canada reduces buffalo herd this weeks great herd in alberta has to be kept within graz ing capacity of reserve ottawa upwards of half a million ituth africa are now being shifted to coal mines in order to test this ov1ciuc 1 uica j just what constitutcs j the subject of dr haldanes michigan ad- our crossword puzzle vitamon d added to both dried and pasteurized product other notes thre is gi reason to believe that pounds of buffalo nieut was placed on from 50 to to per cent of the younjj children suffer to some degrei from rickets the disease caused by lack ot bonehardening vitamin 1 when ir was discovered ilat povertystricken childrei of the tropics who play in the sun are less likely than city children to have bowlegs one of the signs of rickets it oecurre to dr huwsehin- sky that the ultraviolet rays in sun light must have some effect on bone formation he proved his theory by some striking experiments with mer curyvapor lamps that emitted ultra violet rays when drs hess and steenbock in dependently showed that foods whicn were not preventives of rickets could be made potent for that purpoe merely by exposing them to ultra violet rays the case was eomplet codliver oil for example owes its vitamin content to the fact that fish devour sea food that has been iri-aoi- ated by the sun milk is good be cause cows digest grass turned green by the sun vitamins are affected by the near pasteurized and dried milk therefoie lose some of their more valuable pro perties for this reason babies fe i on pasteurized milk are always veii orange juice it occured to early in vestigators that if pasteurized ir dried milk were subjected to ultra violet radiation vitamins would bo synthesized especially the antirachi tic vitamin d ihe experiments wee successful introducing vitamin d the canadian market during the autumn as a result of he slaughter ot some 1200 animals from the herd in buffalo xatlonal park at walnivrunt alberta the disposal of these mem bers of canadas grei t national herd was made necessary by the grazing limitations of the immense fenced re- jervo at wainwright and the 1200 slaughtered are the equivalent of the 1932 increase this reduction brings h herd down to approximately csoo the annual reduction ot the herd ot wainwright alberta jich is admin istered by the department of the in terior through tho national parks ot canada calls to mind canadas suc cess in bringing back tho buffalo the herd at wainwright developed from the pablo herd purchased by the do minion government in 1907 a total of is animals wen- bought from the shrewd montana half breed and 031 ot these were established in buffalo na j tlonal park while the remainder form ed the nucleus for the present herd ot over 1000 in elk island national park the animals placed in buffalo park have increased rapidly durinj the twentyfive years sinco the establlsa- ment of the ark a total of 0673 was shipped north to wood buffalo park near fort smith northwest terri tories including this years number a total of s680 have been slaughtered and the meat heads and hides dis posed of which together with the 6300 still remaining in the park make a total of- 21653 animals the practice followed in this years disposal of the surplus animals at wainwright was the same as in the several years since a reduction of the herd became necessary for its future well being the entire herd was rounded up and the animals selected were separated and placed in special corrals conveniently close to the abat toir they included 500 over four years of age 400 three year olds 250 two year olds and 50 aged buffalo each day since november 3 when the work began a certain number were slaughtered and the carcasses inspect ed and placed in refrigerator cars for shipment to the larger cenres of popu lation throughout the dominion van couver edmonton calgary regina winnipeg toronto ottawa an mont real all receive allotments and there by citizens in every part of the do minion were given an opportunity to enjoy a real treat buffalo meat has all the juicy tenderness of the finest beef and is highly irded as an article of food ninety the car casses from the slaughter including the fifty aged buffalo were set aside to be dried and later distributed among the eskimo to relieve capes of distress the buffalo heads are mounted tor sale while the skins are made up in to robes and rugs and coats for both ladies and gentlemen by careful treatment the weight of the coat3 has been reduced so that they compare favourably with other ns in this respect for warmth durability and appearance they rank with the beat from other canadian furbearers injections for the drowsy a woman of fortyfive was always tired she had to sleep about thirteen hours out of the twentyfour and at last getting up in the morning beca ne an agony four weeks of treatment b injec tion with gland extract enable her now to get up every morning early with case this and other cases of the kind says dr jean pnnin in j sais tout paris owo everything to a recent discovery of dr leopold levi pioneer of endocrinology in france his knowledge of the internalsecre tion glands prompted him to experi ment until ho had tested extracts for sleepyheads a suprarenal gland ex tract seems most potent with those who want to get up early we read an egyptian woman in a condition of profound weakness was able after fourteen injections of cortico-supraro- nal oxtract to get up at seven in the morning instead of at ten a result un attainable hitherto a young woman an invalid was af fected by a persistent sleepiness she went to bed without waiting to eat her dinner so intonso would bo her desire to sleep a multiglandular treatment with suprarenal extract made it easy fro her to get up in the morning at a quarter past six ridding her of her drowsiness besides a doctor having passed his fiftieth year could not get up early after a courso of treatment through tho enorgy glands from tho ninth medi cal visit in fact ho could get up early without difficulty and at thj samo tlmo ho was freed from nervousness nnd pain dr g c supplee the director of an induttrial laboratory at bain- bridge ny where the manufacture of dried milk is scientifically con trolled has now reduced this discov ery to commercial practice by stand ardizing the exposures he am his associates found that the rays do not penetrate more than a fraction of an inch hence the milk is allowed to flow in a very thin layer in the beams of a carbon arc reflectors distribute the rays evenly and at constantly changing angles the total exposure does not exceed sixteen seconds noc erough to affect the milk chemically dr supplee has thus activated 500c quarts of iniik an hour at a cost ot one twentyfifth of a cent to the quart since it is important to know how intense the radiation is dr supplee makes exact measurements with a modified photoelectric cell he the cell much ac any dairyman vouh use the thermometer but in this cas to coitrol the temperature of the pasteurization the work of dr supplee is impor tant because it is now possible for manufacturers of dried milk and pas teurizers to sell a uniform product that will meet the standards set by physicians so far as its contents vt itamin d are concerned the blessings of dusty aie ons of the stock exhibits of com mittees organizeo to teach the public how to avoid contracting tuberculosis is a pai of miners lungs black with coal dust yet that biological revo lutionist dr j b s haldane o camoidge university rather start led an audience of physiologists and biochemists at the universfty ot michigan by maintaining that dust whether coal dust or rock dust is not the menace it is commonly suppose to be rock dust by itself dr haldane- admits is a real danger it consist of fine particles of silicates each a little knife that cuts into lung tissue and thus produces the disease known as silicosis but rock dust mixed with coal dust is no health hazard according to dr halde coal oust stimulates expectoration as he clears his lungs and throat the miner gets rid of the coal dust as well as the rock dust that may be mixed with it in fact ths irritation produced by coal 1 jst may actually be a benefit of warding off silicosis gold miners in tho quartz seams of the rand in dress depends on what the viewpoint it the unquestionably pure air that the aviator breathes at 20000 feet bad in the sense that tn re is not enough of it and that it exalts and leads to reckless acts air charged with rock dust particles tossed up in the process of grinding cutlery sand and minute bits of cotton fluff is bad because if breathed continually it may int uce tuberculosis and pneumo nia apparently air charged with limestone and tlourraill dust is not bad in this sense faste vs science protests rise from gourmets good cooking means cleanliness ii itself but hygiene the word smells f iodoform carbolic acid surgical dressings a dish hygienictlly pre pared tastes of the laboratory and not of the kitchen and the glass shops with the sterilized air and the whiteclad butchers must we oe forever reminded of appeidicitis cooking is an irt not a surgical or chemical procedure and so the con servatives predict that the cordon bleu will continue to follow the tradi tions of cleanliness give all his senses a chance to judge the fitness of fool to be terved in a casserole and leave the fear of bacteria to the whitetiled food factories where ma chines and thermometers ar the real clocks o for the slim figure by helen williams illustrated dressmaking lesson fur nished with every pattern recurring weakness mrs carr finds dr williams pink pills wonderfully beneficial in restoring strength two farmers had many arguments is to which could grow tho best pro duce one day ono ot them sent his ton to borrow tho others crosscut aw what might ho want it for tho latter asked well said tho boy hes got a cabbage so big he says koll want the saw before ho can get it into tho barrow go back and tell him he cant have it lvo got it fast in a potato was the rply feels quite improved i am a middle- aged woman mar ried 12 years 1 havo a weak heart and sometimes get so weak i can hardly move about writes mrs h carr port carllng ont i was advised to try dr williams pink pills and they have been a wonderful tonic to me after taking thrco boxes i feel quito improved aud am able to walk again i consider dr williams pink pills a great blessing to humanity mrs carrs high praiso of dr wil liams pink pills is typical of what thousands of other grateful women havo written these pills actually create the rich new blood which is lacking in rundown exhausted sys tems growing girls in great num bers havo found dr williams pink pille a verltablo blessing older peo ple have equal need of them get a supply from your druggist 50c a package take one of the lovely new soft woolens plaided tiny selfcheck pat tern or monotone to fashion this charming daytime dress for its col lar you can take white crepe silk or pique if you choose plain woolen if novelty woolen is your choice repeat one of the colors in a rough crepe silk or plain woolen and you are ready to start note the smart buttonec neckline another is the similar buttoned hip trcatueit so distinctly chic and slim ming style no 3289 is designed for sizes 14 16 18 20 years 30 38 and 40 inches bust size 10 requires 2vi yards 51inch with yard 35inch contrasting how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 15c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto treatment of poles ottawa tho tendency of a water- soluble salt when cd as a preserva tive against decay to climb up tho snn- wood to the top of the poles when they aro placed in tho ground has been tho subject ot investigation by tho forest products laboratories of canada for est service department cl tho in terior work conducted in connection with this investigation indicates that poles treated with such watersoluble preservatives as zinc chlorides aro not immune for an indefinite period to fungous attack in tho vicinity of the groundline tho most vlunerablo point bo cause of tho tendency ot tho salts to gradually creep up to tho upper part of tho pole tho motorist called at a village shop and asked for a toothbrush sorry sir replied tho shopkeeper we havent got in our stock of new year novelties yet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 13 14 1 t 15 16 17 is i i 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 f r 28 29 t 30 31 32 33 34 i 35 36 37 i i r 39 40 i i 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 horizontal 3s genus ot frogs 16 mineral 1 aside 39 to terrify is gods vital fluid 4 deadly 40 grain 20 to believe 9 pronoun 41 fearful 21 spanish title 12 mold 43 sound ot knock 22 scent 13 to run away 44 salted 23 woodland deity 14 joke 46 clear 25 witchcraft 15 again 49 to inspire fear 26 incline 17 having laments 50 partly h d 2s along 19 vase 52 rather 29 throng 20 to cringe 53 by birth 31 over 21 transaction 54 to eat away 32 iustantlv 23 seed bearer 55 number 35 admission 24 slang mediocre vertical 36 scuttle ictors 1 poem 37 scarf 27 age 2 paddle 39 beverage 2s tub 3 starch 40 sign of zodiac 29 fashionable 4 plant 42 to award 30 not any 5 bevege 43 excursion 31 scottish for own b preposition 44 container 32 conjunction 7 plant louse 43 to be due 33 colluquail push s slim 46 top 34 the end 9 expanded 47 anger 36 hearth projection 10 shade is low haunt 37 piece of information 11 finish 51 put outs baseball the tokenh art ansu er to lst weeks by ralph wotberspoon in g ks weekly london in the old farm chimney jane and i espied a poor shrivelled sh eps heart black and mummified tucked away upon the shelf where the flue begins we found a sheeps heart stuck full of pins how it came to be there xone could lcoer nor who had stuck the pins in it to plagi her faithless lover who the jilted maiden was aud who the truant swain i could only onder and likewise jane how she must have suffered said jane with a sigh she probably deserved to and more quoth i when she drove a pin home did he feel a pain i hope not i answered i hope so said jane i hope so i hope so i hope so said jane puzzle e rl a v a hope unaccompanied with a godly life had better be given up and the sooner the better for if re tained it will prove as a spiders web when god shall take away the soul aughey albertabritish columbia boundary ottawathe boundary between al berta and british columbia is the crest of the rocky mountains from the international boundary northerly to the intersection with the 120th meridan of west longitude from whence it runs due north along that meridian to the north ouudary of the two provinces the mountain crest section of the boundary and the 120th meridian as far north as township 97 have been surveyed by an interpro- vincial boundary commission and nearly all the map sheets are now available from the topographical sur vey department of the interior otta wa do you know mmvmrnmmmmmmmmm m owl laffs my dog and i old pal the years are slipping by our leaning shadows eastward fall it wont be long till you and i will hear and heed our masters call i dont know where well go from here or what well be or what well do and i dont care if only fate will grant me just one friend like you friend did you ever attend a school for stuitenig stutterer nuno 1 jjjjust ppppicked it up men are like boys theyll work much harder to amuse themselves than they will to make money iou know em dont you visitor what nice buttons you are sewing on your little boys suit my husband once bad some like that on his suit ministers wife yes i get all my buttons out of the collection plate nurse loses 7 lbs stolen kisses may be sweetest nut a little enthusiastic cooperation does not hurt anything medlin i hear that when gerald snyder was in the hospital he bad to have two nurses night and day llerbiu ves his wife wouldnt trust him alone with just one wheu you follow the path of least resistance you must be content to ar rive long after the crowd modern love song believe me if all those adhering young charms which i view with admiring dismay are going to rub off on theshoulders and arms of this suit which was just cleaned today thou wilt be adored with my usual zeal my sweetheart my loved one my own but ill sternly repress the emotions 1 feel ill love you hut leave you alone i weighed 143 lbs writes nurie wbeu i bought the bottle of llruschen salts which 1 have just finished i have takn a good halfieaspooiful in a glass of hot water every morning now i weigh 13s lbs a loss o 7 lbs 1 am very glad to hai e lost weigtit especially without trouble mhk trained nurse unlike most salts kruschen isnt simply a laxative when you take kruschen salts you not ouly stimulate your livci and kidneys to function naturally and perfectly but you sup ply every internal organ glaud nerve and fibre in the body with natures own revitalizing and rejuvenating minerals get a bottle of kruschen salts to day and take onehalf a teaspoc in a glass of hot water very mor il w be fore breakfast before the bottle is empty you ii feel years ounger eyes will brighten step grow springhtlier nerves steadier youll sleep sound enjoy your meals and after a hard day work youll be ready for wholesome recreation one million women already know all this fair question a couple of men were playing a golf match but not very seriously lor they managed to get a good deal ot fun from the encounter the climax came at a hole where one of them attempting a terrific drive saw the head of his club sail away at the end of yards of whipping and fall into a stream now look here said his oppon ent in mock annoyance which la it going to be golf or fishing uncle youre not married are you no darling then who tells you what you ought not to do johnson women dont interest me i prefer the compar- of my fel low men sellers im broke too brcher classified advertising an offer to every inventor list or wanteu inventions and ull iiuormatlon bent freft tho kamsay jom- pany world patent attorneys 273 uauk street ottawa canada- its hanuary now in san hosay new president i stopped over in san juan and old president pardon me but you shoud fnv san huan in california we pronounce our js nko ks new president well youll have to give me time you see ive been in the state only through hune and huly condensed geography teacher what are the products of the west indies boy i dont kuow come come where do you get sugar from we borrow it from the nextdoor neighbor at april 1st 3s5 morning news papers had 14391417 net paid circu lation 1543 evening newspapers had paid circulation of 25676074 these figures are within one per cent of the net paid as of summer 1929 editor and publisher new york stories are wanted well written stories hi j a ready market today the jlcklshnle course of instruction lor ioine study purposes will develop your creative power and lead you to success rite for free ability test shaw schools lluilled sept a 1130 bay street 1oonto re- tinning miik cans lee cream packer- c c hoops your old cam made ke new for less than hall cost of new las- teurizera rejini iii your idaut toronto cadmium piatin tlmiingf co ltd 190 edwin avenue toronto sonny daddy the dog has littered up the living room again daddy break anything sonny oh no but she has six puppies you shouldnt expect to fly all night with the bats and then sail around all day with tho meadowlarks wife ive invted one of my old sweethearts to dinner do you mind husband mind heavens no 1 always love to associate with lucky people tb a free book 5000 to be given awav any sufferer rrom this jieate whu has not yet read the ook recently published at 36d dy ni english piy- slcian on the treatment anu cura ol tuberculosis may have a copy whilst the supply lastb sent free of churge to any address applications 10 enocn 3 zwloker hew germany mte opportunity beeomo a part owner in a ousl- ness having no competition manufacturing under patented pro cess line of chemicals now being imported from foreign countries sale of output assured opport- j unity for large profits from small investment write for particulars chemical producers limited wilson buildings 73 adelaide street west toronto ontario nontransferable teacher tommy come up here and give me what youve got in your mouth tommy i wish could the toothache tftwmmssifrwfihrwiim that in walnrlght buffalo park alberta experiments havo been carried out in crossbreeding buffalo and angus cattle in an en deavor to produco a milk and food animal capable of withstanding tho rigors of the very far north tho curloub looking beast in the photograph is the result of this experiment and is known as a cattalo that r u feeling put yourself right with nature by chewing fccnamint works mildly but effectively in small doses mod era safe scientific for the family soured on the world thats liver wake up your liver bile mo calomel necessary many peoplo who ted how elupninh ami kcncrnlly wretched nmke tho mibtnko of tnltink talto oil mineral water laxativo randy or chewinfe itum or roiiklmro which only movo the bowels ami isnoro tho liver what you need la to wako up your liver bile start vour liver pourink tho daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowel oct your stomach and ioteetincs working ns they should onto more carters littlo liver tilln will boon fw you up purely vetnbe kafc sure quick ask for them by name kcfuto substitute 253 at all urupcists 61 shampoo regularly icith cwticiiha soal precede lay appklcatfourj of cutictoa jxtment soap 25c ointmcut25c nndsoc for constipation now i feel full of pep after taking lydia e pinjc- hams vegetable compound thats what hundreds of women say it steadies the nerves makes you eat better sleep better relieves periodic headache and backache makes trying daya endurable if you are not a9 well as yoo want to be give this medicine a chance to help you get a bottle from yout drpgglst today issue no 333