Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 25, 1931, p. 2

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weekend marked by violent deaths four drown five killed two heat and fire victims drowned john montgomery windsor albert hill wellington street north hamilton nelson queuviue 1 oioutli3 staples robin a mecrae aged 10 toronto killed sirs audrey briaiacombe windsor jerry tracoy belmont avenue hamilton jobu w wild toronto ralph orion ilespeler demiis powell aged ii belleville died from heat william e waring aged 72 toron to henry roszell aged s5 hillsburg burned to death becher cirr corunna four persons drowned live killed by vehicles one fatality by heat and one burned to death was tho total list by the authorities throughout ontario fol lowing a tabulation of accidents of various kinds over the weekend a tragedy at port dover where ap hert hill a young englishman of hamilton gave his life in a valiant ef fort to save his landlords daughter and a traffic fatality in windsor when tho mother of seven children was killed by an auto on the way to the baptism of her youngest child who was injured by the car were the most pathetic of the weekends toll overcome by the heat of saturday henry roszell aged s5 of ilillsburg out collapsed and died while visiting at tho home of his son 101c dover- court road toronto coroner dr g w glendemui attributed his death to heat prostration irish youth drowns owen sound john montgomery a young man in his early twenties was drowned here saturday at 1030 oclock when ho dived from the trestle work of the jubilee bridge montgomery a transient had stop ped with two companions to take a swim along witli a number of others who were bathing in diving he ap parently slipped landing ou his stom ach with such force as to drive tho air from his lungs he at once swal lowed water and sank montgomery is said to have resided at windsor for some time after co ing to this country from ireland ho was well dressed aud carried several letters of recommendation from per sons in ireland dr 1 loath of loudon happened along and made a valiant effort to save him diving into the river aud bringing the body up he was assisted by harold lloyd after he had work ed over the body for 50 minutes tho man was pronounced dead found dead in trough windsor june 21 nelson quen- ville ls-month-old- son of mr and mrs harvey quonville of staples was drowned today in the horse trough at the home of his parents the body of tho child was found by his brother ralph dr h g emerton of comber has decided that an inquest is not necessary dies trying rescue port dover june 21 this afternoon albert hill who has been making his lionte with john vandusen ci welling ton street north hamilton was drowned here hill accompanied the vandusen family to port dover and he and miss vandusen went bathing wading in tho shallow water to tho submerged pier of the forry slip the young woman crossed tho pier first and dropped into 12 feet of water in tho slip hill who could not swim went to the rescue and was soon in difficulty alex gardiner and george ingraham plunged into help the former man aged to rescue the young woman tho latter had hold of hill but was forced to desist from his effort hamilton man killed hamilton june 21 jerry tracoy of 125 belmont avenue father of seven children was fatally injured saturday night when tho auto in which ho was rldjng turned turtle on the old stoney creek highway at bed hill four other occupants of the machine escaped in jury mother killed tots hurt windsor on tho way to the church of the ascension to attend tho chris tening of her sevenmonthsold daugh ter mrs audrey briinacombe 37 was the victim of a traffic accident and died a few minutes later as sho was being taken to hotel dieu hospital tho baby audrey j is in grace hospital but her injuries are uot seri ous and a second child ivy aged 7 years is in hotel dieu hospital with minor injuries surviving are tho husband and soven children four americans hurt niagara talis out as tho result of an automobile accident sunday miss ana tuzlanskl 13 of niagara falls nv is in a critical condition in tho general hospital sho sustained compound fractures of both legs and canadian crosses channel in glider picturesque shrine native of toronto first to make flight m motor- less craft lands near calafs boulogne sur mer france a can adian airman aud opera singer lieut llssant beardmore of toronto made the first glider flight acro33 tho eng lish channel last friday lieuten ant beardmore took oft from lympne airdrome and landed perfectly at stlnglevert airdrome near calais his glider was fitted with a detach able undercarriage and wa3 towed by a light airplane to which it was attached with s00 feet of cable the plane rose to a height of 12000 feet and then the glider was released the powerless piano made 00 miles an hour across tho channel flyiug smoothly all the way the flight was made on the eve of a 5000 competition for the first glider to cross the channel and back in one day which had been organized by a london newspaper beardmore said on arrival that he had heard the austrian gliding ex pert icroufeld was planning to at tempt to capture the first prize in the contest and that he himself had made the flight because ho wanted the first crosschannel glider to be a british subject he was not com peting for any prizes he said the glider the canadian used was designed and constructed by him ho was also tho inventor o the me chanical contrivances for towing tho glider behind the plane the tow ing cable contained a telephone wire to enable him to communicate with the pilot of the plane while a special trigger device was fitted to enable the glider to be released there was nothing in the flight ho said except for the intense cold i have never been so cold in my life even in canada the flight was regarded as one of the most daring since the channel was first crossed by air the towing of gliders by airplanes is uot new it was tried success fully by capt frank hawks in the united states some time ago but this is the first time in history an airplane has been used to start a gilder on what is undoubtedly an epochal event the channel al ways noted for its rough waters is not immuno from heavy weather above and its tricky cross currents were one of the canadians greatest handicaps jyiththem lonescouts girl guide news figures recently released from do minion headquarters at ottawa indi cate that scouting is steadily growing in canada and especially in this pro vince according to the census there were 52572 scouts in tho dominion at the end of 1930 whicli is an increase of 2104 over 1929 it is interesting to note that ontario increased its mem bership in 1930 by 215s scouts aud of course quite a few of these were lone scouts who enrolled during that year little margaret harding of toronto prays before one of the many devotional shrines at midland where each year large pilgrimages are made by crippled and sick seeking cure dust storms hold llssant beardmore was born in toronto the son of the late walter beardmore who was a brother of alfred beardmore of 75 st george st toronto walter beardmore died 15 years ago llssant lived in ger many whero he studied music be fore tho war and- then went to eng land where he has since lived the international chamber of commerce economist london once again the captains of industry of every coun try havo met in conclave and pointed out to tho governments and tho peo ples the only road that leads to econ omic salvation they have heard once more reiterated emphasized under lined at a moment when all must havo learnt much in the hard school of ad versity the immutahlo truth of econ omic law which briefly stated is that in proportion as tho free flow of com- railwaymen shovel through drifts two feet deep after placing barrier fences regiua some idea of tho inten sity of the sand and dust storms in the regiua district may bo gained from the fact that last week two trains of the canadian national rail ways became stuck in tho sand on the reginaneidpath line a pas senger train was stuck for one hour and a freight train took two hours to get through sand was blown over the rightofway to a depth of from one to two feet and tempor ary sand fences were necessary be fore the crews were able to shovel their way through many telephone and telegraph pole3 went down under the gale tons in streets of peg winnipeg tho two dust storms which centred on winnipeg wednes day and thursday deposited in greater winnipeg 0292 tons of fine silt from farms in north dakota southern aud cetral saskatchewan this method of arriving at these figures was suggested by prof j j jackson of the manitoba agricultural college dust from one square yard of pavement was swept up and weigh ed it tipped the scales at exactly two and ouoquarter ounces this wa3 multiplied by 4840 to givo tho weight of dust over an acre and again by 15961 tho acreage of greater winnipeg changes in tho wind however shipped most of it back by the air route to north dakota and saskatchewan business reply postal rate goes to 4 cents ottawa tho postal vato ou busi ness reply envelopes and business reply postal cards has been raised to four cents effective july 1 accord ing to official notice in this week3 canada gazette business reply envelopes and post cards are described a3 a special form of communication sent out for advertising purposes and bearing a stamped selfaddressed portion to be returned to the sender the pres ent rato is three cents minnesota 12427 post offices in canada is report ottawa canada has 12427 post offices an increase of 18 sinco last merce is blocked the production of tho year and o 180 since 1922 according nations will be restricted and tho re- to a recent statement made in the covery of their prosperity effectively house of commons rural mall car- impeded and the peace of the world riers throughout tho country number jeopardized by tho strain of economic 4250 warfare bananas form staple crop sao paluo brazil a recent report from tho agriculture department re veals tho fact that this stato has 12- 000000 banana trees capable of yield ing 5000000 bunches for export trade as well as meeting local consumption demands bananas are one of the mainstays of brazilian diet simcoe out anticipating a crop of 100000 barrels of apples tho norfolk fruit growers association is planning an addition to its present precooling and storago plant according to james 11 johnson manager of tho associa tion soviet has air amazon the moscow news recently told its englishlanguage readers that tho red army had on its rolls the only honesttogoodness 100 per cent wo man military pilot the nanu of this amazon of the air is nadezhda vladimirova sumarokova she has been flying for eight years and is classed as one of the best in the service so great is her enthusiasm for flying that serious crashes like one she had in 1925 which nearly put her out of commission for good havent made her quit the profes sion madame suniarokova h a widow with an only son many im portant posts in civil aviation in the soviet union are held by women at the hying schools in leningrad and tula large numbers of the stu dents are girls a school for glid ers at leningrad is under the com mand ot madame obraztsova at the present time there are con siderably over 300 loue scout3 iu this province and applications for mem bership aro received daily at lone scout headquarters other interesting figures revealed by the report show that during 1930 1405s proficiency badges were award ed to canadian scouts showing that much keenness prevails amongst tho boys to maintain an efficient standard also one bronze eighteen silver aud six gilt crosses for bravery were awarded to scouts in this country as well as nine medals for meritious ser- vico iu the scout movement thus it will be seen that ot tho popu lation of canada about one person iu every two hundred is a scout and this i3 a very wonderful fact for it every- ono was imbued with the scout spirit what a wonderful place canada would be to live in wouldnt it wo publish below two messages which aro of interest to every lone scout the first is from his excel lency the right hon the earl of bess- borough chief scout of canada and is as follows on assuming the position ot chief scout for tho dominion i am delight ed to have the opportunity of sending my greetings to ail tho officers and members of the boy scouts associa tion of canada i am eagerly looking forward to having many occasions during my term of office of becoming acquainted both with canadian scouts and cana dian scouting aud of observing their progress it is most gratifying to me as chief scout to know that e w beatty has consented to undortake the important duties ot president ot the association patrol boxes probably the majority of you who read this article are iu what might be termed portable companies that is you are not amongst the fortunate with all my heart i wish tho new t possessed of your own headquar- presldeut aud the boy scouts of can- ers or equipped with largo cupboards ada every possiblo success in which to keep your guide posses- the second message i3 from mr e sions w beatty kc who 13 president of the canadian pacific railway aud also president ot the boy scouts associa tion lie says it is gratifying to think that so fine a movemeut as that of the boy scouts has captured the imagiuaiou ot the even if you are amougst these for tunate people this is the time ot year to hold as mauy meetings as possible out of doors and so this article should give you one or two ideas to improve upon too tho patrol box should not be a youth ot the world and becomo so weighty or unwieldy affair but should contain just those little necessities which are apt to stray at the most im- truly international for canada it is peculiarly fitted as tho campcraft which it teaches is so well suited to our geographical conditions nothing could bo better than its gospel of self- reliance selfrespect unselfishness and the pledge to help others whatever it may cost moreover it appeals to tho boy as he gets a lot ot fun out ot this process of developing the spirit of true sportsmanship the qualities inculcated aro the qualities of the good citizen and one is uot surprised that anothor namo for a good citizen is a good scout spaco will not permit us this week to continuo our camp hints very fully but we will content ourselves witli reminding all loue scout camp ers that a scouts duty is to be use ful and to help others hero aro a few of the things which last years boy scout campers did as their good turns cut and burned all weeds ou camp property repaired nearby road cleaned refuse from near by field put up signs at dangerous places on road built protecting fence around plot of young trees built a stairway loading to beach built a fire place for neighboring campers helped newly arrived cottagers to get settled took neighbors mail to and from post office erected small bridge for farmer mado rustic seats for a farmer helped farmer dip sheep assisted short- handed farmer with chores and crops found lost cattle made winter wood pile for farmer who loaned camp site helped at country church garden party cut weeds and tidied up around coun try church made rustic seats for country churchyard made seats near a bus stop put out bush fires guarded timber limits against fire gathered firewood for future campers lonie3 when in camp dont forget your good turns lone e fords german plant opened in ceremony colognegermany henry fords new plant which has been operating for some time was ceremoniously opened early in june in the presene of local authorities and notables chief manager heine addressing the assembled company said 3750- 000 had been invested in the new en terprise of which 40 per cent is in gorman hands conrad adenauer the lord mayor emphasized that german material fjcrman ideas and german labor are used in the production of the motor cars and german social laws operate in the new plant argentine to install central heat system buenos aires arg central heat- on time every day richmond va among tho gradu ing a long felt want in buenos aires ates of a north carolina high school tho largest city south of tho equator is miss ellen booth wa ington who is now being rapidly introduced prac- claims the unusual distinction of hav- tically every new building being con- ing gone through school without he- alchemist mss in greek found in german tpvn koenigsborg germany a valuable greek alchemist manuscript has been discovered here by dr gunther gold- schmidt librarian of koenigsberg university who has been intrusted by the union acadcmique internationale of brussels with the cataloging of greek alchemist literature in central europe dr goldschmidt found the manu script in an obscure corner of the an cient library where it had lain forgot ten for a century it had been com posed by friedrich rcinhold dietz a koenigsberg physician who died in 183g dietz compiled it from olies in munich and venice with the assist ance of notes from manusciipts in paris and florence alchemist lore of nncient egypl taken over by the greeks spread over western europe at a time when most medieval courts were deeply interested in the philosophers stone and other iccl hens 4 20c do over gold making processes 1 4 1sc do over 3 to 816 the new discovery adds materially 1 quotations s to the knowledge of ancient alchemy c flcnlers on tiie toronto board which dr goldschmidt declared has 0 traenre making the following left its impression on many sciences quotations for car lots from medicine and astronomy to juris- manitoba wheat no 1 hard the markets produce quotations toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 15c fresh firsts 13c seconds lie butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 21c no 2 20c churning cream special 20 to 21c no 1 19 to 20c no 2 16 to 17c cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 11 vi to llsc quotations to poultry shippers are as follows poultry a grade alive spring broilers bocks over 3 lbs 23c do over 2vs to 3 lbs 19c do over 2 to 2vi lbs igc fatted hens over 4 to 6 lbs 16c do over zvz to 4 lbs 15c do over 3 to v lbs 13c while ducklirgs over 5 lbs 24c do over 4 to 5 lbs 21c colored ducklings 2c less old roosters over 5 lbs 8c poultry a grade dressed fat- prudence britains small savings show large increase london britain structed or that has been constructed ing absent or tardy she lives three- ever despite tli during the past few years has central miles from the school but has man- heating most ot tho homes aro with- aged to get there and- return regard- out heat despite tho very chilly win- less of tho weather she is planning ters tho residents warming them- to enter college next fall and hopes to selves with oil stoves and electric continuo her perfect attendance re- heaters cord 65 vic no 1 northern 64 vic no 2 do olvic no 3 iough 53c no 4 do coic cif bay ports maniloba cats no 3 cw 32 vic no 1 feed slvoc no 2 do 30vie manitoba bailey no 3 cw 37c is thriftier than no 4 do 36c feed 35e depression 2501 5 h- spot plus duty 000000 worth of postoffice saving mmfeed del montreal freights n the last included bran per ton 1825 shorts iicr ton 1925 middlings per ton 2525 certificates wero bought i financial year it was reported ro cently this figure was 30000000 0rxiario k wheat bv higher than iu the fiscal year ot karlev 30 to 33c oats 24 to 27c rye 192910 ngs pe 57 to 61c slater of 197- wood street east fell from tho revetment wall at tho foot ot wellington street north lato sunday afternoon aud was admitted to tho general hospital suffering from tho effects ot the plunge her condi tion was reported to bo critical losing his balance while fishing from a bridge at tho high level bridge sat urday afternoon david henderson of 212 john street south aged 12 years fell info the marsh aud had a narrow escape from death pulled down by heavy rubber boots whicli quickly filled with water tho lad was strug- it may bo necessary to amputate ono uolplesly when maurice cowan she is also suffering from shock 0 bralv plunged into tho water the driver aud owner of tho car t0 re him anthony witkowskl niagara falls injuries proxe fatal ny is in hospital with a broken col- nellevilledenls powell six-year- lar bono and cuts and bruises his od son ot mr and mra vov parents mr and mrs joseph witkow- chatham street succumbed on sunday ski escaped with bruises and a bad is injuries in bellevillo shaking op after being struck by a car driven by j v c truaisch px-tmas- tw are rescued hamilton two year old doris slater daughter of philip and mrs mr ot this city an inquest was called by dr it w teunetit tho coronor the canadian bisley team lineup portant momen has everybody got paper and pen cil asks captain ive a new game here for you and woo betide tho patrol which cannot produce theso commodities at a moments notice each guido should of course havo a pencil and notebook in her pocket but it is a wise patrol leader who arranges for a spare supply to be kept in the pa trol box while i am on tho subject of pencils i think you will find it a good idea to buy all tho samo color for tho patrol yellow for the prim roses red for the hollies green for tho shamrocks and so on then if any aro found lying about after tho meoting they can be returned to their rightful owners as i am anxious to fix up the autumn programs says captaiu ou another occasion will you dismiss to your corners and discuss what badges you would like to work for next- it is not much good discussing tho different badges unless you know tho required tests is it so every patrol box should contain a current copy ot the book ot rules price 10c in this you will flu details ot all the badges and you will cull a lot of other useful information from it too the patrol roll book is apt to get a little ragged if kept in the pocket in spite of the precautions that can be taken the box is a good place for it to be kept so that when wo are in bed with a cold in our noses and our second calls for tho patrol equip ment this very necessary book will not be forgotten also i havo heard of a leader who zealously washed her uniform with the roll book still in the pocket i expect you can imagino how it emerged from tho washtub the patrol account and other books will also find a safe resting placo in the patrol box other equipment can be added aa you find the need for it i should not recommend keeping bandagos there for they aro rather bulky aud it is very much better to utilize an old shoo bag for these cut out a red cross and sew it on neatly to the bag and have your name on it too cord however does not take up very much room and is always useful especially in emergency games when captain suddenly announces the company has fallen into a river and points will be awarded to tho patrol which fixes up a good clothesline first try and get the cord to match your pencils and use a drummer dye it you cannot purchase the right color needles and darning wool can provo mer into the homo those may re place the heavy draperies of winter and servo as slip covers for mohair furniture little inexpensive rag rugs look cool aud charming on tho bare floors for summer use they savo the wear and tear on the large heavy rugs which may be stored away for winter use coollooking dotted swiss or or gandie curtains at tho window may bo tied back to admit tho breezes and savo the fine lace curtains which aro laid away until the season for closed windows cherry jam use four cupfuls of pitted cherries they may be left whole or run through a food chopper bring them to the boiling point stirring constant ly then cover and simmer ton min utes it adds to the flavor to cook with them a few crushed pits tied iu a bag after boiling the fruit ten min utes add seven cupfuls of sugar stir ring well boll hard for one minute still stirring then remove from tho fire and stir in ono cupful of commer cial pectin let this stand for fivo minutes skimming and stirring all tho time then pour into hot sterilized glasses and seal with paraffin mrs solomon says home lifo would bo sweeter richer and finer it tho wife and mother would somehow manage to spend an hour a day just enjoying tho family getting acquainted with them and llioir thoughts experiences and hearts de sires canadian bisley team at montreal befire sailing left to right sgt j l ward sunny brae ly capt j t steele cuelph ont sgt j ii gray t na it j t downey mc st john nb carp d c white grand falls nb corp k k bra it na fgt c iv foam black watch montreal c s m c m emslie toronto rqm3 c ilorrj st john iietit a fincham toronto pte f j glass lcnnoxville que major f bicliarasoii vcurj bc m d t burke ottawa lleutcol c w o cibson mc hamilton oat sgtmajar k j reaj esquimault bc sgt j ii regan victoria bc and major t spiltal victoria rifles montreal oniina buckwheat nominal live stock quotations i heavy beef sleers 5 to 6 heifers j choice ligl t 525 to 550 do choice heavy 450 to 5 do fair to good 5 to 525 do com 4 to 459 butcher deer choice 525 to 575 do fair to good 5 to 525 do com 1 to 475 butcher cows good to choice 375 to 4 do bolognas 250 to canners and cutters 150 to 250 butcher bulls good to choice 350 to 1 do bolognas 3 to 350 baby beef 550 to 750 feeders good 475 to 5 stockers 425 to 450 springers 50 to 75 milkers 10 to 60 calves good and choice g to 650 do med 4 to 6 lambs choice 1150 sheep 150 to 4 hogs bacon fob 8 do do woc 65 to 75c above fob do selects 1 per hog premium do butchers 1 per canal was opened on june 15th to hog discount vessels up lo 450 feet in length aid the thomas britt of the valley camp steamship company carrying a caro rare bison born in berlin of 217500 bush is of canadian winat tho birth in tho berlin zoo ot an j from duluth to the toronto elevator aurochs calf raises the total number company at toronto was the vesiel of these animals in europe to fifty- which made history leaving port col- one tho aurochs or european iii- borne and being the first upper lake son was almost exterminated dur- freighter to pass through the canal ing and immediately following the on a regular schedule and without a war but a few wero rescued the special permit the vessel 412 feet zoos calf a heifer was given a long- wiih a 52foot beam went down hornless swedish cow as foster the canal with the limit draught al- mothc- lowed 18 feet welland canal now open to big shins welland ont the welland ship

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