stouffville ontario october 19th 1933 must pay for dogs several southampton citizens were summoned to appear before magis trate- walker last saturday for fail ure to pay their dog tax and were inado to whack up for the luxury a dog is useful on a farm but 1s only ornamental in an urban municipality nd some of them no great orna ments either especially the well- singed pets in these days of econ omic depression it keeps most heads of families busy feeding their child ren and with those on relief there are not many crumbs falling from the tables these days a family in town last winter that was being given relief through the womens institute wore suddenly dropped when it was discovered the recipients of help were feeding a big police dog when they couldnt properly care for their children wells cleaned and pumps repaired well drilling done by experienced workman this is the season to attend to this work my rates are reasonable geo harman phone 9907 we have a full line wr plant your bulbs imlb8 now for early winter blooming see our special display of maple products pure maple syrup in imperial gallon tins s100 pure maple syrup in no 10 tins at 175 pure maple syrup in no 3 bottles at ooc pure maple syrup in no 1 bottles at 80c maple butter never sold at this prico before per lb 15c kelloggs new cereal whole keta salmon 3 largo tins 24c wheat flakes very sweet and tasty 11 oz pkg 12c pure dutch cocoa 2 lbs 25c natures best corn 3 tins 25c 50 lbs cooking beans 4 lbs 10c p wa tin and jo t c o english maked tin nugget 40c sarnia iodine salt 4 pkg 24c fancy celery grapes and other fruits in season ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 the tribune published every thursday at stouffville ontario yearly subscription rate canada and united kingdom 200 united states points 250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher good sportsmen are clamouring for this protection how about it salt tile fertilizers place your orders for fertilizers and ansure a crop of wheat fertilizer prices are down we have land tile on hand all sizes 3 4 5 g and 8 inch at reduced prlcs coal and coke place your orders at once as prices on coal are advancing all kinds of feeds on hand s w hastings phone 169 coal stouffville ont coke notes and comments normal schools like the high schools are again overcrowded this doesnt auger well for lower salaries the dominion of icanada loan carried out so successfully last week is reported to have found ready support among our citizens while it is not possible to even estimate the total subscriptions it is known by those in a position to that the loan found a goodly num ber of investors in stouffville and district of course those fortunate to have funds to invest or convert are not among those who talk de pression and hard times game warden wanted a farmer stepped into the office of this paper the other day and said to us whats the use of mak ing laws it theres none to enforce them then he told us about a beautiful lot of pheasants roaming about a certain woods near stouff ville but recently one of the lot was missing and he found a pile of feathers in a corner indicating that the bird had been killed and plucked in the bush almost at the same time another farmer from east of stouffville called to see what could be done about having a game warden appointed for the locality being n such close proximity to the city with numerous small woods all atound hunters are to be seen al most every day and particularly on sunday roaming about no one seems to have any authority to bring them before a court of justice and consequently they are growing bolder each season now it is necessary to have a gun license but there is no one to enforce the law on the matter unless you are hunting back in the deer country where game wardens do put in an appearance we are told why not a game warden for stouffville district municipal councils would be doing a right thing if they petitioned the ontario government for such an officer and any reasonable appointment would be acceptable to the people 25c unit sale 25c salts peppers bread trays celery trays spoon trays egg timers cake plates milk jugs cream jugs ash trays bon bon dishes sale lasts all week berry sets decorated china fruit bowls for 25c set of six nappies for 25c 32 piece china dinnersets cups saucers 25c fruit scr b b plate 25c dr plate 25c platter 25c salad 25c 3 piece white kitchen bowel sets 25c per set 25c get your share of the bargains 23 piece china teasets cup saucers and plate 3 piece 25c sugar 25c cream 25c teapot 25c yorks absurd request the chesley enterprise rightly expounds the position of outside municipalities to the most recent re quest from york township where it says like sandwich township and the town of east windsor in essex county york township in york county is also on the verge of bank ruptcy and a delegation from the township waited on the chairman of the railway and municipal board last friday to request the pro vincial government to bear the whole cost of relief this fall and winter instead of the so per cent now being received from both governments the reply of chairman mckeown was that he did not see how the dominion government could be induced to pay more than the 40 per cent it had been con tributing the township council of york estimates it will cost the rate payers for 1934 a little over 1 millions for relief and hospital charges wouldnt it be establishing a bad financial precedent for one municip ality to receive more than so per cent from the two governments if yorks relief bills are paid by the ontario and dominion governments why not all the rural and urban municipalities in bruce and grey the ratepayers in these counties are also finding taxes burdensome the chairman of the railway board realized the difficulty of granting any special favors and astutely shifted the responsibility to the federal government it isnt very likely the bennett government will tax the ratepayers of the other eight provinces for the special relief charges of an ontario municipality we never read of a more absurd pro position advanced than by the dele gation from york township the township of york surrounds the city of toronto on the west and part of the north it is largely urban consists of only 5050 acres has a population of 63000 an assessment of nearly 27 millions a debt of almost 23 millions of which 3 hniljlions are for schools and s millions for local improvements york township is classed as rural but is really urban the farms are isniall and market gardeners truck their produce into the toronto market a considerable number of toronto people also have their homes in york township these market gardeners were prosperous in the days when toronto was booming but now the trucks can bring in produce from such long distances early in the morning on paved roads that keen competition in farmers produce has reduced the price these gardeners in the suburbs of toronto who are among those now seeking relief are the same patriots who in order to keep out onions carrots beets and other earliergrown produce from the southern united states opposed the reciprocity pact in 1911 and like other market gardeners near the cities are largely responsible for the high tariff which has contributed to lessening international trade and helped to cause the business de pression how can these york people expect the western farmers who sold their wheat at from 40c to 50c a bushel last year to turn the other cheek even though it be a christian act and help to pay york townships relief bills in 1933 to sue for cemetery accounts salads novelty dice jam pots tea pots sweet dishes cruets creams sugars pickle trays cups saucers the w h shaw store phone 9512 stouffville ontario an important deoision was made at the tuesday evening meeting of tara council says the leader which will affect persons owing for plots in tara cemetory also for grave digging it is a fact that nearly 15000 is owing the municipality tor the digging of graves a debt it is hard to believe any person would delay paying however such is the case and the cemetery com mlttee has decided that this state of affairs must bo cleaned up conse quontly the secretary has been not fied to insist on all outstanding accounts for this work being paid at once failing which more drastic stops will be taken a test case will probably also be made against a plot owner who refuses to sottle for his plot unless this man settles in the near future a court caso is in the off- lug tho cemetery is the property of the municipality and considerable ex ponse is entailed in keeping the same up to tho present high stand ard and tho cemetery committee feels that in duty to tho municipality theso outstanding accounts must be paid considerable has been written about tho increasing number of girl smokora especially among the university of toronto students nothing is said however about the lady teachers on tho university stall who are addicted to the coffin nails and aro habitual smokers even in the presence of students plucking chickens private maternity nursing home medical and conveloscent cases accepted private semi private rooms weekly rates 11000 inspection invited mrs geo thompson phone 7808 stoubtllle r r nol hudson herald toronto the second element iu the strike at stratford were the poultry pick ers in the swift establishment there they went on strike for an increase of fifty per cent in wages for picking chickens this seems to be a huge increase until it is ex plained that they were getting two cents per chicken and demanded three cents we never picked for a living but we cant imagine anyone doing any riotious living while working at the job even at three cents per wo havent the vaguest idea of the profit made by the swift co in their business but we find it hard to beliove that they really found it necessary to close their factory rather than comply with the demands of the strikers tho averago dressed chicken sells at about twenty cents per pound and tips tho scales at around four pounds if this extra cent was spread over the whole chicken the increase per lb would not be very startling in view of this fact we find it hard to believe that the action of the company was either necessary or wise is this administration toronto globe an ontario county reader of tho globe has raised once more the per tinent question of the shrievalty in that municipality nearly two years have passed since sheriff paxton resigned from active service he comments and much inconvenience snd some confusion have resulted repeatedly coupled with tho new appointment has been the name of james blanchard wpp for north ontario hon g h ferguson re cently announced that no election would be held until next year which means that if the vacancy is being held open for mr blanchard it will continue for another twelve months and in a critical time it would ap pear if he is the governments choice that an immediate appoint ment should be made and byelec tion in north ontario would be in order along with the other by- elections the situation suggests that queens park is confronted with an other of those dilemmas which are making it famous it is a fact that the position is being held for the isitting member the only conclusion is that it fears to open the seat by making the appointment but why- should ontario county be made the goat because of governmental timid ity or indecision perhaps it is so wellbehaved and so free from troublesome visitors that the office of sheriff need not be taken serious ly in any event holding the job for two years for a favorite if this is be ing done warrants a protest it is not the way to conduct the business lof the province if the government thinks the office of sheriff is not im portant is merely a political bou quet it ought to get busy and have it abolished in the interests of economy either a county needs a sheriff or does not there is no half way post in the next provincial election ontario county will be absorbed in imuskoka and will be represented by a northern man in all probability autumn coach tours on the kings highway now is the ideal time to make that expected visit to friends or relatives that long delayed business trip or an in spection of the latest fall fashions youll enjoy the brisk air of the open countryside and the beautiful spectacle of the land scape bedecked in the varied and gorgeous colours of autumn for travel information telephone gray coach lines anderson stouffville phone 158 ecord the fact that our make of butter this summer has been the largest since we have been in business shows that a greater number of cream shippers have availed themselves of our excellent creamery srvice which is superior in every respect if you are not yet among our cream shippers we would be pleased to have you and prove to you what a real creamery service means stouffville creamery co phone 186 stouffville ontario renderesr of a most efficient creamery service sinco 91s open tesday thursday saturday evenings canada would do much better with fewer governments evening telegram tho depression lias emphasized tne fact that canada has too many governments provincial and muni cipal the maintenance of these many administrative organizations has added materially to the taxation burdens of canadians there is a growing realization that reorganiza tion is needed to not only cut down tho number of governing bodies but their personnel as well under existing conditions it has been calculated that one man in every seven is employed by some government or governmental agency fees and taxes onjhe others support this topheavy arrangement ontario and toronto have made a start toward reform along one line the number of members of the legis lature and of the city council are beingreduced but over the whole of canada there is much yet to be done a suggestion that has much merit has recently been advanced by the hon w d euler a former cabinet minister hon mr euler proposes that the three maritime provinces be merged into one and that the three prairie provinces be similarly united ho estimates that a substantial sav ing in cost of government could thereby be effected and in this he is no doubt right moreover there is no reason to believe that the quality of administration would be adversely affected the maritime provinces have a population of scarcely nvore than a million people and their prob lems are much the same the prairie provinces similarly have common interests and while their combined population is larger than that of the niaritimes it is still much sjnall- er than that of ontario which find3 one government quite sufficient the unions suggested would do away with much overlapping and if accomplish ed would make possible a welcome tax burden relief for the sorely pressed people of the eastern and western portions of the dominion the possibilities therefore deserve serious thought and study experiment no longer its cost ly use cress corn salve storeys drug store stouffville a cerxjtupu on since 1883 when tho lato henry boalty father of r w beat- ty chairman- and president of tho canadian pacific railway brought from scotland three ves sels equipped with sail and steam as was tho regulation at that time for scrvlco on tho great iakes thousands of travellers lhavo enjoyed this delightful in land voyage from owen sound and moro recently from port monicholi through tho locks at sault sto marie to fort william and port arthur it is a f ittlnir tribute to the scr vlco maintained by the canadian pacific that for fifty years this particular modo of summer travel is still considered a necessary part of ones canadian travel itin erary as evidenced by tho largo passenger lists on the s s keo- wamn and asslnibola leaving twico weekly from port mcnlcoll nnd on tho ss manitoba from owen sound weekly tho two for mer vessels have been in continu ous service slnco 190s and pro vide commodious quarters and an excellent table for those seeking quiet rolaxatlonfrosh lake breezes and pleasant travol companions both tho kecwatir and tho assl- nibola 1000 ton steamers have had but three captains among whom captain mcctnual on the asslnibola is considered one of the beirtknown authorities on great lak03 shipping untilafow months ago there had been but threo managers the late henry beatty tho lato arthur piers father of a s piers manager of tho real estate department ot tho canadian pacific and m mcd duff now assistant to tho chair man canadian pacific steam ships alvin gallagher is now superintendent slnco tho s s algoma went ashoroonlslo royale in 1885 no vessel employed in this servlco has been lost the s s mani toba also carrying freight from owen sound was built in tho poison iron works in that city tho remaining ships in scottish yards i