0t0ttffwlte volxlvino 27 stouffville ontario thursday october 4 1934 a v nolan publisher xyal iioxev and holtkliuim cough mixture an effective remedy for all types of coughs helps loosen the phlegm and ex- pells it from the branchial tubes relieves hoarseness 25 and 50 cents for llrml colds nasal congestion and hay fever immediate relief can be obtained by using nyal nasal drops price 35c dickson hill man victim of accident henry grove dies from injuries received when sons cars crash together j m storey the druggist home of quality drugs legal harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phone 1s003 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffvillo money to loan briarbush hospital convalescent home main street stouffville license no187 graduated nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards phone 191 mrs er good superintendent medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 19g coroner for york county dental d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of commerce ollice hours 9 to 12 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phono 8201 markham every tuesday ollice in wear block veterinary s t bodendistelvsbvsc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college main street stouffvillo phone 255 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvillo monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am see h o klinck obrien avenue for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobllo and fire standing at the rear ot his sons car which had just crashed into a parked truck henry grove ot dicksons hill was fatally injur ed when a third car driven by an other son crashed into their wrecked auto mr grove died the same evening at six oclock from injuries received the fatal day was saturday last when the victim of the accident was riding to toronto with his son william more familiarly known as speedy it was around six oclock in the morning with none too good vision at agincourt the grove car crashed into the parked truck driven by william mcintosh ot scarboro whoso lights had gone out and grove was blinded by an other car coming towards him while bill groves car was only slightly damaged from the impact both he and his father were uu- harmed the old gentleman got out and walked to the rear of his car to allow an oncoming car driven by his son rev leslie grove to pass but instead it also crashed into- the brothers car catching mr grove sr in the impact ambrose stover of stouffville was telephoned and took down his passenger car and removed the in jured man to his home at the hill where he was attended by dr h freel four or five ribs were broken completely near the spine and other internal injuries sustained resulting in death about 12 hours later mr grove retained conscious ness and was able to sit up and ride back to his home it is said that neither of the grove boys saw anything ahead of them until it was too late to turn out there was only a few minutes between the two collisions and attempts were made to warn the second car but the driver failed to bo attracted by the swinging arms of his brother william on the road side henry grove seemed to be doom ed to meet with road accidents with his own kin two summers ago he was struck down by a grandson who ran into him with a bicycle which had serious results but from which he recovered ho was a hardwork ing man honest and upright always being bright and cheerful in the midst of adversity the late henry grove was born in the sth concession of markham and spent all his life in the same neighborhood his wife died only eight months ago and he is surviv ed by four sons and an only daught er the family consists of rev leslie grove one time preacher at lions head ira oscar and william and mrs herbert wideman ot dicksons hill the funeral on monday afternoon to dicksons hill cemetery was largely attended by a wide circle of acquaintances which was augment ed because of the tragic death of the deceased the service was in charge of rev henry goudie of imarkham and rev s cressman pastor ot the mennonite church at stouffville official returns north york byelectlon on sept 24 1934 gives col mulock 3687 the vote by divisions is as follows bruels mulock aurora all polls 778 748 east gwilllmbury newmarket 98 188 sharon 101 95 queensvllle 107 236 holt 75 92 mount albert 96 261 ravenshoe 70 71 school house no 12 27 new pastor called the congregationalchristian churches at stouffville and church hill have extended a call which has been accepted to mr harry worllng of toronto to become their pastor the engagement was enter ed into at a special meeting ot officials held on saturday evening mr worllng who is a young single man not ordained will enter upon his new duties next sunday at both charges tax collections in whitchurch 574 georjilna virginia 70 pefferlaw 145 udora 97 egypt 39 holland landing 351 78 siloam hot pie supper thomas birkett insurance agency everything in incuranco phono 25902 stouffville ont m ml gibson ontario iand surveyor agincourt ontario l e oneill successor to w j mather stouffvillo funeral director and embalmer night and day service business phono resldenco phono 9801 9820 ireserve the evening of tuesday october 9 for the hot pie meat supper to bo served at siloam church from c oclock the supper will bo followed by a fine program to include miss pearl newton elocutionist and the cow girl singers the special evening event follows the anniversary services on sunday the 7th when special f-er- vices will he hold at 3 and 730 pm guest speaker and special music to which all are heartily invited king township temperanceville 146 snowball 118 king home 186 kettleby 169 ross house 6 con 79 schomberg 199 nobleton 132 lloydtown 63 glenville 28 hammertown 27 1147 newmarket st georges 319 st andrews 252 st patricks 211 782 north gwilllmbury keswick 148 belhaven 100 gum swamp 80 rochos point 64 392 stouffvillo 186 mnrkham village 179 markham township tliornhill 150 allans bouse con 1 120 buttonville 54 victoria square 86 unionville 205 cashel 77 rolps house con 8 26 mount joy 32 dickson hill 36 reesors house con 10 95 mongolia 39 920 sutton town hall 229 whitchurch wilcox lake 144 barracloughs h 70 lemonville 75 bloomington 49 penrose house 68 howlett house 126 bosworths house 61 vivian 84 41 984 129 198 33 180 499 203 193 163 221 211 84 200 133 108 s6 75 1474 407 381 402 1190 207 190 118 144 christmas box for hydro customers 629 483 330 270 132 96 137 236 137 93 61 137 112 37 1544 295 156 100 158 116 105 144 98 125 what might be looked upon as a christmas box for all hydro users in stouffville awaits them next dec ember when the municipal council will rebate to every user of current in any form domestic commercial or power a rebate ot ten per cent of the total net bills paid in the ear 1933 thus the more you paid into hydro in 1933 the larger will be your particular rebate the decision to make the rebate is the result of adopting the recom mendation of the h e pc report which included this recommendation for the purpose of disposing ot a surplus of some 1300 accumulated in addition there is a slight lower ing of the second rate for domestic use from 15 to 13 and a drop in street lamps from 14 to 13 per year flat heaters also cbme in for a cut in rates it was pointed out that the local ystem have sufficient bonds and cash on hand to wipe out the entire indebtedness on the whole stouffville system the chautauqua late alec low the death occurred at his homo in calgary on september 2nd of mr alec low mr low was in his 74 th year born in uxbridgo he at tended school here later becoming station agent in mount albert and stouffville where friends will re member him as a man of upright busy dependability and kindly dis position twenty seven years ago he moved to calgary where he rosided until the time of his death last year mr and mrs low celebrated their golden wedding anniversary and wore highly honour ed by the members of the presby terian church where mr low has been an elder and consistent sun day school teacher since his arrival in calgary ho is survived by his wife one daughter mrs miller or portland oregon and his son will of delia alberta also one brother jim low of vancouver mr low was a brother of the- late mx william low of uxbrldge uxbridgo times 677 richmond hill 287 woodbrlilge 225 vnuglinn thornhill 94 patterson 22 edgeley 72 maple 132 pine grove 65 purpleville 51 eptlot 14con9 73 klelnburg 67 nashville 38 teston 81 elgin mills 106 richvale 187 the first chautauqua programs given here on monday in the two- day circuit coming to stouffville amply sustained the high reputa tion of previous chautauqua enter tainment heard here in other years the musical program monday after noon and the lecture t dr hsioh pronounced shea were of such standard as could not be brought to small communities unless some generous hearty citizens sponsored the affair as they have done in this instance the lecture of dr hsieh on the orient was instructive and in formative coming from a man from the orient who has no pier among hi3 countrymen as a scholar and diplomat the large attendance at mondays program is sure to be still larger for the second days program on monday oct 15 the afternoon will be a musical feast while in the evening a play grumpy by pro fessional players will be given it is hoped the citizens will stand well behind the chautauqua guaran tors who only desire to break even while bringing to town a type of entertainment which could not otherwise be heard here in pursuance of his duties as tax collector tor the township ot whitchurch for the year 1933 and which business is now being sharply wound up frank steckley caused to be issued some 25 warrants for these tax arrears over the past few iveeks and all but three of those served made pay ment of the taxes due this is a re markable record and causes one to wonder why these ratepayers allow ed tho matter to stand until such added costs were put on before pay ment was actually made in all over 2000 was collected from the warrants issued by bailiff alt pugh the three who failed to make payment on demand or under any arrangement that the bailiff could offer were seized for taxes it should not be presumed that the collector has been unduly hard in making collections as he is really being censured by some for alleged leniency the fact is however that in all these cases where strenuous efforts were taken to make collec tion the collector was under cumpulsion from either the mort gagee or landlord who had warned the collector that he was not to allow tax arrears to be charged against the lands in such cases there is no alternative other than to seize provided there is sufficient goods on the premises- to distrain failure to make collection under these conditions might render the collector liable for the amount to the municipality wjll mystery man stalk the local streets council may declare war on bootleg joints matters transacted at october meeting with the churches halfholiday extended the local market 988 majority mulock- bruels 1485 3687 11480 7793 mulock majority 3687 attended sudbury assizes mr f l button kc was in sud bury this week attending the supremo court assizes there before the honourablo mr justice making on monday evening the irotarlnnb of sudbury tendered a banquet to the judge the outside counsel and tho sudbury bar association they also took the guests on a tour of the mining area around sudbury where somo four thousand men are engag ed in the industry the banquet at the nickel range hotel was at- ended says mr button by mr woods a leading lumber merchant of the north country who is a nephew of mrs wm mitchell of ringwood york county is well re presented in tho sudbury bar association for its members include j h clary formerly of thornhill arid g m miller kc formorly of mount albert mr clary is the eld est member of the association 1002 377 while grain prices are generally high or at least more attractive to 237 the farmer than any time tho pas four years hogs have slumped bad 119 ly due to poor export demand 109 the price of hogs took a slide 150 downwards last week as low as 177 715 per hundred lambs brought 119 4c to 5c pound cattle 2c to 3c 97 to and calves 3c to 6c 116 eggs are greatly in demand as 89 there is a brisk market ready to 105 take all that are offering prices be- 91 ing paid are from 21c to 25c for 94 grade a 17c and 18c for grade b 219 and 13c to 15c for grade c cream is soiling at 19c per butter- fat pound for first grade and 21c for special grade at stouffville creamery x dairy butter is being bought at 20c a pound potatoes are quoted at 35c per bag but this is not tho price the growers of the better grade are getting some of the graded tubers are be ing disposed of in small lots at as high as 1 a bag whilo 75c and 80c ore tho general run of quotations for small lots of potatoes that go into the better class of retail trade grain and seeds are moving in large quantities the volume of barley that has been delivered in town during tho last week being very heavy oats too aro being de livered in quantities and peas are being bought cleaned and shipped quotations aro wheat 92c to 95c barley 70 72c rye 60c oats 35c peas 75c to 80c sweet clover 3 to 325 alslke 12 to 14 timothy 6 to 7 toronto commission houses have sent out poultry quotations in the last few days and are prepared to take fresh young chickens tho quotations aro for birds of upwards of six pounds 20c 5 to 6 pounds 17c 4 to 5 pounds 16c hens ovor five pounds lie and roosters 8c while the halfholiday season normally ends on october 31 the following merchants of stouffville have signed an agreement to keep their places of business closed on wednesday afternoons throughout the month of november e a button braithwaite hardware tait butcher shop schells butcher shop roy curtis a e weldon boadway drug store dominion stores wilkinson grocery lawson grocery ratcliff co alex scott snowball barber shop harding barber shop forsyth barber shop lehman shoe store morley barker shoe repair george saunders albert lehman harness shop pollard jewelry store l e oneill furniture store although tho signatures to the above petition is fairly general the shaw general store will be open on and after october 30 as in previous years also storeys drug store porters store and the flour and feed establishments garages and the creamery class reopening reeve harry sanders presided over the october council meeting on monday evening with all members on hand being councillors m e watts a e weldon walter brillinger and ross e brown mr osuiky proprietor ot the pool room again appeared asking council to consider a smaller tax for tables he is now assessed 60 for four tables which he said is above that demanded in other places of similar size no action was taken the communication from the ontario hydro commission as re ported in a special article in this issue was received with satisfaction council however expressed strong views in a demand for lower rates so as to eliminate making rebates to the customers on the system j h iratcliff and h o klinck cemetery commissioners requested the council to lay a larger pipe for water services at the south end of tenth concession at the corporation limits present small pipe is not big enough to give necessary pressure for cemetery use they also claim ed that householders at this end of tenth street were inconvenienced from it the water committee was advised to get after the matter at once and see what is needed in order to render better service in that locality bootlegging joints came in for discussion and disappointment was expressed at the inability of the police to clean up on what is known to most everybody to be going on in this village an extra policeman was advocated by one member and if stouffville has a mystery man doing police duty you will never know until the axe falls on the offending bootlegger council agreed to bear their share of a new cement walk in front of tho post office as the government proposes to make other improve ments in front of the building it was decided to do some re funding for the cemetery upkeep account by selling some maturing bonds held to this account and re investing in the new govt issue now en the market a thousand dollars will be placed in the new issue a number of accounts were order ed paid as follows mansion house transients s 475 brathwaite hardware 3943 hospital charges 2000 h burgess on walk account 6000 hydro supplies purchased 3418 e strong caretaker 1934 23500 stouffville presbyterian church rot w h fuller ba sunday october 7th 1934 300 pm anniversary service rev walter mccree speaker mbc mixed quartette will sing for us we cordially invite the pnblle to worship with na anglican church christ church stouffville sunday october 7th 1934 harvest festival service beginning at 7 pm preacher rev j h colclough ba st philips church choir union- vine will sing your are cordially invited to attend special offertory for church purposes bethesda anniversary services services 11 am and 730 pm rev e m burgess ot dunbarton will preach peachs quartote will sing at the morning service the services at peachs and melville are withdrawn tor this date 8touffvi mennonitb church rev s cressman pastor sunday october 7th 1934 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service tho pastor will be in charge additional locals miss mae imowder has returned from spending a few days in north bay melville bethesda peachs united churches rev j mcewen bjl sunday october 7th 1934 300 pm bethesda lemonville bloomington ballantrae rev c b jeffrey minister thanksgiving services sunday october 7th 1934 1000 ballantrao 230 bloomington 700 lemonville come and join us bloomington and rlngwood christian churches rev e morton premher sunday october 7th 1934 all should be thankful that the creator did not make us trans parent so that our thoughts could all be seen by both friend and foe thanksgiving and lords supper next lords day 1100 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 700 pm altona it is good to give thanks unto the lord ps 921 on sunday next oct 7 the town bible class will reopen after the holiday season in oddfellows hall with rev archer wallace ma associate editor of sunday school publication as special speaker mr carl boadway will be the soloist all men welcome wednesday october 10 st james presbyterian church anniversary next sunday at 3 oclock see church column markham township on monday posted a 50 reward against chicken thieves operating in the township mrs sadio smalley from wilming ton ohio is visiting her son rev e smalley tor an indefinite time conference one day only under the auspices of the ceylon india general mission at the congregational christian church stouffville by kind permission afternoon at 230 devotional and inspirational meeting evening at 800 missionary meeting mr and mrs s p lennox with mr and mrs howard lennox of toronto were in town visiting mrs j pearson on sunday mrs george biden of wolseley sask and mrs bray of kelowna bc havo arrived from the west to visit their sister mrs s p foote at bethesda mrs bray is the widow of a former merchant of stouffville tho late samuel bray who conducted a grocery 50 years ago tho sisters aro accompanied by mrs gourllo ot winnipeg daughter ot mrs bray speakers rev george w ot olivet church rev- b r hunter toronto opper rev r m henning and others the latter two being from india tho public is specially invited at all sessions the monthly meeting of the jr institute will be held on wednesday afternoon at tho homo of mrs dawson burnett a paper will be given on planning a menu for a family of different ages and occupa tions a social half hour is being arranged all welcome stouffville united church rev thos laidlaw ma pastor sunday october 7th 1934 1030 am s s and bible glasses meet in basement 1100 am s s rally service programms will be provided special musical numbers by ss and choir rev archer wallace ma ot toronto will give the address let us fill the auditorium for this service 700 pm service under tho auspices and leadership of youag peoples society rev archer wallace ma will preach tuesday 8 pm y ps wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting friday evening 8 pm regular meoting of official board let us havo a full meeting as very import ant business is pressing the iwms will meet in tho school room of the church on thurs day afternoon oct 4 at 3 oclock a hearty welcome is extended to all to each and every service tho marriage took place on sept 26 at tho united church parsonage stouffvillo of miss umaud gilchrist of hartman and mr wllbert a irwin of island lake tho rev t laidlaw ma performing tho ceremony acting as bridesmaid and best man were miss edna gilchrist sister of the bride and mr stanley irwin brother of the groom the couple spent tholr honeymoon in buffalo and in other american contros returning this week to lo cate at island lake stoufpvillb baptist church rev charles mcgrath pastor sunday- october 7th- 1934 1000 am sunday school classes for all agos 1100 morning service 700 evening worship settle in your mind that no ser mon is worth much in which tho lord is not the principle speaker there may bo poetry refinement historic truth moral truth pathos and all tho charms of rhetoric but all will ho lost for tho purposes ot preaching if tho word of the lord is not the staplo of tho discourse prayer meetings wednesday at s00 pm and sunday at 630 pm mr and mrs mollish missionaries of liberia will address a public meeting in tho church friday night this jvook at 8 oclock wo most heartily invito tho public to all our services