Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1934, p. 2

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t3 way to ease headaches pain almost instantly method often relieves neuralgia and rheumatic pains in minutes remember the pictures below when you want fast relief from pain lemand and ret the method doc tors prescribe aspirin millions have found that aspirin cases even a bad headache neuritis ct rheumatic pain often in a few minutes i in the stomach as in the glass jicie an aspirin tablet starts to dis solve or disintegrate almost the instant it touches moisture 11 be gins taking hold of your pain practically as soon as you swallow it equally important aspirin is safe for scientific tests show this aspirin docs not harm the heart kemembcr these two points aspirin spied and aspirin safety and sec that you get aspirin it is made in canada and all druqgists have it look for the name bayer in the form of a cross on every asiiirin tablet oct tin of 12 tablets or economical bottle of 21 or 100 at any druggists why aspirin works so fast drop an aspirin utblct in a glass of water note that be fore it touchts the bottom it is disinte grating in a seconds by stop watch an aspirin tablet starts to disinte grate and go to work what happens in these rlasses happens in your stomach aspirin tablets start taking hold of pain a few minutes after taking when in pain remember these pictures aspirin does not harm the heart wings of f o rtu n e by leslie beresford synopsis sylvia darnloy an orphan is employ td at ft travel bureau she meets john christopher kellovves koine to paris unit monte carlo mrs 1aula carmlchael and tony malllson staying at the hotel tell net bhc is heiress to a fortune left by her uncle i uke mrisslnghain on the way to monte carlo tofretnet with paula and tony the train 1s wreckca and sylvia is under the im pression that tony rescued her paula warns her against fortune seekers uolne lo a teashop alone sylvia over hears john fellovves tell a friend of his rescue of sylvia on the train sylvia confronts tony with this in formation tony then tells her that a later will was made by her uncle benefitting john fellows sylvia runs in to john fellowes when a tire breaks out at his hotel and tells him of the will frightened of tony she laugh- to in the end when she could speak and shook her head no he doesnt frighten me but i dont want paula and him to find out that ive been with you spoken to you thats wise he nodded youve a wonderful lot of sense sylvia for instance to go back to that stupid will business youve let them think theyve got you firmly in their trap all right yes but that was only for the moment till i could sec you mr fellowes make it john he interrupted his fingers seeking hers in the dark your uncle would have had us call tach other sylvia and john if hed been alive to see us meet 1 know well john the colour flam ed hot in sylvias check and her fingers still rested in his hold a minute before she seemed to realise it and let them slip away weve to decide what is to be done about this later will at once she faltered under his breath nothing can nothing need be done at once sylvia sho heard him laugh softly nothing she retorted in surprise nothing more than you arc doing just play with these two ingenious friends of yours let them think youre right in with them but all the time im spending money thats yours dont you see i cant go on doing that its steal ing dont be silly my dear the law has entitled you to the money and its yours till the law finds out its decision was wrong that can only be proved if this later will is produced thats one thing i wanted to tell you john the wills in a bank here tonys going to show it me tomor row is he i wouldnt waste shoe leather going to see it if i were you sylvia that will doesnt matter rut how can you say that sure ly i must try and get hold of it somehow without it you cant come into this money that belongs to you that neednt worry you my dear he patted her hand the money and the will dont matter in the least what does matter is to gel you out of the hands of that un scrupulous pair of crooks thats not such an easy problem either theyre not going to let you and those eighty- thousand pounds slip through their fingers too lightly im afraid still 1 think we may find a way of beating them he went on after a moment of thought you must leave hings to me sylvia play a waiting game yourself behave as if you were heart and soul in with them thats your programme little girl i dont see how thats going to get us any further sylvia murmur ed doubtfully then the surprise will be the greater when it comes he laughed softly you sound so sure john so cer tain she eyed wonderingly the pale outline of his face just to be glimpsed in the darkness i dont understand you at all how is it youre so positive of everything you knew all about me in malchcster now before i could tell you about this later will you knew already maybe im clairvoyant or some thing funny like that he laughed and then ence again his fingers tos- td over her bare arm his disengaged hand pointing towards the glow of light outside the hotel there comes back friend mal- iison trying to imitate sherlock holmes and looking very disappoint ed about it he laughed softly in her ear youd better run and put him out of his misery my dear if you trot along now and mix with the crowd youll no doubt be able to per suade him that youve been all the while looking for him too throw yourself in his aims and greet bim like a longost hero and because before she coud say- more to john christopher she turn ed only to find herself standing alone in the darkness thrown around by that clump of overhanging palms sylvia had no alternative but to fol low his advice for that matter tony was more easily satisfied by her story of a long and vain search for him than she was over the results of her alltooshort talk with john chris topher she could only find satisfaction in the fact that he knew everything t delicious quality japak greek te a re fr mm m the gardens what does your handwriting reveal geo st claih graphoanntytt all rights reserved editors note letters of commen dation are coming in each day from readers who have obtained a person al reading of their handwriting the that he knew especially she was noti invites you to send yours for to blame and she no longer had to character delineation see the end face alone the position of living fraud i cant afford to risk failures due to inferior baking powder thats why i insist on magic its eco nomical too than id worth makes a big cake w miss m mcfarlane dietitian of si michael hospital toronto tvf agio baking powder costs so llttlcand can always be depended on to give you uniformly good results it actually takes less than if worth ef magic to make a big threelayer cake so why take chances with inferior brands always bako trith magic and be sure magic kadew canada containsnoaujmthto mtemtnt on treiy tin your liunufm that malc bikini powder to r from alum or an hiutnf ul ingredient siagic baking powder in which she had so unexpectedly found herself since john chris topher knowing everything insisted that she must continue in that pos ition play a waiting game that was her only course sleeplessly that night she wond ered how this was all to end what he would do to get her out of the toils of these people as whose willing accomplice she now had to pose much against her will most of all she wondered how he could possibly have discovered the secret of that hidden will paula and tony being so pos itive that they and she alone could have any knowledge of its existence however the fact that the secret had leaked out unknown to them was a trump card which gave sylvia more courage to play the game john christopher had urged on her she played it so well indeed during the next couple of days that she was cer tain paula and tony were entirely deceived into believing her completely submissive to their will and now of course there was no pretence at all as to their real re lationships when they were alone together whatever pretence still ex isted in the presence of others neither paula nor tony any longer hid themselves behind a camouflage of being just kind friends helping her to a good time it was no longer sylvias fortune which supported their extravagant existence but one in which they openly demanded their share we shall be wanting a little money this morning by the way sylvia paula reminded her join ing her with tony in her own little salon upstairs and not exactly a little either sylvikins tony corrected in his suave selfsatisfied voice leaning over the little writingbureau at which she was sitting its time that paula and i had a real dip into old luke massinghams luckybag after all sweetheart its as much ours as yours better begin by fixing us up with a cheque for a h irdred thousand francs apiece dont you think sylvia could only think that it was john christophers money and she wanted to say so wanted to tell tony what a contemptible cad he was in her eyes making this demand of her no doubt only the first of many he in tended to make but having promis ed john christopher to play into their hands she could only do that she drew out her chequebook made out and signed the cheques as asked thats a good little girl he smil ed down at her after pocketing his cheque paula taking the other reminds me he went on maybe youd like to have me drive you down to the bank sylvia i promised you should have a look at the important little document theyre keeping thcro in safety for me mat ter of fact id rather expected you lo have reminded me of that before this sylvia had indeed more than once thought of doing so although john christopher had insisted that she would be wasting time not that she questioned the existence there of this secret will since john christopher had expressed no doubt on the point but really she was a little curious to be sure on the point herself to bo continued a girl from a small rural town lu ontario writes me as follows will you please tell me it my handwriting shows whether there is anything the matter with my personality i am fairly goodlooking girl but 1 do not seem able to keep my boy friends perhaps my writing will tell you just what is wrong and then you can help me to enjoy a better existence as it is i am lonely aand 1 cannot see why 1 should be so looking at this girls writing it is very evident that she is inclined to be reserved she is capable of reel ing intensely but is very backward in expressing her emotions she holds herself back and the result is that she does not reveal her real selt to her friends she seems cool and distant when in reality she is anything but that yet her native reserve and restraint make her seem so and there are a lot of people wbo do not like this they do not understand her and so jump at the conclusion that she is not affectionate or is too haughty the result is that they seek the company of others who are more open- in tie expression of their feelings there are many people situated similarly to my correspondent in most cases true likeable people if one gets to know them and under stand them to the majority ot people they do not appeal 1 am not going to suggest to my friend that she undertake to change herself this would be impossible whilst it is possible for us to remedy faults and defects in our character and to strengthen good characteris tics it is quite out of the question to change the entire basic structure ot ones temperament to ask this girl to change her nature to that ot an extremely buoyant and spontane ous one would he like expecting the leopard to change its spots or the sun to change its manner of rotation but it is possible for this girl to be a little more expressive one great drawback that this type ot nature has is a tendency to he ultrasensitive very frequently uiey imagine slights where none is intended and this makes them more aloof and in accessible to paraphrase a well- known expression they aie of the earth but not earthy i suggest to my correspondent that she come down to earth we all have to accept a certain amount ot give nnd take unless we iutend to live alone caring nothing for anyone else endeavor to cure yourself of this sensitiveness it will not be easy of course you wont do it in a day or a week but you will eventually go a long way to overcoming it and it will save you a lot of worry and un- happiness in the future endeavor to show yourself a little more intimate ly to your real friends or to those you want to interest you may not be able to transform yourself into the overwhelmingly popular success that some girls are hut you will be far more likely to please those in whom you are main ly interested and that is after all mainly what you are seeking safety device tried on son bus driver allows own bov to be hit by automobile so confident is a london bus driv er in the sarety device he aas invent ed that he allowed his son to bo knocked down by a car fitted with the apparatus the hoy was picked up unharmed the inventor is xv 11 lloyd of tot tenham fourteen years ago lloyd saw a young girl knocked down by a lorry and terribly injured by tho wheels which passed over her he decided to invent a device which would prevent anyone being run over after being knocked dowu lloyd now believes he has perfect ed his apparatus after the demon stration on his son a friend has vol unteered to be the next victim a film is to be taken of the accident which lloyd hopes will be shown to ministry of transport officials chatterboxes would you like to find out what your character really shows have you any friends whose real natures you would much like to know the author of these articles will send you a personal reading and it may be worth a great deal to you send spe cimens of the writing you want an alyzed and state the birthdate in each case enclose 10c ecoin for each specimen and enclose with a 3c stamped addressed envelope to geoffrey st claire graphoanalyst room 421 73 adelaide street west toronto ont letters tre confiden tial of course people want to fix tho world when the fact of the matter is that the world is fixing them henry ford why newspapers are like women because they have forms because they arc bold face type because they always have the las word because back numbers are not in demand because they have a great deal of influence because they arc well worth look ing over because you cant believe every thing they say because they carry the news whore- ever they go because if they now anything they usually tell it because they are never afraid to speak their minds- because they are much thinner than they used to be because every man should have one of his own and not bother with his neighbors men bathers more modest than women men are more modest than women on the bathing beaches that is the discovery of tho governor of alicante province of spain after a tour of the seaside resorts he has just issued an order pro hibiting nude bathing on the public beaches and immodest bathing dres ses the governor expressed his regret that the order also affected men bath ers who aro more careful and modest than the women to prove that he did not mean to be puritanical however he has set aside certain sections of the beach where sun bathing will be allowed this all happened once at an inn in malvern england writes the new yorker the only two occupants of the place at the time were an ameri can gentleman who was there for his health and a british colonel wlio seemed to belong there like the del phiniums it was one of those hos ieries in which the presence of any body at all gives the rooms an event ful air- each morning the american gent leman and the british officer would meet in the writing room after break fast and one morning the american dared speak good morning he suggeste the colonel glared with a stony glare four days later no word having passed between them the american was sitting in the writing room when the other man entered in the midst of crossing the room the colonel stopped suddenly turned on the american and blurted out whats the date of shakespeares birth born 1504 died 1610 replied the american the britisher scawled and left the room- the two saw each other many times again but their garrulous inter lude was never referred to an occasion the first wedding in histoty aboard ship in simons harbor simons town s afrecla took place when jas purvis a sailor on the itoyal research ship discovery was married to dor othy thompson of cape town by spe cial license draperies are now going feminine no doubt to harmonize with the in creased feminine trend in dress the longer skirts smaller waists and taller hats are the dsaped beds tho ruffled lucked and embroidered bed spreads and pillowcases and the quilted and appliqucd curtains empire muslins are ousting net as ji window decoration the curtains are tied with the wide ribbon sashes of the period it is curious to think that these empire modes worn by tho beauties of tho day have been adapted from the wardrobe as new curtain treatments makes false teeth feel like natural there must be a reason dr wcrnets powder is tho worlds largest seller and prescribed by leading dentists it holds teeth so firmly they fit so comfortably that all day long you forget you ever had false plates leaves no colored pimmy past keeps mouth sanitary breath pleasant tho best powder you can buy yet cost is smalt an v i nwrut babys own soap btyor your job one of the benefits resulting from hard times is the discovery that a job is not a nuisance in times past many young people who made the change from the comparatively carefree life of the school room to the complexity of the business world went with the attitude of the martyr a period of depression soon puts another com plexion on the matter however and the young fellow who secures a job as soon as he graduates looks on himself as an object of congratula tion that is something worth remem bering in good times and bad your job is not a disagreeable necessity not a burden you must carry but one of the things that make life worth living relieved dont read this unless you are interested in a medicine which has helped over 700000 women and girls take it before and after childbirth at the change or whenever you are nervous and rundown 98 out of 100 say it helps me lydia e pllhkhams vegetable compound bridge cheaters use eyelashes by frank emery in brooklynetgle ten million americans play con tract bridge which in the last decade has skyrocketed into a popularity never approached by such pastimes of chance and stakes as the poker var iations faro roulette baccarat dice or even horse racing contract is the modern game lor the card adventurer the flim-ilam- mer the chap who lives well by his wits if he hasnt too many scruples to bother him the game is indeed the answer to his prayers the bridge knave ami his or pos sibly her partner rehearse a system of wigwags intonations of the voice mannerisms or any hundreds of subtletii by which they can ex change information not permitted in the bidding and hit the bulls eye oii their grand and small slam holdings the bridge bid say two spades the flicking of an ash off a cigaij ette may tell the partner five anuj a half quick tricks if the ashes gt on the floor it may convey six and half signals most of the important bridge am ii whist clubs have had experiences witu pairs of players suspected of system- atically signaling as a means of par- ading off with high stakes and the only recourse has been to simply bar them too much success in arriving- at the correct contract or a too ob vious signaling system may lead to i complications but the astute bridge j wolves take care not to overplay their trieks one instance in which use of wig wagging signals was proved to tho general satisfaction of players in an exclusive manhattan club involved a titled european pair whose consistent and heavy winnings aroused suspic ions and caused the pair to hurriedly decamp from the country several of the victims confided their suspicions to it f foster dean of american bridge experts who lives in brooklyn and mr foster agreed to come to the club as a guest and try to detect the jhenanigans systems 1 watched them for almost an hour befoore i finally got the clue to their system and it wasnt a particu larly wellconceived one mr foster said they were making high scores hand over hand and every hid they made hit the right mark the man and woman were both very slow bid ders and i was sure the suspicions were warranted the tipoff came when it struck me that the woman she was a stunning brunette did not look at her cards while her partner was bidding i managed to finish my rubber and walked around to their table as a harmless old kibitzer when 1 knew what to look for it wasnt very hard what information they were exchanging was given by blinking the eyelashes i studied for sometime and then i got the idea when one of them blnkcd once it was to call the spade suit then a pause and the next blinks would indicate how many honors were held in the spade suit- if the first of these blinks was just a little bit jong it meant top honors then another pause and two blinks to say the heart suit was being flashed then some more to enumerate the honors then three blinks for the diamonds and so on and four for the clubs mr foster chose to announce his finding then and there in the card room and if the scene was lacking anything for the next few minutes it wasnt action this is a classic season in dress so says princess dilkusha de rohan of paris mrs edward james baby had two teeth when less tlinn llirco months old sho writes ilo bis 18 now nnd i can truthfully say ihftt giving him babys own tab lets whilo cutting his teeth kept bim fit and well teething is a icntlcss feverish timo for babies but tho littlo ono can always bo roothed nnd tho fever reduced by civing sweet tale baby s own tablets very eaty to take no aftereffects i drwiuhwjl 126 a artists and authors amat eur or professional are invit ed to send us saleable sket ches illustrations designs short stories and articles are you artistically inclined we offer you practical in struction and criticism on paintings landscapes and flowers in water colours send a three cent stamped envelope for full inform ation ideas unlimited thirtynine lee avenue toronto issue no 38 34 paris is in for a classic season in dress 1 believe in the classic said tho princess dilkusha de bohan for street wear my lino is decid edly restrained she added throw ing into prominence the quality of tho materials which are tho result of painstaking search sho makes a lot of three and some fourpleco ensembles for street be cause she thinks it a pleasant varia tion from tho overworked ensem- bllng in a single shade it also gives the wearer a chance to have several charming effects with a single outfit it is not only smart but economical her jackets aro sbort while her coats aro long or threequarters varying from fitted for street to looser lines for sport in evening gowns princess do bohan has garnered her inspiration from tho merovingian period thcro aro flowing draperies for skirts with the fullness both front and back but carefully planned to accentuate tho natural lines ot tho llgure thcro aro angel wing sleeves which when turn ed back on the shoulders form a com plete cape of what scorns a different fabric bocauso of its reversibility thero is always a cape jacket or novel wrap with each evening dress skirt lengths for sport aro 11 inches i from tho floor for street wear they corao to tho shoetop and keep your oye open for tho new shoes and for foormal wear they grazo tho floor or have trains

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