Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 4, 1934, p. 7

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a husbands sweet disposition may oe like the mornings milk uy even ing it may be sour negro camp cock to commissary man look here boss dal ham you told me last night was spoiled commissary man impossible it was cured in the best way negro well boss it hat ham was ured it sho had a powerful relapse everybody owes the world some thing and high budgets are keeping them back in their payments chiet of brushville amateur fire company voure late in getting here young fireman 1 live a long way iway chief thats no excuse in future rou must live nearer the scene of the ore if junior is guilty of bad grammar aud bad drawing it is ignorance if an adult does it is humor man how much would it cost t5 send a dollar to my son postman eight cents man thanks here are the eight cents pass the gaff father daughter isnt that young man rather fast daughter yes but i dont think hell get away sea rover you must have had many roman tic adventures and narrow escapes in your seafaring life not many jliss you see i dont go roving ashore like most of the crew i plays safe and sticks to the ship money isnt everything it doesnt keep your blood pressure from ris ing when you get a postagedue letter college youth its all nonsense about it being hard for a college fel low to get u job friend then you didnt have any trouble finding one college youth one why ive had four jobs in the last four weeks hubby late at night let me in wifey im soaked its raining wifey is that so you insect well stay out thcro till you sober up a hick town is a place where a light after 10 pm used to mean sick ness instead of bridge imim supremely k -satisfying- turret inecut cigarette tobacco m and lv k poker hands zw it pays to roll your own with turret fine cut cigarette tobacco we recommend ci1antecler or vocve cigarette papers financial we contemplate our movies and and this point to vex too many of our pictures have been hitting on all sex deficit is a cuto little word and it seems to be getting around places a lot more than it used to man have you been a dentist very jong dentist no i was a riveter till i got too nervous to work up high many a man is willing to lose a friend in order to acquire a dollar applicant how about a position business man can you operate a typewriter applicant yes sir i use the bib lical system business man i never beard of it applicant seek and ye shall find the only way one can tell a girl is blushing these days is to take her word for it guest the dinner was delicious you must have an old family cook host yes indeed shes been with us 10 or 12 meals torontos new silver market the recent announcement that the toronto stock exchange would open a silver exchange in the near future appears to be of considerable import ance and as a result it is expected that not only toronto but other centres will benefit thereby one of the conditions attached to new memberships in the silver ex change is that outsiders will be required to establish offices or have local connections in toronto which should result in some demand for office space shipping concerns should also get some benefit through transporta tion of the metal and storage facilities will also be required locally and at other points the probability is that the bank and trust company vaults will be largely used for this purpose but it is understood that it was found necessary to establish warehouse or other facilities at halifax and van couver to take care of any ocean shipping which may be done other benefits from the establishing of toronto as a silver trading centre will probably show up over a period of time members of the toronto stock exchange will automatically become members of the new silver exchange and it is understood that memberships have also been arranged for representatives from most of the worlds big silver centres it became evident that a silver futures market was needed on this con tinent after the new york market stopped trading in futures and it looks as though toronto has excellent chances of capturing a goodly portion of the business which was formerly handled through new york one of the ny commodity exchange experts who is assisting in the organization of the new exchange told a group of bankers that he believed the silver market would bring a considerable volume of new money to the city the establishing of the new exchange is just one more indication of the growth of toronto as one of the worlds leading financial centres building products limited improved earnings and strong working capital position are expected to be shown by this company for the current years operations it is said that a fair volume of business has been enjoyed largely from small building contracts and from repair jobs and total business volume is ex pected to show substantial gain over the previous year sturgeon river discovery augments rail traffic so great has been the rush of men equipment and supplies into this new gold area that regular passenger ser vice has been somewhat disrupted during the past few weeks however announcement is now made by the ca nadian national railways that spec ial service will be inaugurated to con nect with the main line three days a week port arthur and fort william have become two very busy cities and reports state that practically all un employed men have found jobs con nected in some way or another with the mining activity supply houses are doing a rushing business and in a gen eral way facilities are being taxed se verely meanwhile reports coming lrom the new area continue to he of a decided ly optimistic nature and while it is too early to make definite statements everything indicates that the district is likely to have several producers brought in canadian steel production shows increase statistics published recently indi- cato that for the first eight months of 1934 output of ingots was more than double that lor the same period in 1933 president mcmastor of the steel co of canada stated that dem and for steel had been well maintain ed and the company had shared pro portionately in the improvement which he attributed in part to a stable price policy in face of higher prices for materials contrasting with rising prices in great britain and the united states mr mcmaster added that it was a matter of encourage ment to note that price index figures issued by the dominion bureau of statistics show prices of farm prod ucts advanced substantially during the year compared with a practically unchanged figure for fully manufact ured goods this is regarded as indic ative of progress towards a restora tion of agricultural purchasing power directors of steel company of can ada increased the quarterly dividend rate to forty three and three quarter cnts as compared to 30 cents which has been in effect since mai oh 1933 mother says fathers tiiat fearful of growing old that he has subscrib ed for the youths companion every time you eat you push food particles between youi teeth the dark moist warmth of the mouth furnishes the perfect condition for iuick decay whieh turns into live bacteria an unclean mouth is danger ous met- dentrlllce and iter lotion are scientilically made to pleasantly help you form the clean teeth and mouth habit made by caulk of canada for more than 50 years manufacturers of materials for dentists a twoweeks package for 20c at pruk and uept stores 2 how livestock producer loses soured on the world thats liver wake up your liver bile no calomel necessary many people who feel sour sluggish and generally wreehed make the mis take of taking salts oil mineral water laxative candy and chewing gum or roughage which only move tile bowels and ignore the liver what you need is to wake up your liver bile start your liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bilo into your bowels jet your stomach and in testines working as they should once more carters little liver lills will soon fix you up purely vegetable safe sure quick ask for them by name refuse substitutes at all druggist r education costs cut in holland to balance budget the hague a cut of 10 per cent in tho education budget at present 100000000 liorins coupled with ad justments in the relationship of the stato and municipalities are tho thief economies wlioreby holland bopes to balance the budget for tho ensuiug year it is announced here on tho basis of tho present year he figures show a gap of 93000000 aorins or 502000000 revenues arc estimated at g3i000000 florins and expenditures at 724000000 in addition to these retrenchments it is hoped to gain additional rev tnuo amounting to some 22000000 floris merely by means of various financial adjustments and without fresh taxation which tho govern ment believes the country is not in a position to deal with an explanatory memorandum is sued by tho minister of finance fur- uier explains that as tbe financial filiation of tbo nctberland indies re itilrcs direct assistance tho home ountry will pay 12000000 florins or 10 per cent of the naval budget of ho colonics i 1 bmaggaewagg do you hold victory bonds maturing november 1st 1934 the new 1934 dominion of canada refunding loan offers an excellent opportunity for the investment of funds it also provides holders of victory bonds due november 1st- 1934 with an opportunity to continue their investment in the strongest security in canada denominations 100 500 and 1000 convert your victory bonds now sg king street weal toronto telephone elgin s2t write to us now for full particulars wood gundy company limited in its latent issue the live stock and meat trade review published by the dominion departmnet of agricul ture again returns to the attack on the uneconomical habit of overloading the livestock markets ou mondays uufortuuately says the review the foolish practice of offering tbe bulk of the weeks supply on the mod day market was again very strongly in evidence with a more or less dis astrous effect upon prices paid and certainly increasing the cost of mar keting to the producer through daily holdovers during the hot months the buyers needs in big meats are mostly quite moderate and often the result is that out of a big monday run they will pick required qualities here and there and the bulk has to be sold as best it may a large percentage of the poor er end of the stock has small com mercial value and in recent months a considerable volume of thin cattle of good type and conformation very suitable for feeding has gone to the slaughter because of the lack of coun try demand planning a city in planning a new town or tillage there is plenty of scope for original ity in most of the older centres there was no planning at all of course there were things which the most farseeing designer couid not eipect such as tbe coming of the au tomobile making tbe city street more dangerous for ptdestrians than the railway track old cities contain a good many houses built before mod ern plumbing came into fashion and before electricity played so large a part in providing household conven ienees new inventions may render further changes desirable but it is possible to make a reasonable provision for space air sunshine and cleanliness loudon advertiser doctor said she must reduce convicts weekly the latent in newspapers in eng land is an attractive little yellow pro duction of four pages entitled the weekly news sheet it is now being circulated among hm prisons and supplants the old custom of the chaplain reading extracts from the newspapers after the sunday morning service tbe paper is printed by the convicts in maidstone gaol at a small printing press installed in the estab lishment but it is not deemed advis able to entrust them with the editorial work this is left in the hand of the prison commissioners no news appears about crime and sex otherwise as its name implies tho paper summarizes the weeks events including the saturdays foot ball game scores the first issue is packed with such odd items as an article on the mersey tunnel and the diverting information for con victs that air taxis may now be hir ed at croydon for 3d a mile the paper is designed to enliven sundavs in gaol marriage is a game of give and take what you dont give the wife takes you neve know whether money is borrowed until you get it back classified advertising hetj wanted fat a danger to her heart overweight is not merely a matter of appearance it affects health too excess fat robs the system of eueigy tbe internal organs grow lax aud slow down under tbe burden and undue strain is put ou tho heart here is ati instance a woman writes 1 have been treated by specialists who tried to reduce my weight as i suffered with heart attacks but no matter what they gave me nothing would reduce me since taking krdschcu everyone wherever 1 go exclaims about how much flesh i tiuve lost i took it at first for rheumatism aud it has done me a world of good as well as greatly reducing m weight before christmas i weighed 221 ibs now i am considerably less in lact a coat 1 had worn last year 1 have had to take to be altered before 1 was able to wear it again i have not really made any difference ith my diet so there is only kiuschen to thank mrs m s tho six salts in kruschen assist the internal organs to throw oft each day the wastage and poisons that encum ber the system then little by little ihat ugly fat goes slowly ves but surely a group nursing society has been formed in calgary to give families aud dependents yearround nursing service at minimum cost many seed entries for winter fair toronto seed entries for the royal winter fair are coming in most satisfactorily to date according to a statement from the fair this is es pecially interesting from the the view of the known difficulties that seeds men have had to face during the dry summer but apparently many of them intend to compete in all the classes the regulations provide that for this years competition in the open class es seeds may be taken irrespectively from the 1933 or 1934 crops this two year crop regulation however does not apply to the gold medal malting barley competition which is again being put on by the collective brew ing industry of ontario and quebec the barley seed entered must owing to the extracting needs in the malting process bo strictly from 1934grown barley ijlstitlliutolt wanted for this uis- ffct no senilis large profits ouick returns must have j30l mr tuttle 213 mccaul st toronto patents n offeit to uverv inventor list of wanted inventions and full information sent free the ramsay company world patent attorneys 273 ianfc street ottawa canada wear and nervous jf vour aay begins with nerves frayed jackache or periodic pains you need dr pierces favoritt prescription head what mrs d kelly of 283 chatham st brantford out said alter my daughter was born i was toe weak tc oe up my nervous system went to pieces i toolt dr iierces favorite prescription ano began ic pick up almom rom the first bottle i continued its use and sained in every way my nerves were better i became stronger and have been in excellent bcalth ever since new ie ijblcts so cts liquid large sue tablets or liquid s135 write dr pierces clinic buffalo n or free medical advice ask your doctor first mother before you give your child an unknown remedy to take every day unthinkinalv mothers take the advice of unqualified persons instead of their doctors on remedies for llicir children if they knew what the scicniisls know they would neucr take this chance doctors say phillips for your child when it comes lo the frequently- used ilk of magnesia doctors for cvcr ijo years have said phillips alilk of magnesia the safe remedy for your child remember this and always say phillips when you bui your child deserves it for vour own peace of mind see that you gel it gen uine phillips milk of magnesia also in tablet form phillips milk of magnesia tab lets are now on sale at all drug stores everywhere each tiny tab let istheeduivalentof a teaspoonful of gen uine phillips milk of es magnesia nst phillips made in canada this at least is certain in the darkest hour through which a human soul can pass whatever else is doubtful this aj least is certain if there b no god and no future state yet even then it is better to be generous selfish better to be chaste than licentious better to be true than false better to be bravo than to be a coward holds false teeth tight as cement plates cant possibly slip when you sprinkle on dr wcrnet o powder largest seller in world holds plate so tight they cant annoy yet so comfort able they actually feel and net like your own keeps mouth sanitary breath pleasant special comfortcushion pre vents sensitive gums from getting sore email cost any drugstore rheumatism pour minjrdi into a warm diih rub liniment gently in then apply it according to directions and soon youll got relief lit r4m fm h ptsffliiiisifli issue no 40 34 cfor over 50 years royal yeast cakes have been the standard of fine quality today they are pre ferred in 7 out of every 8 canadian homes where dry yeast is used in home baking individually scaled in airtight waxed paper they stay absolutely fresh for months you can be sure of full leavening power every time you bake with them free the royal yeast bake book to use when you bake at home 23 tested recipes loaf breads colls buns coffee cakes address standard brands ltd eraser ave liberty st toronto ont ask too for leaflet the royal road to better health buy madeincanada goods

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