stouffvllle ontario february 8 1934 midwinter grocery needs expenditure of 36000 authorized by ont governments and federal cocoa 2 lbs 25c peanut butter2 lbs for 25c tea special try our fireside tea 3albbag graham flour 15c salted peanuts 2 lbs 25c a wonderful value in orange pekoe reduced a special offer from 80c to 70c lb work will start on koail from highway to town of uxbrlds iay 25c hour the tribune published krery thursday at stouffvllle ontario corn ileal 5 lbs 25c beans lima beans 2 lbs celery lettuce and vegetable in season cooking beans 10 lbs hand picked 25c 25c thrift flour 24 lb bag 50e oysters fillets and sea salmon ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 coal coke len west flour 08 round bag 250 value only with two pound package regular 20c value cereal special for ontario bran 1000 ton on rising market s w hastings phone 169 stonffviue ont a programme of road improve ments in the county ot ontario prepared lor the purpose ot giving work to unemployed men has been approved by the ontario government the dominion govern ment and the county council while uxbridge township is left entirely out ot the picture except ol course when it comes to their share ot the cost it involves an expenditure according to warden grant chris tie ot approximately 36000 the most of which will be paid out for wages to men and those employed will bo residents of the county with preference being given lo those who are married tho ontario government wiu pay s275 and tho government at ottawa and the county will collect uio usual subsidy ot fifty per cent for permanent work on its portion the estimated amount which the county will be called upon to spend is 10000 for manlabor of tho total appropriation ot 36000 it is figured that 24000 will bo paid for manlabor the men employed will get 25c an hour and farmers along the roads being improved will furnish them with meals at 20c each road for uxbridge tho main item on the programme to be undertaken is the widening and genera improvement of the road known as the tenth concession of reach leading from the whltby- llridsay highway to the town of uxbridge the stretch is about six miles long and tho work of filling in tho marsh at the west nd cutting down hill widening and other im provements will be done by contract with of course county labor being used it is understood that the jnpp construction company will do this work the county is improving this road preparatory to it being paved a few years hence uxbridge for years has agitated for a good road from the provincial highway other work planned other work it is understood will be done in mara rama and tuorah townships the men will be drawn from the county and it is understood that later on the men of whitby will be given an opportunity to share in it clearing sale of afternoon and street dresse ysarly subiorlptlon rate markham farm bought by newtonbrook man a con hundred 3 in tho acre farm lot 13 township of mark notes and comments canada and united kingdom j200 ham has been sold by thomas united state points 350 flea to howard j caines of a v nolan jp idrury ave newtonbrook the editor and publisher sale was negotiated through j a willoughby realtor and the price was in the neighbourhood of 13000 the farm which is located one lot north ot dollar on highway no7 is really known as the old elson estate it is one of the best in the district tho land of which is practically all tillable ex- creek crosses tho rear tho buildings ln- barn with steel stanchions concrete floors and modern conveniences are all in good condition the house is of brick and heated by a furnace electricity has been installed in all buildings mr cairns is establishing a home on the farm and will work the property wbltefish eggs is 000000 ot them are being put in lake huron poor little fellows starting out incept where the world with no knowledge or 0 the property tralutng on how to avoid fish hooks eluding a new or nets society ladles dearly love to be in the limelight we notice some of them waited from 9 am to 3 pm to bo in at tho opening of the dominion parliament and nearly 1000 bowed before the governor general and reception lady willingdon at a the markers on doctors cars throughout tho province this year will all be designated by the letter d while it may give the pro fessional men a curtain leaway it doesnt necessarily follow that d indicates dash daredevils nor destruction liability for under takers account undertakers accounts tor the bur ial of indigents are being cut down by municipalities these days to 40 which is considered high enough to give a decent burial at the public expense the council of tho munici pality in which tho indigent dies is i responsible for funeral expenses bat commencing january 1st pasjno amount is fixed as a price of form- course a hundred dollars for the bur- would bo nnce at a nominal fee of 50 cents of the quostion and some coun- additional were jumped to 2 neticils have set 25 as the maximum additional the reason for this j in regard to tho burial of bodies for whom nobody will assume responsi- senger hazard insurance rates erly included in automobile insurial charges of an indigent reason boost says the canadian surety company is that over a period ofbility a section of the anatomy act 18 months the amount of losses unsn the statutes reads as follows an der this head was over 35 per cent j unclaimed dead body found within of the total automobile public jih9 limits of a city town village or liability claims presented township shall be interred at the ex pense from tho estate of deceased or corporation may recover such ex- we are told that if the deficit of pense from the estate of deceaed or the us government amounting tojf any person whose duty it was 6631239711 was in dollar bills laid end to end they would reach for 635000 miles or nearly 27 times around the world if laid edge to edge they would cover an area of 26 square miles but the despatches didnt report the howl that went up from the taxpayers when these statistics were announc ed to inter such body metropolitan favored by county area the ioe30i ioc xoexot aono the last cent is made more certain if you ship your cream to stouffvtlle creamery co renderer3 of a most efficient creamery service since 191s for the winter months we close at 6 pm- every day excepting saturdays when we are open all evening ioe ioe3qe loeaoi ioe 30e30 ten commandments of the curling game in order to make room r our new stock we are offering wonderful reductions in street and afternoon frocks for women and misses all uptothe minute in style and materials and all very recent purchases sande cascade and jerice crepes and all the new shades this is an unusual opportunity to supply your requirements at a great saving shop early they will not last long wallpaper time table oilcloth a splendid showing of oilcloths in both itt yard and vh yard widths many new patterns being shown this season both attractive and serviceable 1 yard width per yard 55c 1 m yard width per yard 45c stamped and stencilled hooked rug patterns a wide range of these attractive and artistic rug patterns all new designs make your selection while our stock is complete priced at 25c to 75c winter coats another money saving opportunity for the economical buyer many have profited already by the drastic reductions we have made and there are still many opportunities for profitable buying with attractive fur trim speaking on the reply to the speech from the throne in the house of commons on thursday ta thompson conservative member for lanark made the informative state ment that the province of ontario pays approximately 45 per cent of all the taxes ot the dominion of canada quebec 30 per cent and the remaining 25 per cent by the other 1 provinces the member for lanark ed tho opportunity to criticize con- says the provinces should be told tojtroller james simpson for his utter- put their houses in order balance auces on the question declaring that their budgets live within their j the controller had been a long and means and that it is high time they strong advocate of slate eduction were selfsustaining he was con- and hospitalization as urged in the idemning the practise of tho brief he charged that he was only so provinces running to ottawa for help when such reforms did not affect tho contrary to expectation there was no extended debate in the york county council last week when that body approved the brief which will be presented to the committee of tho ontario legislature which is in vestigating the feasibility of estab- liyhing a metropolitan area few members took part in the dis cussion which was led by ajb gray former reeve ot york and chairman of the special committee which prepared the report deputy jjeeve w a edwards mimico seiz- at ever increasing intervals and good linings and in all the popular matter it is fairly generally the action of reeve t a sanders of scarboro in demanding before york county council last week that the childrens aid society should make a reply to the charges ot amazing mismanagement of tho i sooletys affairs before any further grant is made brings great credit on mr sanders hon george s henry who was applying before counci j for 2000 to carry on tho work of j wc1 discharged or had absconded tho organization said he had not had j jq deaths timo to do much about the charges wuolcsonie are but had passed them on to others tlle ar0 k in kp if mr henry hasnt time to attend condition making the home coin- to so important a matter why doos j pavablo to aily tistitutioh of its kind he not resign and allow someone in lhe r tho report added just as competent to attend to the city of toronto it is hard to understand how he and other members of the city coun cil can still contend that the boun daries of toronto as they were twontyfivo years ago are the logi cal boundaries today added deputy ireeve edwards the report of the house of refuge jauntily commissioners showed that on dec 31 there wore 69 and 27 women inmates in the home during 1933 micro wore is admissions while 19 kame contributed 1 thou shalt have no other game before me for i am the roar- game which was in the be ginning even in the stone age is now and ever shall be 2 come not upon the ice with an old house broom for thou canst not quicken the pace of a rock with last years broom thou shalt learn thy turns both in and out for the skip will not hold him guiltless that throw- eth a wrong turn 4 play not a running shot when thou art asked for a guard lest thou raise thine own shot so send ing thy skip in the air such play ketteth his goat queereth his game causeth him to swallow his gum and to revile thee openly 5 thou shalt hearken dilligeni- ly to the defeated skip when his voice is lifted up in lamentation against the punk ice and thou shall not turn from him when he blametb his third name even so shalt thou secure a listener against the day of thine own defeat 6 thou shalt not strew straws from thy broom in the path of thine own or thy adversarys rock neither shalt thou spit in front of them causing them to halt in their course for a hog tsan abomination in the eyes of a skip 7 thou shalt not have any dis course with thine adversary while his foot is in the back and his hand is on the rock but if thou wilt thou canst pray for him s thou shalt not push or kick a rock into the house from behind stealthily for the opposing skip will know of a surety and his anger will rise up in righteous indignation over thee and smite thee with tho edge of the broom handle and thrust thee hence from the sight of the curlers and the days of thy curling will be ended for this is the un pardonable sin 9 thou shalt not covet thy opponents rock nor his lead player neither shalt thou filch from him his third man who is his mainstay and a wall of defence in the day of battle 10 and when thou comest to the last end and hast still a rock to play and thou playest with great de liberation and thy rock ganibols playfully down the ice sailing ho- plie inventory of chattel property at do you know that when a room is properly papered the paper to a large extent takes the place of furniture it furnishes a room no longer do people clutter up their rooms with all kinds of useless objects and trashy furnishingsjiow important it is therefore that the walls should present an appearance of refinement and charm we are showng just the wallpapers that will give the right im pression and in order to clear but our stock to make room for the new spring stock we are offering most attractive prices both on regular lines and also on sunworthy papers buy now and save money shades regular 3250 sale price 2395 regular 2500 sale price 1795 regular 1950 sale price 1495 regular 2100 1495 regular 2200 sale price 1750 cotton dress tweeds a sturdy fabric for childrens school dresses skirts or sportfrocks checks and flecks in brown green and black and whte per yard 45c 59c silk hose these stockings represent both quality and economy smart shades of beechnut dustbeige beige taupe smoke brown gun- metal rifle smoketone etc sizes 8v410 priced at 79c89c95c125149 cashmere and silk and wool hose comfortable hose of fine quality and attractive appearance they have fashioned leg extra elastic top shaped heel and fashioned foot and no toe seam a long service hose per pair 59c 79c 95c smart fabric gloves flared pullons of good quality and finished with contrasting pipings of pre- shrunk washable fabric in black brown fawn and beige per pair 39c to 79c the home showed sg lieved that georgo llttlo is not the ami 940 5 tvnn af mn in ninnfipa n kliallpr around the guard and through the port and wicketh thini adversarys rock into the house so that it counts him the end and the and thou comest down the ice in fear and trembling and art recorded good u evening as a good served and alml curlers and by thine own side with groans and murmurings and findest thou hast peddled the game away thou shalt receive the proffered hand of thine adversary and wring it even if in thine heart thou shouldst wisli it were his neck type of man to manage a shelter and tho public are greatly concerned about tho way things aro going j i tho dominion government is said to bo willing to introduce an unem ployment bill to the house this pre sent session it will bo recalled that hon mackenzie king had such a bill for a plank in his platform at the last dominion election but it was so unpopular that ho withdrew it early in the campaign now the conservatives aro taking it up but in our opinion the time to introduce such legislation is when times are at least fair its a pity such legisla tion had not been enacted ten or fifteen years ago llttlo denmark with its 3000 population could teach canadians something that country has a com plete unemployment insurance for all its peoplo and an old ago pen sion system for those over 60 years ot age there has been no hardship in denmark because of the world dopression 1249 in n produce live anu gram the w h shaw store phone 9512 stouffville ontario i2l8li e a grubin j registered optometrist j february dates 5th and 6th 19th and 20th j starch dates i 5th and 6th 19th and 20th at stouffville very othar monday halifax and newcastle nb ho was and tuesday jthereattor five years assistant man ager at chicago with imr j a mongolia h v patterson recently appointed general man ager of the rank of nova scotia mr patterson is a native of camp- bollton nr and first entered the service ot tho hank in 1s90 at thai place his connection with tho bank has been continuous including ser- vico at saint john nb montreal ete3 examined phone stoutfvulo 2405 mclcod the now president crowded out last week the rink at booths farm on the 10th concession is attracting many young people every monday and friday evenings mr bernard mosgrave spent tho weekend in toronto ilmust have been quite a disap pointment to be delayed on such an important ovent however jimmy is wearing a smile its a new bride congratulations a number of our energetic women had tho pleasure of meeting at mr g taylors one afternoon and quilt ed a quilt mrs taylor pieced when sho was sweet sixteen wo aro sorry to report mrs w wideman is under tho doctors care mr and mrs j cowan aro look ing after jimmys business while he is on his honeymoon mr dawson wagg attened the funeral of mrs wilson whore was codrlc on sunday night his car looked lonesome sitt ing all alone on the road wo aro glad to report mrs smith and imr hoover aro both recover ing from their recent illness vandorf crowded out last week mr john crawford was coinned to his bed on friday imr and mrs j brooks had tea with miss g moynihan on saturday night mrs menicol of bogartown visit ed with mr and mrs j graham on sunday mr and mrs g e riohardsoi visited with mr and mrs william graham on sunday mr and mrs c williamson of aurora visited with mr and mrs j petcli on sunday quite a number of men in lie community are drawing ice mr elmer daniels of markham has been homo helping his father miss gwen moynihan visited with mirs j wright on saturday after noon we wonder who the girl will be whom douglas gives the first rido in the ichevrolet to you had better put a shovel in the car if youre thinking of going up the third and if you dont think so just ask john crawford or john moynihan a shower was held at the home of mr and mrs r harbinson last thursday evening in honour of miss whilemina graham and mr walter graham a number of young people were skating in mr olivers flats on fri day night we are sorry to hear that mr carr will have to stay off his feet for a few weeks following an injury of the hip which he re ceived when he fell on the ice there was a large attendance at yps last tuesday evening mr tiffin taking the topic on tho pitfalls of society the orchestra consisting of miss olive mcneil mr norman still thos kirk and lome robinson gave quite a few numbers a quiet wedding took place at the united church parsonage aurora on saturday afternoon january 27 when miss whilemina graham granddaughter of mr and mrs s williamson became the bride of mr walter graham youngest son ot mr and mrs james graham the bride wore a becoming gown of brown figured crepe with brown coat and accesories to match they were at tended by mr and mrs r harbin son tho happy couple will spend a few days in toronto and on their return will reside at white rose groceries wheat flake lbs 25c catsup large bottle 18c worchester sauce bottle 19c lemon oil largo bottle 22 baking powder 1 lb tin 20c pure maple creams per lb 30c tea biscuits per lb 21c a w scott send the tribune to absent friends gv vourxi folks the best foods it is only fair to your family that you should glvo them the very host of foods upon all occasions it this is your idea of the matter you ought at onco to get acquainted with our broad and other bakery roods your family will give them a hearty welcome and youll remember to order our bread and pastry stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor phone 189