day st toronto branches in k1hi weston lennocvllle