Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 13, 1933, p. 4

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stouffville ontario thursday july 13th 1933 your grocery bulletin lb 13c isc christies fig bars christlesbuturcooklesa loz toasted cheese thins pk japan luco broken 10 lbs 25c bettys marmalade large jar 25c kraftsaiidivich unread ooz jar 18c new clover honey 5 lb pail 50c 10c wax paper 3 rolls small pkr large pkg 10c 25c 45c canada dry bevkitagks except canada dry ginger ale 2 bottles reputed qts 25c coleo soap per cake 5c large italian lemons doz 30c ict us have your order for blueberries and montmorency cherries so that they may iro filled market prices the right fresh fish every wednesday morning ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 salt tile cattle spray cattle spray wo keep the best that can be bought it will not taint the milk or discolor tho skin and odorless arsenate of lime and arsenate of lead for potatoes and all other vegetables fertilizers for cabbage and cauliflower place your orders for coal and coke and we will give you service second to none s w hastings phone 169 coal stouffville ont coke we offer the farmers 4 fresh cows 2 repossessed international separators to be sold cheap other used separators massey harris mower massey harris binder 6 international steel wheel truck set disk harrows peter hamilton cutting box a new mower a big discount off frank baker notes and comments international phone office 15201 agent phono residence 15204 charlie miller a trusty in the cook county illinois jail whacked out a home run on the jail team the other day he knocked the ball clear over the prison wall and after running the bases was allowed to go out and find the ball he must have knocked it a long way for charlie isnt back yet a case of great interest to mun icipal councils will come before judge owens at walkerton on july 12th two mildmay doctors are suing the councils of mildmay and carrick for attendance on indigents they claim 145 from mildmay and 128 from carrick the judges de cision will be a guide to municipal councils how far they can go in tho legal payment for medical atten dance on charity patients we would think the decision would hinge largely on the orders given or not given by the reeves of these mun icipalities to attend the indigent patients in mental cases the sta tues allow a fee of 5 to a medical man for examination on the order of the head of the municipality the editor of this paper as well as hundreds of editors will not agreo with mitchell hepburn liber al leader when he says that if his party is put into power he will do away with examination tees there are no fees now in the public schools until the entrance to high school is reached so that what mr hep burn means is that he will make higher education still freerer than it now is this is partly the reason why the only thing that is crowded these days is the high schools and universities and with thousands of students who are merely putting in time a diligent student in lower school may be granted his yearly pass by obtaining 6g per cent on term work but the indolent student cannot do this and the cost of con ducting an examination for him should not bo placed on the general public when upper school exams are written surely the student is reaching a place where his educa tion should cost the family at least a dollar and fifty cents per paper higher educational costs in our opinion are plenty free enough to be appreciated by those getting the advantage mr hepburn has a far more appealing vote catcher in his promise to abandon many other un necessary expenditures by the on tario government federal expenditures hot weather suggestions during the warm mid summer months tho necessity of wearing clothing that will give the greatest degree of comfort is impressed upon us and with this thought in mind we are offer ing this week many specials which will make tor comfort and at the samo time dress well at a very moderate cost summer voiles dainty voiles in many lovely shades and patterns never before have we been able to offer anything more delightful at such reasonable prices for the woman who prefers to make her own dresses those voiles will well repay the labour of making prices per yard 50c 40c 30c 25c voile dresses a wonderful array of these filmy cool and at tractive gowns in the very latest styles dainty and cool looking a very wide range of patterns and shades to choose from priced from 05c to 8505 silk lingerie all women like the feeling of being well dressed and theso dainty little garments are so reasonable in price that every one can afford to wear them in peach pink white and maizo vests each 40c 50c r bloomers each 30c 40c 50c panties each 305 30c slips each 05c to 225 necklets and chokers a splendid assortment to choose from in all shades and an infinite variety of patterns 5c to 25c glassware have you seen our display of glassware probably no where out of tho city can bo found such a com plete showing of fine glassware tall finely cut glass vases bowls largo and small in whlto and colored glass dainty pitchers wator sots sherbets and a groat variety of tumblers plain and cut glass we invito your inspection colorful prints a splendid showing of the newest prints is open for your inspection one who could not make a satisfying selection from our stock would be hard to please a fine weave with artistic colourings and dainty patterns per yard 10c to 29c house dresses that aro desirable in every way are not easy to secure but we believe that we can satisfy the most exacting person our stock is largo the quali ty is high and tho price is low we invite your in spection prices are from 70c to 9371 knitted berets a now shipment of theso popular berets just in we have not been able to keep up with tho demand for these dainty little boretsmako your selection at once they will not last long all colors 10c to 40c bathing suits you aro going to need one of our all wool bath ing suits during these hot summer days in all tho popular colours and at reasonable prices prices range from 05c to 350 for the baby dainty little knitted bootees at 25c to 50c hats and bonnets in many stylos rattles of many kinds 10c 15c 25c rubber panties 15c 25c 80c rubber rings 15c knitted coats in pink and blue sun and play suits of all kinds ask to seo them 40c up picx1c supplies 8 paper plcnlc plates 2 dozen for 15c cups for hot drinks special cups for hot tea or coffee cellophane wrapped non leak packago of 8 loc floor coverings despite tho fact that the warm weather is hero wo are still having large sales of floor coverings linoleums are the standard of quality and will givo years of sorvlce in threo and four widths at per squaro yard 80c 00c oilcloth in one and two yard widths and in many desirable patterns are of course much cheaper and will givo splendid service per yard 4 feltol for thoso who do not care to spend much money on floor coverings we recommend feltol vory handsome patterns and will give good service price per square yard 43c shop at shaws store save money the w h shaw store phone 9512 viwzj stouffville ontario sherbrook quebec record people think that it is only the salaries of the senators which were 483993 in 19311932 session and 1227140 for the salaries and travelling allowances of the house of commons add these together and we have 1761133 but there is a more extensive story to be told over a million more for the total cost of these two bodies meetings in 193132 session was 2- 93g99 or a few thousand dollars short of three millions though members and senators al travel free on railway passes the toandfro costs for both bodies mounted up to 209s0 this docs not include the travelling expenses of eighteen cabinet ministers whose costs appear in the departmental re ports and do mount up how does a million and three- quarters mount up to nigh three millions of dollars there is an army of officials in tlje building some of them merely for the session but others tarry thero in the offices year round there are clerks and assistant clerks reporters of debates editors of debates translators custodians porters messengers librarians cata loguers reference clerks a staff of permanent clerks who draw 470- i7c a year of which s32s0 is due to senate and 273351 to the com moiis and the balance to library and contingencies then there are temporary clerks and stenographers doormen and a reserve reporter altogether costing 196303 each senator has not his own pri vate stenographer but ho can press tho button at any time and get one within a few minutes to attend to his letter either private or public sessional clerks and extra em ployees for the house of commons cost 6631343 whilst there are ss members stenographers or an aver age of one for every three members the sergeantatarms looks after the pages who answer a thumb snap by any member and also all the sessional messengers who earn from 1830 down for not more than six months work the sessional pages cost 6746 and the charladies who keep tho buldings clean get 26217 altogether the sergeantatarms had a mot or allowance of 198586 or 1414 less than the hypothetical 2000 he paid his restaurant staff 16 78686 this was a mr coghill who received 4520 salary and a house allowanc6 of 600 in lieu of inside residence the sergeant of the mace has an assistant sergeantatarms in j l williams who in addition to his sdlary was given 500 cash in lieu of a free residence the secretary of the leader of the opposition received 39 60 salary and the speaker of the house got 3000 to pay his rent outside the house whilst armand lavergne deputyspeakers accepted 1500 cash in lieu of free residence the list of clerks in the house reads like an inheritance list of the members and senators as tho honor able gentlemen have taken their cue to practice nepotism public opinion everywhere is di rected towards the costs of govern ment in canada the universal opin ion is that they are excessive and far beyond what they should be three years ago we said that fu ture federal and provincial elections would be won or lost on the ques tions of cost and taxation since that time almost every news paper in canada has asquiesced by publishing details of government ex penditures and the overlapping of such by the maintenance of bureaus and cabinet portfolios interest in these expeniditures has been forced by the opposition of irri tating and nuisance taxes where business men aro forced to become tax collectors and where the people at large are compelled to buy stamps for cheques and pay taxes on meals no slnglo government is solely at fault yet every government has opened the road to a third party there will be a cleavage of partl- zanship a breaking up of old con nections for every candidate will be compelled to sign a pledge that every thing will bo done to abolish tho nuisance taxes in quebec we have tho meal tax and tho tax on gasoline both of which tend to drivo away and kill a goodly sourco in the tourist traffic hotelkeepers and restaurants are forced to keep books on every meal served all along the line thero is an increased overhead on clerical service parental responsibility a minister in a church some fifty miles away is reported by the local paper as preaching a specia mothers day sermon after dealing with the beauty of motherhood and the debt of love and gratitude we all owe to our mother the speaker touched on the other angle and vig orously dealt with the responsibili ties of mothers and parents in gen eral he suggested that the down fall of many children was directly because of the lack of home train ing and discipline he deplored the presence of young girls and boys on our streets late at night and woud- dered why parents did not better control their offspring with child ren roaming at large he said they get into all kinds of environment and too often of doubtful nature thero were so many pitfalls for them that parents were shirking responsi bility in many cases when a girl or boy falls from grace tho cause he believed could be traced back to parental control tho thoughts ex pressed were timely and worthy of deep consideration by every parent everywhere mount forest confederate shoes that will keep your feet mex and boys cool and comfortable womens lixex brown canvas and oxford canvas boot in bal style also a brown with a heel misses and ciiilds sandals in two colors sand and brown also a sand ox ford with brown trim life buoy outing shoes sandals with medium heels in threo colors green with white trim sand with white trim and all white mesh a low heel in white with black trim sand with brown trim bathing shoes at per pair 30c sismans scampers the ideal leather shoe for summer wear o lehman the shoe stoke service stouffville ontario phone 4301 quality a farmers reply dear sir in reply to your recent request to send you a cheque i wish to inform you that the present shattered con dition of my bank account makes it impossible for me to take your re quests seriously my present financial condition is due to tho effect of dominion laws provincial laws municipal laws country laws corporation laws motherinlaws all of which have been foisted upon an unsuspecting public through tnesc laws i am compell ed to pay a business tax sales tax amusement tax gas tax school tax water tax excise tax auto tax hy dro tax and syntax in addition to these irritating tax es i am forced by the strong arm of the law to get a permit for this thing and a permit for that thing i am required to get a business license a city license a provincial license a sign license a dog license a motor license and radio license a liquor license not to mention my marriage license i am also requested and required to contribute to every society and organization which the inventive genious of men is capable of bring ing to life for my own safety i am required to carry life insurance liability in surance fire insurance compensation insurance accident insurance col lision insurance rain insurance hail insurance and business insurance tho governmeii has now so gov erned my business that it is no easy matter for me to find out who owns i am also requested and required to spected suspected disrespected examined reexamined informed required summoned fined com manded and compelled and simply because i refused to donate to each an all and to go out and beg or borrow or steal money to give away i am cussed discussed boycotted talked to talked about lied to lied about and held down and robbed until i am nearly ruined 5 i can tell you honestly that failing a miracle you wont be paid just now and the only reason i am hold ing to life is simply just to seo what in hell is coming next cream grading in addition to taking care of your cream it is most important that it be graded in the shortest possible time after leaving your place it would not only be a loss but also very discouraging to know that in many cases your cream might have been 1st or special grade when leaving your place and becoming 2nd grade in transient or time lost before grading after you care for your cream we on our part are doing everything possible to assist you in receiving the best grade from those whom we collect their cream by truck we are now collecting twice a week and by being sit uated so close to our shippers we are able to get your cream in very short time our cream shippers who are delivering their cream to the cramery are able to bring it at any time during the day and in addition three nights a week in any quantity and their ship ments are graded immediately as it comes in for original grade highest price correct weight and test ship your cream to stouffville creamery co renderers of a most efficient creamery service since 1918 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings phone 186 stouffville ontario dairy farmers say loss of indemnity is a heavy blow bethesda mrs chapman has been reengaged as public school teacher at bethesda for another year over at the 6th lino school lome wideman has also been engaged for his fourth term in both schools the salary is 750 some of our farmers are starting cows in to wheat cutting this week f ii steckley has one fine field ready and the grain all looks well a demand for milk from tubercu lintested herds among toronto milk consumers has created added prob lems for the district producers now faced with a complete ban on federal compensation for cows that fail to pass the test in the past the gov ernment has paid compensation for every cow which a farmer destroyed on account of its failure to pass the tuberculosis test farmers are under no compulsion however to destroy such animals officials of tho ontario milk and cream producers association were informed by government officials at ottawa on saturday that the feder al government had discontinued in definitely the payment of compensa tion according to e h clarke presi dent district producers will place their situation before premier henry for review in tho hope that the fed eral authorities will give further consideration in spite of the econ omy pressure that is being forced by the irhodes budget provisions while no appointment lias been made witli the ontario premier yef it is felt that he with his personal knowledge of milk producers pro blems will lend a sympathetic ear to their cause demand accredited herds association heads while at ottawa emphasized that tho toronto dis trict producers were being forced rapidly to acquiring tuberculinfree herds by consumer demand that had been whetted by daily concerns ad vertising milk from the accredited up until the present hon robert weir minister of agriculture was told the district producers owning approximately 100000 cows had not considered accredited herds essential as the civic authorities did not require the standard in view of pasteurization regulations toronto medical authorities in the meantime are sitting back and watching the problem raised by the compensation ban with faint interest it doesnt matter if the herds supplying toronto with milk is t b tested or not so far as the purity of the milk is concerned says dr gordon jackson moii it has to bei pasteurized anyway school reports richmond hill reduces teaching staff at tho regular meeting of the richmond hill board of education mr donald e r frisby of rich mond hill was appointed as member of tho public school staff mr fris by is a local boy and received his education at the richmond hill public and high school and toron to normal he takes the place of miss evelyn reesor who resigned the salary was set at 700 per an num this will be tho only change in the public school staff and no change was made in the existing schedulo of salaries thero will be ono member less on tho high school staff when school opens in september promotion results s s no o uxliridgo- name in order of merit from jr iv to sr iv beatrice meyers from sriii to jriy rosamond yako win yake from jr ill to sr ill allan taylor stewart mcguckin herbert yakeley florabel meyers lome morgason from sr ii to jr ill anita wagg albert yakeley from jr ii to sr ii yvonne meyers gordon elliott olive elliott lillian brown from sr i to jr ii shirley mcguckin alice tindall ronald taylor harold meyers orvan brethour dannie wagg from sr pr to jr i blanche bacon don mcgilllvray from jr pr to sr pr marion reaman harold morga son zella brown laura campbell john yakeley a ward teacher this striking picture reproduced above played an important part in a recent highway safety campaign in the united states this picture will be used by the motor vehicles branch of the ontario department of highways in safety advertising the department is using the press the radio and the schools in an endeavor to stem the tide of accidents on the highways last years record shows 502 persons killed and 8231 injured in automobile accidents in this province gray coach crabel tfjc ivtncjjs jtgtjtorro toronto single 85c return lgg daily service eastern stnndnrd time leave leave stouffvlllo toronto a g15 am b 800 am b 815 am d 100 pm c 240 pm a 430 pm c 010 pm d 915 pm d 730 pm a daily except sunday holi days b sunlay holidays only c saturday only d saturday sunday holidays only vacation tours muskoka lakes 10000 isles with all expensos paid low fares to all usa points gray coach lines

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