Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 10, 1934, p. 6

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jill of the fields a romance by kennaway james proud father demands recount slightly dazed when wife gives birth to four sons good start towards football team here are the views of the ycunjj j man whose wife gave birih to four synopsis voilierlos mil lvrruew ceomes o uiv death of her father owner of a farm lir counts tn shirk tiamtun liad man to assist her murk resentfl the lireseneo of ihllup is irtour whj pro- f esses to be investigating the history of old county families on returning to iwntlon le mccis uvo fonlkiers the rean for tmnllros interest proves to be a chetnkul ferfhzr uiscoeivd by j ufa fa i her wjjlc he had not niade known t jill chill p iuua jhl u i ivtr mark who has ovcliiea rjin love for her a louy of a man js found in one of the wheal heius a lighter is found under the bodv which prows to belone to old 1-ifoik- llarlxtir rushes jill into an eiigukeintii she receives a letter from mark giving notice jill 3 fur ious that tier miaknient is iitwu ne ed in til paoera bar hour and markmeet crort the fields and eventually come o blnvs j mark beaten eda ine consoles him old george tells mark nf the formula wjii tells him in ri to jill this causes jim to break her engage ment wish riiillip harbour believing mark is interested in fred t jill he- ines engaged to hiheit noi grove boys in bhmiiilani england presently lie turned 10 ilnd her in reported by a corresjhndent tear first view nothing just slightly oh dear she cried v all 2azed i second view mere than a miiion inhabitants and it had to be rue unvarying quality my troubles are not starting again j mark whatever can be the matter with stone town j third vewwel its a gbocf start theres nothing the matter with towards a football team 1 ii tk it nothing said mark it is just j stanley hitchiiss the father is fcsasefoali p fovlilg coincidence that these things should j twenty six years old his wife is only j happen in the same place they are twentythree they have a duugheri happening elsewhere all the time j aged two fresh from the gardens the second bark sometimes iriigedy may come and leave no more than sudden death the bereaved are left behind and the lawyers do the rest at other times however fatality may come miraclewise and solve for people problems which they thought were never to be solved it was tra gedy of this kind which cut across the lives of those at stone town on a late spring evening when it seemed tlita goil was pleased with the world j and all that he had made j mark was sitting outside his cot- 1 tage door when a man whom he did not recognize rode up rapidly on a bicycle and dismounted mr hanson he asked thats me said mark in a leisurely tone well i have sjnc unpleasant news for you said the man who an nounced his name as ranee or at least for miss merridew im sorry to hear that replied mark if you wish i will take you round to miss merridew what is the news no i think it would be better if you told miss merridew yourself it is news which could be better given by a friend there has been an acci dent and herbert norgrcve is dead mark looked at the man incredu- ously you you dont mean it was all he was able to say yes i mean it said the other and to tell you the truth im not altogether surprised the way he had been driving that old car about has been simply asking for it i had a look under the bonnet a few days ago and found the steeringbox so loose that it hardly seemed to belong to that car why didnt you warn him ask ed mark ranee shrugged his shoulders he was there at the time he said but he just smiled and said it would last a long time yet and now this evening it went and the car hit a tree judging by the wreck he must have been going at the devil of a pace he never went at any other said mark well well its a sorry business yes ill go and break the news to miss merridew then ill run over and see if i can be of any help though i dont know that i car do anything a few minutes later ranee rode away and mark walked slowly over to jills house she was surprised to see him for he never visited her in the evenings as he had once done you look disturbed mark she said when they were alone i am jill said mark ive brought some bad news for you oh dont say that mark whats gone wrong you look as though an thrax has broken out no its nothing to do with the farm it concerns herbert norgrovc jill sprang to her feet and the col our left her face i know she cried hes dead killed i felt it would come tell me liiickly mark it that it it is replied mark as he rose and crossed to the window so that he should not watch jills expression j thfi wliy laimnt nit elvti truer tar elor thin ny athcr mck h i much linjr f imtant rlt dltiolvt conplcttly in 40 itcandl not juit lurfftca or tvery inrmd through and thrtugh free stod the from of 2 rit pjciukcj for thee copy of the a d c of home run malting to john a huitoo co ltd 40 caledonia rd toronto it but two violent deaths mark almost made an exclamation bat checked himself yes by jove jill it is extraordin ary last november i heaid three foxbarks over in magpie spinney and you know what they say that means dont you yes sa jill three fovbatks mean three dead men within a year oh how horrible does it mean theres another still to come its only a local superstition he said but it does sound curious poor dear jill im sorry for you i thought you were on the way to be ing really happy at last jill gave him a strange look you you jt ought i was going to be happy did you she asked tear fully i suppose you thought 1 was really in love with poor herbert no i never thought that jill and i tlont think anyone else did either not even herbert jill was standing near the able her hand behind her resting upon it mark thought he had never seen her look so appealing and though he dis liked himsef for it he felt content that she was not to marry herbert norgrove jill he said i dont know what to ay to you you are all left aone again on the farm you see he stammered for he hated to say it im supposed to be going to fredas uncle next week supposed to said jill you are going arent you i i ves i suppose i am said mark of course you are said jill es pecially now that you and freda have become what you are to each other whatever do vou mean asked mark well youre in love with her arent you replied jill turning away for the tears were coming again mark took a few steps towards her jill my dear dont despair i know a this is terrible for you but be your brave self as for freda well i like her but that is all then he went close to her jill i can never be in love with anyone but you and she was about to speak but he held up his hand as one commanding silence yes you shall hear it again he said i know it may sound crude at this moment wheii herbert has just been killed if you loved him it would be a different matter i should say nothing but im going to tell you something i love you more than all the world and im going to try- to win you this time oh mark jill sobbed as she looked up at him pathetically it it isnt right to talk like this now oris it it is said ark its got to be peace the engagement of jill and mark was kept secret for many months though the secrecy deceived none least of all old george autumn found george declining rapidly and on a grim november afternoon he sent for mark and jill im agoing quick he said and theres just two things i wanted to tell you it was larry luby who took my baccabox he was always taking cm and it was him who dropped it in the field he told me all about it just afore they took him away he also saitl it was him who killed the chap you know he hated benson who made that scarecrow well he went with an iron bar to smash it so it wasnt murder after all jill stroked his head and what is the other thing she asked the other thing is here said george fumbling under the pillow and producing a grimy paper this is the formula he said i ive had it all the time he gave it popular abroad mr and mrs jlitchitts live in the washnood heath district i found mr hilchins in the bir mingham matrnity hospital shortly after his family had been born he was standing unnoticed by the fuss- ittg nurses and beaming doctors he had been called from work he is a painter and after counting the babies carefully returned to his work after congratulating him i asked him how it felt to be the father of four bonny bouncing baby boys he looked round carefully and then told me with emphasis when they told me the number russia latest nation to adopt game japan and other countries already enthu siasts baseball americas national pas time is becoming more and more in ternational in character writes irving g gutterman in the n y times ac coiding to recent dispatches soviet russia has found a place for the game in its program of athletics thus one more country is added to the number showing an interest in he said i almost demanded a rel this sport co i while baseball is in its beginning as like as peas j stages in many countries in japan you are certain to get the kings i lias b enjoying vast popular- bounty i said tor several years introduced more than a decade ago and foster ed by the larger japanese univcrs- i ities it has become one of the most the wifes mothers sister nad twins he said reflectively peihaps that had something to do with it he told me that counting from n0duiar bames m the country it is left to right the children wcigh ot uncommon for a crowd of 60000 in at 3 lbs 13 ozs 3 lbs lslil o see a contest between uv0 c0 5 lbs 2 ozs and 3 lbs 1514 ozs re spectively weve named them john fred ar thur and stanley to save them get ting mixed up he explained they are as like as two peas in a pod ex cept the big one who has got a snub i nose i told him of birminghams deciin- ing birthrate and how glad dr news- holme the medical officer of health would be he reminded me of the o- ther million or so inhabitants i reminded him of the football team mother drops 41 year pose reveals herself as mother not sister ol own daughter ouray colo for 11 years mrs charles n jones as a sister to her daughter up apd down the continent they trouped in a vadeville act called maxine and maxie marshall and the daughter never knew that her sister was really her mother the story came out when the daughter mrs ii e williamson sued for and won the right to administer tho estate of a father she had not seen since she was a baby mrs jones who was maxine took the stand in mrs williamsons suit to become administrator of the large estate of john donald pioneer mining man of ouray she told how she left donald in 1893 taking their daughter with her and how she pre tended they were sisters to prevent donald from finding them mrs jones said that after leaving donald she worked as a dishwasher and waitress until she perfected a vaudeville act into which she and her daughter fitted as sisters from the time the child was six years old she said they were known as maxine and maxie marshall when their vaude ville engagements took them to al aska in 190 mrs jones met and married the man whose name she now bears j it was not until last january that been established teams picked american teams have tour cd japan receiving rousing ovations wherever exhibition games were play ed so that now the names of such stars as babe ruth and lou gehrig are familiar to many japanese the visiting major leaguers have been beset by autograph hunters accord ing to gehrig the interest in base ball in japan just about borders on the fanatical the nimble japanese naturally nimble and active the japanese have proved to be excellent fielders and base runners their pitchers are clever and well acquaint ed with the various curve balls japanese teams have played ameri can college nines and have been more than a match for some of them baseball has been well developed in africa north and south last fall it was reported that more than forty j organized teams were active in tunis where there are more than a thousand ballplayers of at least a dozen nation alities organized amateur leagues play regularly and many fans turn out for the games the first contest between an american and a north african team took place in july 1932 on the north african team were five arabs six italians one frenchman one anglofrenchman and one berber teams in the ligue tunisienne include also turks gre eks spaniards portuguese english south africans americans moroc cans tripolitans egyptians sene galese and maltese within the past three years the rise of baseball in south africa has been swift cricket and football clubs near johannesburg have been turn ing their attention to the american game and last summer a league of eight teams was in operation the sport has also thrived in cape town last year the cumorah team of that city made a tour through the trans vaal the standard of play among south africans is high south americans have also grown to like the american game in ven ezuela baseball is fast becoming a national pastime there are teams not only in caracas but in maracaibo valencia maracay and la guayra many intercity rivalries have already i was the fifth inning and he was the fifth umpire to be chased from the field baseball is played to a limited ex tent in france italy spain portu gal and rumania there is a base ball league in operation in paris- and at the barcelona exhibition in 1930 a picked french team turned back the best spanish nine before 13000 spec tators in england and wales there are alsj baseball teams the game has been well developed among the mcxi cans and cubans and the filipinos have been expertly taught at school by american coaches in moscow baseball classes have been opened at the physiculture in stitute where the game is being taught by an american and by a rus sian who learned to play in japan while americas national pastime has been played abroad for many years it is only recently that there has been such a definite rise in its popularity as to bring about the suggestion that baseball be made an olympic sport a suggestion put for ward by the french baseball fed eration which includes france tun isia algeria and morocco pedestrians john orew in the baltimore sun while 1 like to think of the kinship miss england gone brunette legendary blonde saxon type has become darker and slimmer better look ing but more standardized than formerly imiss england is not the legendary blonde she has been supposed to be for centuries an analysis of the sales of cos metics at a london store during the j iast twelve months reveals her to be j a btunet out of every 1000 lipsticks sold cc0 i were orange ued by brunettes only j30 were dark red for deeper br- f nettes and only 50 were pale red used by blondes five hundred and fifty of every between the british people and our inoo shampoos sold were for brown there is actually any affinity my hair o0 for brown hair that has skepticism on this point intensified j been tinted 130 for genuine fair hair a few days ago by the receipt of a and 100 tor red or titian shades circular from the automobile asso- kven hei complexion is not as fair ciation of great britain on the subjoss it was in every 1000 boxes of ject of highway accommodations for powder sold 730 were rachel shades pdestrians j for brunstes 200 were blonde the circular expiated to the effect sh wore fancy shades of some 400 words on the deplorj the typical english girl of 19u is able failure of jie british counties brownhaired only comparatively fair- and scotland to make provision for skinned and has hazel or brown those who travel ifoot it called at- cj0s said a london woman buyer tention to a striking deficiency in se twet loxcs ol black c footpaths the sad neglect of pedes- j asl1 cosmetic to every one of brown trians etc etc etc and it empha- square jaw sized the urgent need on all iuainj it is my job to watch womens roads for footpaths having a continu- faces and study them and i would ous allweather surface smoother describe the english girl of the mo- and more attractive than a nonskid carriageway i find it hard tc believe that a race of men capable of formulating such an appeal as this has anything what soever in common with the inhab- ment as being shortfeatured and brownhaired with a pointed chin and slightly square jaw her eyes are larger than they used to be or it may just be the effect of the use of cosmetics she is thinner in the face which old shoes how much a man is like old shoes for instance both a soul may lose both have been tanned both are made light by cobblers both get left and right both need a mat to be complete and both are ma e to go on feet they both need heeling oft are soled and both in time turn old tc mould with shoes the last is first with men the first shall be last and when the shoes wear out they are mended new when men wear out theyre men dead too they both are trod upon and both will tread on others nothing loath both have their ties and both incline when polished in the world to shine and both peg out so would ou choose to be a man or be his shoes itants of this great nation of ours has destroyed the oval face usually where to give the pedestrian anything attributed to english girls more than a disdainful honk is ut terly foreign to the national charac ter our british cousins must be she is better looking but standardized than formerly and here aro some more quite distant to be able to indulge j about miss england 1934 facts themselves in such sympathetic rha- posdy or is that they are more far- sighted busy little bee was electrocuted denver colo a busy little bee called out the fire department the insect apparently attempted to start a hive in a fire alarm box and be came entangled in the apparatus causing a short circuit that set off the bells when the firemen arrived the bee had been eloctrocuted energetic party wanted wanted energetic parly to invest and accept kxecutive position in xoncomiietetive business estab lished in toronto apply hw dawson brampton ontario she is about 5 ft 5 ins in height which is taller than she used to be she weighs about 130 lbs which is lighter her feet are size 5 aud her gloves are gi both larger and her shoe repairer will tell you she walks better and has lost ilia habit of turning her heels over she used to own an umbrella 8 pair of goloshes and a macintosh now she own two macintoshes aud no goloshes and sometimes no um brella but the english girl has one thing she should be proud of her hips are smaller than any other nations in the world her average is 38 inches foreign manufacturers make specially smallhipped sizes in dress es for her alone almost brasfcrnf- relief bo ill have to get a taxi and go home ive developed a terrible attack of neuralgia for quick relief say aspirin when you buy she told her daughter of their true relationship anyone may do a casual act o goodnature but a continuation o them shows it a part of the tempera merit sterne me afore he died its yours now old george died that night and jill and mark sitting before the fire at stone town talked of his passing for he was loved by both of them he seems to have cleared up an other mystery too said mark you remember about the three foxbarks and three dead men well old new pfv holongtratoip 4lr dimotvtt lattirrtty jfllftaymore ijhe preeminent hotel achievement george is the third see the tears in jills eyes glistened then we shall have peace now yes we shal have peace said mark and they had peace finis venezuelan fans that the venezuelans are enthu siastic fans is evident in the account of a recent games between the santa maria team and the royals protest ing a decision the santa maria team and many of their rooters warmed tho playing field yelling ladron ladron protcsto protestoi in a manner that would have put even an american bleacheritc to shame they fought to induce the umpire to change his decision finally insisting that he he ejected and a new one procured it dr wernets powder for false teeth a joy to all users cnt slip or slide sprinkle on dr wernets powder and ou wont have to think about your also teeth all day long com fort is yours eat anything you want it holds plates firmly in plact they positively cant slip or slide forma protective cushion lor sensitive gumsj leaves no colored gummy substance keeps mouth sanitary breath pleasant prescribed by world a most noted den tists the cost is small the comfort treat any druggiet best rvbuw baby too now comes amazingly quick relief from headaches rheumatism neuri tis neuralgia the fastest safe relief it is said yet discovered those results are due to a scien tific discovery by which an aspirin tablet begins to dissolve or dis integrate in i he amazing space of two seconds after touching moisture and hence to start taking hold of pain a few minutes after taking the illustration of the glass here tells the story an aspirin tablet starts to disintegrate almost instant ly you swallow it and tints is ready to no lo work almost instantly when you buy though be on guard against substitutes to be sure you get aspirins quick relief he sure the name bayer in the form of a cross js on every tablet of aspirin why aspirin works so fast drop an aspirin tablet in a glass of watfr note that be- j fore it touches bot tom it lias started to disintegrate what it does in this rlass it docs in your stomach hence its fast action made in canada does not harm the heart j thinks depression on way out smithville according to goodman pettigrew wellknown auctioneer and farm machinery salesman prosperity is returning to the farming district and people have more confidence in the future recently mr pettigrew stated that his auction sales of april 17 18 and 19 made it loo as though old man depression was on the way out pri ces he said were 50 per cent higher on everything but dairy cows his sales this year all around he added were bringing prices 35 per cent bet ter than a year ago sales of new farm equipment showed a 30 per ccrj increase over last year and repaifs were over 80 per cent lower than last year this he said showed that far mers were buying new stuff rather than repair the old his sales of roof ing were greater than for the last 6 years good and faithful servant gets reward lis fragrant lather soothea cleanses issue no 19 34 artists and authors amateur or professional- send stamped addressed envelope for information on dow to sell illustrations and short stories we will criticize your work and act as agents in selling it for a small tee the art literary service it 39 lee avenue toronto 1 tomplecombe somerset eng a nurses devotion t her mistress who lived for four years with a fractur ed spine after a hunting accident was rewarded with a bequest of 225000 the bequest was contained in tho will of miss ella mavourneen dy- mock wise of chorion house near here and the beneficiary was miss millieent anne moulc subject to somo specific bequests all the estate probated was awarded to my dear nurse miss who was thrown from her horse while hunting ulackmore vale mere than four years ago and from that time untii her death recently was nursed constantly by mise moule who now lives at cornwall alert driving is safety medium salt lake city utah anticipa tion of danger alert driving and pro per care would eliminate 90 per cent of automobile accidents sheriff s grant young told tho american le gion here death toll from traffic ac cidents is steadily increasing annual- y he said despite education in school and among adult groups

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