Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 31, 1934, p. 3

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have you heard june month ot bride ices and graduates monti too ot iba harvest moon of plans for vacation months of the good old summertime ot jong evenings and pleasant memor ies a rare month a wonderful month so much to be enjoyed and only 30 days in which to do it a salesman called upon a grocer recently about the saiie ilmo a poor woman entered suuclticg alms the grocer wishing to piay i joke on the salesman told the woman to ask the boss at the same time pointing to the other mac the salesman turning lo the grocer who was smaller than he said boy give this poor woman a dollar out of the cash register tho grocer paid 37 lbs of fat gone when a girl casts bread liion the waters she expects it to return iu the form of wedding cake jerry experience is our gieatest teacher isnt it perry yes and there no holding back her salary either daisy dick you look like a wait er in that dress suit dick i expect i do havent i waited two hours for you to get ready lament why does my heart feel stringely full why do sharp pains attack my inner oh can it be that im in love or have i had too much duei no wonder she looks younger how much younger you are loot ing what a pleasure to hear that compliment from your friends lips as this woman did since i started taking kruschen salts she writes i have reduced myself by 37 lbs i am still going down and hope soon to be normal weight my health has greatly im proved my friends see such a dif ference in me now 1 look younger and i have such a fresh look always about my face which i never used to have- i take my usual food but my first drink in the morning is my little dose of kruschen salts which i will never be without mrs k the six salts in kruschen keep the organs of elimination in perfect trim and so ensure a regular gentle and natural clearance of all fatforming travel liirii55iof5 food refuse mamie in the show- that man certainly has a nerve flirting with me janie where is he mamie sitting behind mv talleyrand bated to write letters and when he felt obliged to he made them as short as possible to a widow- he wrote my dear alas deotedly yours later when she notiiod him of her remarriage his missive ran my dear bravo youra devotedly old days are nearly always lemem- bered as much happier tiraa ihcy ac tually were hubby what beeam of hat un paid bill dunn and company sent to us his sweet wife oh that 1 sent it back marked insufficient funds masters degree ths excise for one more year of college when home proves a bore we believe if we always do our level best the good- lord wll over look our mistakes but tho neigh kors wont mr blank in charaterzlng a former employee and at prnstnt a rival competitor said why hes a sharper a thief and n hnr and i taught him all he know white look at mike howe over there in the corner buried in thought brown mighty shallow stave isnt it 1 was after a buck expliced the hunter but i seem to hive shot your cow v she was worth flftj bucks res ponded the farmer and on that basis the hunter had to pay up joan saying her prayers an make me a good girl at lean you neednt reallyi bother cos im a girl guide now its becoming moro difficult every year for a farmer to su port o farm man hes quite an you know friend you mean he- by voluntary contributions inslitutlon supported early to rise is unpopular in bermuda isles of rest veto bill for daylight saving time red chamber objects hamilton bermuda the rest of the world can get up an hour earlier and yawn all day if they want to but bermudlans have no desire for day light saving time according to mem bers of the legislative council who turned down the bill amending the time zone act giving it six months- hoist speaking agaiist the bill hon f g gosling said that bermuda was situated roughly about half way be tween the latitude of london apd the latitude cf countries to the south in london daylight saving mteht be beneficial but in countries where there was an excessive amount of sun it was found necessary to declare a siesta in the middle of the day majority oftvvo we are perhaps as fortunatelysit uated as any spot on earth with re- gardto this matter he said it had beentried in 1917 with resulting in conveniences mr gosling continued- major the hon it w appleby sup porting the bill repeated early to bed early to rise niakss a man healthy wealthy and jvise president sir sydney rowan of hamilton the world has become no wiser nor better since tbat was said and the bill was thrown out by a majority of two mollisons enter london capt james mollison baa entered in the england-to-aus- tralla air race he will fly with his wife the former amy johnson learns to fly toronto j a wilson controller of civil aviation at ottawa arrived in toronto recently to learn that his daughter leotltia had taken her first flying lesson at the toronto flying club airport he discovered his daughter was learning to fly when he received a certificate for her medical examination in the usual official man ner time proves that young love birds shouldnt try to fly too high the knowitall usually sever knows enough to make a living advertising advertising is a means of pointing out ways of doing better work living more comfortably spending money moro wisely enjoying better health making a better appearance gaining more profit ot getting more satis faction out of life generally tbat it is sometimes misused is no argument against it wo do cot condemn all automobiles because there is a per centage ot reckless drivers the present standard of living wis creat ed by advertising it will be main taincd by advertising if nil adver tising were discontinued tho country would sink into tho most profound period of business depression ever known advertising is tho most pow erful force now aperatinc to pull us out of the present depression north hastings review cruelty is no more the cure of crimes than it is the cure of suffer ings compassion in the first in stance is good for both 1 have known it to bring compunction when nothing else would landor stomach troubles relieved at home most cases of stomach ulcers caused by aastric hyneraciditv acid stomach constipation gas distress after eating stomach pains sour stomach indigestion etc respond to vons canadian pink tablets they help recreate the proper che mical balance thus freeing you of pain and distress no rigid diet you can cat all wholesome foods nd regain your strength send 10c for trial offer and ill particulars canadian von co 446j security bldg windsor ont markets of lordon t many incidents occur iu the course of travel unexpected happenings that give zest to your trip perhaps the best ot these are the trivial things that you stumble upon but in which there is much of humio interest a sojourner in london for instance will if he has eyes to see find much that is uncommon whether it be a visit to caledonian mtirfcet the official name of which is the metro politan cattle market or to mid dlesex street common known as petticoat lane or to any one or the street markets where irom barrows at the side of the curb eveiy con ceivable article is sold you will meet queer characters and see strange sights in abundance in other words you are embarked upon a personal voyage of discovery caledonian maket caledonian market is the largest cattle market in the kingdom mon day is market day and norniai ar rivals comprise about 1300 cattle and over 5000 sheep sent from the pas ture lands ot england scotland and on tuesdays and fridays how ever the great square 3 thrown open to pedlars who expose for- sale every thing that can be paid for and taken away on the pavement is spread a conglomeration of articles smalland large that defies description books pictures hardware clothng old tyres as the englishman spells them bricabrac silver war gold rings tools sporting goo is animals and birds- too many things to en umerate at various places in the market are booths where dilicacies such as snails winkles and eels are sold and the patrons ot such booths sprinkle these with vinegar and eat them on the spot with much relish a strange set ot people conxresate in and about the market ranch good humour is exhibited and it is certain ly an interesting cross section of london life there is ah unwritten law concerning- caledonaiu market you must not enquire regarding tje origin of anything exposed for sale if you want it have the- money to pay for it and can take it away ask no questions petticoat lane- the sunday morning market that rejoices in the name of petticoat lane is located in and- around mid dlesex street a seettiiie mass of humanity as closely packed as an exhibition midway- crowd on labor day passes along the centre of the street on each side of which there are stalls and barrows closely set together and presided over by shout ing salesmen and women who wish to draw attention to their wares ilcre the articles are for the most part new but the variety of things being offered is as grea as in the caledonian market it is a veritable bedlam and if you do not enjoy crowds noise and excitement stay away in both places meny bargains may be had if one is pr3pared to do a little dickering and put up with some bantering talk all this adds to the enjoyment and i would p won al ly advise anyone visiting london to go to one or other of these most in triguing spots other markets berwick market in soho ik much patronized by the foreign element of london and also o far rs millinery furs and drapery is concerned by the young ladies of london gciially it is also a street market located not far from piccadilly circus in the heart ot london another curious sunday morning market is thr- rag have you any noninterest paying securities bonds or 6tocks we have markets for a number of defaulted real estate municipal and corporation bonds and stocks wo have found in many instances that our clients have had defaulted bonds which wo wcro ablo to convert into interest bearing securities how ab out your holdings wo will bo glad to make any suggestions if you send us a list of your securities or a rep- rcsentailvo will call if you so desire c specialize in government mu nicipal real kstate and corporation securities quotations supplied ou request kenneth bernhard bondi debentures stocks suites 15010203 metropolitan building toronto ontario ministers son invents invisible ear drum rpilie invisible ear drum invented by jl a o leonard a son of a idely known methodist minister for his own relief from extreme deafness and head noises has so greatly improved his hearing that lie can join in any ordinary conversation go to theatre and hear without difficulty inexpensive and has proven a blessing to many people write lor booklet to ao leonard inc suite u9 70 fifth avenue new york city advt enterprising boy anticipating a busy summer a young boy is already solicitin busi ness in cleaning white shoes his plan is rather novel for the present time and is meeting with enthusiasm among many busy people of his neighborhood he collects shoes left in boxes outside the door cleans the shoes and returns them early the next morning are you sluggish to throw off energystealing impurities enjoy a glass or two each week of energizing effervescent andrews liver salt in tins 3seind0c new large bottle 7se issue no 22 34 it fair in bangor street vottiug dale and for dogs birds and other pets there is club row at shoredittb this is not far from petticoat lane the market is also held on sunday morn ing and terriers and other dogs may be purchased here with redlgrees longer than any in burke the value of these pedigrees is peril ps an other matter all these markets are touches of london behind the scenes i havent mentioned billingsgate the fish market covent garden the flower fruit and vegetable market smith- field the meat market to say noth ing of others of lesser importance pin punctures on cardboard test eyesight scierlce proves seeming cases of dull mentality caused by faulty- vision cambridge eight pinholes in a piece of cardboard are provlna tbat some cases of mental dumbness are merely unsuspected poor eyesight the pinholes form the crux of a new eyetesting device they reveal how a visual image looks in the brain when the image from each eye falls upon the retina it sight is perfect the two images appear to lie in abso lute register one directly on top of the other but actually the two images may have various differences ore may be wider than the other or taller or bigger in all dimensions or smaller the technical name for this condition is dyslexia it is sometimes exceed ingly difficult to detect particualrly when tbe faulty image is woug at only one angle which may have any direction the new device has revpaled cases of dyslexia in individual whose eye sight bad not been uudr suspicion it is described to the aaerican asso ciation for the advancement of sci ence by walter f dearbirn and for rest d comfort ct harvard univer sity they credit the pioneer work to professor ames and the staff of the dartmouth medical school tho eight pinholes are set in a circle around a hole threeeighths of an inch in diameter behind the pin holes are a series of tiny lights and a series of black backgrounds these are arranged so that when a person looks t the arge central hole his right eye sees tbe tiny lights behind the pinholes but the left eye does not see these lights at all in stead it sees only the black back grounds dots and light displaced tho result is that one eye sees a hole surrounded by black dots while the other sees the same hole sur rounded by pinpoints of light- h vision is perfect the black doe and tho glowing points superimpose and to the brain they appear to fuse but if thjre is any of the distortion of dyslexia black dots and the bright points separate they separate in the direction in which the vision is faulty whether it is at one angle or a gen eral distortion lenses areplaced in front of the eyes until dots and points of lights fuse and that gives the correct pre scription for corrective eyeglasses the troubles thus corrected include complaints of sleepiness when read ing words jumping about and blur ring on a page and skipping ot lines unique display will draw crowds at cne a smile the clerk had just completed a quarter century of faithful service at the end of the day the boss hand ed him an envelope inscribed in token of this memorable date the clerk opened the envelope and inside it he found a portrait of his employer well what do you think of my gift to you in recognition of your de voted service the proprietor aked its just like you was the reply ceylon now joins numerous other fardistant countries whlcn will come into the canadian nawohal ex- hibitie in a big waj this year with a fovfrnmentsiionsored enliibits the ceylon tea bureau which is a governmental department has enga ged four thousand square feet of space in the governments building and will have a display which will be altogether unique and quite unlike anything hitherto attempted in that interesting structure a huge shipment of emeralds sap phires rubber and rubber products cocoa cinnamon rice native handi crafts such as pottery fabrics woven in grass handhammered brass in ad dition to tea has been shipped from the port of colombo en route to tor onto the exhibit will be accompanied by englishspeaking natives in cos tume and aside from being designed to stimulate trade between ceylon and canada is highly educational appropriately enough this year marks the 100th anniversary of a concerted campaign on the part of growers of ceylon to introduce tea throughout the british empire in cluded in the shipment which accu- pies fifteen huge crates are two di oramas with elaborate lighting and sound effects depicting the tea plant ations with cingalese natives and el ephants at work and showing the pic king curing and shipping processes your livers making you feel out of sorts wake up your liver bile no calomel heeded when you feel blue depressed sour on the world thats your liver which isnt pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels digestion and elimination are being slowed up food is accumulating and decaying inside you and making you feel wfstched merf bowel-movers- like salts oil miner p water laxative candy or chew ing plli or roughage dont go far enough you need ft liver stimulant carters little liver pills is hie best one safe purely vegetable sure ask for them by name refuse substitutes 25c at all druggists 52 beware of weed seeds weed seeas find their ay to the manure pik nruugh the digestive systems of aiimas and in betiding when free manure is hauled out and spread on the land viable weed seeds may bs spread w it if weeds are present allow the manure to remain in the pile for at least one month be fore spreading and thereby avoid the danger of increasing weed infestation tality will run much higher but we feel reasonably certain that in all on tario apple orchards sufficient larvae will have survived in sheltered spots to necessitate the application of the sprays outlined in the ontario spray calendar oil imports gain but cost is less ottawa canada imported 10ck- 463s53 gallons of petroleum ii the fiscal year ending with march valued at 2317323s an iucrease in gallon- age but a decrease in value compar ed with the previous yea imports were up sharply in march 739s1459 gallons coming in compared with 546576s7 gallons in march last year blue spells reduce some women to the petulant shadow of their own smiling selves others take the vegetable compound when they feel the blues coming on it steadies quiver ing nerves helps to tone ip the general health givcithem jt more pep i more charm lydlai e pinkflws vegetable cqhmjnit classified advertising wiid animals wanted aby bears paying 500 pair above other buyers hold write crowe wayne kj bab al pob- quick sale poweb pumps 11levkn only left at special ubllee ii price greatly reduced cost fur less pump water night and day ex ceptional value write today for price giving depth of well brook beatty bros out box 23sv mr a i hoi- limited fergus w the attention of the citizens throughout ontario is called to the importance of seeing that their names are incorporated on the vot ers lists for the provincial election to be held on june 19th chief election officer i a humphries is taking special steps to see that everyone enjoying the franchise will be in a position to exercise it at the polls the voters lists have been posted conspicuously in all the elec toral districts and abundant opportunity is provided for individuals to examine these lists and learn if their name is included in each dis trict a revising officer will sit on specified dates to consider applica tions or complaints in regard to omission of names it is incumbent upon each voter to satisfy himself or herself that their name is includ ed in cases where names are left off or corrections are needed such persons are advised to attend the revising officers sitting in person or to obtain notice of complaint forms and to file two days in ad vance of the aforementioned sittings it is especially urged upon the electorate that each voter should make the inclusion of his name on the list a matter of personal res ponsibility adequate machinery is provided and every care will be taken but individual cooperation is sought vx mr humphries chief election officer issues a message to be pub lic in the following terms you enjoy the franchise exercise it you should cooperate in order to see that your name is on the voters list the responsibility is yours do not delay dont put it off until election day and then blame someone because your name is not on the voters list

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