pasteurizing milk food made her krom the canadian social hy giene council a small town the social hy giene councils lecturer recently sta ted in a lecture lu connection with its free radio college of health ser ies is a place where they dont pas teurize milk milk has heeu called the perfect food perfect because it contains all the elements necessary to nourish the human body and yet this per fect food can be and sometimes is its dangerous as dynamite pure milk can do nobody any harm in fact doctors have como to agree that it should form a large part of the diet of the average heal thy child light up into adolescence and hey also agree that it a an ex cellent food for people of every age why then do we say that it can be dangerous the answer is very simple doc tors agree that many diseases are introduced into the human body by ruiiiuie living particles knowns as germs many of the most malignant ami dangerous germs can live and breed very comfortably in milk so therefore any school child can see that when we swallow impure milk that is milk in which disease germs are livingwe are actually taking into our bodies little living creatures which may bring lis to our deathbeds milk the perfect food is a life- giver but when we drink impure milk we are drinking death you will be amazed when i tell you how many diseases are carried to human bodies by means of milk here are some of them diptheria scarlet fever tuberculosis typhoid fever dysentery septic sore throat anil many others understand i did not say that tho only way in which one may contract these diseases is from drinking impure milk but what i did say is that impure milk very frequently carries the germs of them into the human body any intelligent person knowing this will be apt to say how can we tell pure milk from impure milk so that we can admit the lifegiving milk to our bodies and to the bodies of our children and at the same time keep out the deathdealing germs of diseases it is impossible for anyone hut a skilled chemist to tell whether milk is pure or not you cannot tell by smell or taste by appearance or in any other simple way impure milk may come from the most scrupulous ly clean dairy the great practical defense against the invisible disease germs which lurk unsuspected in our milk is pasteurization now what is pasteurization it is a process named after the great louis pasteur who toward the end of tho last cen tury made certain scientific discov eries which have already saved hundreds of thousands of lives this process of pasteurization is extreme ly simplo and very inexpensive it is so simple and inexpensive that any community however small that allows its citizens to die of diseases which are carried to them by im pure milk is guilty of criminal neg ligence morally if not legally allj that has to be done to milk in pas teurizing it is to heat it to a temper ature of 115 degrees fahrenheit to keep it at this temperature for thir ty minutes and then to rapidly cool it to forty to fifty degrees fahren heit doctors everywhere agree that for children especially there is no such food as milk everyone should drink milk- and plenty of it hut it should be pure milk it should bo pasteurized milk ill caused by acidity corrected by kruschen it is only fair to pass these facts a writes a nurse i was suffer- ing from overacidity and flatulence to such an extent that i was com- pleleiv ill i couldnt take food i when i actually forced myself to take something i would be wretch edly ill- i have now taken kruschen for 12 months and i have no doubt that it has righted my digestive system- i am now quite fit and able to work with vigor again nurse e s indigestion is caused by a failure in the flow of the gastric or digest ive juices as a result your food instead of being assimilated by your system simply collects and ferments inside you producing harmful acid poisons the immediate effect of the six mineral salts in kruschen is to promote the healthy flow of the vital juices of the body as you continue with the kttle daily dose it ensures the regular and complete elimination of all waste matter every day ami that means a complete end to indigestion i i raening by gordon l sniih an appeal to the citizens king george v jubilee can cer fund inaugurated a message to the citizens of on tario from his honor dr herbert a bruce lieutenantgovernor his excellency tho governor- general inaugurated recently the king george v jubilee cancer fund in canada the citizens of every province in this great dominion are being invited to assist in bringing about the ultimate conquest of a deadly relentless enemy whose sha dow falls across all our lives can cer i need not say how eagerly i seize this opportunity to appeal to the citizens of ontario to do all they can to make this jubilee year of his majestys accession to the throne for ever glorious forever a year of grace memorable for ail time as the year when we all in massed formation began a wellplanned attack upon cancer the most elusive the most secretive and the most inexorably cruel of mankinds enemies the terrible annual toll cancer exacts in this province must be checked each year four thousand people die of cancer in ontario and for every one that dies there are usually three more who are suffering from this painful malignant disease that makes 12000 cases of cancer annually in ontario the ratio of astronomers faith william gilford in the journal of the royal astronomical society of canada i have an unconquerable aversion to thinking of the universe as a mass of dead matter what all these my riads of shining suns and flying globes encircling thorn and this our llttlo planet tho only abode of life and intelligence such a belief wi thers stars and flowers to carbon compounds and dead insensate rocks truly a universe of death which tho wonders of life hero for bid no to the power of god in crea tion thcro is no limit and we may be thankful to think that the pro cess of thought has so far liberated our minds that wo may freely and logically reason from tho facta of life on our earth that life of an in telligent typo has been evolved upon many worlds that we had unthink ingly banished it from mars venus and now mercury show highly suggestive signs of liv ing activo intelligence sombatliig tho obstacles sung in power the re sources of strange worlds to serve their purposes and we may yet hope to learn of and from them for all we know tho planets and stars may themselves serve as bo dies to cosmic intelligence as fe- ehncr suggests and algernon mack- wood supposes so our horizon widens as our thoughts contemplate a universe not dead but forever alive conscious and forever moving on in reasons ear they all rejoice and utter forth a glorious voice for ever singing as they shine the hand that made us is divine community advisory board a group of publicspirited citi zens having joined together for the common weal and bet terment of communities now offer a service to individual citizens and communities nonpolitical nonrac ial nonsectarian send a 3 cent stamped envelope for further information giff baker 39 lee ave toronto ont article no 0 seed good seed is the foundation of ali successful gardening other factors may be beyond control but the gardener has absolute check over the seed weather soil and location may be ideal but without good seed specially selected to suit canadian conditions the garden is going to be a failure the average gardener is well advised to secure his seed and nursery stock from- a reliable can adian source because there is no guarantee that a flower which has given wonderful results in great britain or the southern states will do equally well in this country vegetable hints for best results tho soil in the vegetable garden should be worked to good tilth early to increase the fertility well rotted manure should be dug in with a digging fork the following seeds may be sown early in the open spinach beets carrots radish lettuce onions parsnips and peas seeds to be sown in the open after danger from frost is over beans corn melons cucumbers po tatoes pumpkin and squash seeds to be started in hotbeds cabbage cauliflower celery tomatoes pep pers and egg plants lawn building since it is impossible to do much general repairing to a lawn ahead established it is most important to get the very best seed when first starting out there b a great range in price iuit as in tobacco because both products in the commercial stage are made up of blended mix tures and absolutely depend on the- j proportion of the higher grade lines j merlca which go into the mixture a good j n the mediterranean coast line lawn grass mixture is composed of prolong the french railway at least half a dozen grasses some wii now contes to a humiliatingly of these are quick growers which abrupt sop at italys colony of come along speedily the first year tripolitania such then the day when the bank of fiance has a governor bold enough anl when the french investor is readier to expose his nose to cutting econo mic winds there exists a slight doubt a very slight djubt as to the willingness of the french to carry the second line t 1tinta fel- guera they might prefer to make its terminal point at oran or al giers i the third line a continuation of j the present rail route from tan- j giers to marraesh would skirt the atlantic seaboard as far as dakar in senegal aviation has already given dakar geographical dignty it is the starting point both of the german air mail and of the french air and ship mail services to south the fourth line brush- large plug j md protect the later starting finer stemmed but really permanent grasses which will go to make up the lawn in the years to come it is these permanent grasses which are the most expensive but without a large proportion of them the mix ture wiil not make a satisfactory showing after the second year be fore sowing it is essential to get the soil raked level allow a week to settle and any weed seeds to germ inate and then on a windless day sow at the rate of one pound per 200 square feet going over the ground twice once across and once length wise then rake lightly one way only so as to merely cover the seed and if possible finish the job with a heavy roller or pounder when the grass is up two inches commence mowing using a very sharp machine so that there will be no danger of pulling out the young plants deaths from cancer has increased from 709 in 1911 to 1117 in 1933 an increase of 439 the results obtained today in the treatment of cancer are so very much better than formerly that those who notice a lump or have un usual symptoms should not be de terred from consulting a doctor be cause of the fear that he will diag nose their case as cancer in early cases surgery is still the best form of treatment either alone or in combination with xray and ra dium in certain regions however xray or radium is preferred and good results are obtained even in late cases tho uso of xray or rad ium will relieve pain and delay the inevitable the crying need is for more re search more institutions with facil ities for the scientist in his great work of investigating the cause of cancer and the discovery of a specific for its cure there must bo a spe cific but the cause of cancer must first be discovered by exact pains taking medical research this re search will only he possible if wo all help to provide the necessary funds when this fund is established it will enable canada to take her place with her sister dominions thus making the campaign inaugurated in london twelve years ago a truly british em pire campaign against cancer in its scope however i should make it clear that all money collected will be spent in this country i appeal to all citizens in this province to contribute 100 or more to the king george v silver jubilee cancer fund for canada will you pleaso send your contri bution direct to lady bessborough who will acknowledge it her ad dress is simply ottawa ontario tho chartered banks are receiving con tributions for transmission to her excellency as a convenience to the public where my money is left the daugh ter said last week adding that she had never found the money men tioned mrs shaw then lived at 1g0 prince edward- street where j i normandaou a carpenter said he he recently found a box containing more than 53000 in currency by rail to africa old tunnel project eccentrics 3000 hidden 13 years saint john when mrs sarah a shaw lay dying 13 years ago her last words to her daughter mrs samuel allan were watch the newspapers and someday youll know the lesson of experience that leaches kindness unselfishness and love of service is a greater lesson than any taught in books the abundant vitality of cod liver oil plus pleasant taste iffchtoerms im vitamin a people neeome every day aw for over fifty years doctors have specified scotts emulsion wherever the bone- building strengthening qualities of pure cod liver oil were indicated for scotts emulsion is more than just cod liver oil scotts emulsion is pure cod liver oil emulsified for easicrdigestion greater efficiency andpleasant taste i 8uild 80nes im vitamin o healthistrn0th depend on me the cod liver oil with the plus value for sale by your druggist a manchester guardian the idea of a gibraltar tunnel was first conceived by a french man as long ago as isc it has been reborn since the war in the mind of a spanisli artillery officer colonel pedro jevenois of the saragossa garrison and fostered in its new form both by primo de rivera and by the spanish repub lican government it has for the past seven years been the object of de liberation by a public commission this commission has just publ ed its latest report technical economic international all aspects of the scheme have in turn been considered not indeed that de liberation is at an end the techni cal aspect is to be examined further in the spring and the summer should hear of a definite answer to the question of the tunnels tech nical feasibility twenty miles in length stretch ing beneath the straits of tarua on general mac mar 2sth the spanish side to punta felguera in morocco and plunging at times to a depth of a thousand feet the tunnel if it becomes fact will be the longest and deepest in the world perhaps one should use the plural form for spanisli engineers speak of two contiguous tunnels with in termittent points of communication telegraph and telephone cables would be laid automobiles would be whisked through on flat cars and within 30 minutes of leaving the tunnels spanish end electric trains would discharge their pas sengers at the african exit tho potential commercial im portance of the tunnel springs to the eye with punta felguera as the focus of n number of african trunk lines africas tropical products would be conveyed to european tables by an allland route four trunk lines are dreamt of by spanish enthusiasts of the scheme two would traverse the saham one piercing nigeria to join the nearly completed capecairo railroad at stanleyville in the belgian congo the other making its way towards the jungled coast of west africa the construction of both railways j has been started under french direction their completion awaits the vison how- possible is its realization economic means and technical possibility are questions that await final pro nouncement apart from them there is that small but annoying diffi culty of the seveninch difference between the spanish and french railway gauges alteration of the present spanish track would be too costly the construction of a new trunk route in spain in impractic able what then can bo done con tainer cars might solve the prob lem offered by freight traffic and there are not lacking systems per mitting passenger trains to be adapted to varying gauges per haps one of them will enable this subsidiary difficulty to be over come what lastly of the international consequences of a realized gibral tar tunnel to britain a british- 1 controlled gibraltar would acquire a new significance to france french colonies in africa would be of enhanced military importance black troops could be rushed across to europe in a matter of hours spain herself would recover a meed of longlost european prestige but glory has its price spain has liked to remain aloof from european troubles she might still wish to do so but a neutral spain possessed of a gibraltar tunnel would be a passive ally of france are spanish tunnel enthusiasts to be checked by the thought sing a song of dixie fresh as a daisy good to your pipe fino tobacco aged and ripe longer lasting fragrant too dixie plugs tho smoke foryou plug smoking tobacco the home merchant the home merchant who is lie he is the chap who gives you cre dit when you are financially broke and carries your account until you are able to pay he is the chap who gives you back your money or makes exchanges when you are not satisfied with what you have bought he is the chap who stands behind the guarantee and makes restoration of all losses that you may sustain on the goods you buy lie is the chap who meets you at his door with a handshake and let you out with a message to the kids and a real comeagain goodbye he is the chap who meets and greets you on the street every day in the year and takes a neighborly in terest in your family and your af fairs he is the chap whose clerks and hookkeepers and other employees live in your town and spend their money with you and other home people he is the ohap who pays heavy taxes to help support home schools and build your town streets nnd maintain the fire department the police department and lighting ser vice he is the chap who visits you when you are sick sends flowers to your family when you die and fol lows your body out among tho trees and tombs as far as human feet may travel with the dead he is the homo merchant your neighbour your friend your helper in times of need dont you think that you ought to trade with him and be his friend and his helper in the time of his nee dont you know that every dollar you send out of your town for mer chandise is sent to strangers to tho men who never spend a dollar thore to men who would not trust you for a box of matches went to the maritimes and 185- 95f to alberta payments made generally by the trade and commerce department to assist in piacing canadian coal used in the manufacture of iron or steel on a basis of equality with imported coal amounted to 465273 while additional payments made under the domestic fuel act to the mari time coal industry totalled 87953 from 1931 to the present the amount of bonus paid on wheat was 12708570 the outlay in the year 19311932 when the fivecentsa bushel bonus was in effect was 10- 90s12s british ford pays dividend of 5 per cent london eng the ford motor company of great britain limited has announced a dividend of 5 per cent for the past year of 8009000 43250000 of ordinary shares of capital no distribution had been made for the previous three years classified advertising patbhtf the wolf bounty louis johnson trapper of felix ont thinks the bounty on wolves should be higher than it is indeed he advocates one of 50 instead of the present 15 and declares that this spring a very vrge number of deer have been killed by wolves ail year round the wolves have killed large numbers of deer around felix he said in an interview with a reporter but recently the slaught er that took place was awful the hoofs of the deer cant grip the ice or crust and they cant get away at all the wolves are light and manage to get about even in icy weather they made quick work of the helpless deer recently the average person johnson went on does not realize how many deer the wolves kill with the bounty at 15 trappers dont bother trying to trap wolves they go after other animals because they got more money for them it hardly pays us to trap wolves we only get 15 a pelt and out of that we have to pay our fare to the crown lands office before we can collect thats the reason wolves are on the increase and with wolves on the increase deer will be decreasing sault ste marie star an offer to every inventok v list of wanted inventions and full information sent free the gainsay company world patent attorneys 273 hank street ottawa canada sex sec3ets be ve axed ucafe counsel d12 page book illustrated discusses pro blems of love marriage tells tlio whole truth about sex eugeriley social practice etc in plain language in ternational distributors po box 102 station a toronto ont farms excellent farms available in middlesex county location canadas best write better business committee stvathroy out a e ditchburn 4 11 2e character reading if in any difficulty business vocation love etc send handwrit ing- mrthdate ten cents for roadlnj by mall prof rogers chnracter read er box yv prescott ont pigs stomach patches mans dont do yse leonard ear oil for deafness head noises a soothing acd pcmuating combination that baa im- proti tho lit irinr acd imttifl head noiats of many not put in tho earabut rubbed back olearaandlntexttd ji ncitriia lconardearoilhaabttnonthelcarketiiaco 1907 mado in cazada 0155 at canadian dresiiitt dtfcrlptta circular lent on rnjueat a o leonard inc 70 fifth annul naw york city aid to coal industry has cost 6781176 ottawa since 1928 canada bar paid 0781170 in subventions and other forms of assistance to aid the coal industry in the maritime prov inces and alberta n return tabled recently in the house of commoni said of that amount 4457092 geneva o in the midst of news about upsidedown stomachs and disarranged organs h p william son 08 of cork near liere has come forth to proclaim that for 23 years he has been digesting his food with n stomach part of which was once a pigs williamson more than two decad es ago underwent two operations in cleveland for ulcers of the stomach tho second time surgeons found it necessary to do some patching a part of a stomach removed from a pig was used as the patch wil liamson said williamsons health has been gocd during- the 23 years though he has been unable to stand much exertion he raid his appetite had been norm al except during two illnesses kennedy menton 421 college st toronto harlcydavidson diatri jutcra and uaed parta write at once for our bargain list of ueed motorcycles terms arranged tiis esidnrol wrrn stoke with oboss3 ft high kj coat fo pa f i only 9 i ij v prepaid prices from 75 to ss4 send for freo catalogue it will savo you money lows stone works estd 1903 box 1113 iforwood ku are you rundown tired mrs mabel murphy of 13 wcstinnliause ave apt 4 hamilton ont miid about five years ukk j was terribly run down bad indikstitn couldnt skip or cat lort strength and my weight fell uii 20 pounds ii fore i bad finished the first bottle of dr purees favorite prescription 1 fct much better had more strength and better dtkestion new size tablets 50 cents liquid 100 large aie tablets or licuid 135 periodic pain tf 3ou suffer peri- r odij pain and discomfort try ifyclia pinkhams tablets in most cases they bring welcome relief as mrs caroline new man says they case the pain mrs raymond chaput route 4 tilburyom saysi suffered some thing terrible had such backaches and headaches i was worn out yourtiblcts helped memct them help you too ask your drnggt mgm issue no 14 35 29 eon papr vot is do deef- mnce between prosperity and depression papa veil my boy in proboertty to had vine vim- men and song but in do- prttaion ji ro got is beer momma and the radio ti9rs fetatt xavimu i 71 s fcjitj i xapnt l laieferrl hi pubc ao a n lmimmjbtimbtrlu kcvnrao fee iio00 complete details free vrli nw malcolm ross halfm sptclauit sctrtoroncn ra