Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 22, 1934, p. 5

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stouffville ontario february 22 19s4 local happenings two crops of ice each thick are- being cut simcoe this seasou off the any ordinary winter one crop this thickness would be hard to garner 18 inches i mens readytowear suits ai on lake i prices that are in keeping with the same spot j times step up stairs and see our lock p e rae merchant tailor miss marjori mertens mrs fletcher goudie mrs jack davis and mr h o klinck were all in attendants at the annual meeting of the canadian horticultural society held in the royal york toronto last week mr earl hisoy of town and brother bruce who is attending the toronto baptist seminary was recent visitor with their brother milton at aylmer ontario lost black and tan hound pup 18 high flossie reward everton smith phone 5603 mr dent law with his wife and family of small children moved in to town last week and are occupy ing half the double house on main street almost opposite the presby terian church and known as the swedlove place mr law has been a lifelong resident living west of town on the townline citizens will be sorry to learn that our westend grocer mr ceo lawson has been quite seriously ill althought he is somewhat recover ed now the genial westender suffer er a nose hemmorago which was difficult to stop for a day or tv o hon leopold mccauley has an nounced that the time for procuring motor licenses for 1934 has been ex tended to the 31st of march and an orderiueouncil has made this law noxt to a reduction n the cost of plates this is most welcome news we enjoy the tribune each week writes mrs v b sanders in renewing her subscription from hollywood california the hub of tho movie world is enjoying beauti ful weather and we aro glad to learn that mrs sanders is enjoying good health the tribune has frequently re ferred to the octogenarian twins in our midst mrs hodgins and mrs i george bowers xow the beaverton express has hunted up a pair of j four or five water services were elderly twins in the persons of dun- frozen up again on tuesday morn- can and peter mcmillan aged 73 ling following tho 21 below years tho beaverton hoys are both j weather plus a high wind all playing on the same rink in curling i houses particularly affected this season and both are well known those on west main street announcement the staff and students of stouffville continuation school request the attendance of the public at their annual dance to be held in iratcliffs hall on the evening of friday february 23rd five piece orchestra from 8 pm lunch served couples 75c gems 4uc ladies 35c someone has figured out that easter sunday and all fools day both fall on the same date this year april 1st and that this is the fourth time such a thing has happen ed in the past 100 years if the day happens to be stormy or wet thi time it will sure seem to be a triple coincident for the ladies with tine hats to display stanley theatre stouffville alltalkie i continuatioa school dance this friday evening in- ratcliff s hall friday and saturday february 23 and 24 tillie and gus w p fields alison skipworth baby leroy comedies we have several nice cloth rem nants on hand call and make your selection f e rae merchant tailor weekend special price on milk tickets is offered at snowhite dairy 30 pints for 100 also 18 quarterpint cream tickets 100 keep in mind our milk supply 13 from a tb tested herd h sawyer quality service bread flour sale sale of ivory bread flour 98 lbs 240 while it lasts tuesday and wednesday february 27 and 28 john gilbert in west of broadway mr lambert stouffer secretary of the local bible society reports the outcome of the local canvas for zero funds made through the churches ot in sporting circles all over york and ontario counties a stately old elm tree on the premises of mr william griffith the local smithy was removed last week to maryvale farms the home of mr frank oconnor at wexford a couple of tree experts espied the fine elm from the 10th concession one day and this led to the purchase they were in search of such trees tor mr oconnor who evidently does not wish to wait long years to develop such shades so far this year 39 elms have been planted on the wexford estate and last year some 27 were transplanted and all areliving the big tree taken from mr griffiths was removed with all the dirt frozen to its roots a hole 15 feet square stands in the field a present when the earth is removed to plant the tree at wexford it will bo brought here and used to fill the gap made by tho removal of the tree it is estimated these trees will cost the purchaser over each to transplant ight were where it would appear that the new pave ment does not afford sufficient pro tection for the services which cross under it this is one of the argu the stouffville district on behalf of this worthy organization the gross receipts this time totalled only 26234 as against 34237 show ing a falling off from 1932 of 8003 for tho year no doubt the continu ance of the depression had some- monts in favor of a water main for thing to do with the drop in receipts the north side of the street through about eight years ago 1000 was portions of the residential sections contributed in this district to the cartoon comedy roads are completely blocked be tween stouffville to goodwood and uxbridge although they are quite bear from stouffville to toronto the people to the north are forced to lay up their cars for a time or until a way is open for them no advance in fulopep egg mash feed barley feed western oats vim schumacher feed feed parking space at rear of theatre patronesses for friday nights school dance are mrs ball mrs freel mrs e w baker miss k houston piiss styles mrs harold sanders mothers we have a special clear ing line of boys breeches good and strong with leather knees greatly reduced to clear out the line f e rae merchant tailor work of the bible society the hockey tournament at the mr jos cooney has purchased arena is going over better this year the property on main street one with a junior and senior series the door west of the presbyterian cubs expect to complete their fina church from the albert davis games tho early part of next week estate these premises were known and tho teams still in the running as the old dairy for some years and are gormley stouffville bible class consist of a frame dwelling with goodwood and aurora the prizes for this series is now on display in the show window at george saunders mens store in the senior group there are six teen teams playing coming from toronto and other points and in cluding some very snappy players the bulletin boards will announce large lot and barn mr cooney will he a new citizen in town where he is so well known and we welcome him and bis family to the com munity the change will take place in the spring when the present ten ant mrs turner will move to baker avenue into the house now owned and occupied by mr and imjrs frank frost has entered the ground on the average to a depth of 12 to 14 inches but in places it has gone down much lower than that these figures are obtained from grave diggers in markham township mrs james murison church street received a rather bad shaking up the other day when she fell off a chair in her home and has since been feeling quite under the weather buffalo robe brown one side green the other lost between ballantrae and ringwood or enroute to fred timbers finder please communicate with russel drewery phone 3402 mr and mrs dorian woodburn accompanied by her father mr albert mantle of claremont are in london attending the funeral of relative the following pupils of t w eagleson were successful at the toronto conservatory of music mid winter examinations held in toron to last week theory of music junior history gertrude m ooakwell hon primary theory erla w crosier hon irene l crosier pass elementary theory terry richardson first class hon ours mary henderson first class honours murray f oster pass the eastern star will hold a novelty euchre in their rooms in the ratcllff block on tuesday even ing february 27 this will be an evening of social enjoyment and everybody is heartily welcome to attend keep the date and the event in mind bran shorts have advanced a few ton on hand at old price 100 lbs oyster 115 15 bs oyster 25c stiver bros phone 4501 sgjs uou i6ve- the games each week but it is too baker the nakers will take up soon yet to determine when the their residence in the apartment over finals can be played the standard garage and the pre- for hockey fans there are plenty sent occupants will have to look for of thrills- another house pmctflwaomh imwmwflflb j m suramee j the report of the company fur 1933 is one of consistent and constructive progress its achievemcuts enhance the impressive record of public service it has rendered during the sixtythroe years o its xislcncc in 1933 as in the preceding three years people generally experienced exceptional anxiety the result of incomes being cither impaired or entirely cut olf at such a lime the un failing aid and security of life insurance proved of very great value in this service the sun life company bore a worthy share during the year it paid out exclusive of policy loans nearly m00000000 lo policyholders and beneficiaries simi larly during the four years of depression it has paid out over 380000000 notwithstanding these substantial payments the company during the same fouryear period increased its assets by 55000000 its insurances in force by over 307000000 sixtythird aimuaj report 1933 assurances in force december 31 1933 2770453871 this lare amount tin accumulating estates of nearly a million sun life policyholderr will become payable to them or their dependents during tfiis generation a stabilizing factor of great social and economic value new assurances paid for 216567441 income 152235821 disbursements 127505801 excess of income over disbursements 24730020 mr j f brownscombe the veteran business man of uxbridge celebrated his 7gth birthday last week and he still conducts a large business in the northern town jf always declared that he would retire from business when he reach ed 70 but since then hes evidently come to realize that its business that keeps him alive and going payments to policyholders and beneficiaries during the year 1933 since organization assets ijoimih government municipal public utility itulot iters stocks preferred and common loans on mortgage real estate loans on company policies ca- in banks and other aasctsi liabilities almost ninetenths of ibis snm represents the policy reserve the amount set aside to guarantee all policy payments as they become due paidup capital 2000000 and balance at credit of shareholders account s3342547 reserve for depreuialion in mortgages and real estate 4885904 surplus v 5951752 97457059 800170033 624116035 609965832 14180203 the valuation of bonds and stocks has been made on the basis prescribed for all companies by the insurance department of the dominion of canada and in conformity with the basis authorized by the departments of insurance of the various provinces of canada policy liabilities have been valued by the full net level premium method n standard more exacting than required under the stringent provisions of the dominion insurance act ii life assiii omjpaii- booth tarkintons popular 4act play entitled seventeen is to be presented in markham town hall on the evening of friday march 3rd by students of the high school there the cast of 12 includes some talent from stouffville so that there is an increased local interest in the presentation a popular admission price of 25c is within the reach of all who will be anxious to see thjs intensely interesting stage story of tarkintons messrs alvin mowat of scarboro and magnus of campbellford were here the other day assisting their father mr james mowat in celebrat ing his slsfbirthday mr imowat is in fairly good health but like many elderly people the weather is most too much for him to get out of doors a great deal this winter we join with the citizens in general in wishing mr mowat the compliments of the season on this another year being revealled to him send them bij motor coach safe comfortable conoenient after having gone to 35 below zero in stouffville during the latter part of january the more moderate temperatures for the past week may not be of much interest but here they are thursday 2 below friday 13 below and saturday 10 below the readings were taken at 8 oclock in the morning from a reliable thermometer on sunday the weather moderated for the day then turned colder on monday until it dipped to 21 below early tuesday morning with a high wind we suspect that thermometers some times reflect local sentiment as well as atmosphere but this isnt the case in stouffville the wide difference in temperature recorded in the news papers may be accounted for in part by tho impossibility of having the same thermometer everywhere at tho same time and at the same height from tho ground brethren from georgina lodge toronto were guests at an oyster supper held by thelocal masonic brethren on friday evening last two of the visitors dr crouch and ijrr h c tugweil past district de puty grand master gave addresses on masonic ritual or its meaning dr smith on behalf of the mem bers extended a vote of thanks to the visitors who have visited stouffville on numerous occasions in the interests of masonic work tickets time tables and all coach travel information at anderson phone 1b8 the west end is grocery the home store friday and saturday only wonderful soap 9 bars 25c washing soap 2 lbs 25c butter maid clover leaf salmon large pink 2 for 25c soap flakes 3 lbs 23c sugar white or brown 10 pounds for 70c cocoa 1 lb for 19c try a tin of our hyslops tomatoes law sons economy store geo lawson proprietor many friends in stouffville and vicinity will regret the passing of mary b baker daughter of joel and mrs baker and beloved wife of ramsay b sinclair who former ly represented london and toronto wholesale drug eompanies as a member of the stouffville baptist church for many years mrs sinclair will be remembered as free ly exercising her musical powers in the interest of the church and de voting herself to all its activities a large number in town and vicinity who were privileged to come under her instruction will re member her as a teacher of paint ing in which she excelled all who knew her will think of lier as a kind personality a warm faithful friend and a valued member of society leaving stouffville tho family settled in toronto where mrs sinclair formed contacts with a large circle of devoted friends on whom she has left the impress of her noble character she died as she had lived with a firm faith in god and a serene assurance of future life in his presence worst in 50 years this winter is regarded as the coldest in 50 years so there is no time in the last half cen tury when a reliable stove has been more appreciated if you buy a findlay cook or heater you are sure to get the greatest possible satisfaction they radiate heat like no other unit can do come in and see us about your heat problem brathwaites hardware stouffvtlie phono ogo 1 ontario mr and mrs lester locke and two small children also mr walter lee visited their parents rev and mrs herbert lee last weekend the united church choir pot luck supper last week was a great success not only from the stand point of tho wonderful meal served but from the large number who dared the elements outside al though people are becoming used to zero weather more or less about 100 took in the event in the church basement which was following by a bright program presented by tho choir- under their leader mr robt leslie while tho supper was term ed a pot luck the name is really a misnomer councillor arthur weldon is said to be favoring a plan of water works oxpension that is calculated to not only accomplish some much needed improvement to the local system but gmitii m jj ji will also bo a means of distributing was r6 0 some work to the laboring men of g ba secretary bxt the village in tho springtime the i proposal is to lay a fourinch main tho stouffville parks commission held a reorganization meeting on tuesday evening in the offices of macleau and dr on north sldo of main street from dr sangsters corner west to the last house belonging to alex scott tho water services extending from the main across the roadway here aro quite close together and most of them aro thoroughly rotten and any leak at this time might do untold damage to our fine paved road by extending a permanent main on tho north side each service could bo cut off from under the roadway thus eliminating the danger of bursting pipes injuring tho road and at the same time doing away with a number of rotten sorvlces that aro known to have outlined the life of the pipes any undertaking of this kind would in our opinion improve the system and a flno thing about it is that tho money is now in the bank to pay for the job which is said roughly to run around 600 or 700 possibly loss now tho system is paid for there aro somo improvements such as this that ought to bo gone on with when tho money is availablo and wo trust that councillor weldon will have support in looking into the possi bility of this work in tho near future sivo improvements to the park were carried out last year and further extensions aro being planned for 1934 including tho erection of a new flag pole now on the grounds to replace the barkey memorial pole whloh was destroyed by a storm box 244 phone 3308 j e smith radio service all makes of radios bleotrls stoves toasters ironi and fixtures repaired will appreciate your oustom e a grubin registered optometrist february dates 5th and oth 19th and 20th march dates 5th and gth 19th and 20th at stouffville every other monday and tuesday eyes examined phone stouffville 2405 give iclk best lj4w it is only fair to your family j that you should give them the very j boat of foods upon all occasions it this is your idea of the matter you j ought at onco to got acquainted with our bread and other bakery goods your family will givo them a hearty welcomo and youll remomber to ordcrour bread and pastry stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor phone 139 sf shakespeare rightly to bo great is not to stir without great argumont serenity comes from slncorlty of purpose tranquility is the- result of study and labor but notions of fidelity are in herent r g clendening funeral dlroctor phone stouffville 268

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