Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1934, p. 4

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stouffville ontario september 20 1934 prices of farm pro ducts are rising nature ms again stepped in to assist in improving agricultural values willi the elements at her disposal she has lent a f resh impetus to the upward movement jthe moment we have it on good of farm product prices in ontario authority that prices for farm already under way as a result of the produce will point definitely higher ottawa trade agreement giving our during the coming winter and people valuable preferences in the spring seasons hay prices now are liritish market at their highest levels in six years with every indication of continuing wnilo consumers may not notice material effects on pocketbooks for home town grocery little chip marmalade per jar 15c mrs prices canning compound pkjr 15c club house catsup spice pkg 10c best quality spices certo bottle 29c zinc jar rings doz 25c jar rubbers red or white pkg 6c new half pint jars imperial dozen 100 special fly toxbottle with spray 35c 55c 90c whiz hand sprayer and can whiz fly spray reg 75c to clear at 50c flygo bulk fly spray per pint 30c bring your bottle and get it filled at this exception ally low price aeroxon fly coils 2 for 5c wilsons fly pads pkg 10c tanglefoot fly paper 3 double sheets 10c in the hany cardboard holders ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 barley we are in the market for barley oats wheat and mixed grain alfalfa red submit your samples of alsiki and timothy coal coke cement and tile s w hastings phone 169 stouffville upward adverse weather con- uitions during the past ten months have served to cut the ontario hay yield to less than one- half tho average for any previous crop year the ontario department of agriculture reports an oilicial of the ontario market ing board intimated last week that tho people do not realize the extent to which the present hay and teed shortage in ontario will influence the trend of farm products prices in tho near future with overhead accounts increasing concurrently with advancing hay and feed prices producers must as a result step up quotations on their products in this respect however a cloud over hangs the picture inasmuch as many small producers are not in a fin ancial position to keep up with advancing feed prices and rather than get in the hole they are forced to dispose of cattle etc at existing levels it is believed however that tho latter development will be more than offset by the broad upward movement that is getting under way in price levels milk production will be affected by shortage of feed which also means a lighter output of cheese and butter the same applies to livestock and so on down the list of farm products higher prices are in tho offing for farmers which means that tho province has taken a firm step on the road to recovery nature and the empire trade agreements have scor ed a victory and will continue if the britisher gets a more liberal deal in tho canadian markets plan to reduce farm mortgage interest rates ban on dogs for deer to be lifted in 1935 legislation in and out of the hunting picture during controver sies extending over years dogs once more will be eligible to participate in mans deerhunting activities after the next session of the on tario legislature provincial secretary and minister of game and fisheries harry nixon in previous sessions one of the main proponents of the restora tion of dogs for deerlmnting will introduce a measuro and this time it appears it is destined to become law the prohibition against dogs is to disappear september specials s artistic floor coverings attractive and striking designs feature the new showing in floor coverings and a bright colorful linoleum or congoleum will make a wonderful difference in the appearance of your rooms es pecially in the approaching dull fall and winter weather we would be glad to show you our stock and give you an estimate of cost 4 yards linoleum per running yard 3205360 congoleum 2 yards wide per running yard 110 oilcloth 2 yards wide per running yard 100 feltol 2 yards wide per running yard 86c hon duncan marshall ontario minister of agriculture told a re cent toronto gathering that interest rates on farm mortgages must be reduced within a few mouths he promises action though it is be lieved that no defmite steps have worked out yet there is considerable speculation in mortgage company circles as to just how this matter might be ac complished of the 200000 regular farms in ontario it is estimated that nearly half are mortgaged of this number some 17500 are financed by the agricultural development board of the ontario government with au interest rite of five per cent the bulk of the remainder approximate ly 80 per cent are understood to be held in private hands with the in terest varying from five to eight or even nine per cent institutions such as loan and trust companies and life iusurance com panies have not been greatly inter ested in this business since the pro vincial authorities entered the field over 10 years ago it is understood that au act of the provincial legislature is con templated which would arbitrarily reduce all interest rates on such mortgages to live per cont whether such legislation would run foul of the british north america act or not is a disputed point other measures contemplating government security behind ap proved mortgages or a considerable extension of the activities of the agricultural board are also antici pated at present however the de velopment board is not making fur ther loans and it is understood that the total money advanced by it al ready some 55000000 exceeds by over 50 per cent the amount avail able from the ontario government savings offices which were created to furnish the funds for the gov ernment farm mortgages acclamation expected a nomination meeting will he held at the township of whit church hall vandorf on tuesday sept 23 to receive nominations for councillor to fill out tho unexpired term of r e ratcliff resigned in case a poll is demanded tho elec tion will be held on tuesday oct 2nd but it is anticipated that l e evans who is in the field will get an acclamation even tho small cost of conducting an election wjuld bo unwarranted at this time so close to the end of the year newspaper men popular as j ps in the six justices of tho peace appointed for york county as an nounced last week by the attorney general of ontario two of them are to be found in the weekly news paper sanctum at richmond hill mr j e smith of the liberal is appointed for the district and community while in markham mr d p williams who is tho chief scribe for the economist there re ceived tho appointment p w pearson of newmarket irwin watt at aurora and j g whit- more of woodbridge ontario tor tho county they will each re ceived salaries ranging from 5100 to 200 per year mortgage of 1893 now declared void all rights under an old mort gage which nicholas and katio hudyma prospective purchasers of lot 22 concession 4 of whitchurch township thought might be a cloud on title to the property have been extinguished mr justice kingstono ruled in weekly court at osgoode hall nicholas and katie hudyma pro posed to buy the laud from the exe cutors of the estate of the late pat rick j kenny their solicitor clive a thomson found that there was registered against the property and undischarged a mortgage dated sept 12 1893 by this instrument phoebe a lundy and her husband dan lundy agreed to pay the lat- ters mother hannah lundy widow 100 a year during her life and to make this payment a charge upon tho land dan and phoobe lundy and han nah lundy died prior to 19 00 wall papers this is an opportune time to consider the redecorating of your walls and we still have a good choice of roomlotbundles con taining side wall and border suflicient for an average room which we are offering at less than cost prices our regular stock is very complete and we can supply your re quirements at prices that will prove very attractive prices range from per single roll 7c to 40c a special in turkish towelling just into stock a new shipment of turk ish towelling with deep soft absorbent nap a real money saving buy at per yard 15c 19c 25c school hose a sturdy long wearing cotton hose just the thing for school wear in fawn and black at per pair 9c 6 pr for 100 special value in silk hose pure silk hose in all the new fall shades sizes 8 to 10 per pair 79c 2 pair for 150 clearing sale of silk gloves we have placed this complete line of silk gloves on sale at a price that will clear them all out all first quality gloves sizes 6 to 7 in all the popular shades prices to 150 special per pair 49c a special in childrens bloomers we have just received a shipment of heavy weight cotton bloomers very suitable for fall and winter wear in pink and navy special per pair 29c chidrens vests j these vests are a real economy buy at the price a well fitting warm and comfort- able garment suitable for fall and winter- in white only sizes 1 to 2 and 4 years priced at each 29c womens nightgowns flannelette gowns warm and cosy with short sleeves or long sleeves some are plain with contrasting binding and some with embroidered yoke priced at 59c 95c 135 imported berets are always in style at all times and especially so in the cool fall weather we are showing a very wide range of basque berets in all colours make your selection early each 79c monarch and corticelli yarns knitting has become exceedingly popular this season and we are able to meet all re quirements in both monarch and corticelli yarns per 1 oz ball 18c 2 f or 35c stamped aprons buy them by twos and threes at these prices you can scarcely have too many of them stamped on a good quality unbleached cotton to be embroidered and made up in charming basket and wreath designs special 15c and 25c boys knitted suits an exceedingly attractive line of boys knitted cotton 2 piece suits in green and fawn for the cool fall weather these suits will prove to be very desireable and the price is so reasonable per suit 59c the w h shaw store phone 9512 open tuesday thursday an d saturday evenbigs stouffvwe ontario milk rebates mast stop tho milk control board of the province has issued an order ban ning the giving of rebates by dairies to their customers this order says in part to avoid tho possibility of a re currence of the condition which ex isted last february whereby the farmrs supplying the hamilton milk market lost more than 1000 each day the board issued the fol lowing order to tho milk distribu tors of hamilton on aug 30 pend ing an adjustment of milk problems in hamilton you are hereby order ed to not take any action or promise prico discounts bonuses rebates etc to customers until sept 15 when further announcements will be made subsequent to this ruling the board has given much time and ser ious though to this matter not only as it applies to the hamilton mar ket but as regards its ultimato effect on the dairy industry in the province as a whole provincewide tho culmination is to the effect that it such practices as giving re bates patronage dividends or dis counts are permitted they will ulti mately break down the entiro price structure to tho disadvantage of members of cooperatives as well as all other farmerproducers toronto dairies expressed little surprise and little perturbation at tho announcement declaring that it would make littlo chango in pre sent milk distribution procedure wo werent giving any rebates or premiums of any kind and al though i believe there was a littlo going on it wasnt serious enough to mike any appreciable difference said r f caulficld president of caulfields dairy company when in formed of the announcement the old board had pretty well cleaned it up beforo tho change in government and tho now hoard had worked on it so that there was very littlo cleaning up of premium practices to bo done said dr l e pollock of silver- tfoods dairy i beliovo that it morely means conditions will be kept as they aro now by tho new ruling glasgow miss mary tindall visited with mrs earl mcmullen on thursday stanley slack visited with his parents mr and mrs win slack on sunday mr and mrs jack spence and family spent sunday with mr and mrs walter davis miss addie davis and mr gordon burkholder had tea at louis slacks on sunday rumors are going that ted lintner has inherited a great fortune anyway hes all smiles its a boy mr and mrs harold elson mr and mrs jack todd spent sunday with their mother mrs joseph alsop jr mr louis slack attended the ordination of mr wellington of fort william at mount pleasant road baptist church on friday tho cottage prayer meeting will be held on monday sept 24th at the home of mr and mrs louis slack come and help swell the crowd sunday school every sunday at 230 pm plowing match dates send the tribuno to absont friends algoma district oct sault valley oct st joseph island oct brant county oct six nations indian oct marlboro and n gowor oct dufferin county oct frontenac county oct glengarry sept dundas west oct grenville county oct haldimand county oct mohawk indian oct huron south oct tilbury east oct leeds county oct lennox and addington caistor nov middlesex county oct norfolk county oct ontario south oct ontario north oct powassan district oct peel county oct mount pleasant oct russell county oct orillia oct stormont west oct victoria county oct north dumfries oct eramosa oct puslinch oct wentworth north oct king and vaughan oct east york oct north york oct international plowing match oct 9 10 11 12 the school fair the stouffville school fair held on friday last compared in size as a good average with other years and the interest of the pupils was keen as ever the crowd was quite largo for an exhibition of this nature in fact the local fair ranks as the largest in tho county each loom of the stouffville school competes as a separate unit along with tho rural schools so that in tho matter of obtaining points the town school have no more scholars to draw from than has the average rural school section the public speaking contest elicited a great deal or interest with the first prize for recitation going to dorothy austin of room 1 stouffville second to marion boston of no 7 markham and 3rd to evelyn mcdonald room 3 stouff ville public speaking helen tran- mer bloomington oralee jennings stouffville and margaret mover no 17 markham public speaking impromptu phyllis winn room 4 stouffville kathleen kellington room 5 and hazel iirander room 1 the complete list of prize win ners will appear next week clerks notice of first posting of voters list township of whitchurch notice is hereby given that i have complied with section 10 of the voters list act and that i havo posted up at my office at vandorf on the 14th day of sept 1934 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality for members of parliament and at municipal elec tions and that such list remains thero for inspection i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law tho last day for appeals being the 5th day of october dated this 14th day ofsept ad 1934 john crawford clerk the tribune published every thursaay at stouffville ontario take a kipp tonight for consti pation aud sluggishness j m storey druggist phone 1003 twp of whitchurch county of york notice of sale of lands for arrears of taxes tho municipality of tho township of whitchurch announco that the list has been prepared and that copies thereof may bo had in the office of tho township treasurer in whitchurch ontario and that said list with notices of salo is boing published in the ontario gazetto under publication dates august 4th september 1st and october cth 1934 and in default of payment of- tho taxes as shown in said list i shall at tho timo and placo mention ed in the said publication notice proceed to sell said lands to dis charge tho arrears together with tho charges thoreon w c crawford treasurer treasurers office township of whitchurch aurora july 30 1934 yearly subscription hato canada united kingdom 200 united states points 5250 a v nolan blaise pascal noblo deeds arc most estimable when hidden there is much of nobility in the life about us in tho business upon our streets and pro fessions and this helps to make life worth while rgclendening funeral director phono stouffvillo 263 good work reasonable prices 1 the only genuine cooled tiro aib tho only tiro with two treads ono be neath tho other perfect traction perfect comfort perfect safety seiberling genuine air cooled tires nevor wear smooth batteries tires repairs when tho first tread vears off a second antiskit automatically appears troad don wilson groves garage phone 7908 ringwood ont treat yourself enjoy an autumn motor coach drive when theros a refreshing tang in the air and the countrysido is presenting its gorgeous burst of autumn splendour and busy cities and towns hum with renewed activity as they cast off tho languor of summer then is the timo when high way travel is most delightful then is the timo to pay that longpromised visit to distant friends or relatives then is the timo to enjoy the comfort safely and relaxation of an autumn motor coach drive tickets and all coach travel information at anderson phone 158 low roundtrip fares for hint long promised visit between stouffville ami buffalo 080 detroit 1010 montreal i3w ottawa 1040 new york 200- boston 2425 equally attractive fares o other points subject lo change without nol ice i gray coach lines

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