lightning heat and motors take toll of ten lives in the wake of the storm two young girls drown wellknown border business executive victim of motor accident only recovered after our hours search many wero swimming around when the youth went under tiut as he got into a dangerous whirlpool efforts to save hlui wero unsuccessful traffic constable t owens of brampton brought sid kidnor a noted bramp ton swimmer to the scene hut ho was unablo to locate the body attor many attempts finally somo drag nets were secured dr j mccoll decided an inquest was uunocessary tho youth had been in canada 14 months ho was born in county armagh reland ho has been working for mr ruddell for four mouths an aunt lives on number street toronto dive from boat fatal chatham barnadetto tho nine- yearold daughter of mr and mrs zacharie gagner of tho river road dover township lost her lifo on sat urday evening whilo bathing in tho thames kivor three miles below the city limits tho girl and her cousin julia wero playing on a row boat julia who was able to swim a little dived off the boat and struck for shore barnadetto thinking the water shallow is said to have jumped in aftor her and to have gone into a deep hole tho body was recovered about three- quarters of an hour later by charles buck of paincourt and trulo gagner the girls uncle and two of his hired men dr j f held pronounced lifo extinct and no inquest is to bo held one drowned one paralyzed windsor when william marquet of detroit went in swimming at cedar island near kingsvillo lato sunday he dived in shallow water ho is in hotel dleu hospital paralyzed from the waist down and it is fearod he lias a fractured spine an xray is boing taken to ascertain the injuries augustine f zulaica employed on a farm near harrow was drowned when ho stopped into a hole in the bottom of lake erie at john brunor beach ho was unable to swim the body was recovered in about an hour brothers lose lives hawkesbury two montreal broth ers aged about 14 and 15 wero drown ed sunday afternoon at point fortune que according to word reaching here their names aro unknown tho bodies have not yot been recovered skull fractyred windsor fouryearold blvln la- chance son of mr and mrs joseph lachance of klversido is at deaths door in metropolitan general hospital suffering from a fractured skull tho lad and somo playmates wero playing when the littlo lad ran in front of an auto driven by cecil boyle riverside drowned barnadetto gagner 0 dover town- bip in thames river robert ralph 30 london in thames river lucy corakl 9 windsor in detroit river david mcneely 29 ashgrove in credit river augustiuo zulalca harrow in lake brie killed by motors albert jones 65 walkervllle mrs laura williamson 213 shaw street toronto killed by heat william peyne 71 peterboro michael neary peterboro killed by lightning robert osborne 12 toronto ten lives wero forfeited in outario for tho weekends pleasure seeking two nineyearold girls and two men wore drowned while bathing auothor mau was found dead in tho thames kiver presumably from drowning two persons including a wellknown border business executive albert jones of walkorvillo wero tho vic tims of motor tradic two olderly peterboro men cutting jjaoir lawn grass on nearby streets were almost simultaneously killed by seizures brought on by tho heat and a toronto boy was killed by a light- nlug bolt at tho rougo hills among tho scores ot injured wero mr justice d a mcdonald of the bri tish columbia bench whoso home is in vancouver ho wa3 hurt in a high way accidont in the london district little girl perishes windsor lucy gorski aged nine drowned white bathing in the detroit kiver sunday two other childreu in tho water with her had narrow escapes from death tlie childreu wero wading when two of them got over the channel bank into doep water lucy was drowned but anna ostaff aged 12 of detroit was eaved by jack ballenioro aged 19 of detroit who plunged to her rescue and sucoeded in keeping her afloat un til a boat camo to his assistance jeu- ny happy aged nine of bast wind sor also got to the edge of the chan nel bank but was able to swim back jto safety l gorski brother ot the drowned felrl was also rescued ho was picked jjp by a mr boydon whilo tho boat was being hurried to the assistance of the ostaff girl the names of tho jwlmmors who took part in tho res- jjuos woro not obtainable by tho police the body was recovered after 40 inlnutes search all efforts at resus citation failed the drowning was the third to oc- ur in tho detroit river in 48 hours ftwo detroit sisters margaret and isa bel laird lost their livos when they wont in swimming on friday i executive is victim windsor albert jones 05 general superintendent of tho canadian bridgo company walkervllle was almost in stantly killed on saturday evening when he was struck by an automobile according to polico records jones stopped from between two cars parked on wyandotte street near victoria itoad walkervllle into tho path of an tauto driven by david wilson of wind sor mr jones has been associated with the canadian bridge company for 20 jroars and for 20 years prior to that was associated with tho united stales btcel corporation at plants in tho united states ho is survived by his wife ami ono daughter the body was taken to youngslown phio for interment his father and jnolher aro buried thoro an inquest ordered by coroner dr jlassard will bo opened in walkorvillo ipolico headquarters two die in heat spell peterboro tho heat was primarily jrosponsiblo for tho sudden death hero ftt noon saturday of two elderly re sidents under almost similar circum stances william payne 71 years old col lapsed whilo cutting his lawn and died within a fow minutes from a heart tittack aggravated by tho boat de ceased camo to peterboro 15 years ao irom warsaw whoro a brother and glstor reside almost at tho same moment michael jnoary took a weak spell whilo cutting trass and wont homo to collapso and sled in a fow moments mr neary fvvho is survived by his widow and ono ithjhea ionfscouts wo aro glad to notice that several aro looking forward to a revival of lonies havo applied to attend camp tl0 od antelope patrol tho storm that broke backbone of heat wave marks its path top largo tree adjacent to adams home at grimsby snapped liko match stick by tho wind bottom part ot cottage owned by mrs bella fairfield grimsby beach is crushed by an oak treo fallen before the gale heat wave again strikes midwest i 00degree temperatures the rule many deaths and prostrations the markets brother martin in dotroit had boon mployed at tho whito houso and was flt one time an employed of tho old jorlciilal itel bejy cigarette is blamed lsliav c mivillo of oakcrest avenue toronto received severo cuts rind bruises and narrowly escaped ynoro serious injury when his car jjkldded into tho ditch on tho highway between oshawa and bowmanvillo sunday mivillo was in tho act of jlghting a cigaretto when his car skid- jjod he was rushed to the bowman- jrlllo hospital rish lad drowns norval unablo lo swim david mc- jmoelcy aged 20 an irish youth em ployed on tho farm of arthur uuddell ashgrovo was drowned in tho credit jtivor shortly after fivo oclock sun day when ho got beyond his depth be low tho mill stream where tho waler is possibly 2s feet deep his body was produce quotations toronto dealers arc buying produce at tho following prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 1gv4 to 17c fresh firsts 13 to 14c seconds 11 to 12c butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 2zyic no 2 2lc churning cream special 21c no- 1 20c no 2 17c cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 12t to 12 4c quotations to poultry shippers are as follows poultry a grade alive spring broilers over 3v4 lbs 24c do over 3 lbs 22c do over 2vi to 3 lbs 19c do over 2 to 2vs lbs 17c fatted iens 5 lbs each lcc do over 4 to 5 lbs 15c do over 3vi to 4 lbs 13c do over 3 to 3v4 lbs 12c ducklings white over 5 lbs lgc do 4 to 5 lbs 14c do colored 2c under white- 0d ivosters over 5 lbs 10c poultry a grade dressed fatted hens 5 lbs 18c do over 4 to 5 lbs 18c do over 3 to 4 lbs lcc do over 3 to 3v4 lbs 15c old roost ers over 0 lbs 14c chicago a heat wave fanned tho middlewcst with vapors so hot they might have corno from a demoniacal oven tho latter part of the week to kill humans and livestock ruin crops and bring suffering to millions although temperatures of 100 de- groes wero tho rulo and not theexcep- tion tho kansas cityweather bureau reported that tho hot weather could not bo considered a heat wave ther mometer readings of from 100 to 103 in tho kansas wheat fields wero nor mal said tho weather forecast there it was as hot in minnesota iowa mis souri wisconsin south dakota and nebraska deaths and prostrations sun stroko and boat strokes occurred in widely- scattered localities ton died in tho region surrounding st paul minn six more in chicago others in indiana iowa and tho southwest a few showers merely turned to steam while farmers unablo for the most part to labor in tho blazing sun hoped for rain to savo their wilting crops grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are making the following quvaliois for car lots manitoba wheat no 1 hard g4ic no 1 northern g3yic no 2 do goyc no 3 do slvlc no 4 do 40c no 4 tough 47xc cif bay ports manitoba v no 3 cw 35 no i feed 29kc no 2 do 28yc manitoba barley no 3 cw 38c no 4 do 37v6c feed 35jc argentine corn 50vic spot plus duty millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 1825 shorts per ton 1925 middlings per ton 2525 ontario grain wheat 40c barley 30 to 33c oats 23 to 2fic rye nom inal buckwheat nominal live stock quotations heavy beef steers 550 to fi25 heifers choice light 550 to 575 do fair to good 5 to 525 do com 150 to 5 butcher steers choice 575 to g do fair to good 525 to 550 do coir 150 to 5 butcher cows good 350 to 1 do ncd- 325 caiiners and cutters 1 to 250 butcher bulls good to choice 3 to 350 do bolognas 250 to 275 baby beef 550 to 750 feed ers good 125 to 150 stockers 315 to 350 springers 50 to g0 calves good and choice 7 to 750 do med 6 to g50 do grassers 3 to 1 lambs choice 10 to 1025 sheep 1 to 3 hogs bacons fob 375 do do wc 75c above fob do selects 1 per hog premium do butchers 1 per hog discount motors speed chinese funerals peiping motor trucks have been enlisted to speed up chinese funeral processions in tho bustle of modern existence chinese had begun to feel they could not spare the two or three days some times necessary for oldstylo funeral processions to make their way from tho city to distant country burial places a great thought freak storm flattens crops horse house rabbit hit by bolt dry ditch fjlls with minnows shelburne ont accompanied by a miniature waterspout a freak storm twisted its erratic way through mel- ancthon district six miles north of here lato saturday afternoon after flattening a field of oats on a farm owned by john sanderson jr as though a giant steanirollor had passed over it tho waterspout with its dip ping whirling funnel cut across ono corner of the property ot john know- les blotting out a mammoth flower bed as though some prehistoric beast had stepped upon it and leaving other flowerbeds and gardentruck almost intact tho delugo from tho waterspout filled a formerly dry ditch with water and there wero many min nows in it indicating that tho water spout had come down from georgian bay or had sucked up its flood from somo nearor stream several fields in tho moro remote vicinity wero flooded ono horse and ono huge jackrabbit woro killed when struck by lightning passing on the btorm damaged another farmhouse when lightning struck tho telephone wires entered tho houso through tho phonebox and sot lire to tho curtains at tho livingroom window tho blaze was extinguished with some difficulty at tho height of tho storm at about 5 oclock saturday afternoon daylight gavo way to gloom so deep that lamps had to ho lighted in all tho farm houses rosidonts describe it as the worst storm in tho last 10 years with regular troops who havo ar ranged scout camps in different parts of the province wo surely hope that thoy havo a good timo and thoroupgh- ly enjoy themselves incidentally far moro regular troops asked to havo lonies go to camp with them than wo could accommodate and that shows that we must bo qulto popu lar with our brothers in tho regu lars wo aro interested to note that our old friends at sault sto marie who now havo a troop of their own are camping at root rivor with 35 scouts and 5 leaders under canvas lono scouts living in the picton dis trict should noto that tho picton fair is to bo held on august 19th and 20th and thero is to be a special boy scout handicraft exhibition what about putting in an entry and havo it re- recently wo notice 30 scouts left england to attend tho 20th birthday camp of tho chechoslovakian scouts at prague england scotland ireland and wales wore all represented and wo think that this is a splendid ges ture of friendship to our foreign brothers to join with them in their anniversary celebrations a largo group of toronto scouts took part recently in a special can ada night display in connection with the lions club conference which was held at the coliseum toronto who would liko to bo tho possessor of a stalkors badge first of all you must bo a good photographer and have a camera and then you must ho possessed of lots of patience for tho requirements of the stalkors badge are as follows to tako a series of ten photographs of ten differout kinds of wild crea tures mammals birds reptiles or corded that a lon scout won a prize how many louies will visit the trom and be able t0 b par ticulars of their lives habits and mark ings that does not sound so very hard does it but you really will havo to exercise quito a lot of patience in or der to obtain ton really good photo graphs which will pass tho test this too is lots ot fun and those of you who havo a camera would bo well advised to get busy on this badgo right now in order that you may make the best use of tho summer light aro you a lone scout if you are between tho agos ot 12 and 18 and cannot become a member of a regular scout troop wo havo room for you in tho lonies if you aro a keen ener getic boy write for particulars to tho lono scout department boy scouts as sociation 330 bay street toronto oiit lone e canadian national exhibition tills year it will be a special scout year as besides tho usual parado to tho ex hibition by tho scouts and cubs of toronto district numbering some thing liko 2000 scouts scout day will include a special grand stand display by scouts and cubs whoro you will bo able to see exhibitions of bridgo building pyramids signalling tent pitching jungle dances dont miss it and also you may havo the opportunity of meeting tho lono scout commissiouer your scoutmaster and tho mysterious lono e who writes this column each week we notice that tho harriston scouts aro beginning to revivo their activities tho louies there havo had a pretty hard struggle for existence but they are keeping their end up and we alberta faced bluenose may be by water shortage brought to toronto easy money the two waltors were standing by the tablo over which tho tired dner had fallon asleep ivo already wakcuod him twice said tho first waiter and im going to wako iiim a third time why dont you havo him taken 50000 head of live stock in southeastern province affected lethbridge alta ranchers in southeastern alberta havo asked tho provincial government natural re sources department to tako stops to find a solution for a serious water shortage existing there as a result ot tho dry weather of the present sea son 50000 head of livestock in tho country cast of stirling and lying along tho lethbridgoweyburn branch of tho canadian pacific railway aro affected by the water shortage ordinarily tho livestock in tho southeastern ranges aro supplied by water in etzikom coulee 50 miles east of stiring this year tho couleo and lakes aro dry whilo somo of tho low- lunenburg schooner may be on exhibit at cne halifax exhibition of tho famous lunenburg fishing schooner bluenose at the canadian national exhibition toronto this fall is contemplated in negotiations which havo beon opened hero with the owners of tho vessel r w e buruaby maritime trade commissioner toronto announced re cently mr burnaby has asked a e lepage president of tho maritime provinces association of toronto to see what arrangement can be made with the ex hibition directors for showing the champion of the north atlantic fish ing fleets at toronto tho bluenose draws 10 feet in the ballast necessary for safo sailing somo of tho waterway through which ing wells aro also drying up it appears sho would havo to pass in a voyage certain that several thousand head of to toronto is only 14 feet deep but livestock will havo to be moved from t tho schooner could bo lightened suf- their homo ranges owing to the acute ficiently to enable her to negotiate situation tho shallow passages by removing bal- it has been suggested to the provin- last at montreal mr burnaby said cinl government that as an unemploy- merit relief project a largo reservoir south of raymond at the head of et- pyjamas disturb ei paso zikom coulee might bo built to pro- e1 p tex ha vide a permanent watr sippy but taken the acc f h sh gkwi difficulty in finding a supply of water diglurbi influcnce here to fill tho reservoir nearer than the a give mo a great thought that i may quicken inysolf with it was tho lang uage of ileidor to his son during his i out suggested tho second waiter last illness how significant was that tho first waiter shook his head request surely tho great thought artfully which ho needed was god when tho nothing doing ho whispered crisis comes ibero is hut ono person every timo i wako him up ho pays that will answer his bill foothills country to the west stands n iii vi n callie 1 airley el paso policewoman in the way of adopting this scheme complaining that indecently dressed it is estimated that it would tako 1- 000000 to provide adepondsbie supply l a p of stock water to the al- wft th e borta range ad ranchers are not sau- t0 t ps gulno thai government can be pre- falr wl p sw iinj i ii i street wear but has served notice she vailed upon lo undertake such an ex- will undertake some degree of regu- lation kolapore cup is retained by britain canadian team is defeated by narrow margin of four points bisloy camp england the kola- poro cup was successfully defended by tho mother country by the nar row margin of four points on july 14th englands team finished with a total of 1106 points out of a pos sible 1200 while canada camo sec ond with 1102 and guernsey third with 10sg tho result of tho match wai in doubt until tho last canadian had fired tho last distance teams of eight competed for ho historic trophy one of tho two great team trophies of the national riflo associations meeting it was fired at tho 300 500 and coo yard dis tances tho shoot for tho cup this yoar tho 60th anniversary of its donation by tho rajah of kolaporo was as interesting as any in the long series canada was attempting to regain possession of tho cup she had lost to the mother country lasl year by seven poiuts aftor tho shooting at the first dis tance tho mother country tho bulk of whoso team will bo seen at con- naught ranges ottawa next month led with 367 against canadas 360 guernsey gallantly persevered two points behind canada thanks to sorgcant gray of toronto and lieu tenant dow of saint john scoring perfect 50s at the 500yard distance the canadian team had a lead of a slnglo point over the mother coun- tdy at tho twothirds mark rain fell steadily shooting conditions to this stage had been variable as tho teams moved to tho 600yard range the light became steady but rain began to fait in earnest making a dreary mass of the scoreboards and making it un comfortable for the marksmen when when halt of the teams had finish ed here canada was behind by four points how and downey wero squaded together but elected to shoot separately the mother coun try finished with their total of 1106 leaving dow to get 43 out of 50 to win tho shoot but dow was shoot ing under very bad conditions by now and with all his care he could do no better than 43 returning a creditable total under tho circum stances and giving canada 1102 of the 40 crack riflemen in the shoot the only one beside dow and gray to get a possible was gunner w barber rn who achieved a 50 for tho mother country at 300 yards the canadians heartily cheered tho winners at the end and in turn received congratulations on winning the colonial prize which is tho 250 offered by tho national rifilo as sociation to tho team exclusive of the mother country returning the host total scoring by teams following is tho scoring by teams 300 500 600 yds yds yds total 3g7 372 3g7 1106 360 358 346 356 380 362 1102 373 355 1086 368 369 1073 355 353 1064 penditure alpine climbing in jasper park everything in america is arrang ed to save peoples energy albert einstoln jasper national park in alberta of- a man could learn a lot of things fcrs a almost bowmerin c t0 if ho dldn t think ho already know them spectacular flying tho alpine climber over seventy per i cent ot tho highest peaks in tho cana dian rockies aro found cither within jits boundaries or can bo easily reach ed with tho town of jasper as tho starting polnl geodetic bench marks tho standard precise lovel bench mark of tho geodetic survey of can ada department of the interior prior to 1925 was a chlsol mark on a throe- qnarler inch copper bolt comonted in tho walls of substantial buildings bed rock and masonry structures of all kinds subsequently a bronzo tablot threo inches in diameter has been used instead of the older bolt mother country canada guernsey india jersey individual canadian scoring lt des ilurke ottawa 47 46 sgt g w foam montreal 47 48 pto j t downey saint john 46 48 csm g m ems- lie toronto 40 47 lt j n dow saint john 45 50 sgt j h regan victoria 43 47 sgt j h gray toronto 42 50 sgtmajor e j read esquimau 44 44 incidentally the sussex team turn ed in a total of 1120 under the samo conditions as tho kolapore to win tho counties championship 48 46 46 46 43 47 44 42 141 141 140 139 138 137 136 130 oxygen treatment for lung disease devised especially for treating persons sufforlng from pneumonia and other lung diseases an oxygon- breathing tent is said to bo an im provement over sinlliar units of ila kind as it needs no motor says popular mechanics magazine dry ice carbondioxido snow is used for cooling and the oxygen is re leased and mixed with air from a portablo container as air oomos from tho hood in which the person is placed it is regenerated by pass ing through a small sodallmo con tainer tho amount of oxygen can bo regulated and tho lomperaturo can bo kept nearly constant heros a striking formation of aircraft flying abreast at the roent royal air pageant at hendon england when a magnificlent display was witnessed by thousands of spectators spring song by eleanor alletta chaffeo im a fool and well i know it to bo walking stony slrecls when a dusty road is curving round a budding hill that meets cool spring sky with such a lino as is carved of new green grass- when the winds of april stir them into movement as hey pass im a fool and well i know it and beside me to their shame walk ten thousand others like me deaf and dumb and blind and lame different parties canadian cattle shipped ottawa fiftyseven ayrshiro grado cows wero shipped out of glengarry and stormont counties of ontario dur ing iho third week of may to settlers in northorn ontario says a report of the canadian ayrshire breeders as sociation tho selection ot these cat tle was supervised by l k onell assistant director of the ontario livo stock branch and sovonleon head went to sottlers in tho vicinity of hearst demonstration farm whilst tho others went lo settlers around fauquier knpuslcatlng and malticc tho forty head which went to th threo latter places wont to thirtyseven