mkeicb club ai tuia iitii it was high wages that drew men from the soil and left them without any jobs here is a proved way of keeping a fashionable figure heard at a radio dinner when a man falls in love with himself its tie beginning of a lifelong romance whatever became of the small boy always willing to i run to the grocery store for a penny tho oldfashioned citizen whose ambition was to uphold tho govern ment instead of just hold it up the babys otiier mitten aimeo mcpherson it pays to buy articles of such qua lity that you respect and take care of thehi llle curiosity seems to keep a lot of people busy women are funny that way you couldnt even get one to admit shes a little older than her teeth constantly looking backward gives poor didrec- tion to moving forward in hard times ho buyer wins all the argu ments wo all know pretty well viiat wo want and thats often ab out all we lo know the things that worry us most are the things that never happen said mark twain the fellow who sings of his hard luck expects everybody to join in the chorus there is no permanent success in trick methods many of lis are blind to the unexploited caul- ties within ourselves sometimes it is better to be a cheerful liar than an old fool who always tells toe truth tho kind of money that fouys food and clothes is made by tending strictly to ones own busi ness most speculators are engag ed in trying to recoup their losses from previous speculations hon esty is tho best policy you dont need a lawyer to tell you how far you can go and yet the fellows who hold the big jobs never have time to improve their minds desscs this year says tiie fashion expert from paris will be specially designed to accentuate the waist what does tins mean to you if you are one of those unlucky women who have let their figures go it i means that the new flattering styles are not for you it means being content with out-of- date dresses unless you decide to do something to restore the figure of your girlhood days there is a thing to do and it does not include a starvation diet just take faithfully every morning a halfteaspoonful of krus- chen salts in a tumbler of hot water you will soon find that you are gaining in energy and vitality your skin will become clearer eyes grow brighter whilst at the same time you will be achieving that muchdesired youthful slender figure j charm in and it fits j j perfectly yes luckily you have the fashionable figure one lady sirs 0 s- writes only a few months ago 1 could not i get a nice dress to fit now i can i wear a size 30 many thanks to i kruschen ive recommended it to all my friends tone in line technique the word tone as used in de sign is applied to the quantity f j light or dark or difference of color in a line or shape which enables us to distinguish it from other lines cr shapes surrounding it tone may be obtained by using a pencil or pen charcoal crayon wa ter color oii and is obtained by lilies dots or stipple grain color washes bott transparent and opaque each medium has seme advantage either in execution ease of printing or suitability to the work in hand k1c1s iso to us illustrate four swatches of tone values ihe first is obtained by using black ink painted in a rectangle the second by a ser ies of pen lines drawn closely toge ther allowing very little white space between the black lines the third by a series of pen dots known as stipple the fourth by a grain ef fect which an artist may produce by pen stipple dots being joined togeth er in tho stippling process this grain effect may also be obtained by i a mechanical process known as lien i day tinting printing are known 2s and line a drawing ii iura can be reproduced by but only drawings made water color kruschen salts is obtainable of co101 is generally mixed all drug stores at 43c and 75c a i wilh chinese white which makes it halftone any med- balftonc in black lines stipple or grain can be re produced by line so far we have considered tone as made only by gradation of black and white the question may arise as color is to be used in design how- are colors to be regarded in relations of tone it is hardly necessary at this stage to point out the color eq uivalents of the value scale at pre sent it will help us sufficiently in j arranging colors to produce tone rhythm to consider light colors as light tone and dark color as dark tone and to sum up our study of tone itbylcim we have seen that we may arrange lights and darks as well as lines and shapes that the eye is attracted to the point of tho greatest contrast in such an arrange ment that we may therefore set up a movement in our design through the use of contrast and harmony which will lead the eye where we wish it to go and that the use of tones ranging from white or delicate grey to deepest black enormously in bottle girl guide meeting at toronto in may toronto the dominion annual meeting of the canadian council of the girl guide association will be held in toronto may is and 1c the association announced recently a banquet in honor of the world chief guide lady badenpoweil will close the annual meeting her excellency the countess of desiborough wife of the governor- general will he present as honorary president of the council and will have a message for the guides in canada 15 millions for ipmenf i opaque and is known as i expression in a good many young girls are only waiting for their boy friends ships to come in before they embark on the seas of matrimony the comrade call me friend or foe little i care i go with all who go daring to dare j am tho urge the spur and thing juoon of the tides that surge into song call me friend or foe taking to give i go with all who go dying to live i am the force i am the fire i am the secret source of desire call me friend or foe- little caro i i go with all wjio go singing to die dont pass the roses by and gather all the rue look on the sunny side and make your dreams come true march customs returns lower ottawa department of national revenue have issued figures showing customs and excise collections for last march of 17519040 a decrease of 400902 compared with march 3914 collections for the 12 months ended march 31 collections were placed at 220705005 an increase of 23431451 compared with collections lor the previous 12 months customs collections last month totalled 0632310 a decrease of 128454 excise taxes at 7g7s478 were down 621519 while excise du ties totalling 3129993 showed an increase of 315922 miscellaneous collections netted 78251 down 26- 680 for the 12 months period custom duties were 74785992 increased 10311721 bor the same 12 months xcise collections were 5624701 greater at 107584613 excise duties worth 43628937 vcre up 7628776 miscellaneous collections at 700002 showed iirop of 133215 its frequently just an idea not old age and according to scientists may be something no more alarming than a touch of acid stomach at about 40 many people think theyre growing old theyre tired a lot have headaches stomach up sets dizziness nausea well scientists say the cause in a great many cases is mcrelv an acid condition of the stomach the thing to do is simply to neutralize the excess stomach acidity when you have one of these acid stomach upsets all vou do is take phillips milk of magnesia after meals and before going to bed try this youll feel like another person take cither the familiar liquid phillips or the con venient new phillips milk of mag nesia tablets made in canada also in tablet form phillips milk of magnesia tab- lets are now on sale at all drug stores everywhere each tiny tab let is the equivalent of a teaspoonfut of gen uine phillips milk of magnesia phillips aili cfmayuelia- otlawa guarantee of equipment securities of the canadian national and canadian pacific railways to the extent of 15000000 is a fea ture of dominion government legis lation of which notice has been given to create employment by public work and undertakings thro ughout canada inclusion of the railway equip ment works in the governments re employment legislation had been forecast but it had been expected the amount would be double the fig ure named in the resolution ex tension of the public works pro gram launched last year and other works undertakings are to be in cluded in the measure a resolution upon which the mea sure will be based appeared on the order paper of the house of com mons in the name of the prime minister it may be moved by act ing prime minister sir george per- ley for nearly a year the government has been considering representa tions from the makers of railways equipment in canada seeking fed eral guarantees to cover equipment orders for both systems some em ployment had been created in the algoma and sydney steel plants a year ago by the dominion govern ment guaranteeing the cost of rail orders until such time as the com panies took delivery the equip ment orders suggested in earlier representations had been for around 30000000 legislation to be based upon the report of the commons committee on housing will not be included in the general reemployment measure and will not come before the house until after the easter adjournment it was announced that hon ii ii stewart minister of public works would make a statement in the house regarding the works program gram civil aviation in canada grows pronounced gooash or more com monly known in the art profession as body color in dine work the drawing is usually mnde with pen or brush in black ink on white card for stipple the same materials are used only instead of lines being drawn in various ways and thicknes ses to get the tones different sized dots are made with the pen and by having them closer together or fur ther apart varying tones are obtain ed pencil or crayon gives the grain effect varying in strength and in coarseness according to the surface of the paper used or the degree of hardness of the pencil or crayon there are other methods growing out of these in some of which mechani cal aids are employed such as the air brush and the ben day sha ding machine these we shall consi der later on you need only remem ber at present that the two principal photographic processes used in re producing commercial design fcr how this expression is controlled in an important respect we shall see in our study of balance the se cond of our three principles of de sign ex no co make copies of figs iso to 1s3 twice the size of the illus trations squaro and trim the drawing lea ving a margin about one inch wide then lake a piece of thin paper and paste along the top of the back of the drawing and make a cover for the drawing as in the diagram fig 184 this will keep it clean and is the way generally used in business write the exercise no and lesson no neatly on the lower right hand corner of the drawing cover questions will be answered in this department anyone wishing to receive a personal reply may have same if t lie stamped addressed en velope is enclosed with the request the art director our sketch club 73 adelaide street west toronto ottawa the department of national defence has issued statis- tims showing a vigorous upturn in civil aviation activities in 1934 com pared with the previous year and 1932 it pointed out no subsidies are paid air transport companies and said it could be claimed justly in canada civil aviation hies by itself the figures showed canadian ci vil aircraft flew 75871 hours last year an increase of more than 20- 000 hours over 1933 figures and al most 19000 hours over 1932 flying the pianos flew 6497037 miles car rying 105306 passengers 14441179 pounds of freight and 025000 pounds of mail bringing the air mail weight per capita for the year to a higher point than in any other country in the world the number of aircraft operators increased from 90 in 1933 to 128 in 1934 while the number of licensed aircraft rose from 345 to 368 but remained less than in 1932 when 415 were registered all agencies cooperating to eliminate this destruc tive pest sir malcolm campbell to edit movie sheet new yosk trueman taiiey general manager of movietonews jnc announced recently the appoint ment of sir malcolm campbell bri tish automobile speed record holder as editor of british movietone news british affiliate of the fox movie tone organization he succeeds to the position of ger ald sanger now named producer of ihe british newsreel orgnnizaton tho difference between getting komewhere and nowhere la the cour se to make an early start jubilee medals from royal mint ottawa medals to commemorate the kings jubilee have been re ceived from the royal mint in lon don it was announced recently by hon e n rhodes they will be sold by the canadian mint through canadian retail stores custom fromremotepnrtsof china come mysteri ous stories of prisoners de prived of salt a form of torture and death strange customs and superstitions featureour wonderful new picturo book for children would you like to read this gripping story then send tho coupon now it is free try this when beating eggs a little salt helps you beat thorn quickly pure for orl viet windsor iodized salt whitons tho testh mild pleaianthririn- lonsfor dentri- frico mouth wash and gar- glo cannot scratch pro- vent a goitre use daily for ublo and cook ing tear off and hail today canadian industries limited salt division windsor ont jjlj without obliialionpleaso tend special child xen a booklet salt all over the world nnnt address the warble fly and the resultant warble grub constitute a real men ace to every cattle owner in ontario and it is most commendable to note the manner in which representa tives of the department of agricul ture in every county have marshal led their forces in a general war on the warble pest it has become a distinctly local enterprise witli everybody warb ling for the benefit of the cattle industry and at a decidedly low maximum cost to each individual cattle owner the average cost per animal for the three necessary treatments is very little if any in excess of hrce cents school teach ers and school inspectors are in volved in the drive with special lessons being taught in the schools councillors arc out campaigning and local storekeepers in almost every town and village are cooperating in the same snrit by holding them selves in readiness to supply all the necessary ammunition in the form of a powder that is easily and readily mixed with water perhaps no agri cultural endeavour of recent years has caused so much intense interest nd concern and the poor little warble ply is destined for complete eradication if this general camp aign is conducted for another 2 oi 3 years it is only human perhaps to pro crastinate and some farmers have postponed treating their cattle in the hope that warble grubs might not appear this year or that it was use less to treat unless the neighbours did likewise such an attitude is the poorest kind of logic every far mer should treat his cattle since treatment means no running or gad ding contented cows better milk low better fleshing and superior hides and no farmer should let the success of last years treatment de ceive him as one years treatment does not kill all the warble grubs true it is nearly the middle of april but there is still time to give the first treatment the main urge is do not fail to treat all your cattle 40 millions ror military purposes in five years ottawa in the five year from april 1 1930 to april 1 1935 inclu sive the government spent 4002d- 0gs on military purposes says a re turn tabled recently in the house of commons in addition to that 2- 503350 was spent on construction of military buildings in the same period 21345686 was spent on the royal canadian moun ted police while 29s154 was spent on buildings this latter cum did not include 1 057000 for the bead- quarters building now in course of construction in ottawa nor the s29s000 for the rcmp barracks at edmonton the importance of screening ontario safety league issues appeal the danger to health caused by the common fly has led the ontario safety league to appeal to house holders all over ontario this spring to keep flies out of their homes there is only one way to do this properly screen every door and window when screen doors and windows are on hand they should be checked carefully and if damaged the screen wire should be replaced a defective screen is worse than use less as it gives a false feeling of security it is a well known fact that the common fly is a carrier of dis ease germs classified advertising patents an offkit to uvicity in vkntok list of wanted inventhms and lull information sent free tho bawany company world iutent attorneys 73 hank street ottawa canada pa3ms p03 saxs putms at ualluain 1iticesl never equalled willi ughhv farm agency kent lluildhig toronto old c0ik3 i ip to sso00 each iaih for us u indian head cent we buy all dates regardless of condition ln to 100 each paid for tjs lincoln cents ln to 16000 each for canadian coins we buy stomp collections medal books old paper monevr cold etc send 2ou coin for large ilhiiusurd price list and instruction sallsurif guaranteed or reftiuieu muli coin shop 130j3 front hi saruiu out good luce chicks c fecial horns montreal paper to cease publication sale of f a r m e rs also line against police and auctioneers up montreal 1ordre french langu age daily morning paper of comment and criticism founded by olivar as- selin noted frenchcanadian writer and commentator will suspend pub lication on may h next the inde pendent daily has been published continuously since march 10 1934 criticism of the papers articles by itodriquo cardinal villeneuve archbishop of quebec led to the de cision of the directorate to cease publication rose comb brown log the kind mother usal to keep vitality required for laying large eggs xcuhausern chatham on tario chicks rob sir cix breeds chicks s cents pullets 30c complete catalogue mailed st agatha hatchery si agatha ontario axiy ahdehsons chicks feburnsscalds sold by all druggim 23c 33c out 30c and s100 reddish kng two auctioneers came to church farm lancaster to seize and sell cows because the own er frank humphries farmer had declined to pay a 50 milk hoard fine the two auctioneers found 500 burly farmers in massed forma tion on the farm they were armed with knobby sticks startled by this display and fur- flier alarmed by the lusty booing and challenging the auctioneers depart ed and returned with a police es cort everything seemed in order for the auction except the cows frightened by the uproar the herd stampeded rushing madly around after the manner of a rodeo the police were in hot pursuit when ap parently from nowhere a pair of angry bulls appeared on the scene the two auctioneers in despair called off the sale and retreated with the police escort motor car sales show big jump sauit ste marie ont sales of new automobiles are three times as great here to date this year as during the same period in 1934 and six times more than two years ago a survey among sault ste marie- car dealers indicates 1 wild ship you my best blood test ed barred rocks or white leghorns for sc day old any monday or thursday 100 live arrival send any deposit with order balance cod both breeds are the finest type large bodied and good layers andy ander son rox vf esse ont ceakactee beadihci if in iovk or any difficulty send handwriting birthdate and ten cents witli question for trial read ing and advice irof rogers box w irescott out mr janice howarlh of 8 k 5th st hamilton out cays my appe tite failed i lost weight and strength and caught cold easily this slate of health also affected niy digestion i took ir pierces golden medical discovery and folly re gained my lost health i picked up in appetite and weight new size tablets 50 cents liquid 100 large sire tablets or liquid 135 secure your supply seed corn free by selling your neighbour his write reids seeds po boxt03 chatham ont canadian boy scouts are invited to poland issue no 17 35 10 ottawa an invitation to cana dian rioy scouts to attend a two weeks jamboree by polfch scouts this summer on- the 25th anniversary of scotland in that country has been received by the governorgeneral as chief scout for canada jr michael crazynfki president of the polish hoy scout association j extended the invitation and express- cd a hope that canada might be rep- resented by at least a small party o j hoy scouts the jamboree will be i held in the forest of spala near tho j hunting lodge of iho president of the i polish republic a gathering of 20- 000 scouts and leaders is expected j to attend community advisory board a group of publicspirited citi zens having joined together for the common weal and bet terment of communities now offer a service to individual citizens and communities nonpolitical nonrac ial nonsectarian send a 3 cent stamped envelope for further information giff baker 30 lee ave torcnta ont drunk bumping into tho lamp post kxcu8c me sir humping into fire hydrant exctiso me little boy bumping into second lamp post and sitting down ill just sit here unlll the crowd pauses tftllfftaus ljlavtflbiu9aturtt 7 ft bisutsj i it dttes o 3 eisij j lo ctur 30 3 hiiyffc 1 io rosirr- lublbimv w tetxstlaa tay53vil3 aiui ri ftn eara y fco 1000 cnmpieie i dctillr free urfr vou malcolm ross kolffht specialist scarboronffh cng