the dionnes visit chicago quintuplets parents on a three week holiday hirst since 1915 diet and education linked by research food defects effect learning ability doctors find premier bennett and youthful aides rrr- calluuder mr onue parents ot the quintuplets left here sunday for a three weeks visit to chicago on their first holiday since sep tember 1523 when they spent their honeymoon at ottawa they were ac companied by mrs joseph ltochan of north bay a cousin of mr dioune leon dioune and g kerwiii adviser to the quintuplets parents oliver dionne grandfather of the quintuplets will remain at the dion- nc homo and mind the other five of his grandchildren while their mother and father are away mr kerwln speaking for mr and mrs dionne said the trip was purely a social one in response to an invita tion of long standing details of the trip are being withheld because the parents wish to avoid publicity as much as possible rian3 for their en tertainment are known only to their hosts for the first time in their lives the dionnes are on relief mr dionne told an interviewer lie said this fact should nullify reports the par ents are reaping a fortune out ot the publicity accorded their quintuplets there have been reports circulat ed i had 2000 or 000 hidden away besides about 1000 in the bank mr dionne remarked its all abso lutely untrue of course it was also said we received a lot of money at christmas that was another lie all we have received since signing the contract with fee guardians is 111 asked what plans they had for the quintuplets mr dionne said our main thought at present is to keep them alive there has been talk i wanted to take them on a tour this summer that is another false ru mor we are not taking them oil any tour tor four or live years maybe moie both mrs dionne and i are anxious they should commence their education right here toronto dietary defects iu ani mals during early life can interfere with their learning ability it is es tablished by an investigation carried and mrs oivo di- pediatrics under the direction of professor alan brown in a joint effort with the department of psy chology of the university of toronto this information is contained in the report on research conducted within the conflne3 of the university a report which is one of the most illuminating of all the reports made by president if j cody in his air nual review of last years activities the possible application of this to human conditions is obvious concludes the statement re dietary defects as a result of our cooperative work with the connaught labora tories it is reported the lives of two children have been saved through the institution ot more in tensive treatment of tetanus with antitetanic serum also most in teresting and practical work is being done on the development of effec- 1 tivo whooping cough vaccine with the assistance of members of the dental profession we wave shown that additional amounts of vi- tamin d have markedly reduced the incidence of tooth decay in children living under what have been former ly considered excellent hygienic and diebetic conditions the report on research in medi cine under the direction of profes sor duncan graham states that dr hyland in association with dr it i farquharson made a most careful neurological examination on patients suffering from pernicious anaem ia the beneficial effect of ade quate liver therapy on the neurologi cal manifestations present in perni cious anaemia observed and reported on some years ago has been amply confirmed in this more recent obser vation the report statis v m i voice of the press canada new diesel type engine developed is nov- supplying power to foundry at 42 cents i newspapers best 3aiy s newspapers provide tixa best way saint john xb announcement ior s merchants to advertise that a revolutionary development ir their clotlles to tne thls ha automotive engineering had been be j b national assoc- perfected at saint john was made f ot c miners assembled recently following the granting of ieago they have it j of decided unanimously on an advertis- canadian and united states patent m comi for a new type diesel engine claim- which is scheduled to spend by far the bulk of the total appropriation on newspaper advertising the clothing men know from long experience that the buying public looks to the newspapers for the an nouncements of merchants and man- lufacturers and the people read the following advertisements have a chance above is shown prime minister r b dennett with two of his young organizers and managers for the conservative party from left to right are denton massey aged 84 federal organizer for on tario premier bennett and j karle lawson aged 34 conservative party organizer for canada extension of farm loan act under consideration at ottawa ontario is included and available funds increased sixfold may curb interest provincial boards replaced by single federal authority fishing parties saved from ice gam scored by holsteins unestimated number in peril on erie before getting ashore fort erie an inshore breeze and work of captain john j daley and 14 united states coast guardsmen from buffalo were credited sunday night with saving the jives of an un estiinated number of fishing parties marooned on shifting lake erie ice at least 40 canadian members of fishing parties including two women were left for varyin periods on huge ice cakes saturday when a southwest wind caused surface ice to buckle and separate from the main ice field parties were imperilled at several points along the canadian shore and in many cases fishermen lost most of their equipment captain daly and the coast guards launched their cutter in an effort to reach marooned parties at crystal beach they had to carry two small boats over the shore ledge when the cutter could not reach shore two more small boats were sent by truck over the peace bridge from buffalo to aid the coaitguardsmen greatest concern was felt for a group from eric beach including frank thryett charles burrcll and w carrick they were marooned for nearly two hours they escaped when the ice was blown three or i four miles down shore and jumped to safety ducks on relief tjcgihn xow ducks have gone on diicct relief when a flock of about co including a number of mallards took up residence in open water near the local powerhouse there was no food available except plant life in the water the parks department jias taken over the job of feeding the birds british exports cows also bring about s20 a head more uiantford canadian breeders of holstclri cattle exported to brit ish and foreign countries last year 4022 head mostly incalf cows and heifers this number exceeding by 105g head the exports of 1933 according to the extension depart ment oc the holsteinfriesian as sociation k r a n t f o r d shipments i abroad since 1929 have totalled 24- 1 399 head a turnover in value rep resenting a naverage income to the breeders of close to half a million dollars a year this big export business says r ii faith director of extension in a statement just made public has been built up to its present high level through canada being able to supply breeders in other countries of the world with iiolstein cattle measuring up to the ideals and re quirements in breeding type pro duction and health a further claim made in the statement is that prices during the past four months have shown an average ad vance of about 20 per animal with every prospect of further increases materializing when the spring de mand opens up in support of this latter conten tion mr faith points out that there is at present a scarcity rather than a surplus of real highclass commer cial cows in all parts of central canada that the higher prices pre vailing for milk in towns and cities have encouraged the development of larger herds in producing areas they j neai large centres of population while an even greater consideration involves foreign inquiry relative to the availability for purchase of iiol stein cattle in canada which since early last fall has been coming through on a scale very much in the lead of any similar period of time dating from the beginning of the depression the whole providing a most promising outlook for the breeder who has been following a definite constructive breeding pro- bean marketing board organizes for work chatham out constituted under authority of the natural products marketing act by orderincouncil signed in ottawa last week the western ontario bean marketing board which will administer a scheme for controlling white bean markets of canada held a meeting hero saturday for organization pur poses j w ward of highgate was elected chairman and w e rcid of chatham was named secretary other members of the board are b w fanshore of florence t hooper nichol of blenheim eugene king of paincourt and david carrol of jona fingerprint experiments developing new system london a new powder has been invented by a detectiveinspector of police here which allows of direct copies of fingerprints being taken on sensitized paper without the use of a camera hitherto when a copy has been wanted of a fingerprint say on a rough wall it has been necessary to smear it with a powder in order to make it stand out to photograph it with the new powder it is only necessary to smear it on the finger print and a print can then be taken direct onto a specially sensitied paper record experiments with this method have been in process for some time and are stated to have met with com plete sucess ottawa- the bennett ministry in troduced the second of the present sessions reform measures to parlia ment last week and thereby gave the canadian fanner his first experience of the governments plans to better conditions it was an amendment to the exist ing canadian farm loan act which the ministry sponsored it extended the legislation to the farmers of on tario saskatchewan and prince ed ward island to whom it has net hitherto applied and increased from 15000000 to 90000000 the federal funds available under the act for loans to agriculture the federal bill which mr rhodes presented was of broad character taking the existing canadian farm loan act as its basis it extends it to the provinces of ontario saskatche wan and prince edward island the governments of which had not passed the legislation previously necessary to take advantage ot it in addition it sweeps away the provincial boards j through which the act has been ad ministered hitherto and appoints in their place a single federal board of four members headed by hon dr j 1 maclean present farm loan com- niissioiier and former premier of british columbia finally it raises the maximum of tie loans which may be granted under the act from the original figure of 15000000 of particular interest in the dis cussion which attended the debate on the measure was the prospect which the federal finance minister held out of a substantial reduction in the interest rate charged by the govern ment on farm loans at present down to 5 per cent there was the pos sibility air rhodes foresaw of an ultimate cut to live or even perhaps to 4a per cent determination of rate the rate mr rhodes explained is always determined by the cost of money to the farm loan board and uiis will continue to be the basis at first the rate was 5 per cent then it was reduced to four per cent since that time there has been another gen eral lowering in interest rates and while i cannot anticipate the- action of the government regarding this matter it looks as if the rate would bo lowered to si per cent the spread between the cost of money to tho board and to the borrower is another question but it has been the opinion of the commissioner dr i maclean that to keep the financial position of the board en a fair basis there should be asked two per cent to meet the costs of administration and to provide for a fund to take care of inevitable losses through unpaid loans that rate might however be reduced to iy per cent but it can never go below one per cent which is regarded as a minimum cost of ad ministration other features of the legislation which mr rhodes introduced was its abolition of the requirement of the past for borrowers and provincial governments to subscribe to the capital stock of the farm loan board to the extent of five per cent of the value of the loan negotiated lefthandedness sign of obstinacy calm and deliberate de niand justice for everybody london eng lefthanded people are calm and deliberate they demand justice for themselves and others and generally show a sort of de liberate obstinacy in the opinion of dr miilais culpin lecturer on psychoneuroses to the london hos pital medical college who address ed the association of teachers of speech and drama on the relation between stammering and lefthand edness if a child was pushed he said from lefthandedness to righthand edness the mechanical working of the brain was interfered with and a stutter was the result that was one view another was that the shifting produced mcnal conflicts and inter fered with the temper character and attitude of the child which ex pressed itself in a stammer which of those two views was right he did not know- dr e j boome director of speech therapy to the london county council education authority said he was convinced from his ex perience that stammering was de finitely curable it might take a long time but that was generally due to the lack of conviction of cure of the stammerer on the other hand if the practitioner had not sufficient faith in his own method he would never cure anybody helped equip first british hospital ship during boer war xew york mrs a a blow who at the turn of the century helped equip and man liie british govern ments first hospital ship for use dur ing the boer war is dead at her home here after a stroke she was 74 at the time of ie boer war mrs blow was living in london with her husband a mining engineer since dead she secured the gift of a cat tle freighter the maine from the american trail port line ami had the ship fully equipped a staff of american physicians was fien imported and the maine turned over to the british govern ment a british crew manned her through the boer war as she trans ported patients from capetown south africa to liverpool mrs blow was later granted a private audience with queen victoria and was awarded the decoration of lady of grace of the order of st john of jerusalem in recognition of ier services ed to be stronger simpler more ef ficent and at least 10 times cheaper to produce than any other engine of the diesel type karl angel young designer be gan the construction of his invention in september 1932 the completed project was tested the nuverusemems nave a chance to january and found to be successful rea t a second or third time it its mos radical feature is a new i they wish and to dlsctiss them then system of valve actuation with an the act and buy thats why the air cap in the cylinder head the clothiers valves are operated by variations air pressure instead of mechanical i the columns of the newspapers are making sure they will is in t do the bulk of their advertising in actuation by tappets this modi fication has eliminated much cumb ersome equipment ami made the in stallation surprisingly simple air cools valves a rush of cool air past the valv- boider tilies star eighth gift of buffalo the canadian government has giv en a gift of four buffalo from the instead of flame following ignit- i at wainwright park in poland ion prevents them 7ro77beco eighth ccunlry to re- distorted by heat consequently mini- j c w m 1 acia as previous shipments have been mixing overhauls ihe engine has i no exhaust valves waste gases being forced through open ports by the the markets produce prices united farmers cooperative co saturday were paying the following prices for produce eggs grade al 3lc and with cases returned a large 22c a medium 20c a pullets 18c b 15c c 13c butter ontario no 1 solids 25c no 2 24 c poultry quotations in cents dressed live dressed inllkferi downward thrust of the piston an ndded feature of the air cap is its action as a supercharger result ing in more power angel was assisted in his work by e r mellenger technical repre sentative of a montreal engineering firm of two cycle action the new die sel develops 2115 horsepower at 850 revolutions per minute against a computed 10 horsepower at the fame revolutions with a similar fourcycle motor having the con ventional rcichanical actuation of valves the angel diesel was constructed merely for the purpose of proving i the feasibiliy of the air pressure valve system weight was not con sidered but the designers say the motor if conscientiously lightened would develop from 15 to 18 horse power per pound the highest horse power per weight ratio of any diesel cngino yet built oil is injected into the single cylinder under 3200 pounds pres sure 30 per cent lower than any other fourcycle diesel like all other diesels the new type is ignit ed spontaneously pressure causing heat equal to the flash point of the fuel mixture the motor has been running stead ily for eight hours daily without the slightest adjustment providing all the power for a foundry at the low cost of 42 cents per day according to mellenger the new valve system could easily be built into a radial diesel for airplanes presented to south africa xew zea land england australia france and belgium london free press respect a scot was walking witi a etonian catholic friend in london on pass ing westminster cathedral his friend raised his hat and the scotsman fol lowed suit at thi his friend said youre getting very pious raising your hat as you pass the cathedral was that the cathedral the scot replied i thought it was the hank of england london observer receiving instructions ii it looks as if j earlc laws is agreeing cting in toronto if j harle lawson left conservative party organ- with prime minister r b bennett at the recent hens a a over 5 lbs 10 13 over 4 lbs 9 12 zvi to 4 lbs 8 11 3 to v lbs 7 10 old roosters g 8 spring chickens- over 6 lbs 13 17 sis to g lbs 12 1g 5 to 5a lbs 11 15 4 a to 5 lbs 10 if under 4vi us 9 13 turkeys young 18 geese 10 ducks 13 14 broilers 1 to 2 lbs 11 15 wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to the toronto retail trade pork ham 21ic shoulders 15c butts lgvic pork loins 21c picnics 14c lard pure tierces 13c tubs 1314c pails lie prints 13vie shortening tierces 9ic tubs 10c pails 10 vic prints 10ac grain quotations following are saturdays closing quotations on toronto grain trans actions for car lots prices on basis cif bay ports manitoba wheat no 1 northern 35uno 2 northern 81 m no 3 northern 79 no 4 northern 77 no 5 northern 75 34 no g northern 7574c manitoba oats no 2 cw 49 no 3 cw 44 extra no 1 feed oats 44 no 1 feed 42 mixed feed oats 35 manitoba barley no 3 cw 55 no 1 feed screenings 22 per ton south african corn 9g ontario grain approximate prices track shipping point wheat 92 to 94 oats 34 to 37 barley 4g to 48 corn 66 to g8 rye 52 to 57 buck wheat 43 to 4i malting barley 70 to 74 fisheries help boost recovery in newfoundland governing commission tells that new policies have produced results study of peace princeton university has just now made a change in its curriculum which is causing wide comment hitherto it lias been giving cour ses on the art of war whieii were given i- conjunction with the re serve officers training corps la the place of one of these courses on tha operation of an artillery battery in struction will be given on the agen cies for the promotion of peace in stead of another courso on commu nication systems and gun firing will be one on civil and military law the subject was threshed out by tie unl erslty together with the re serve officers training corps and this action taken as a result which we take it does not mean that the training corps is done away with but it does mean that the univer sity is gfvlng serious study to the agencies which make for peace which is a step up halifax chron icle london the report of the govern ing commission on the economic sit uation of newfoundland made public in london recently states that the general financial policy of the com mission has produced satisfactory results the situation generally is considered more hopeful than when the budget was prepared six months ago at the same time the report says it could not be maintained that more than a small beginning has been made toward permanent improve ment in financial conditions on the island it is anticipated in any case that for a number of years revenue will fall short of the expenditures which newfoundland must incur platinum production with continued prosperity in the nickel industry canada is capable of supplying the major part of the world demand for platinum and its allied metals according to the de partment of mines ottawa cost of production in canada of platinum and related metals is presently well he- low that of most producing countries brandon sun accidents are caused the stubborn fact is that accidents do not happen if cars are standing still they do no damage it is when people get in and start to make wiem go that things happen and the people in them are responsible the safety of the roads and highways is not being guarded when wo find the judiciary voicing the complaint that juries are freeing men who should not he made free stratford beacon- herald the flea and the empire a ilea was the granddaddy of the british empire we are told by dr thomas w m cameron from his institute of parasitology at micdon- vv i aid college quebec he tells a plaus- not merely upon the development of nil its resources with a view to subse quent selfsupport but for adequate provision for administration of the public service the commission in presenting its report and a detailed survey of con ditions ask that the report be con sidered as a purely interim and pro visional one the fishing season of 1934 showed some improvement the report says the fishermen were educated to im prove th fishcuring process and to produce better quality of product at present fishing is very far from a certain source of livelihood in every year and on every part of the coast tho report adds but it would s10rtl returned carrying a tiny be too soon to sav that with proper i f iacl the dog beside the development newfoundland fisheries c ll rct pstairs and again iblc story the flea he says caus ed the black death in europe this ruined english agriculture and shif- cd into sheep growing this made wool and broadcloth englands staplo products and led to the ne cessity of finding foreign markets this in turn led to the founding of the overseas empire winnipeg tri bune obviously as tho crowded london bus came to a standstill a stout middleaged man descended the stairs carrying a small girl obviously his daughter tenderly placing his burden on the cuib ho ascended the stairs again cannot hold their own in the face of competition and provide a sufficient return for fishermen tho commission has initiated ex perimentally a land settlement scheme which is developing well the report says it is expected ultimate- served by a passenger seated inside ly it will provide for 100 families he bus who as father proceeded to all of which previously have been re- dismount with his third offspring ex ceiving government relief claimed in a loud stage whisper lummc c murt have descended bearing a second child which ho stood beslds tho first once more ho ascended hie stairs and again returned carrying a third youngster these evolutions were eagerly oh- is 17 there vancouver province nest up