Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 1, 1934, p. 8

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stouffville ontario november 1 1934 hen power just as it takes a big strong wellfed horse to pull a heavy load it requires a hi stroiik properly uourished hen to stand the strain of heavy egg production quaker fulolep egg mash provfdes the nutrition essen tial to inuiuluin the weight streuglh and health of laying hens so that they will he capableofproducinga maximum number of large firmshelled uniform eggs this is due to the fact that the base of quaker fiiloprp is fresh oatmeal blended with choice grains and containing exactly the right scientific proportion of molasses cod liver meal proteins and minerals start feeding fulopep now order a supply from your quuker dealer or write to the quaker oats company peterborough ontario iuaker fulope egg mas free- 24 page feeding book tho quaker oats company peterborough ontario please send mo free of charge your book on the feeding of bens for profit name- address city special low fares for remembrance day special firstclass fares will be offered by the canadian national and canadian pacific railways over the remembrance day weekend when the low rate of a single fare and a quarter for the round trip will be in effect between all stations in can ada and certain destinations in the united states adjacent to tho inter national borer it was announced by c p riddell chairman of the canadian passenger association this rate will be good to leave start ing points at any time between 12 noon friday november 9 until 12 oclock noon monday november 12 with a return limit good to leave destination not later than midnight tuesday november 13 this will afford passengers plenty of time to attend remembrance day services with their friends does spring cleaning at christmas time canada next to the united king dom is the principal source of supply for paints and varnishes in tho british west indies and british guiana which is a highly com petitive market the housewife in these empire countries of the caribbean reached by direct service by vessels of the canadian national steamships commences her annual spring housecleaning about christ mas time and there is a ready sale of enamels for household use about this time sales of canadian brands of household enamels are increasing 4th line uxbridge gormley misses hilda and caroline epp of toronto visited their parents over the weekend mr doners sale of the 24th instant was successfully handled by our local auctioneer a s farmer a biblo conference will be held at tho heise hill church nov 11 and 12 revival services are understood to begin at heise hill church about dec 8 with bishop dr eyster of oklahoma in charge gormley welcomes rev shantz as the new pastor of new gormley church rev shantz lives on tho d hoover property con 3 the bible school and academy of new gormley will open nov 6th with four on tho teaching staff mr a byer of greencastle penn will again resumo his duties as principal mrs c e heise will teach part time several high school studies mr a i winger will teach biblo and miss stella heise will teach singing in parts 1 and ii english i and ii latin i and ii algebra 1 and ii german and greek also geometry is expected to be taught miss olive maye of whitevale was home here over the weekend mrs bert staley was guest of mrs george jones on monday mrs hattie dawson spent tues day last with mrs ed norton mr and mrs ed norton visited mr dan nortons of uxbridge on sunday mrs ed wilson and mrs middle- ton were visiting at mrs a ashen- hursts last wednesday mrs george e wilson was call ing on friends in goodwood on friday mrs wellington smalley and bertha visited with mrs russeli feasby on tuesday mr and mrs ross harper and family visited with mr and mrs bert staley on sunday mr bert maye attended the anniversary services at the uxbridge baptist church on sunday mr and mrs russell feasby and norman were in bethesda on satur day attending tho hiseybrlllinger wedding mt albert farmer got 468 bushels potatoes to acre only fall plowing remains to finish work on land for york farms turnips- are being pulled just now h l atkinson assistant county agricultural representative stated last week potatoes are practically all up and the turnip pulling marks the end of the harvest mr atkinson said in tho mount albert section tho best potato district in the county the potato crop has been good one mount albert farmer sot 312 bags to the acre several got 175 to 200 bags three hundred and twelve bags would be 468 bushels to tho acre which is the most i nave ever heard of in this part of ontario the soil is none too wet but not bad since the rain early this week for fall plowing there is a shortage of hay in york county but that will be offset by the extragood crops of grain and straw the extra corn acreage and a good root crop will also offset the hay shortage dairymen are better oft for feed in this part of the province than in western ontario it is feed condi tions all over the province that will affect milk prices sale register victoria square fowl supper the victoria square united church anniversary services will be held on sunday nov 4th at 230 pm rev j c torrance ba will preach and music by newtonbrook united church choir at 730 pm rev twfg andrews will be the minister music by headford choir the annual fowl supper will be served on wednesday nov 7th program by elsie moluhan dram atic reader and impersonator assisted by louis march pianist supper from 6 to 8 pm admission 40c and 25c rev fagilbertba pastor s c boynton secretary thursday november 1 farm stock and implements including milch cows swine poultry and implements on the farm of valen tine bolender at lot 7 con 6 whitchurch bethesda sale at one terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday mov 7 entire farm stock and implements bouse hold furniture etc tho estate of of the late wm coakwell at lot 15 con 10 markham also the farm of 116 acres will be offered subject to reserve bid good brick house bank barn and good grain farm sale 1 sharp a s farmer auctioneer saturday nov 10 mortgago sale of valuable farm property at east halt of lot 8 con 8 whit church containing 100 acres more or less barn 47x80 with stone stabling stone house and otner building as described by posters distributed in the district sale on the promises at 2 oclock see posters for terms a s farmer auctioneer solicitors additional locals rev s clarkson and wife from rochester are visiting his sister mrs d h cook mr keith wightman a 4th year student at the university of toron- to was visiting at the parsonage on sunday with mr and mrs laidlaw wanted reliable boy chores for board during must help with milking farquharson phone 6103 to do winter j w ratclitt co have secured a choice sample of greening apples from sprayed trees to sell at 150 per bushel or 425 per bag the campbell soup co of new toronto purchased 22 carloads of carrots at stouffville for which the producer received 35c per bag there are still thousand of bags here awaiting a market the death of david graham well mccullough button known citizen of claremont occurr ed on tuesday this week in his 72nd year his wife was isabella coates funeral friday afternoon notice to milk patrons we have taken over the dairy business of h d sawyer snow- white dairy and will- continue to render a first class service to the customers ah snowhite tickets in the hands of patrons will be houor- ed by us we would appreciate a continu- ence of the patronage of all snow- white patrons and can assure them a safe milk supply with courteous service clayt baker maple leaf dairy goodwood straw for winter feed while straw is not generally con sidered as a nutritious feed for live stock yet in times of fodder scarcity it is very valuable horses and dry cows may be wintered entirely on straw if supplemented by onehalf to threequarters of a pound of linseed oil meal a day or other similar protein feed a ration of half straw and half legume hay will carry such stock through the winter in excellent condition little straw- should he used for bedding this year when it is needed this year for feed good oat straw contains a considerable amount of total nutri ents though practically no protein this is why straw alone makes a poor showing as an exclusive feed for live stock but when supple mented with a little high protein feed its carbohydrate content can be utilized to excellent advantage when feeding straw always pro vide plenty of mineral matter in addition give cattle horses and sheep free access to a mixture of 28 pounds of bone meal 50 pounds of finely ground limestone 20 pounds of salt 2 pounds of iron oxide one- half ounce of copper sulphate and one ounce of potassium iodide in feeding value oat straw leads with barley wheat and rye straw following in the order named sweet clover straw after thresh ing out the seed is especially valu able in a year like this the toronto folk of former days turned out in good numbers for the fowl supper in the goodwood unit ed church on friday evening some three car loads arriving one of the visitors made the pointed enquiry as to whether the ohurch is so crowd ed each sunday as it was on the occasion when the good people were seeking those well cooked birds and all the other good things well were not going to go into the matter any further and we notice that mr walter daivey rather chucked the quepy also as it was put to him the former goodwood people wiho came out were able to procure a fowl either chicken or goose ready cooked which they were delighted to take home for sunday dinner and as the bird graced the table their thoughts could roam back to the good old days when father lived on the farm or in tho village we appreciate walter davey acting as advance agent to marshal the toronto forced for this fowl supper event some of the visitors from the city at the church supper here on fri day were mr and mrs george lee mrs bewell miss bewell mr and mrs if o butler riohard evans of his majestys mail service vaughan blueman and walter davey secretary of the toronto group for the goodwood cemtery they were loud in their praises for the wonder ful spread provided on october 20 our eldest citizen william morgason reached his 84th birthday halo and hearty in fact ho is as active as many people of only 60 years and but for his poor hear ing his faculties are one hundred per cent it is just 10 years ago since he was separated by death from his life partner who passed away in 1924 congratulations to goodwoods eldest citizen and long may he be spared to enjoy the dis tinguished position he holds in our midst mr harry pennock accompanied messrs donald and howard rat- cliff and david harris to port perry one night last week to attend a sacred musical service held in the town hall there a small car of vegetables was shipped from the local depot on tuesday for relief purposes in the stricken area of saskatchewan the car was chiefly composed of pota toes turnips and cabbage attention stouffville war veterans will hold their poppy day on saturday nov 10 veterans will fall in sunday nov 11 for decoration at 850 am in front of post office geo patton president quality price help yourself to the british market and higher hog prices the british market demands wiltshire sides with a higher percentage of lean meat than the canadian producer has been supplying science has at last come to our aid and has evolved a feed supplement which will produce the type of bacon with which we can secure and hold the english trade this feed supplement is known as surgain hog concentrate this is an all canadian product put up by canadas largest packing house canada packers ltd working in con nection with the oac the cost is about one half that of ground feed for the food value contained besides it thoroughly balances your ration supplies necessary miner als produces firm lean flesh and prevents all forms of stiffness join the already large number of progressive users by ordering your initial supply today obtainable in this district thro dicksons hill mills bethesda ontario phone stouttvllle 7207 plus markham ontario phone stouffville 5505 service jack frost is here mr and mrs ambrose stover with margaret and norma accom panied by his parents mr and mrs elias stover motored to imilverton in perth county on wednesday to visit mr and mrs archie stover mrs james ridout gave a party to the members of miss luella holdens bridge club it was in honor of miss holdens birthday and was a complete surprise a handsomely decorated birthday cake with the customary candles was the centre of interest get your antifreeze at d holdens ford garage stouffville and markham we have all kinds of antifreeze at popular prices we will also put in a solution in your radiator to seal up all gaskets to prevent leakes free remember you also get a free ticket on each 100 on the ford car given away free january 1st 1935 d r holder dealer ford sales and service stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120 the mount albert baptist church which hold their weekly prayer meeting in the homes of its mem hers assembled on tuesday even ing in stouffville at the home o their pastor rev mr smalley about 15 gathered for prayer from the northern appointment the members of the garrett evening auxiliary extend a cordial invitation to the public to attend an open meeting in the schoolroom of the united church on wednes day evening november 7th at 8 oclock a special missionary pro gram has been plannod followed with a social halfhour all art- welcome silver collection the monthly meeting of the jr womens institute will be held at the home of mrs o tranmer on wednesday nov 7 note change of date at 230 an address by mrs rev mcewen piano duet by mrs dawson burnett and miss ruth storey the district president mrs l h reesor of scarboro jet will also be at this meeting everybody invited members iplease attend fall time is horo the time that you should fall in line for bettor bread line up for puro food products toll your grocoryman that you want stouffville bread and mako sure that ho dolivors it you know how to mako sure that holl dclivor it dont you visit our cake shop stouffville bakery ambrose stover rron this store closed wednesday afternoons until dec 1st dominion stores stouffville branch prices this week aylmer pork beans 1c oztln oc soap chips 4 lbs 25c calay soap 4 cakes 18c with ono free cloth raisins 2 lbs for 25c lux flakes large 19c 10c 25c 23c 25c lc 25e 25c 211c 20c its free its pree come and see your telling me mens bible class rev thos laidlaw ma teacher sunday november 4 1934 the stouffville business and young mens bible class will con vene in oddfelows hall on sunday afternoon at 230 rev thos laid law ma will bring the message on friday nov 2nd at 8 oclock the class are holding their first social evening for the fall and wint er term let us have big turnouts on friday evening and on sunday afternoon nugget shoo polish tin merry sugar wafers lb cheese mild 2 lbs prunes 2 lbs glass tops for jars dozen halloween kisses 2 lbs toffee in cclo bags b orango marmalade jar early morning coffee lb iodized salt 2 pkgs for 25c cocoanut per lb only 10c xxxx flour 98 lb bag for s2i0 come in and see our big tea special p boadwny manager through an arrangement with the stanley theatre stouffville art swift garage man is sponsoring an absolutely free picture show with fun for young and old on thursday november 8 1934 stanley theatre stouffville 3 showings 4 7 and 9 oclock there will be comedies too popeye the sailor and screen songs nothing to pay or buy just come and be our guests on this occasion swifts garage glasgow miss joyce cleare and mr roy smith spent sunday in kitchener imiss ella slack spent thursday with her cousins misses erla and addle davis imr and mrs willis mcnair of altona spent sunday with her mother mrs r brown mr and mrs earl mcmullen also miss addie davis and mr gorden burkholder visited with relatives in toronto on sunday cottage prayer meeting will be held next monday evening at the home of mr and mrs henry slack come tarry awhile in gods place of worship a quiet wedding was solemnized on wednesday oct 24 1934 in the presence of only immediate relatives at the home of the rev robert dieke pastor of bethany baptist church toronto when mr murray a slack only son of mr and mrs louis slack was united in marriage to miss mary f tindall only daughter of mr and mrs- o tindall uxbridge the bride was attended by miss ella slack sister of the groom and the groomsman was mr floyd tindall cousin of the bride after the ceremony the happy company journeyed to the home of the groom where a bounti ful wedding luncheon was served their host of friends extend best wishes for a long happy and prosperous life together chicken pie suppeit tho ladies aid of the ballantrae united church will hold their annual chicken pie supper thurs day november 1st supper will be served from c to s pm a good program will be- given by the recreation olub of the t eaton co admission 35c and 20c edmontonoct 25 wheat yield ing about i50 bushels to the acre and oats about 100 bushels is this years record on the farm of her man trelle wembley wheat wizard who arrived hero today jn iemnrtam hay for sale about 8 tons of mixed hay apply howard hager- man bloomington for sale pigs g weeks old also white rock and black minorca hens lou hoover ph 1504 claremont lost tarpoline in markham twp from trailor gx8 feet douglas booth mongolia ph 7s20 trailer for sale new jas leneghan phone 6103 the west emd grocery to the home store specials for thursday friday saturday daly grange tea orango pekoe half lb pkg 28c special 2 f or star amonia 2 pkgs old dutch cleanser 2 tins princess soap flakes reg 2 for 29c special 2 for with premium card mixed cakes per lb 15c sugar white or brown 10 lbs b5c sugar kist peanuts per lb 20n 10c 13c 10c 10c in mcmoriam in loving memory ot our dear auntie ida raymer who passed away nov 3rd 1933 dearer to us than words can tell is the thought of our auntlei we loved so well nieces irene and alma estray red yearling steer from lot 25 con 2 uxbridge about june 1 reward for information leading to recovery reub hock ley rr 1 uxbridge or charles watson goodwood tenders for debentures tenders will bo received by the undersigned up to 830 pm nov 9th for the purchase of 4000 ten equal annual payment debentures bearing interest at 4 per cent per annum tho highest or any tender not necessarly accepted h roach clerk treas goodwood po ontario properties offered in memorlnin in loving memory of a dear hus band and sister demetrious craw ford and ellzebeth green who pass ed away oct 29 dec 24 1932 in a sad and lonely grave yard lies the best we over knew and our hearts are sad and lonely for they left two years ago sadly missed by husband wife and children law sons economy store in mcmoriam in loving remembrance of matilda stover wife of wm morgason who passed away october 30 1924 the rolling stream of life rolls on but still that vacant chair recalls tho love the rvolce the smile of one who once sat there ever remembered by niece and husband for sale or rent 6 roomed frame houso main st east water and light installed apply t h paisley or mrs a allan for sale choice building and garden lot for sale on harold street stouffville phono mrs ii barnes for sale or rent solid brick house c rooms in village ot stouffville largo lot with garago and poultry house fruit trees and small fruits if not sold will be leased to reliable tenant possession nov 1st apply to jas ferguson rr 2 pickering geo lawson profrletor in mcmoriam in loving memory of my dear sister ida raymer who passed away nov 3rd 1933 in lonely hours of thinking thoughts of you are always near i who loved you sadly miss you as it dawns another year mrs fred pilkcy fowl wanted i am open to buy hens chickens geese ducks etc and will pay highest market price locate me at edw pennocks livery phone 163 sam golden e a grubin registered optometrist october dates 1st 2nd 15 16 29 30 november dates 12th 13th 26th 27th at stouffville every other monday and tuesday eyes examined olassos fitted and repaired phone stouffville 2405

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