Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 22, 1934, p. 8

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stouffville ontario february 22 19s4 a savings account and its 4 selling points will employ jusspector to inspect and re port on all claims for fire in surance s afety hundreds of millions of dollars worth of conservatively valued bank assets ensure the safety of your deposits vailabilitywhatever the state of business or the money market your deposits are at your immediate disposal dollar for dollar alue increases through the halfyearly compounding of interest encouragement to thrift through a service which receives throughout the dominion day in and day out thousands of savings deposits large and small and which aims at giving every depositor courteous and careful attention the canadian bank of commerce paidup capital reserve fund 30 million dollars 30 million dollars important policy enacted by maple leaf mutual fire insurance co at annual meeting cas 13 new canada movement representatives were in town last week arranging for holding meetings and organizing for the new icanada movement which is in vading ontario this new organiza tion is said to be nonpartisan and aims to arouse interest in present economic and political conditions through education it is planned to hold meetings all over york and ontario counties speaking to the tribune a repre sentative explained that ths move ment is the response of canadian youth to the need for new methods new ideas new men to face and deal with the crisis like youth movements everywhere it is based on a recognition of the fact that we are living in a world utterly chang ed by the machine and that the methods and ideas of our grand fathers or even our fathers time will not work like the youth movement of the united states particularly the new canada movement is based on the feeling of cnadian youth that the time has come to examine the facts of the depression and to devise solutions based on the facts this was the faith of the group who started out last autumn to storm ontario county by county meetings will shortly be held in stouffville and victoria square the first job of the movement he explained is to save agriculture which will bo the movements slogan the movement is howove to extend beyond the mere economic future a one man town the doctor has closed up the clinic and williamsburg has suffered as a result says the brockville recorder where cafes and restaurants appear ed on every corner only one remains open the others digging in for the winter with shades drawn hotels remain open only to keep fires up stores are supplying only the na tive the popularshoe store is given but bare of customers not even the street corners sport any activity the streets being almostt completely de serted dr locke is taking a month holidays auction sale farm stock implements etc 9 the undersigned has received structions to sell by public auction at lot 10 rear concession pickering the pugh homestead 1 mile north of cedar creek school on thursday march 1st 1934 melville the melville auxiliary of tie womans missionary society observ ed the womens day of prayer on friday last at the home of mrs edgar nigh following the meeting a pleasant social time was enjoyed box 244 phone 3306 j e smith radio service all makes of radios electric stoves toasters irons and fixtures repaired- will appreciate your custom tho following property longing to wilmot yake be- rs old yug 21 cow alvin s farmer incensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere rates moderator phone stouffville g312 addross gormloy po stewart beare phone markham 2603 or to braithwaitos hardwaro 9601 radio repairing a service you will appreciate e cober technician gordon radio at buttons hnrdwnro builder of sound systems power amplifiers radio repairing and horses and cattle black mare 10 years old brown mare 10 years old heavy bay gelding 12 years shetland pony 2 years old jersey cow 5 years due jersey cow 5 years duo grade shorthorn cow bred grado shorthorn mooly bred aug 25 holstein cow milking black steer rising 2 years red steer rising 2 years black heifer bred sept 28 roan heifer bred sept 4 red heifer bred aug 29 roan heifer rising 1 year b w heifer rising 1 year veal calf 5 years old young brood sow 9 suckling pigs implements bindor mh mower mh horse rake deoring diamond harrows 4 sec with doubletrees diamond harrows 3 sec with doubletrees lower gear wagon hay rack seed drill mh- good turnip scnfflor frost wood good walking plow wilkinson no 4 sulky riding plow farmers friend set bob sleighs cultivator p h buggy cutter 234 horso doubletrees c single horso doubletrees set sling ropes pulley good number of tools harness etc 2 sets double breeching harness ono set brass mounted set single harness sot sheep clippers power 300 bus turnips owner giving dp farming terms cash tkrms cash john scottclcrk sale 1 oclock wm maw auctioneer faced with an annual report which indicated a continuation of unusually heavy fire losses the policyholders of the maple leaf farmers mutual fife insurance company of which thos birkett of stouffville is the local agent at their annual meeting in the town ship hall at columbus unanimously instructed the directors to employ a fulltime fully trained and quali fled inspector to inspect all proper ties on which applications for in surance aro made and to report on these applications before they are accepted by the directors the de sire for a change of policy to meet tho changing conditions was also evidenced in the election of four directors to serve for the next three years out of the four elected three were new men these being lance b beath east whitby frank l mason east whitby and gordon d conanf of oshawa while grant christie of manches ter warden of ontario county was the only one of the four retiring di rectors to be reelected those who were defeated at the meeting being oreighton dovitt of burketon samuel snowden of bowmaiiville and robert armstrong oflocust hill m bagshaw of sunderland was elected to fill out the unexpired portion of the term of office of ii e webster who resigned from tho directorate while a e morton o kirby was elected to fill out ilia term of the late i t chapman the other directors of the company are thomas graham port perry ii g macklin bowmanville william ratclifie prooklin lt- col r b smith columbus t b mothersill oshawa the president and d m morgan claremont vice- president of the company president reklccted at a directors meeting which followed the annual meeting g b mothersill of oshawa was reelect ed as president of the company and d m morgan of claremont as vicepresident paul g purvis was reappointed as secretary and a j howden was chosen as treasurer as successor to samson roberts who retired from that office after some years of faithful service h l pascoe and f wilcoxson were reelected as auditors of the com pany one of the high lights of the meeting was an address by r leighton foster kc superinten dent of insurance for the province of ontario who along with j g gibbons from his office was pre sent at the meeting and highly complimented the company on maintaining a splendid position in spite of heavy claims for fire losses the company he said was very sound but he advocated greater caution in respect to accepting risks and overinsurance he also stress ed the necessity of proper inspec tion methods and this had a great bearing on the decision of the meet ing a favor of the appointment of an inspector for tho company among tho policyholders who ex pressed strong views in the saino direction were g w mclaughlin lance b beath f v mason and gordon d conant and the manner in which their speeches were re ceived indicated that their views had the approval of the majority of the audience p tit the age of heavy mutton is passed farmer s iniormatloll a condition most favorable to tbo j sheep raiser who is thus enabled to reap quick returns from bis flock tho increasing demand for lamb mutton this season augurs well for the future of the industry provided care is taken to keep up and im prove the grade of the product wanting early cabbage- early cabage is a very good money crop more value may be obtained from an aero of it than from the same area devoted to many other crops seed sowing should be done early in march and the plants grown in flats or thub pots and later put in four inch pots hardening off before planting in the field is very important this will make the plants frost hardy as soon as the a dairyman clifford robinson who installed radio in stables and who keeps it going during milking time is authority for the statement that cows grow restless and give milk reluctantly amid jazz and blare gormley plants show signs of growth in the but give freely and abundantly when open field apply a sid dressiug of soft soothing sentimental music is nitrate of soda jin tho air he does not say whether crooning is included in the latter time to castrate mrs j category but wo suspect it is and the early castration of market j that his cows have not tired of it pigs has many advantages which yet should not be overlooked by breed ers young pigs aro easily handled suffer very little and heal quickly with a sriiall percentage of losses it tho operation is properly performed and necessary precautions are taken to prevent infection at the dominion experimental farm indian head pigs for mar ket purposes aro castrated pre vious to weaning time pigs to bo weaned at six weeks are cas trated at one month of age or if weaning is done at eight weeks they the trend in egg mashes is toward a greater variety of protiens dixie sweetened egg mashes a new mash just out is designed with this end in view contains 26 ingredients and a total of 18 per cent protien and retails at 190 a single bag dixie chick starter mash made many new friends last year many chicks being saved by changing over to dixie when more expensive starters failed no change in formula now retailing at 250 single bags big 50 laying concentrate a product of canada packers limited now obtainable at our mill one cwt plus your own grain gives you seven cwt good egg mash 340 per cwt winter wheat wanted at highest market prices get our quotations before selling dicksons hill mills phone stouffville 5505 markham ontario mrs margaret tmalcolm miskelly widow of james b miskelly of bel fast ireland died last week at the home of her sou albert miskelly in her s7th year mrs miskelly was born in ireland and came to canada 27 years ago she first settled with her son albert at toronto but four years aro castrated when about six weeks go moved to gormley to live with old experience at this farm nasjber son william she was a mem- shown that nursing pigs suffer lea setback and heal more rapidly with a smaller percentage of losses thay older pigs cuts hog costs while hogs have been climbing to tho best price reached since 1931 clark young of milliken has been busy establishing a worlds record for cheap production he reports a hundred pounds gain for every 281 pounds of feed used which is eight pounds better than the record of the i indian state college previous holder of the record authorities at the ontario agricultural college consider one pound of pork gain for every four and ono half pounds of feed decidedly above the average mr young gives his total cost per hundred pounds of pork for the entire six months feeding period as 47s which represents more than 1300 net profit per 200 pound hog at present prices not only have mr youngs hogs beei fed cheaply and quickly they were marketed at six months but the quality according to the grading at toronto and the bacon reports from great britain where tho pork was marketed has been tho best mr young figures his costs from wean ing to six months as follows 2050 pounds of mixed home grown grain 400 pounds of shorts 1650 pounds of special concentrated feed total cost 6957 for one lot of eight hogs hatching by incubator before using the incubator check it for leaks and breakages and lest tho thermometers place the machine in a well ventilated room or cellar which is kept at a uniform temperature the eggs used should bo of normal shape and appearance and at least 24 ounces to the dozen control the moisture according to the appearance of the eggs after they aro set on tho seventhday test the air cell should be about one eights the size of the egg and on the eighteenth day about one quarter the eggs should be turned twice a day test for fertility on the seven th and eighteenth days closing the machine on tho eighteenth above all follow the instructions given with tho machine when purchased ber of tho presbyterian church surviving are one daughter mrs wm harrison of toronto two sons william of toronto and albert of gormley eight grand children and three great- grand children ninth line markham miss f lewis for a while is in brantford batt was in toronto mrs albert en saturday our roads are badly filled in again utter mondays storm imrs peacock burkholders on had tea friday with mr mr and mrs albert batt ed at hoovers on sunday mr carl boyd returned from tottenham last week lost on saturday night a auto i boots robe between wm st johns and the stouffville arena finder please leave at tribune office card of thanks mrs george taylor wife of tho late georgo r taylor takes this opportunity of publicly expressing her appreciation to tho many friends and neighbors for their kind help during her present bereavement card of thanks mr and mrs george icerswill wish to thank their neighbors and friends for kindness and sympathy extended to them in the loss of a loving son ralph card of thanks i wish to thank the bible class of the sunay school tor the beauti ful plant they sent me during nty illness also the womens associa tion for the lovely flowers and mr woodburn for placing a radio in aiy home i appreciate these acts of kindness very much a b steckley obrien ave shoes footwear toc mens fixe wool sox per pair 30c to mens heavy work sox per pair j5c to tlse almira wool sox per pair 40c and 50c boys wool stockings per pair 50c womens silk and silk and wool hose pair 75c and si 00 womens black cashmere hose per pair 75c kandwear si exs work mitts 1 home ringwood quito a number made their way by horsedrawn vehicles to dickson hill on tuesday afternoon for the auction sale at henry groves one of tho oldest residents of those parts despite tho zero weather and blocked roads tho small furniture sold for over 100 mr grove will rosido with his daughter mrs wide- man since his wifes death racing carnival as announced last week at cedarena cedar groye thursday feb 27 in conjunction with tho junior farmers skating party you wont miss this event if you enjoy skating at tho enticing cedarena lunch and coffee provided admission 25 and 10c l miss audrey lewis had supper with mrs albert batt tuesday mr and mrs john lewis had tea on sunday night with mr and mrs jas mdcreight miss mcpherson our school teacher visited at imr ross barkeys last- week mr wm lord spent an evening at burkholders last week which one is it to be bill miss audrey lewis attended bible class at mr jas slacks at stouffville last friday night owing to the bad roads our school teacher is staying in our midst for a while miss lena reeve was the guest of her sister mr jas mccreight over the weekend imiss lena reevo of toronto and mr rolph boyd had supper on saturday with mr and mrs john lewis what horse and cutter was that goirig south in the wee hours sun day morning how the bells did chime card of thanks we wish to extend our sincere thankfulness to all those who so kindly helped and sympathized with us during the illness and passing of our dear mother we also thank the womens institute for their kindness shown toward us in our recent bereavement son arthur lewis daughter mrs a e davis in memoriam cockcrill in loving memory of louie cockerill who passed away february 24th 1931 three little words forget me not they dont seem much but they mean a lot just a memory fond and true to show dear louie we think of you sadly missed by family proper finishing will repay ontario shippers this cattle feeder who ships only properlyfinished cattle said garnet ii duncan livestock in vestigator ontario marketing board is very definitely helping himself tho liquidation of unfinished cattle will meet a poor sale under present conditions this is due largely to tho fact that packers have such huge quantities in stor age on the other hand ontario has considerably less cattle feed ing than normal consumption de mands tho rise in hog prices will re flect itself on cattle prices and finishing cattls properly will re pay tho feeder and reduce this excess storage of beef tho result of marketing un finished cattle at present will bo an increase in tho storage- supply further than this feeders will find themselves with no cattlo to ship when prices advance in my opinion tho wlso ship per will feed to- finish his stock and distribute tho supply over tire next few months mr and mrs wm boyd of tottenham visited with his parents imr and mrs david boyd on satur day his brother bruce returning homo with them stouffville branch the mutton sheep tho production of mutton has bocomo largely a question of fur nishing lambs to the markets as in beet or pork tho demands of tho market call for young meat and comparatively lightwelghts in car cass tho premium paid for baby beef and bacon hogs applies with ovon greater force to sheep thick fleshy but rather light joints aro what tho cook calls for whether for tho homo table or tho restaurant tho tastes of tho consumer have been cultivated to discriminate in favour of the tasty tonder iamb until wo find that from 70 to so per cent of tho sheep that reach tho market are less than one year old i spocialss this week libys hardwater soap cakes oc 5 lb domino soap chips 30c campbells tomato soup 3 tins 2jc sunlight soap 10 bars bile chicken haddle 2 tins 25c iqhipso large pkt 10c macaroni 4 lbs 10c winners in bacon competition in the 1933 bacon litter com petition there were 135 entries and g8 completed and qualified the province is divided into districts and tho highest scoring litter of the competition was owned by grant summers son aylmer winner of district number 2 who marketed 11 pigs grading 10 selects and 1 bacon and weighed 2270 at 171 days in district number 1 w e sonley port perry was first with 11 pigs grading 10 selects and 1 bacon winner of number 3 district was b t bolton dublin sudden death of claremont old boy death came suddenly to edwin luther bowes cnr agent at peterboro on saturday afternoon feb 17 in the nicolls hospital of that city deceased suffered a severo stroke just after completing his days work on tho afternoon previous he was removed to tho hospital but failed to rally and tho news of his sudden illness and death came as a groat shock to his aged and invalid mother of this village to whom he was most devoted and also to the host of friends whom he had in claremont and vicinity the late mr bowes was born hero g2 years ago and began to study telegraphy at tho ofhcohcre after school hours hcic to gloves 85c l so mens gauntlet per pair boys mitts per pair 40c to 05c almira yarns in grey black bed white and blue lehman phone 4301 quality service antique furniture for sale several pieces of furniture in cluding grandfather clock in cherry case and oak bed both over 117 years old one coo icoo clock said to have been made in russia apply to joan lewis 10th con whit church just north of stouffville stock for sale 13 pigs from 9 0 to 100 lbs also filly rising 4 years well broken jess icook phone 211 pigs for sale 12 pigs 100 lbs each 4 pigs 150 lbseach e p ferguson phone 7s02 wanted to buy quantity goose or fall wheat george winn stouffville or telephone trlbuno office fruit trees pruned and spray ed at seasonable rate all mater ial supplied by me edw walls phone 7820 for sale percheron gelding ris ing three years ready for spring work weighs between 13 and 14 hundred j empringham phoue 705 wanted old and disabled horses and cattle james arsenault lot hz con 8 markham phone 2803 princess flakes 2 pkts 27c lux soap with l largo lux flakes s ozpoppermlnt pattles2 boxes 25c cranberries 2 lbs 25c marmlll baby chick starter7 lb 25c sugared egg mash 10 lbs 25c vegetables tomatoes lettuce celery oranges lemons grapefruit spinnach sweet potatoes spanish onions fish salmon baby halibut snacks whlto fish fillet haddle oysters horrlng steaks while still a young boy at an early ago ho was employed by the cnr company and had continued to work for it until his last illness he had been station agent at peterboro for more than thirty years deceased was a very kind and generous nature and had a uleasing personality which won for him many friends who will deeply regret his passing ho is survived by no near relatives oxcept his aged mother mrs m j readman who has been an invalid and shutin during tho past fivo years and lo whom the deepest sympathy of tho community is ex tended ho was a member of tho united iqhurch and belonged to tho society of masons and of odd follows the remains were brought to his home here on imonday morn ing following a service at peterboro on sunday evening on tuesday afternoon a private service was held at his home hero at 130 oclock conducted by rov j e glover thi3 was followed by a masonic service in tho united church after which interment took place in claremont union cemetery i baby chucks will have a hatch of blood tested barred rock chicks coming out every week through out the season our entire flock blood tested and all reactors re moved february and march chicks 1200 a hundred april 1100 a hundred may 10 a hundred henry miller phone stouffville 4 914 baby chicks for sale 1st hatch of white leghorns to bo ready feb 7 extra good laying strain as high as 76 per cent also two breeding cockerels hatching eggs for sale and custom hatching done j w melton rrno2 claremont fowl wanted i am open to buy hens chickens geese ducks etc and will pay highest maket prlco locate mo at edw pennocks llvory phone 163 sam qolden for sale 70 acre workable land being west half lot 27 con 8 markham township bank barn framo dwelling well watered and on good highway apply to albert holdon todmorden rr 1 or phono agincourt 9 ring 4 spring farm machinery there is very fow auction sales and used implements aro hard to buy our stock however is largo but get in early whilo tho selection is good seed drills international mh drill with fertilizer attachment 13 drill mh iridlng plows walking plows mowers binders land rollers cutting boxes with or with out blowers any of those machines will save you money they have years of service in them b rexiiln highest prices for poultry wool and hidos phone 192

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