Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 23, 1931, p. 7

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cities of world building for 2031 the nations are making new capital cities or rebuild ing their old ones loudon is being rebuilt something like 00000000 will be required for the new roads underground railway extensions dock improvements new bridges and electrified suburban rail ways that are planned also a 200 000000 underground goods railway connecting up all docks wharves rail ways markets and shopping centres has been proposed a further j250000000 is being spent in building shops olllces or dwelling houses existing structure are being razed to the ground and on their sites appear taller more modern and far muro costly edifices there aio other countries which shako their heads at this costly de molition and reconstruction they do things differently when their capi tals no onger meet their requirements they throw them aside liko old boots and build new elsewhere during tho durbar or 1911 king george v announced that the old capi tal of calcutta was to ho replaced by ft new city it has been built and tho government of india is now conduct ed from new delhi making good the havoc in contrast to new delhi serving a teeming population is canberra tho new federal capital of australia which was inaugurated in 1927 by tho duke and duchess of york this won- 3cr city of the future standing 1800 foot above sealevel and backed by snowcapped mountains will serve a very sparsely populated contlnont the world was staggered in 1923 when tokio was all but decimated by an earthquake over 000000 houses collapsed and 150000 people perished when the japanese nation came to look upon tho debris they decided to rebuild and got to work at once their new tokio will embrace eightyfour adjacent towns and vil lages and in planning for a popula tion of 4750000 people the japs aim to make their capital tho worlds third largest city italy however doesnt want a new capital rome is too great a name but she plans to restore its lost pres tige by making a wide causeway through the heart of the city this road ono mile long will cost thous ands of dollars per foot to construct but tho sale of building plots at great ly enhanced values on either side will bring over 30000000 as done in china years ago angora in asia minor was almost unknown to the rest of the world but when tho turks decided to abandon constantinople now known as istambul angora was selected to bo tho new capital to the great joy of the local landowners for building sites appreciated a thousandfold overnight turkey plans to spend more than 2 500000 during a flvo years con structional scheme and so in spito of tho fact that istamhuls business in terests remain in their old quarters for tho moment angoras population has jumped from 20000 to 50000 russia has changed tho site and tho name of its capital town a number of times but all tho while today mos cow leningrad archangel and other important towns are being modern ized under tho famous flvo years plan evon tho chinese who are most conservative aro investing in a now capita and thus peking which had served them in this respect for over 400 years has been ousted by nan king nanking today is little but a collec tion of tumbledown insanitary houses and in order to securo sanitation wide streets and stately buildings china is to build the new capital a lit tle way away from tho old town though appropriating us name lon don answers my entertaining j smart hostesses fcavo learned the value of keeping kraft cheese and vdveeta handy for entertaining delicious sand wiches or a tasty salad are only a matter of minutes with these tempting food ia the ice beat famous referee cheese and elveeta mado in canada by the mokers of kraft salad dressing knights meaford flooring it s good see your dealer its even better get our prices its the best the knight mfg lbr co ltd meaford telshalaf discloses a forgotten people subarean statues found in mesopotamia reveal a culture believed to be 6000 years old hastelessness all the procession of living and growing things passes tho grass stands up taller and still taller the sheaths open and the stalk arises the pollen clings till the breeze sweeps it the bees rush past and tho resolute wasps the bumblebees whose weight swings them along about the oak and maples tho brown chafers swarm and the fernowls at dusk and the blackbirds and jays by daycannot re duce their legions while they last yellow butterflies and white broad red admirals and sweet blues think of the tingdom of flowers which is theirs heavy moths burring at the edge of the copse jreei and red and gold flics gnffts liko smoke around the treetops midges so thick over tho brook as if you could haul a netful tiny icaping creatures in the grass bronsso beetles across the path blue dragon flies pondering on cool leaves of waterplantain blue jays flitting a magpie drop ping across from elm to elm missel thrushes leading their flcdg- ijiss fllrfady ftfpnj on the wing from field lo field an egg hero on the sward dropped by a starling a red indybug creeping tortoiselike up a green fern frond finches undulat ing through the air shooting thcyn- scivcs with closed wings and linnets happy with their young haste lessness is the only word one can mako up to describe it there is much rust but no haste richard jeffcrics in the pageant of summer colossal statues and towering temple facades in a setback forma tion reminiscent of skyscrapers re cently discovered in mesopotamia writes diana rico in the ny times are said not only to bo unique among archaeological discoveries but to open a new fiold of study for tho scholar ot antiques according to baron max von oppenheim a not ed gorman archaeologist and student of subareanhittite culture now in tho united states to study recent discoveries made at ur of the chal- dees tho artifacts of tellhalaf indi cate a civilization older than any found in mesopotamia mesopotamian discoveries the archaeological discoveries were made in upper mesopotamia on the site of the ancient city of tellhalaf and now reposo in tho barons museum in berlin where they aro now being studied by schol ars according to the baron tell- halaf thrived about 3500 bc and therefore the subarean race which built it antedated the sumerlans at ur baron von oppenheim believes that his discoveries establish a new and hitherto unsuspected link be tween the egyptian and subarean civilizations for the kings ot tell- foot health is most important to your work ami pleasure banish foot troubles with cress salve clean and pure just rub it on re moves corns callouses warts in- growntoonails quickly safely it lencltii druggists or sona f orar soo the chess iabohatoeies 34 alliens st w kitchener ont halaf sent four princesses to egypt all ot whom became queens one fne aunt ot tutankhamen he ascribes much of tho culture form erly attributed to tho hittitcs to tho subareans tellhalaf is slowly giving up its secrets said baron von oppenhcha- for a long timo wo havo been going to that part ot the mesopotamia desert where tellhalaf is situated and for a long time we have known there was important archaeological material there as early as 1s9d the mound was marked out for in vestigation but it was not until 1911 that we began to dig we were in terrupted by tho war and did not sent another expedition until 1927 after germany had joined the lea gue of nations tho result of our 192729 excavations have been as tonishing tellhalaf must have been a gar den spot in the old days it is the centre of a group ot oases watered by hundreds of springs lying in the midst ot a desert waste it was an ideal site for a great city where could thoso old subarean kings have found a moro logical place to locate their capital erect their enormous temples and stone chambers for their gods the city became the centre of a civilization that spread over other parts of the near east in the cast there have been only three original and independent civ ilizations tho egyptian the old babylonian or sumerian x the subarean whoso centre was tell- halaf the subarean art suoh as wo found in the tellhalaf area has rraro slcttotol bimbskelow0tavew8 owl laffs such a joy in june tho roses mako the world so sweet the bees the birds have such a tune theres such a light and such a beat and such a joy in june referee jack dempsey separating max baer and paulino uzcudun in isth round of 20round light in reno july 4 when uzcudun won the decision u9 r to great britain and back special reduced third class farefrommontrcol to belfast glas gow liverpool plymouth or london and back good going from aug 1st to oct 15th return portion valid for 2 years round trip rnto to continental points reduced proportionately two sailings a week for full information apply cunaro line cor hay and wellington sta phonaelitln347i toronto or any tttomstilp atent c u nard anchor donaldson roved rid your home of flies with acroxon the improved spiral fly catcher with the longer nnd wider ribbon acroxon is guaranteed not to dry out or deteriorate the giue isolways fresh fragrant and sweet irresistible to flies acroxon is good for 3 weeks service jtenwon fly catcher gets the fly every time sola aienti newton a hill 5s front street eat toronto heretofore been generally referred to as hittite because we knew only the moro recent stone carvings which have been attributed to hittite art ists but these hittites aro indo- german intruders from the north to asia minor and syria who came only in the second millennium to this part ot the world through my discoveries at tell- halaf it was apparent that the sub arean culture and art went back to tho third millennium possibly to 4500 bc dating by pottery baron von oppenheim dates his discoveries by means of the painted pottery found below the sumerian or babylonian level this painted pottery is much earlier than 3500 bc he continu ed it is contemporaneous with flint and other stone implements the clay from which it was made was a light yellow blackbrown dye was used in painting the de signs it is a dyo that cannot bo imitated we have tried to imitate it in germany hut have been unsuc cessful this dark brown shade was tho original color which has since taken on a reddish tint there is no mistaking the prehistoric pottery which dates with accuracy tho level where it is found mr wooiley of tho university of pennsylvania found similar pottery at ur in lower mes opotamia where ho is excavating be low the sumearian stratum ur is a long distance from tellhalaf and tho sumerian art found there is not tho same as our art tho two are independent of each othor it was not until 1911 that the first archaeological expedition discovered tho site ot tellhalaf for there had been drama and secrecy about the buried city only because tho bar on spoke fluent arabic did ho hap pen to hear a talo being whisperod in tho desert about tho bedouin who digging a grave for his old father came on a winged monster and oth er queer animals which ho hastily covered up and fled the next year came tho plague and a pest of locusts convincing the bedouins that tho winged monsters had sent the scourge only after much recon- noitering was the sito of the desert ed city disclosed superficial dig gings at onco uncovered an exten sive arc rich in sculptured images set in what was later found to bo a temple a ninetyfoot excavation digging one foot down wo began to discover interesting relics but it was only after wo had dug ninety feet that tho great tcmplepalaco stood revealed said baron von op penheim around tho walls of the templo on blocks of stone were carved in bold relief what might be called a historical procession of ani mals birds winged monsters hu man figures chosen as appropriate symbols by early subarean sculptors to adorn their halls ot stato ono group displayed an animals orches tra a hon wtili a harp a donkey singing other animals dancing thero woro hunting scenes and bat tles royal beiween beasts of tho for ests between birds scorpions and grlfllns whcro did tho artists get their designs and models thoy were probably symbolical somo imaginative others representing scenes in tho everyday life ot the times practically all tho stone statuary was of basalt a hard dark volcanic stone most of it was rcmarkablo for its gigantic dimensions tho threo great gods among tho largest relics unearthed were each twenty feet high tho first known as lord of heaven and earth rain and weather stands by his side on the back of a lioness and close beside them is their child tho son god with a hon beneath its feet weather the winter was cold we shivered and shook did nothing but scold tho winter was cold tho wind was too bold wo gave it the hook tho winter was cold wo shivered and shook tho summer is hot wo fumo and we fuss and seek a cool spot tho summer is hot and all that is not inviting to us the summer is hot wo fumo and wo fuss if summer were cold and winter were hot would wc be consoled if summer were cold the truths better told wod still curso our lot if summer were cold and winter were hot edward w barnard ny times mrs jenkins looking up from her newspaper i see theres a new cof fee on the market that has dates in it mr jenkins what do you mean dates in it mis jenkins why this advertise ment says its dated there is some reason to expect that in tlmo chicago will erect a monu ment to tho unknown victim oscu lation knows no nationality a kiss is something that tastes good in any language some peoplo ar as dumb as they look and others are dumber than they can possibly look the rea son a man cant find a policeman when he wants ono is because the police man is not looking for him the purchasers of high quality goods get the most for their money reggie and do the people next door borrow much from you jasper borrow why i feel more at homo in their house than i do in my own hows your brain this is a trick so dont say we didnt warn you read this sentence federal fuses are tho result of years ot scientific study combined with tho experience of years now count the fs in that sentence only once dont go back and count them again at the bottom of this column youll find tho answer and it will tell you something about how good your brain she and will you love me as much as this when wo are married he how can you doubt me you know ive always liked married women best the reason a man is not greeted with a kiss and a smile when ho gets homo in tho evening is because his wife knows ho is going to start right in mossing up the house or kicking about the expenses taint what we have but what we give taint where wo are but how wo live taint what wc do but how wo do it that makes this life worth going through it there are six ps in tho sentence you read in the paragraph above an averago intelligence recollects three of them if you spotted four youre above tlio averago if you got five you can turn up your noso at most anybody if you caught all six youre a genius and a lot too good to be wasting your time on foolishness like this i dont you think my new bathing suit is perfectly charming yes it is very pretty but 1 fear it isnt serviceable im sure it will shrink when it is wot oh well i can wear it all sea son without washing saved a man walked into his club mop ping his brow and looking distinctly rufilcd by jove ho panted ive just had a narrow squeak 1 was almost run into by a beastly baby car you worent hurt asked a friend oil no said tho alleged victim ot tho near thing thanks to tho fact that i happen to bo bowlegged wo rush liko mad all the timo and it may not pay nevertheless we have never seen man or woman who took their timo to their tasks mako a very big success of anything noighbor did i bring your lawn mower back last fall indignant householder no you did not neighbor now whatll i do i wanted to borrow it again if wo wish our foreign trade to prosper wo shall havo to mako it easy for people to trado with ns thomas w lamont proprietor of villago stores show ing some snapshots i was out of focus when that ono was taken mrs green mrs green im not sur prised youro always out of some thing it was tapioca on wednes day kennedy j menton 421 college st toronto harleydavldson distributor writs at ones for our bargain list of used motorcycles terms arranged there is nothing like a glass of bordens chocolate malted milk in times of convalescence it aids in residing depleted energy builds up resistance and promotes sound healthy sleep tkrfm cxmouiot classified advertising bemhants lus prints silk oh velvet o j100 a mtcretry co chatham pob sale f beds can be killed by sotliuin chlorate john hunter box 3 madeleine que sea winds here by tho sea the wind is always blowing- it will not let tho harassed vines be still nor suffer any flowers seal unbroken nor anything to have its will its tyrannies have bred a bleak ac ceptance a warped submission passionless uncouth that strips the heart as bare as yon der beach is so old it has forgotten youth frances dickenson finder in tho lyric barber you are very bald sir do you know what is tho cause of it client i dont know but i suspect that my hair falling ont had something to do with it highest prices paid the canadian wool co ltd 2 church st toronto dont suffer any kmgvr i rum these unnsikhuy blemishes overcome them tt home get 2 oz leioxino iowdcr fx your druggist sprinkle a little n hie face cloth apply with a eiifiilnr rmjitvn nnd the inckbcnds will he all w4she7 away satisfaction or money returned ikbiaaiimaiiiibiuaiiiti j why tolerate pimples and blackheads when jcuticuja j quschly iseilcvca tjscni n aldrufrpij so2s oi iltucnt 23 nitlsoc n n d s 3 d n i p i s n a n j n i dandruff anil kollinc hair use min- 2rd exactly a you would any hair tonic do thi 4 lirtirs a week and therciil will be a clear head and glossy hair 3 expect stork w july sttct fai44 k rothir advised me to take jvjl he vegetable compound because i suffered such pain each momn it helped me so much that after 1 marriedi still took it 1 am ex pecting a little one in july and i depend upon vegetable com pound afy sister takes it too mrs aubrey s smith p oj box 104 north sydney nova scotia is only one of thousands of women who depend on vegetable compound to carry them over difficult times wont you try iutoo issue no 30 31

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