Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 22, 1934, p. 6

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mrs clarry hunt cam dietitian for gillctt product toronto magic costs so little just think it actually takes less than it worth of magic to make a delicious layer cake why take chances with doubt ful baking powder bake with magic and be sure magic made in canada is8fifi2i baking contains no alumthis itatemtnt on wry tin u your fluarante that mafclc baklnft powder la tree from alum or t any harmful inllredient w feeling that shj had some justification only tended to aggravate matters his thoughts were interrupted by inspector norton who came up to him with the air of one who seeks a friend in the hour of rxed look here sir hanson he said ive known you some little time so 1 dont mind asking you what do you know about this mr barbour a damned sight too much answer ed mark grimly thus leading the in spector to thimc he was barking up the right tree at last he was soon dis illusioned however when mark told him that ho knew nothing about him whatever except that he was a friend of jills and that marks retort had referred to barbour pottering about the farm very well said norton conclusive ly then i shall go and have a word with him myself i believe he is visit ing miss merridew just now good idea exclaimed mark en couragingly so saying the inspector strode across to the house and was just in time to interrupt jills and phillips teteatete as soon as it had begun jill of the fields a romance by kennaway james k orange pekoe blend fresh from the gardens latest findings in science world synopsis motherleajj jill merridew becomes on the death of her father owner of a farm she counts on mark hanson head man to assist her in the management mark resents remarks made by phillip har bour who professes to be investigating the history of old county families on returning to london barbour meets wo foreigners- the reason for his interest proves to be a chemical fertilizer dis covered by jills father which he had not made known to jill on returning to the farm phillip inls jill upset over mark hanson who had declarer ids love for her barbour com forts jill and old george tells mark of barbours attentions mark quarrels with 1111 but is interrupted by the news that a body of a man lias been found in viie of the fields tobacco box is found under hie body which proves to belong 10 old oeorge chapter vii contd mark encountered jill in the farm yard and although they spoke of farm matters and of the murder nothing as said of the incident indoors jill had already heard from one of the men of old georges encounter with the inspector if he is tried for murder2she said it will be the most fantastic murder case ever tried hello theres that other inspector back from denbridge the other officer saluted awkwardly as he passed them on his way to join norton presently the two came across to mark and jill my colleague reports that your friend mr barbour left denbridge for london this morning miss merridew perhaps you will be good enough to give js his london address i havent got it said jill and hes a friend of yours said the inspector raising his eyebrows yes a friend replied jill but 1 have not got his address we dont correspond in any case what are you getting at may i ask i am the mis tress of this farm and im not used to being mistaken for a liar anything else were busy and this affair has already upset the days work er no theres nothing else at the moment said norton but its strange that your friend should have suddenly gone to london on the morn ing of the murder without telling you i never said ho didnt tell me snapped jill you just sent this man to denbridge without asking me i think if i were a police officer i should manage things a bit better than that why you cant even manage old george according to what i hear norton who was still suffering from the ridicule which george had heaped upon him now began to feel that he was in a iositive nest of it he said no more when the other inspector whose name was bain got to denbridge and fotnd barbour had gone back to lon don ho informed scotland yard and gave a description of him he also gave to the man at the other end the story of the extraordinary case on which he was working from this man the story reached one of the crime journalists who keep in close touch with the yard and soon the evening papers were in full song and the re porters were en route for stone town a band of them arrived in morlcy villago by an afternoon train and astonished that remote place by their requests for accommodation the vil lage could not hold them all and some were forced to go to denbridge from the crime writers point of iview was there ever such a perfect murder everything was there the fid grey farm ihe novelty of the scare crow the romantic figure of jill in the background and the entertaining rural characters on the- farm stone farm was not to go short of publicity for a jong timo to cornel the news that phillip barbour had one to london had been a shock to jill for he had not mentioned it to her as she would have had the police be lieve she could not think that he was connected with the murder she pre ferred to think he had gone to avoid her embarrassment after what she considered her foolish breakdown of the previous evening mark of course was inwardly pleased they were therefore both surprised when late in the afternoon the tall figure of phillip barbour strode into the farmyard it was a triumph for jill against mark for phillip would surely not have returned if there were a chance of his being implicated j after greeting jill and mark bar- lou made his apologies for not call ing earlier at the farm as a matter of fact he said i had an urgent business call to london so i caught the first available train mark gave a shrug of disinterest it couldnt have taken you long he said seeing that yourj back so soon barbour affected not to notice the snub and replied quite blandly no i agrej with you except that i did not stey in london to complete my business then he turned to jill and said i came straight back to see if i could be of any dse trf you miss merri dew i was astonished when i saw the lunchtime newspapers and read of the terrible happenings here especial ly after after our being together quite late last evening when every thing seemed peiceful he shot a gune at jill is he spoke the last words but jill was looking the other way perhaps deliberately tluvt thats awfully kind of you she said but i dont quite see how you can help thcics only one way anybody can help me at the present and that is to tell me what all this is about i shall go mad soon if i dont find ou something about it we dont even know who the man is she told him about the burglary which had occurred after he had left her on the previous night he had however read about it in the paper for the officer brin had told scotland yard about that too and it had duly been rushed into print perhaps we can have a quiet talk about it soon said barbour presently it is a most mysterious affair what ever could that fellow have been doing dressed up in scarecrows clothes watching the farm of course said mark bestowing a pitying smile on his rival jill noticed it and her anger surged up anew the truth was that mark in spite of her icgard for him was now grating upon her nerves he had the unfortunate knack of saying the very things which displeased her he could not have done it better even had he been trying yes i gathered he was watching the farm replied barbour pretty obvious then he turned again to jill anyway ho said well have a quiet talk about it as i suggested yes replied jill im going in doors now perhaps youll come with nr she did not extend the invitation to mark and barbour had the satisfac tion of seeing the latters face cloud with anger and disappointment as he accepted his dismissal from jill whilst barbour and jill walked to wards the houje mark returned to the farm buildings vowing inwardly to be even with barbour though it took a lifotimo uppermost in his mind was the fact that jill had called him a cad the chapter viii when phillip barbour heard that the inspector wished to see him he hastened to reassure jill whose con cern was noticeable in her frightened questioning expression its quite all right he said confi dently you set i am comparatively a stranger here it is quite natural that they should vish to question me jill smiled at him in return she was was growing very weary and somehow barbour had become a comfort to her almost her only comfort the posi tion into which she and mark had drifted was one which could not read ily be altered though she missed his quiet reliant advice more than she cared to admit still on the top of other things she could not pardon the remark which he had made about bar bour gloomily she could see a coming clash between the two men this she must avert at all costs and she dis cussed with herself the advisability of extracting a promise from mark not to ruffle the others feelins so per- of lords to say as the representative britain considering 24hour clock dials russianss use sun to warm bath water at a conference which was held in washington in 1ss4 and at which twentylivo countries wero represent ed it was decided to adopt the present method of reckoning longitude cast and west from the meridian of green wich england an effort to change hours of the lay would be counted clock and watch dials so that the frou 0 to 24 thus abolishing am and pm met with resistance es pecially in englishspeaking countries now there is a strong movement in fa vor of this twentyfourhour system of reckoning in great britain where it has been permanentlyadopted by the army navy and air force according to the british scientific weekly nature the twentyfourhour system was recommended for official and other purposes in 1919 by a home office committee but the necessary legislative action was not taken the attitude of parliament has always been that expressed by the earl of lucan who in 1932 rose in the houso sistently barbour had said nothing about it probably for her sake but she knew that when it came the anger of a patient man was worse than any other yes she would ippeal to marks bet ter nature even in these difficult cir cumstances to keep the peace she little knew that mark had al ready decided to do nothing of the kind the more he thought of the matter the more he saw that it was going to be impossible for him to con tinue at stone town that being so he did not intend to leave without get ting a little of his own back from this man who had so unexpectedly and so inconsiderately walked across his path his pugnacity was as elemental as that of a stag in autamn ill get even with that flashy fellow before ive done if the police dont do it for me he said to himself i wish that old devil george would let me know whats in his mind he knows something but george was not yet in a com municative mood as mark discovered when a little later he tried again to get the old man to speak you must leave it all to me master hanson he said i know what im adoing theyre after summat and i know what it is to be continued many securities not listed on exchanges have markets we find the market w j marshall company s5 richmond west est 1919 toronto ont london considers plans for central airport the corporation of london has unanimously lecided to consider the erection of an airport or landing- stage f a horner who brought the pioposal forward declared that in a year or two any city or town with out a landing stage or aircraft port will be like a city or town without a railway station the neaiest landing place to london at present is at croy don some 10 miles from the centre of the city one suggestion is that a landingstage could be erected over the thames between southward and blackfriars bridges where the river is only about goo feet wide if this position were used there would be nothing to pull down and a stage could be placed in one complete span across the river so that it would not interfere with shipping tho murder story has for its high and holy purpose tho pious intention of making tho reader feel a fool g k chesterton of the homo office that the public has not shown that it wants the change as if the public would ever rise en masse and clamor for the abolition of am and pm nature makes the point that the twentyfourhour system can he intro duced without abolishing the present system for ordinary purposes there is little possibility of confusing am ami pm nor is it necessary to alter clocks by having a twentyfourhour from 1 to 12 and 13 to 24 it would dial or by having two sets o figures satisfy the british if the twenty-four- hour system were followed in timing letters and telegrams in noting on post boxes the hours of collection and in indicating in time tables the arrival and departure of trains sun heats the earth at tho geophysical observatory of tashkent uzbekistan the soviet scientists have se up a boiler which is heated by the suns rays so far as we can determine from the meagre description that has reached this coun try the apparatus serves tho prosaic purpose of heating water for laundries and for outdoor bathtubs tho underlying principle of this method of harnessing the sun proves to be simple enough also very old the water trickles in a thin film under glass from the boiler it flows into the bathtub boiling water can hardly ho expected yet it is warm enough for its purpose boiling points aro govorou by the pressure of the atmosphere at sea level water boils at 212 degrees f but on top of a very high mountain at so iow a temperature that it ic impos sible to cook food properly without the aid of o digester an apparatus which is tightly closed and in which the pressure and therefore the tempera ture can be raised although the water that comes from tho soviet bath water heater is probably not much moro than 120 degrees f it could nevertheless run a lowpressuro en gine an engine which with the aid of a vacuum would cause the water to give off steam great heat from the sun crude as it is tho soviet solar boil er indicates hat tho hope utilizing the suns energy will not die the reason is to bo found in the astound ing amount of heat that beats upon the earth from the sun enough is re ceived to melt a terrestrial layer of ice 424 feet thick every year at noon on a clear day in juno the sunlight j falling on 133 square miles of phila- we recommend the purchase of talisman gold mines ltd as an outstanding lowpriced stock with possibilities of enhancement in value we will be pleased to furnish full information on request beilby coleman evans grant members toronto stock exchange 361 bay street toronto adelaide 6061 branch at l main street east hamilton baker 1126 issue no 8 34 delphia is equivalent to the power of 100 niagaras the maximum output of niagara falls is estimated at 4000- 000 horsepower in an eighthour day in the tropics the sun lavishes on a single square mile energy equiva lent to that released by the combus tion of 7400 tons of coal about 1s00 times moro energy inundates sahara than is contained in the coal mined in the course of a year burn 0000 million tons of coal and you unlock tho amount of solar energy that sa hara receives in a single day what we need is a trap to catch the snn the first man to invent one was john ericsson who built the monitor ho devised a huge concave mirror which reflected and concentrated the suns rays on a blackened boiler at tho focus and which was mechanically turned to follow the sun ericsson generated steam in his boiler and suc ceeded in driving pumps and other machines the late frank shumau modified ericssons plan by causing water to glow in a thin layer in a long glass- covered trough on which concave mir rors concentrated the suns rays thus he managed to drive a pump and to irrigato land in egypt what the soviet scientists have announced is therefore nothing but shumas old plant and this on a very modest scale the starchless potato catalytic ef fect of enzymes produces odd vegetable dr harold hibbert of mcgill uni versity found that enzymes have a pe culiar effect on starches and cellulose tho woody part of plants enzymes are chemical ferments which have a catalytic effect in living tissue cata lysis is a speeding up of chemical ac tivity produced by an agent that it self remains unaffected dr hibbert saw starches and cellulose change in to sugars and related compounds in glass vessel would tho same effect be produced in the living plant ho decided to find out with the aid of dr r f suit of macdouald college the results are published in science potatoes were selected for the tests drs suit and hibbert cut off tho stems of the plants and then periodically vaccinated what remained with spe cial bacteria of the kind that secreted tho necessary enzymes when the spuds were ripe they were tested with iodine which has an extraordinary af- finity for starch one drop o iodine on starch and you have a brilliant purple color suit and hibbert saw their iodne produco purple rings around tie outside or a sllc of potato but none at the centre what had hap pened in glass had recurred in the liv ing plant the starchless potato had been given to the world will someone come forth with sugarless sugar cane and protelnless wheat what use there may be for the starchless potato remains to be seen the exact nature of the pulp which would normally he starch has still to bo determined evening is the delight of virtuous age it seems an emblem of the tran quil close of busy life serene placid and mild with the impress of its great creator stamped upon it it spreads its quiet wings over the grave and seems to promise that all shall be peace beyond it bulwcrlytton to live to ones self only is never to live at all sir wilfred grenfell harness and collars farmers attentionspring is nearly here consult your nearest harness shop about staco harness supplies we sell our goods only through your local stavo leather goods dealer the goods are right and so aro our prices wo manufacture in our fac toriesharness horse collars sweat pads horse blaukets and leather traveling goods insist on staco brand trade marked goods and you get satisfaction made only by samuel tree companv limited 663 king st west toronto write for catalogue okaymore i atlantic city e preeminent hotel achievement edwardsburg the rfl si a economical k2l nou and delicious wplalj sweet for the table syrup jtobpiji whole family the canada starch co limited montreal hsaf 1 crush and dissolve 3 aspirin i tablets in half a gla of water 2 gargle thoroughly throw your head way back allowing a little to trickle down yyour throat 3repmt gargle ant do not rinse mouth allow gargle o remain on membranes of the throat for prolonged effect farmers notes overhaul the farm plant now is the time for farmers to pay attention to their buildings slacken all haud3 on stave silos repair any leaks in the roofs check up ou storm sashes fit them and repair broken glass clean out all trap gullies thor- oushly hush drains clean out root cel lar ventilators fresh air intakes ana foul air outlets in barns stables pig geries and poultry houses thoroughly inspect and overhaul the water sup ply if a pump service check up on tho valves if a pressure supply see that all pipes and tanks are protected from frost home cleaning of small vegetable seeds thresh out tho seed by placing tho plants in a strong closely woven cot ton sack light hailing with a stick will liberate the seed from pods or heads lettuce and carrot seeds should be rubbed out by hand using a pair of strong leather mitts a coarse sieve will remove tho straw and chaff place the seed and chaff on a fine sieve a quick down ward side movement repeated sev eral times will removo tho chaff and light seed only the large plump seed should be kept hand picking will im prove tho sample reforestation encouraged continuing its campaign to stimu late tho reforestation of waste areas in tho province and to encourage tho planting of trees by farmers the on tario forestry branch announces that owing to the fact that it has on hand a surplus of trees this year the form er limit of 3500 trees for reforestation purposes to one person will not be ad hered to and that no charge will bo made for additional quantities over this number for windbreak purposes however no increase in number will be made 500 being the limit to each applicant it is interesting in this connection to note that tho ontario statutes declare that any part of a farm used for forestry purposes or be ing woodland is exempt from taxes provided that such exemption shall not bo greater than one acr in ten acres of such farm and not more than twenty acres held under a single own ership winter the head of our funny coincident department pointed out to us tho other day that the lovely poem called winter in the current scribners signed by charles de kay first appear ed in 1s59 signed by henry wads- worth longfellow writes the new yorker out of the bosom of the air out of the cloudfolds of her gar ment shaken over the woodland brown and bare over tho barvestneld forsaken silent and soft and slow descends the snow i unable to believe that mr de kay had deliberately gone in forplagiar ism in so cool and pure a stanza we phoned scribners and asked what had really happened they sullenly ex plained it seems that one snowy day they received from mr de kay a poem of eight tyirizas of which tho first was the longfellow quotation the other seven mr de kays varia tions on the timely theme of snowfall quite by accident mr de kay had neglected to credit longfellow as we understand it his secretary in copy ing his original manuscript had skip ped the vital line the editors of scribners were enchanted with the first stanza hut liked tho others less well so they obtained permission to use the manuscript in part all they used was longfellow in a way it la a feather in their cap for without disparaging mr de kays lyrical qual ities it is our opinion that longfellow never wrote any moro dlvino lines than tho above we aro glad to note that he still makes the grade remember only medicine helps sore throat modern medical science now throws an entirely new light on sore throat a way that cases the pain rawness and irritation in as little as two or three minutest it requires medicine liko aspirin to do these things that is why throat specialists throughout the world arc prescrib ing this aspirin gargle in place of oldtime ways be careful however that you get aspirin tablets for this purpose aspirin is the trademark of the bayer company limited and the name bayer in the form of a cross is on each tablet they dissolve completely enough to gargle with out leaving irritating particles aarmin taaurraaiw maok in canada gentlemen dont prefer blondes says producer george white who stage girj shows claims beauty may have red blonde or black hair always a gentleman preferring hollywood its just a myth th idea that gentlemen prefer blondes says george white ho bases th opinion on successful years of exploit ing feminino beauty via tho stage it makes nodifferenco whether th beauty has red hair blonde or black tresses theres always a preferring gentleman close at hand white said between rehearsals of the numbers for his first screen production in which 142 chorus girls appear whites beauty rules are a trim figure pretty features intelligence and hair that is attractive but actual hair coloring does not matter white pointed out that of tho is girls who havo become prominent since appearing as cither chorus girls or featured players in his shows only theso four aro blondes alice faye dolores costello boots mallory and juno maccloy seven of tho 13 ar brunettes and two aro of tho chestnut variety

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