kay e don beats northland claims own record another victim drive3 his motor boat at 11023 miles an hour speed gardono riviera italy kayo don frontier clergymans wife brought out by plane dies hamilton typhoid fever contract- british sportsman broke bin own ed in tho heart of the northland where worlds speedboat record on july sho was engaged in anglican missiou- oth by piloting the miss england ii ary work among tho creo indians over a measured course at a rate of caused the death in tho isolation ward 110223 miles an hour don set the of the general hospital early sunday previous record of 10319 mile an of mrs mary caroline garrett wife of hour in argentina earlier this year r lesllo garrett who is now sta- dou made two runs over tho lake tioued 500 miles north of sioux look- oarda course at speeds t 107s7s out miles par hour and 112509 to smash unable to withstand tho hardships roundtheworld heroes the record this recordbreaking tho end of nearly tlireo months of i winter and canoes in summer were of tho north country mrs garrett be- ruu marked c ill last december dog sloighs efforts here by the british sports man dan brought tho miss eng land hero may 5 to compete in the international speedboat regatta tho only means of transportation available and so weak was tho vic tim that her husband found it impos sible to move hor sho remained in sponsored by gabriel dannuuziu but a critical condition until juno 19 when motor trouble balked every attempt a plane owned by tho consolidated ho mado then to sot a now record mining and smelting company found a new engine was installed in the tha little family at tho northern out- boat recently and other mechanical uast when a forced landing was made adjustments were made inflie try- mr garrett immediately arranged out ha averaged 10943 mlle3 ftu i wifes transportation to sioux hour over a measured course but lookout where sho was transferred to motor trouble prevented him from a tra t following day mr gar- making the run in tho other dlrec- re au their threo children accom- tlon as required in record attempts panled tho victim and sho was taken but last thursday with perfect to tho home of her mother mrs kf conditions pre tiling don brought q of 70 alanson street two his boat to the course and 13 min utes later had established his new mark o weeks ago typhoid fover developed radio appeals were mado from sev eral stations and mrs gommo roceivod a wiro from tho consolidated mining and smelting company informing her rockefeller 92 receives it li j f w a er niessago had been picked up felicitations or worm by all 0vlcial who prom to arrange tarrytown ny inside the walls tor tll0 special flight of a company of his soooacre pocantico hills est- plane rev mr garrett will return ate john d rockefeller on july 8th to sioux lookout in the machine and observed his ninetysecond birthday should reach hamilton early friday in excellent health messages of congratulations pour ed in from the worlds leader in business finance and philanthropy but the actual celebration was a family affair in a birthday message to the world mr rockefeller said these occasions offer me a very welcome opportunity first to ex press my gratitude to the many many friends who not only at this time but through the year havo shown their kindly regard to me and second to wish them and theirs and all the world a large measure of health and contentment which are tho basis of real happiness the program mapped out for mr rockefeller included his bit of golf a little work with his secretary a motor rido in the estate and a din ner in the evening only members of the immediate family were invit ed to the dinner a birthday cako was baked there is one anniversary more im portant to mr rockefeller than hi3 birthday friends say the day he got his first job as an assistant book keeper in cleveland in 1855 he earned 550 in the first threo months that day is september 2g wheih ho usually observes by giving away a bushel of shiny dimes mrs garrettwas 40 years of ago and was a graduate of the toronto biblo college she was the daughter of the lato rev george gomme air travel becomes increasingly safe hartford conn airway travol is more than four times as safe as it was three years ago according to tho committee on aviation of the actuarial society of america the committees third annual re port stated that during 1330 tho chance of death among passengers in planes on scheduled flights was one in 17000 in 1929 it was ono in 10000 and in 1928 one in 4000 the improvement is attributed by the report to the close supervision exercised over such flying by tho aeronautics branch of the depart ment of commerce to extension of radio beacon service and weather in formation to closa cooperation of operating companies and to the ex cellence of unitod states aircraft and engines pilots the report states lead a far more hazardous life than passengers tho mortality rate among holders of transport licenses the highest typo issued being 24 per 1000 when these wero subdivided into groups twenty years ago mr rockefeller w varying hazard no group of commercial pilots was found by the committee tin which tho mortality rate was lower than 19 per 1000 turned over 51000000000 in capital holdings to bis son john d rocke feller jr who was to spend it for the benefit ot all mankind since that time the oil king has lived in content and increasing health bird in hand two men mot at tho races ono was seedylooking he passed to his more prosperous acquaintance a up which duly came home the other was delighted i thanks awfully he said one good turn desorves another i hope j to have some rather special informa tion lomorrow and if you happen to be here ill pass it on to you as a quid pro quo hob replld the seedyone if its oil the name to you id sooner hav a quid pro torn homicide records shattered in new york new york there wore c98 homi cides in now york state in 1930 of which new york city contributed 494 roth figures break all previous records dr thomas parran jr commis sioner ot tho states department ot health issued tho statistics with the statement that new york city accounts for nearly twothirds of the states homicides tho citys killings increased from 425 to 494 in 1930 while tho rest of the stato dropped from 220 in 1929 to 201 in 1930 me and my dog keep cool wiley post and harold qatty wearing gold medals presented them by city ot new york day after they had completed recordbreaking rouudthoworld flight lett to right mrs harold catty wiley post mayor james j walker harold gatty and mrs mao post summer costumes j planning flight vary in color in arctic regions brilliant combinations of one minister of interior may go the markets blimp takes fire two are goodyear airship blown by storm against high tension wires kansas city mo at least two per sons tho pilot and copilot wero burned when the goodyear zeppolln airship mayflower ot akron ohio was destroyed after being blown by a wind and rain storm into high ten sion electric wiros at the kansas city airport capt c b brannigau 35 akron ohio tho pilot was dangerously produce quotations toronto dealers are buying produce at tho following prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 1g to 17c fresh firsts 13 to 14c seconds 11 to 12c butter no i ontario creamery solids 22 to 22mc no 2 21 to 2lic churning cream special 19 to lie no 1 19 to 20c no 2 1g to 17c cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 12 to 12 ac quotations to poultry shippers are as follows poultry a grade alive spring broilers oer 3 ms lbs 24c do over 3 lbs 23c do over 214 to 3 lbs 20c do over 2 to 2v4 lbs 18c fatted hens over 4 to 6 lbs 15c do over 3 to 3 lbs 12c ducklings market prices pouury a grade dressed fat ted hen over 4 to g lbs 18c do over z to 4 lbs lgc do over 3 to 3j lbs 15c old roosters over 5 lbs lie wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to retail dealers smoked meats hams med 82 to 33c smoked rolls 23c breakfast bacon 20 to 25c backs peamealed 30 to 32c do smoked 38 to 41c pork hams 25 to 2gc shoulders 154c butts 17v4c loins 24c cured meats long clear bacons 50 to 7 lbs 19c 70 to 90 lbs 17c 90 to i10 lbs lgc lightweight rolls 18c heavyweight rolls 17c lard pure tierces 9c tubs 9v4c pails 10c prints 10 to lie shortening tierce 10c tubs lovlc pails lottc special pastry shortening tierces 15c tubs 15v4c ails lgc grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are making the following quotations for car lots manitoba wheat no 1 hard g4ic no 1 northern g3c no 2 do g0c no 3 do 55c no 4 do i ot a barnstorming airplane which 494c no 3 lough sovic no 4 doj was making its headquarters in a vlkc iif bay ports plain near his farm chartering tho manitoba oats no 3 cw 32vic airplane and tho services of the pilot no 1 feed 31jc no 2 do 29c the r was soon scanning the manitoba barley no 3 cw1 j french fliers pass over moscow progress of french aviators enthusiastically hailed in paris paris tho french aviators josoph lebrix and marcel dorect with their or more colors with white favored for sport new york color contrasts coo- tluuo to sweep fashion across tho stable whito background of tho sum mer mode for though this summer is distinctly a time of play upon color it is just as dofluitey a whito summer in the spring wo talked much of black with a touch ot white aud colored frocks with a touch ot white now tho talk has teversed itsolf and tho chat ter is about white with a touoh of col or aud sometimes moro than a touch in tho realm of sport clothes this color accent on whito is of tho most brilliant tones for city anil street wear it is a bit moro discreet but it is ever present in the modo as worn la smart restaurants at lunoheou aud tea vimo white furs for summer all tho colori so enthusiastically talked about achievo chic through con sorting with whito to further ampli- ily this modo there aro jackets of whito fur such as broadtail and pony skin jackets of whito chiffon and ot whito crepes and corded silks gloves that aro whito aud whito hats of paper panama of whito velvet felt or even suedo also aro among tho high spots of summer fashion news dresses ot sheer whito woolen and those of white cotton fabrics aro seen on city streets as well as on country club piazzas recently wo havo seen j many wool suits of chiffon weight lunching at smart places and at tho matinee how color sets off whito is proved by the short brightcolored jackets which often aro worn with these costumes or tho scarfs which supplement them when tho suit itself is all white tho bright colored beret worn with with planes into far north vancouver bc a seaplane flight organized by majorgeneral a d mcrao from lrt mcmurray to tha arctic and thence to churchill in northern manitoba aud on to win nipeg will probably bo mado tho latter end of july or the first week in august with hon thomas g murphy minister of tho iutorior as tho guest of honor providing tho latters parliamentary dutios will per mit using two pianos it is proposed to fly from fort mcmurray to ver milion theuco to hudson hope fort nelson liard simpson fort nor man and on up tho mackenzie river basin from there tho two planes will tly across tho semibarren lands of tho extreme north of canada to corona tion cult then it is tho aim of general mcroo to fly southward to great slave lako and across a long stretch ot more barren lands to churchill the most dangerous part ot the journey from churchill tho planes will fly to flin flou and sherritt gordon mines and into winnipeg mechanic reno mesln passed over moscow at g30 pm moscow time 11 so many of tho whito sports frocks is am est sunday in thoir airplauo j another favored method of introduc- hyphou according to word which iug color reached here after 9 oclock national colors everywhere the news was immediately flashed j handknitted sweaters introduce on electric signboards in the central brilliant hues to suits of white light- boulevards and a great shout went up weight wool tho white flannel suit burned and physicians said ho might i from tho parisian throngs who wero is good too worn with a brighthued blouse and the white skirt with a blue flannel coat and red scarf is another favorite whether it is patriotism or just a liking of lively shades tho na tional colors are appearing every where that smart sportswomen gather this season bathing beaches tennis courts and golf links all are flooded with costumes showing red whito and bluo combiued in a multitude ot smart ways not livo i celebrating the eve of the second days r h hobenfack copilot was less j anniversary ot tho fall of tho bastille seriously burned ono of frances most important holi- hobenfack said the airship moor- days ed at the port woathered tho first it wa3 the first news of the fliers storm shortly after g30 oclock but j which had reached here since they was blown into tho wires by a sec- 1 were reported over belgium at g am ond gust ot wind and rain j a little over an hour after they took hobenfack said ho htought the off from lo bourget airdrome hobenfack said he thought tho tho news indicated that tho fliers hangar breaking tho gasolino tanks were making slightly better time than and that the fuel ignited when the their original schedule plans ship was blown into the wires the fliers left lo bourget at 443 in they hoped to reach hours flying directly tho morning tokio in g2 across russia tho piano carried fuel enough for 7 hours ot flying farmer used airplane to trace truant cows buffalo ny the airplane is not usually thought of as an adjunct to agriculture its possibilities how- over for locating stock that has new type merchant ship strayed from its home pasture writes dev for br trade a correspondent ot tho christian science monitor wero proved re cently by a farmer in tho township of hinsdale south of buffalo this farmer had lost four of his cows unwilling to tramp for hours through the forestcovered hills searching for tho delinquent boviues howard a crosby when they disap peared on july 2 sought tho services 37yc no 4 do 3gvic feed 32c arete tine cor i 52c spot plus duty millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 1825 shorts per ton 1925 middlings per ton 2525 ontario grain wheat 50 to 56c barley 30 to 33c oats 23 to 2gc rye nominal buckwheat nominal live stock quotations heavy beef steers 550 to g heifers choice light 550 to 575 do fair to good 5 to 525 do com 150 to 5 1 utcher steers choice 575 to 585 do fair to good 525 to 550 do com 450 to 5 but cher cows good 350 to 375 do med 325 earners and cutters 1 to 250 butcher bulls good to choice 3 to 350 jo bolognas 225 to 250 baby beef 550 to 750 feed ers good 425 to 450 stockcrs 315 to 3rc springers 50 to 70 calves good and choice 550 to g do mod 4 to 5 do grassers 250 to 3 lambs choice 950 sheep 1 to 3 hogs bacon fob 850 do do woc 05 to 7gc above fob do selects 1 per hog premium do but ehers 1 per hog discount nearby valleys from the sky with in a few minutes ho saw tho cows wandering in a ravine and it was a comparatively simple matter to track them down and bring them hack to tho farm attractive girls rare cancer cases tidal powar plan before bay ai fundy commission ottawa an international commis sion is to determine whether the high tides ot the bay of fundy can be har- nessoil without harm to fishing along tho coasts ot new brunswick and maine canada will bo represented by w a found deputy minister of fish eries and dr a g ilunslman senior director of the dominion biological board united states representa tives are henry omalloy commis sioner of fisheries at washington and o e sette officer of tho unitod states bureau of fisheries for several years attempts have boon mado lo obtain tho consent of tho canadian government to build dams in passamaquoddy and cobs- cook bays to utilize tho enormous potentialities for power development provided by tho high tides so far applications have heon refuse fish- china to form council for economic welfare nanking china establishment ot a national economic planning com mission patterned after the soviet planning body has been decided upon by the chinese government the organization will formulate economic projects aud will coordin ate activities of the central and local government organs t v soong minister of finance i who proposed the commission said architects so havo trado conditions ul gov0rlment departments at nan- led to a demand for an economical kilg lo c0 their finances cargo vessel from the merchant ship- j 110w am spen large aums eacl builders j mon obtaining a minimum of bene- a big shipbuilding firm in the north j of england recently was asked for a xhe i london as certain conditions in germany demanded and produced a special type of craft from tho naval ship ot light draft which should have a service speed of 10 knots or ot nine knots with proportionally re duced fuel consumption the ves sel of gg50 tons was built and car ried out a long voyago at over the agreed speed with a coal consump tion ot 179 tons a day tho builders profiting by tha les sons learned in building this pioneer vessel aro now offering to build ships with less tonnage and less fuel consumption wheat prospects good preston tho wheat crop in the district is above the average being freo from rust duo to remarkably good weather too much rain from now on it is said would be disastrous however commission will have tho powar to investigate all work under taken by tho governmental depart ments and all plans for economic re- coristnictlon must bo submitted to it for approval in the body will be the government ministers and eleven members de signated by the government canadian plane tour arrived at regina reglna sask- canadas 13planc air four travelling by stages across tho dominion rested here on sun day after shooting over 350 miles of prairie from winnipeg in speed ing procession the machines settled to earth here after an uneventful trip from tho manitoba capital where rain prevented the fliers from staging their aerial display i pretty women aro almost immune j ermen have objected tho commls- i from cancer of the skin according to slon will begin its work next month i dr josoph c bloodgood clinical pro- mr found has been named chair- j fossor of surgery at johns hopkins chairman i university baltimore pretty wo- j i men he said in an address before orchid collection tho clinical conference ot st louis j valued at million i clinics recently usually pay parti- j cular attention to tho akin over i new orleansorchids tho world their bodies especially that which is rarest and costliest lower are pro j exposed with lowneck dresses it ducejl on a quantity and quality basis has virtually como to tho point that less clothes mean a lesser chance for this cuto iiue youngster and his pal hav i to keep that summer thirst away ad fceap col 1 ml his master in all things and it ilepss olt back for a drink to see how lanj ico zu in rce way lm follows e t a come cancer in tho last ten years i havo not seen a woman who snioker hut cleans her teeth regularly be come a victim of cancer of the mouth by e a farley of gentiliy his collection of orchids is valued at mora than 1000000 a blueprint liatian system enables mm to find his many vartetiis from burma siam and cloer tropical d latin coun tries ride em cowboy gourmets and epicures begin month of tasting london gourmets and epicures ot threo continents europe australasia and north america are gathered in london to taste and pass judgment upon some rare old wines ot proved worth and some newer upstarts which yet must mako their way in the world it is their contention that overy wine has a dish which is its soul- mate and when taken together tho wines ordinary characteristics gives way to sublime perfection ior ex ample very rare rod claret chat eau margaux 1914 was served at luncheon with pie made of grapefed pigeons- raised near bordeaux and trimmed with wild mushrooms a winkler hasensrung 1925 not ed for its raciness and great ele gance was served with filets of sole cooked in buttor and lying on a bed ot aubergines this hock is said to react most sensitively of all its kind to sole while a minor note of aubergine is a foil to the wines rich body neither tho dish nor tho wino often is found outside their na tive lorraine there is no smoking while tho actual tastings proceed the con noisseur lifts a glass to his lips mull ing it with his hands sniffing its bouquet and rolling a drop or two under his tongue to get the taste there is very little drinking actually done tastings will proceed for a month more than 350 kinds of wines are lo bo tasted among the rare vintages is a bottle of 1810 madeira which when in the cask was taken twico around the world in a sailing ship to bring it to perfection another welland boy perishes in river welland tho second victim ot tho waters of the welland imver within tour days a lad identified as charles saltarelli aged 12 son of nick saltarelli 21 park street was drowned saturday morning when ho fell into the stream from a raft near tho north bank 150 feet west of north main street bridge eveiy effort was made by pc charles an derson of the welland police bruco abbey and john w davis of fisher street to resuscitate tho boy but proved unavailing the other fatality this week occur red when jim mate aged nine son of stovo mate 83 state street fell off the concrete wall into tho river at the tailrace no inquest will bo held or the sal tarelli boy hero is sorao real action as snapped at jasper parkd old time rodto this laddiea certainly seems to be able to stick to thin s mail is transferred from planes to airships new york transferring mail bags i from airplanes to airships was prov ed to bo a practical proceeding in a series of tests conducted at scott field belleville iii the other day in ordar that the tests might show conclusively that the transfer was not a stunt or especially prepared event no practice ot tho contact be tween tho airship and tho airplauo was rllowed three attempts wero mado lo got the mail sack aboard tho blimp and each was successful tho only equipment used was a ropo about 100 feet long with a hook and weight attached to the end tho mail sack was of regulation size with i forty pounds of material similar to mail matter the airship tcg241 i and hie regular 019 observation planes of the fifteenth squadron j were the aircraft in use i tho greatest difficulty encountered i was tho hying of the airplanes at a i slow enough speed lo equal that of tho airship while the transfer of tho 1 mail bag was being made by send- j ing a second airplauo into the aii after the mail bag had been dropped from the airship ibe mail bag agair reposed in tho airship at on altitinb of 1g00 feet seven minutes from ul timo the bag dropped on the field