mhvm vol xlv no 13 stouffville ontario thursday june 8 1933 a v nolan publisher dr scholls aids for the feet guaranteed to give relief for corns soft corns bunions and callouses foot balm for tender feet foot powder relieves sore perspiring feet toeflex straightens crooked toes ltroneidrosis powder a deodorant onixol for ingrowing nails walk st rates prevent heels running down local audience hears speakers on ccf doctrine j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county capitalism has broken down through waste insecurity and inequality says professor frank underhill dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto i office in gmbins block j phone s201 i markham every tuesday office in wear block d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 130 to 530 phone office j011 residence 1016 veterinary s t bodendistel vs bv sc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college office at the mansion house phone 161 successor to late dr j t store a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phone 18202 stouffville legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan s71 norman a keys h scott ritchie ritchie keys barristers solicitor continental life building bay street toronto x telephone ad 9767 harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary pubuc etc stouffvlllo ontario phone 180 declaring that tho- essence of tho canadian commonwealth federa tion policy is tho supplying of goods and services by organized planning lather than leaviug them to be supplied by private profitseeking organizations professor underhill native sou and the gem of canadian students ever to attend oxford outlined the fundamentals of the iccf as he compared them with the present capitalistic system be fore a large audience in ratcllffs hall on monday evening professor underhill came to his native town on the invitation of a small group who have been study ing the new policy ho was follow ed on the program by capt philpott who also received an attentive hear ing and almost the occasional amen to some phases of the new doctrine professor underhill declared that the old system had broken down through waste insecurity 167000 on relief and through inequality some are almost starving while others are rolling in wealth socialism he said is the exten sion of those services culminating by controlling private industries and ultimately taking them over the public can run them as efficiently as private corporations we only hear ot the extravagance of the public ownership but its just as bad in the private ones i we only knew it he declared that tariffs were regulations for making money for private people and they should be abolished touching another phase of the economic circle he said that on the one hand the producer is being ex ploited and on the other the con sumer as examples he referred to the milk and bread businesses the farmer is not getting cost for his milk at 2c while the consumer is paying 10c for the product which would allow the farmer a better pro fit if private interests were not growing wealthy over it trouble in the farmers are very poorly organ ized and the consumer is not organ ized at all while the dairies are highly organized the bread in dustry of ontario is controlled by four great milling companies and the people are here being exploltod too these four companies control the output of 90 per cent ot the bread made all these things should be public controlled along with gasoline lite insurance and other services tho professor admitted that the highly efficient organizations had eliminated great waste but unfort unately they do not turn the bene fit over to the consumer but retain it to themselves as greater profits public control does not necessar ily mean public ownership in all cases but it means planning for that industry and controlling it through a central committee at ottawa in conclusion tho speaker said that back of all our production troubles is the uncontrolled currency it is gradually dawning on the western world that wo have got to get out of uncontrolled currency the conservatives believe in planned economy under control council hold onehour session members pass bylaw stopping tax arrears being returned to county treasurer action over will is settled in supreme court will or the late peter goodwin held to lie valid is the municipal council met as a court ot revision on monday even ing but there being no appeals be fore the court the assessors roll was confirmed for 1933 and the councilproceeded to transact gen eral business a bylaw was passed making it legal for the municipality to collect all tax arrears in the future instead of having them returned to the county treasurer who makes no attempt to collect at the and of three years the county follow the legal course to sell such properties in arrears local council evidently ah interesting civil action settled in the supreme court in whitby on tuesday morning was that of sarah goodwin and douglas thomson ex ecutors of the estate of the late peter goodwin a well known farm er of whitby township for many years who made application for probate of the will of the deceased which disposed of a valuable estate mr goodwin died on the 9th of march 1932 the executors made application for the probate of the will of i he deceased and tho application was opposed by the next of kin of tho deceased three brothers- in buffalo ny and one sister in toronto on an uxbridge twp resident 47 years chas- harper goodwood orange man passes aged 68 years a successful farmer believe they can collect theso sums i the ground that the deceased when in arrears and often save a tax sale andj certainly have their hands on their own money instead of hiving it paid into- tho shakey county treasury councillor dowswell asked a number of pertinent questions but council was in a rush to adjourn and no action was taken on any of the matters the councillor wanted to know why the order of council had not been carried out to turn off the water from those users who had not paid their water bills he also gave notice that at the next meet ing of council he would move to appoint a tax collector saying the matter had dallied too long and it was time council did something to get jn the arrears another question interjected by the councillor was ljow much taxes have been paid in someone else shot this one what about getting after the drinking dives but all the queries went by the board without any definite pronouncement reeve morden said if any dives exsted they could be cleaned up members of council present including reeve morden councillors dowswell rus- nell weldori and watts a request by the business mens association to hold a street riance on labor day drew forth a good many queries about the proposed celebration being asked permission will probably be granted a a later meeting extension table for sale with round top and all in good condition jos gayman f l button kc among the 150 more lawyers in ontario who will now be entitled to write kc after their names following the kings birthday list as issued by the government lasi week is that of our local solicitor mr f l button who is receiving the congratulations of his many friends on being thus honored the local press hastens to add its com pliments to mr f l button kc along with the others tho honor came to mr button more or less as a surprise and is the more cherished because the re cognition came through its merit rather than through any other means hon own 90 per cent of tho wealth and they dont pay 30 per cent of the taxes we propose to end sub sidized snobbery was one ot tho witty phrases of the speaker who managed to crack a smile here and there on an otherwise serious audience if bennett wore ieader of a national party in c will 1e of lord bennett with tho iron heel he made his will was not ot testa mentary capacity and that the will was procured by fraud and undue influence they further claimed tiiat the estate should have been divided as though the said peter goodwin died an intestate the estate was made up of cash in tho bank mortgages and real estate mr goodwin it was alleged en tered the ontario hospital whit by two days after the will was made it was witnessed by the late arthur e christian well known barrister and solicitor and county clerk and solicitor and the late john thomson for many years a well known whitby citizen tho fact that both witnesses to the will are now deceased added to the complication of the case r dopald ruddy of whitby was solicitor for the executors of the estate of peter goodwin and w j boland kc for the appel lants settlement announced on tuesday morning when the case was called in court w j bol and for the appellants announced to mr justice jeffrey the presid ing judge that tie allegations of fraud and undue influence had been withdrawn r donald ruddy solicitor for the plaintiffs put miss marjorie mcintosh stenographer in the office qf the late a e christian and mr douglas thomson in the witness box and they identified the signatures of mr christian and mr thomson as witnesses to the will as left by mr goodwin mr ruddy then made a motion that the roman icatholic church and the trustees of the separate school board of the town of whitby be added as plaintiffs the motion be ing granted mr justice jeffrey then made an order declaring the will in question to be the valid will of the late peter goodwin and judgment was entered accordingly mr boland for the next of kin of the deceased being allowed costs of 225 although a much larger sum was asked for following a rather long illness a wellknown figure in uxbridge township mr charles harper of goodwood passed away on sunday afternoon june 4 1933 aged 68 years a native of reach township the late mr harper as a young man lo cated with his wife on the fifth con cession of uxbridge about 47 years ago and here their family was born all of whom survive him namely an only son how d who conductes the present harper farm at goodwood and by three daughters mrs cecil jones of balsam miss jessie harp er rn orlllia and miss evelyn teacher at balsam deceased is also survived by his wife whose maiden name was eliza rynard daughter of a wellknown scott township family twenty three years ago tho family moved to goodwood whore the parents have since resided on the farm which they acquired there at that time mr harper was a member of the former methodist church and was an ardent orangeman and conserva tive in politics he was well versed and took a keen interest in the affairs ot the day of recent years he had been confined more to home ow ing to declining health but he was a keen reader mr harper was a successful farmer and had a good knowledge of sqils and crops the funeral on tuesday afternoon of this week took place to goodwood cemetery the service teing conduct ed by rev mr burry pastor and by the goodwood lol whose mem bers were largely represented youth found hanging from tree in twp uxbridge alone on his uncles farm in uxbridge township near the farm ot exreeve owen davies howard leat aged 21 of kingsbury avenue long branch was found dead hang ing from a tree on sunday the youth had disrobed and then apparently climbed the tree and jumped his uncle fred arrowsmlth discovered his body when ho arrived at the farm from toronto tho youth had been working for the past two weeks erecting a verandah and painting it no reason was found for his action coroner w c shier decided not to hold an inquest among the churches baseball report ringwood theres a reason why nearly every town and all cities allow only the sale of milk from tb tested cows its the only safe milk to use play safe and use turners t b tested milk and cream automobile owners attention big reduction in insurance rates are now available why not start the now year with the pro tection of a good auto policy h o klinck auto life fire insurance agent stouffville l e oneill successor to w j stouffrllle mather funeral director and embalmbr night and business phone s801 day service residence phone j8i0 stewart beare phone markham if os or to brathwaltevhardwara sfoi radio repairing a service you will appmlat big business instead of by com mission responsible to the people what the liberals believe i cant find out cnpt elmoro phipott capt elmore philpott on this his first appearance before a stouff ville audience was received with keen interest he is a fluent and capable speaker and ono wondered where he stored up such energy in so frail a body racked by long war service ho opened his remarks by declaring that tho capitalistic system under which wo live must bo wiped out it breeds war and will breed another war in europe in its placo we want a socialistic system based on the solid rock of service tho great spearhead ot tho ccf he claimed was the national ization of all banking there are about 30 big fellows at tho top sir h holt got control of some 300 odd big companies by lending your savings money jn tho bank to them ho is on tho bank and business directorates too ho declared the farmers taxes are too high and tho cjcf- would lower them not wipe them out any system evolved necessarily must have taxes to get along on but not a tax that would drlvo tho fanner off the land if the new system comes into being there will bo a complete census ot all wealth in canada at present 55 per cent ot the popula- touching on governments the speak er declared that we have al together too much government in canada the ccf proposes to chango that britain has a parlia ment and a king but canada with her little ton million people has ten the stouffville public library board will hold its monthly meet ing on thursday evening may sth at 730 oclock all the members are urged to be present the young peoples story hour usually held on saturday afternoon will be withdrawn until the closo of tho summer holidays j john charles passes at patterson farm ono of tho york county pioneers passed away on saturday evening last june 3rd in tho person of john charles of the patterson farm richmond hill mr charles was born in scotland s4 years ago and was parliaments 10 representatives ot jone of a family of 13 children a the king county council and all tho rest of it the iccf pioposes to overhaul the whole structure and wipe out lieutenant governors which pronouncement brought forth a big hand clapp tho socialistic system which so many peopio are afraid of simply means tho distribution of goods at cost and service you farmers said ho are the worst offenders you are producing goods now at less than cost so why be afraid ho promises that the cce would socialize the distribution of milk and to sum up the efforts of tho ccf its a program of human rights not a program to grind men down to a dead level there will be no limit to your attainment was tho parting shot of the speaker mr h o kllnck acted as choir- man of the meeting and introduced tho speakers to the audience tho local committee interested in study ing th ccf program is composed of f h sangster levi forsyth allan mcconnochle and anyone interested is asked to get in touch with any of those men brother robert survives in scot land also two sisters mrs gray and mrs henderson ot aberdeen tho deceased leaves his widow alice pointon charles half sister to mr harry pointon formerly of bethesda and now on the millard farm at altona and six children verna of summorland bjc stowarl of castor alberta mrs bennett and mrs ormerod of toronto and harry and william of richmond hill tho lato mr charles was well known as farm manager for patter sons and was in their employ for 47 years his death occurred at don head farms owned by mr j d patterson following one days ill ness the funoral took placo on tuesday june gth at 330 with interment in richmond hill ceme tery births clark at tho private nursing home church street stouffville to mr and mrs hugo clark of manilla on juno 2 1933 a son william hugh hark we hear wedding bells in a distance a- fine new top is being put on the bridge or culvert at ringwood at the garage corner it looks like an extra nice piece of work being done stanley mitchell is nursing a cracked rib sustained when a laigo driving house door blew against him robt ratcliff is rushing the new frame cottage on the site where tho old wood working factory stood w vaughan is putting in the cement foundation the dickson hill mills is prepar ing to ship to england some of the alfalfa crop you will grow this summer that is if it is up to the standard required it will be ground into feed at the local mill there was a very large crowd at albert holdons auction sale at dicksons hill on tuesday dispite the busy season of the year mr holden is in very poor health and must retire from the farm a binder nearly 14 years old sold for- 50 and a farni wagon 50 auctioneer alvin farmer had the sal and ex tracted an average of 23 for the cows they were not bred and generally in poor condition this locality was well represented at the mount albert celebration on saturday prizes for lucky tickets proved a big attraction and ring- wood was not neglected harry baker son ot our abner baker held tho third draw and was pre sented with a handsome cabinet of silver in 27 pieces the first prize a now car and the second a pony both went to toronto people the car was drawn by a baggagemen running out of toronto t hrough newmarket on the cnr opening game at aurora after winning their first game in the local baseball league from sutton stouffville journeyed to aurora on saturday only to suffer defeat at the hands of the yonge street aggregation who were stag ing their first gamo at home for the season the score was 910 it was a holiday for the home town people and several notables were present to add interest to the opening game hon w h price attorneygeneral clifford case kc mpp officiated for the pitching of the first ball aurora opened the scoring in the first innings when they reached cook on the stouffville mound for two hits which coupled with an error netted them three runs hodgins replaced cook for the home team in the fifth innings when the score stood s2 in favour of aurora the locals break came in the 6 th when the boys connected with thompson who had replaced vail for seven hits bringing in seven runs but this success was short lived for aurora stepped into final lead in the seventh scoring two runs leaving the final score 109 outstanding in hitting for stouff ville were hodgins and iclendening while for aurora molyueaux and privett held the honors hits runs eros stouffville 11 9 7 aurora 9 10 6 btennonite church i stouffveliib i rev s cresaman pastor sunday june 11th 1933 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening worship 700 pm altona service t t t t stouffviij p church rev w h fuller b a sunday june 11th 1933 200 pm sunday school 300 pm afternoon worship the band of willing helpers meet on the third monday night ot each month t t t t stouffviiile and church hill chester o sommer minister sunday june 11th iy33 stouffville 945 am ss and bible classes 1100 am worship and preaching 700 pm worship and preaching wednesday 800 pm fellowship in prayer and study at the homo of mr and mrs llntner 200 pm ss bible classes 300 pm worship and preaching thursday 800 pm c e meeting at the home ot mr and mrs john paisley all are invited to the services t t t t bloomington ana ringwood christian churches e morton preacher sunday june 11th 1933 the pilgrim who hopes to reach the heavenly land arid makes a pleasure trip of it is likely to meet with eternal disappointment services next lords day 1100 am bloomington 700 pm ringwood the best house to go to on the lords day is the lords house we can be sure of being wanted there t t t t street carnival the business mens association called together last week passed a resolution favoring the holding of a street carnival and dance here on labor day sept 4 next it was de cided to hold tho celebration under the auspices of the association and the memorial park icommtssion and to proceed with the affair provided mr delbert holden would undertake to conduct the sale of tickets and gave away a ford car free on tho evening of the carnival dr ira freol president presided over the gather ing which was fairly well representa tive of the business interests ot the community tho idea of giving away a car free is an advertising stunt and helps to got a largo crowd and thus assure a good ticket sale tho meeting adjourned to meet again on wednesday evening this week to con dor matters in connection with tho opening of the picture thoatro and glvo furthor attention to business arising out of holding a celebration try turners homemade icecream bulk cones or at the tables the tide turns on tuesday of this week stouff ville came through with a sensa tional victory over aurora of 6 5 the locals lefthand twirler jack pennock pitched superb ball strik ing out five to bis opponents two aurora started the game fast with four runs in the first innings while stouffville came in the second and third to score on hits by clendening button and l lehman the visitors stepped away again in the fourth on a double by truan while baker scored the fourth count for the home team in the sixth in the seventh only three men faced pennock two being caughloui at first while the third struck out button began tho fireworks in the final stage when he lined a double into deep right field boadway was out at first while b lehman and clendening each followed with singles lehman being out at second allowing button to score the tying run baker the final man to bat proved one of the heroes ot tho game when he slammed out a beautiful double into left field to bring in clendening to end the game 6 5 hits runs eros stouffville 7 10 6 5 aurora 5 5 4 lineup aurora c truan p vail lb hort 2b molyneax 3b newfelt ss k trivett rf higgins cf b trlvett lf kay stouffville c l lehman lb b lehman p j pennock 2b wboad- way 3b r button ss d hodgins rf clendening cf nbaker lf doc smith next game friday night c pm sutton at stouffville come and support a good home team marriages rowo barker on june 3rd 1933 in st simons church toronto ontario by tho rev f h browin gertrudo good win daughter ot dr and mrs earl stanley barkor of stouffville ont to mr stanley william rowo son of mr and mrs thomas rowe of mortlach sask the wedding guests were enter tained in tho roof garden of the royal york hotel in tlio evening following tho wedding trip the bride and groom will live in now york a new barber shop opexed in collards block ladies and gents hair cutting special attention given to children under 12 years 20c your patronage would bo greatly appreciated operated by experienced harbors sxowball harrison barbers and tobacconists stouffville baptist chubob sunday june 11th 1933 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship rev h slade of timmlns new ontario will preach at all services please remember the prayer services wednesday at 8 pm sunday at 615 pm you are invited to all of the above services t t t t stouffviliih united church rev thos xaldlaw ma pastor sunday june 11th 1933 1000 am s s bible classes 1100 am morning worship the worlds hunger for christ and the churchs opportunity and need 700 pm evening service tho hem of christs garment on gods selfexpresslon the pastor will preach at both services wednesday 8 pm prayer and bible study you are cordially welcomed to these services t t t t ballantrae bloomington tionvbuub united churches rev j a o kell pastor sunday june 11th 1933 v friday june 9th yps in ballantrae church 1030 ballantrae 230 lemonville 700 pm bloomington the pastor and officials wish to thank all those who have assisted in making the special services at lemonville so inspiring and help ful tho ladles aid at ballantrae are planning a garden party on july 5 e a grubin registered optometrist juno dates 12th and 13th 26th and 27th at stouffville every other monday and tuesday july dates 10th and 11th 24th and 25th eyes examined j phone stouffville 240s j edwin smith specialized radio service formerly with t eaton co ltd prompt service on all calls phone 3306 obrien avo stqtiff vill