aa opening of research institute celebrates insulin discovery diabetes is beaten victory over anaemia is bound up with insulin toronto recently celebrated the de- cade of insulin by opening the bant ing research institute for the first time in the whole his tory of medicine tho decade of a dis covery will be universally recognized all the loading englishspeaking uni versities were represented when lord confronted lister whoso portrait will be unveiled in the banting institute was entirely absent the un belief that greeted miacts discovery of liver as a cure for pernicious anae mia a year or two later was not en countered incidentally pernicious anaemia moynihan of leeds declared the in- waa conquered because banting won stitute open his fight with diabetes mtnot is a tho decade emphasizes tho romanco j diabetic insulin camo in time to of insulin ten years ago dr fred- j savo his life and permit him to con- orick grant banting was known only tinue his work on anaemia to hi3 classmates and even to them simultaneously with the anuounce- vas not regarded as a brilliant stud- ment that insulin provided tho first cut or a keen scientist his natural real remedy for diabetes tho univer- preterence was to surgery tho war sity of toronto took an unprocedent- had caused him to miss postgraduate ed step and patented the extract in all work considered essential to the sci- the countries of tho world it defin- entific side ot medicine itely put insulin out of the reach of ten years ago this fall he concciv- quacks and at tho same time facili- dsvasiation ed the idea that has already saved thousands of lives banished tho dread of scourges of mankind and placed his university in the forefront of medical research work banting had his idea but uo money ho had just come back from overseas and was starting practice in london he did the only thing possible ped dled his idea aud traded it for a fel lowship at tho university of toronto which brought him laboratory space an assistant and 1000 a year other men had had the same idea they had slipped on its development tjuiversity circles were not enthusias tic they expected the ingenious banting to slip too they did not think much ot what has proved tho most spectacular idea in tho history of medicine banting had barely enough money to iivo on he eked out his income by doing the odd tousilectomy for class mate friends his assistant was an undergraduate who had just completed halt the combined arts and medical course assistant went to top tho assistant charles h best with- in a few years was the head of the tated its use by other medical cen tres banting shirked limelight banting continued to work steadily along his discovery made for tho time little difference in his life ho was still the modest young doctor and shirked publicity biologists of tho continent held their convention in toronto tho centenary of pasteur fell due a special pasteur dinner was given the great hall at hart house was crowded with doctors atjhe back it was hard to hear banrfng and a reporter moved from the back and sat down on the stone floor in a shadow a few feet from the head table aud banting unobserved continued to sit on the floor while the pasteur banquet became a banting celebration and the leading medical scientists ot the continent linked the name ot the young doctor with tho great french man bantings insulin was hailed as the greatest single medical advance since pasteur and the seriousfaced young doctor still sat on the floor within a few months the british medical association added its tribute to banting tho parliament of can- the markets exchanging a rainy day inheritance produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are buy- ing produce at the following prices eggs ungraded cases ictiiroed fresh extras 32 to 33c fresh firsts may whiteomb 29 to 30c seconds 22c j marion stood a disconsolate httlo butter no 1 ontario crcameiy figure her nose pressed to a white solids 32 to 33c no 2 30 to 31c j button asaiust tho window pane churning cream special 3tc no watculug tho steady splash of tho rain 1 30c no 2 27c cheo3e no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 13- to 16c quotations to poultry shippers are as follows shattered bridge at santo domingo where section was torn loose in recent calamitous hurricane and hurled into river below with deadly force destruction as far as eye could see marked path of this tropic storm junior fellow the youngest full pro fessor or physiology at one of the worlds leading universities banting and best plodded on to gether they surmounted the diffi culties that had halted others on the same medical trail in a few months other scientists became interested in a year rumors had reached other uni versities what became known all over the world as the toronto group was form ed aud in the most rapid and effective cooperative research on record insu lin was perfected and proved and the whole world learned that diabetes had been conquered what was even more remarkable other medical centres accepted the toronto discovery and put it into im mediate practice as a rule a devel opment of tho kind takes years to penetrate the opposition that had department in which lie worked as a j ada the legislature ot ontario passed special legislation honoring the dis coverer of insulin he became the head of a new department of medical research tho banting research in- stltuto was formed he became acute ly uncomfortable as the storm of pub licity raged and magazines and news papers throughout the world published articles about him the climax came when he was awarded the nobel prizo he stuck to his job gradually he managed to slip out of tho limelight soon he was happy again the ter rific pressure of the insulin hunt was over and ho found time to develop outsido interests tho banting who sat at the head table in hart house recently is world famous he is a recognized amateur artist as well as a scientist ho will never havo an opportunity again of sitting on the floor havoc by gales off french coast losses by storm in british isles estimated at 5000000 paris equinoctial gales reaching at some points a velocity ot so to 100 miles an hour swept tho french at lantic seaboard and channel coast on sept 21st the winds which had been blowing furiously for 72 hours showed no signs of abating they drove beforo them to refuge in ports nearly 40 ships aud took the lives of at least eight sailors seventeen ships had taken refugo in cherbourg roads twelve wero shel tered at brest and seven moro at lorlent on tho south coast of brit tany many of theso craft had had their rigging or their bridges swept away by jvind and heavy seas the greek steamer theodoras bul garia 2707 tons which sailed from istanbul on aug 11 was abandoned and left drifting in latitude 4045 north longitude g40 west straight in tho path of ships plying botwoen chan nel ports aud gibraltar and south af rica two of her crew wore drowned before tho steamer british advocate succeeded in taking oft thoso on board tho french liner rochambeau spent 11 hours standing by to bo of assist ance when tho rochambeau reached havre tho captain reportod ono of tho worst storms ho had encountered in iis 30 years ot sailing tho seas while the theodoras bulgaria was left drifting in the bay of biscay an other freighter the italian uvivaldi 2702 tons was towed into the port of brest waterlogged it was salvaged by tho ocean going tug iroiso tho british steamer illingsworth reached havre roads with her flag at halfmast her third engineer had been swept off tho deck by a wave in the bay of biscay on sept 20 the trawler notre dame docked at boulogno with two survivors of tho butch schooner fouxhod which sank in tho channel on saturday the mas ter ot the fouxhod his wife and their twoyearold baby perished a cabin boy whose name was given as urvoy was killed aboard tho united states freighter oregon when a steel cable snapped while the ship was drifting away from tho break water at havre heavy damage in britain london sept 21 damage in tho weekend storm over tho british isles was estimated at 5000000 tonight underwriters of lloyds were said to faco liabilities of hundreds of thous ands of pounds sterling a now lowpressure storm area was approaching tho british isles from tho atlantic ocean duo to strike southern ireland and england tho storm which raged in tho chan nel saturday and sunday morning abated but swept out over tho north sea striking tho dutch german dan ish and norwegian coasts free transportation on the wings of the wind i you may have heard and laughed at the story of the american farm er whose hat was bdown oft in a wind storm and who received it back by post three days later from the next state but the story is not a joko at all it is perfectly true the farmer was mr chester bevans of keola colorado and his hat was re turned from sidney nebraska forty miles away nor is there anything very remark able about the incident for the storm was of a cyclonic type that is to say it was a great eddy in the air which lifted every light object within its reach storms such as these will carry the sand of tho sahara out to sea to fall on the deck of a ship 200 miles from the african coast covering it a quar ter of an inch thick fine desert dust of this kind has been carried right across the mediterranean to come down as red rain in france some years ago a cyclonic storm struck the town of kirksville in mis souri notes letters and papers blown from the city were found next day in the state of iowa ninety miles away but the most amazing freak of this storm was that it caught up three people a mrs webster and her young son and miss moorehouse and dropped them a quarter ot a milo away so gently that none ot the three was hurt flying flu lookup towards tho sky on a fine day the air appears clear as crystal yet let a chemist catch a sample ot this air and analyse it tho results will astonish you for it is full of dust of all kinds not merely dust from the road3 or fields but meteoric and volcanic dust meteoric dust is always being swept into the net ot our atmosphere from outer space i ries quantities of other substances pgnnjinn flllll such as the fine pollen ot the pine- v l tree and scales from the wings of butterflies and worse things than dust are carried on the wings of the wind germs and spores of certain diseases are airborne and it is believed that influenza may be carried in this way answers in arctic praised stout opera singers are warned to reduce stockholm pfofesscr john fors- sell chief of the swedish royal opera and onetime celebrated sing er has warned his singers men and women not to grow fat and that those who already have grown too heavy must do their best to reduce our audiences do not alone pay to hear the singing but expect an esthetic picture of those who execute the music he says the swedish press unanimously shares forssells view and hopes that soon there will be no heavyweight artists with the royal opera brazil will build plane beacon in south atlantic rio de janiero a beacon for aerial navigation the beams ot which may be seen for a radius of fifty miles from an altitude of 1000 feet is to be constructed on tho rocks of st peter and st paul far out in the south atlantic by the brazilian govern ment the steamer belmonte sail ed recently for the two lonely rocks carrying men and equipment neces sary for the task the rocks situated in midatlantic just north ot the equator are on the europetosouth america air route tho beacon will operate for one year uninterruptedly and have reserve power for another six months it many in northwest rank finest flying work in us says hawks winnipeg daring flights in can adas north country rated in the bar rens as everyday duties won praise recently from capt frank hawks us speeddemon recordholder in winnipeg as referee for the national air tour believes that many of the air- hops in the north west territories rank with the finest achievements ac claimed in the united states capt hawks who says his air mys tery ship hits 380 miles an hour on tho dips thinks plenty of praise is duo to the pilots who do their travel ling over country where settlements are rare and landingplaces illequip ped he is intrigued by the spirit of the frontierlands ho says and he hopes some time to make an air trip far up the mackenzie theyre doing pioneer work along tho portion of the logical route to the orient commented capt hawks in reference to the travels ot pilots who journey from edmonton north along tho mackenzie he considers that the northwest passage through the clouds from new york will bring planes by way ot winnipeg and ed monton over the upper rockies to nome alaska and thence along tho shore of behring sea to japan aud china will be equipped with a solar valve it is very fine hut is which automatically turns tho power- present everywhere being largely j f light on at nightfall composed of iron it can be easily tinguishes it at dawn collected with a magnet volcanic dust consists of tiny fragments ot lava which have been driven high into the upper atmos and ex- farm fire hazards are ever present flier reachs bagdad bagdad captain matthews british arrived here sept 21st from ing points dept of agriculture enumer ates eight outstanding dangers this is one of the best times of the year to check up on farm fire hazards and the dominion animal husband man ot the federal department of ag riculture calls attention to the follow- i poultry alive fatted hens oyer 5 lbs each 21c over 4 to 5 lbs 18c over 3v to 4 lbs lcc under 3 lbs 14c spring chickens over 5 lbs 25c over i to 5 lbs 23c over 4 to 4v4 lbs 20c under 4 lbs 15c broilers hi to 24 lbs 17c pullots straight bred 2c above chicken prices spring ducklings white over 5 lbs 17c over 4 to 5 lbs lie colored 2c lb less old roosters over 5 lbs 17c over 4 to 5 lbs 10c dressed poultry if in good condition will be paid 3 o 4c above alive prices provision prices toronto wholesalers are quoting the following prices to the trade smoked meats hams mod 28 to 3cc cooked loins 48 to 52c smoked rolls 34c breakfast bacon 2g to 40c backs peamealed 34c do smoked 44 to 50c pork loins 30c shoulders 22c butts 27c hams 26 to 27c cured moats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 22c 70 to 90 lbs 20c 90 to 110 lbs 19c heavyweight rolls 40c lightweight rolls 25c lard pure tierces lgiic tubs 17c pails 17v4c prints 18 to 18v4c shortening tiorces 12hc tubs 13c pails 13c special pastry shortening tierces 15c tubs 15c pails 10c grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trado are making the fol lowing quotations for car lots manitoba wheatno 1 northern 80c no 2 do 78c no 3 do 76c no 4 feed 72c no g 59c cif goderich and bay ports manitoba oats no 1 feed 32v4c no 2 do 29c argenun- orn 82c cif port col- borne millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton s2525 shorts per ton 2625 middlings 53125 ontario grain wheat 75c barley 35c oats 28c rye 50c buckwheat nominal hay and straw wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting shippers the following prices for carload lets delivered on track toronto no 2 timothy 14 no 3 timothy 12 to 13 wheat straw nominal oat straw nominal live stock quotations heavy beef steers 6 to 750 but cher steers choice 7 to 750 do fair to good g25 to 675 do com 5 to 525 butcher heifers choice 7 to 750 do fair to good 6 to 075 do com 5 to 575 butcher cows good to choice 525 to 550 do med 3 to 450 canners and cut ters 150 to 250 butcher bulls good to choice 450 to 5 do bologna 250 to 350 babv beef 950 to 1150 feeders good 550 to 6 stockers 450 to 525 calves good to choice 11 to 12 do med 9 to 10 do com 6 to 8 do grasscrs 4 to 550 milkers 50 to 95 springers 80 to 110 lambs choice 825 to 850 buck lambs 650 sheep 1 to 4 hogs bacon woc 12 to 1225 do trucked in 25c cwt under woc do selects 1 per hog premium do butchers 75c per hog discount phero and are carried hundreds and oven thousands ot miles before theyramadi mesopotamia refuelled and fall after tho great oruption ot took oft in tho direction of jask per krakatoa in tho java sea dust from sia inhis attempt to set a new speed that amazing explosion fell even in record between england and aus- england i tralla tho present record ot fifteen besides mineral dust tho air car- days is held by bert hinkler roast duck when a man hasnt enough worry ho should marry edison pronounces auto gyro airplane greatest since wrights invention newark nj thomas a edison paid his second visit within a week to newark airport this time to inspect two pltcairn auto gyro or windmill planes which were flown hero from philadelphia when tho great inventor expressed a desire to see them on his previous visit edison ex pressed great interest in parachutes and commented that it ought to bo possible to develop much moro effi cient ones edison watched while the autogy ros were put through a series if de monstrations landing as slowly as a parachute taking off in less than 40 foot and flying at a speed of about 125 miles an hour just as tho windmill ships landed a swift lockheed plane streaked across tho field at nearly 200 miles an hour thats boautlful edison said but theso machines are the answer to tho needs of aviation and of those people who havo always wanted to fly bnt have been afraid it seems to me thoy aro the greatest advance made since ouing on tb wrights menu 1 make sura chimneys are properly cleaned out 2 gasolino and liquid dynamite should be stored in a safe place where it will do no injury t buildings 3 cars and trucks should bo housed for the winter in soparate buildings they aro a real fire hazard j violent gale rages on english coast torrential rain at dublin and isle of man loses heavily london a furious gale still rag ing after 36 hours had caused exten sive damage along the english chan- 4 electric wiring should be careful- el and had disabled a number of ly chocked over to make sure it will vessels while others raced for port iu pools outside oh mama she said i dont liko tho rain i cant play 1 cant do anything why does it have to rain mother busy with baby glanced up sympathetically and said i dont like tho rain either dear but perhaps it will stop beforo long somewhat comforted by her moth ers sympathy aud understanding marion watched aud waited for the rain to stop but it kept on aud on no occupation was suggested other than tho usual run aud play with you toys whicli did uot appeal and by nap time marion aud mother wero irritable aud outofsorts and i cant blame her said moth er to aunt nell that afternoon when sho dropped in rainy days always make me miserablo and blue and marioii must have inherited it well said aunt nell wise iu ex perience gained from rearing a large family possibly its inherited though i doubt it but you might be able to help her overcome such a handicap and it will be a handicap if she grows up feeling tha a rainy day must bo a gloomy disagreeable day i used to try and plan something a little un usual for rainy days when the child ren wero small sometimes we kept a few special toys for such days or i had little surprises for them ill tell you ill start marion off with a rainy day box mother was dubious but agreed it was worth a trial aud a few days later marion received a large parcel removal of tho outer wrappings dis closed a box securely tied aud pasted across the top witli a rainbow label marked do not open until it rains duriug the two sunny days which followed the mysterious package re mained unopened and for tho first time marion could remember she was happy to find it raining on the morn ing of the third day at last she could opon tho package after breakfast the box was opened disclosing more packages four ol them all bearing rainbow labels marioii pulled out the top one aud mother read the note which said after breakfast opeu me ill keep you busy just you see inside marlon found a shiny uew pair of scissors many page3 o bright magazine pictures and r large square of muslin to spread on the floor or table to catch the scraps marion wanted to open the othor packages at once but mother ex plained that tho note on each one told just when it was to bo opened one at eleven oclock another after lunch and the fourth after nap time their contents a picture book brightcol ored beads aud strings and a soap bub ble outfit kept the child busy and sho was glad to help mother by amusing tho baby with her strings of beads thoroughly convinced of the value of the plan mother told marion at tea time that they would put the new toys back in the box and keep them for rainy days the next rainy day marl on found a red balloon in the rainy day box another day mother mada tiny sandwiches for her dolls tea party magazines with protty pictures were saved for it and a scrap book started and gradually rainy days were looked forward to as a cozy play time rather than days when you cant do anything issued by tho national kindergarten association 8 west 40th street new york city those articles are appearing weekly in our columns pass inspection 5 keep smoking strictly away from farm buildings the sparks from a pipe cigar or cigarette may do a lot of damage be particularly care ful where cigarette butts are concern ed no smoking signs are at least constant reminders of the ever pre sent danger 6 watch your hay mows spontane ous combustion of damp hay is no myth and this source of fire is not al ways easy to detect 7 check up on your insurance seo that it is adequato and that the pre miums are paid 8 have a good type ot chemical ex tinguisher handy those are not ex pensive and often serve to stop a flro at its outset check up your are hazards before winter sets in issued by tho director of publicity dominion department of agriculture ottawa treeclimbing cow i latest curorro toxas bossle s j par kers cow never could win a prize at a live stock show but when it comes to tree sitting shes in a class by hor- solf the cows adoption of the fad that swept tho country last summer was unintentional shi saw fresh groan lonvos in a tree that was leitnlnjt at such an angle she could climb it easily but once there she couldnt get down again i air of happy due luurs who have something to show fir their day w jgjjg jf iv the italian oil tanker tuscania tho jugoslav steamship dohodak tho steamship vivaldi and tho british steamships chesham and templemead were among those who had callod for help the templemead later radlood that it was all right the steamdrifter champion was wrecked on tyo rocks near lossio- mouth harbor scotland the crow were pulled to safety through heavy seas by ropes there was a terrific gale at bourne mouth on the coast hundreds ot beach tents and huts wero destroyed and telephone and telegraph wires wore blown down many pleasure craft woro sunk in barmouth harbor a woodon pier was smashed at swan- age gales were roporlod almost through out england at plymouth the winds velocity was 70 miles an hour thero was a torrential rain in dublin woro flooded all ovor town damage in the isle of man roports said totalled 2500000 crops in portions of scotland and wales havo been destroyed furniture in many flooded homes was washed into tho jjp at pojttypool blacnaven abor- sychan and lower garmouth in north walos the rivers conway clwyd dee and sovorn aro ovorflow- ing canny sandy wished to catch tho early train to london and being a vory heavy slooper was in doubt if he would wako up sufficiently early for a long time tho scotsman tried to think ot a method whoroby hi could be called but each ho soofi discovered necessitated a tip finally ho decided to send hmsolt a lettor without a stamp that night he went to bed and slept soundly early tho following morning there came a thunderous rap on the front door tho scot throw opon tho bed room window and stared down at the postman heros a letter for you without a stamp said tho lattor fhoroa threepence to pay tak it back replied the soot angrily carolessnoss like doosna deserve to be encouragod one secrot of success is to go ojt where no one knows you and proton that you amounted to somothhc where you came from tho shop assistants temper wa plainly suffering from uie effects cs tho heat selling footwoar is a trying occupation whon the mercury is at tempting to gush out of the top of the thermometer tho portly wonub who entores tho shop was in tsjf throes ot a violent attack of hay fever her distress was actile i want ashoo she bogan i want ashoo i or ashcooj the jssislant drujp- frlond why does your sorvant go mei his fingers oh tho counter 1 about the houso with hor hat on patiently i want ashoo mistross oh shes a now girl she aslstants short stock of temper i uaiif uucr ius wno nave someiuing 10 snnw nr ineir ciay a i i i miawuia auuu mui oi luiuym hh the ikramchl rler ki oast duck i marked plainly on the branched a bliuncomfn t t tlu b o- one mada v v 1 u yt nlo up her mind whether shell cant be dono he said brasanek but chewlnr her tma nonfantiuffv i zjl- x bnt chewing her cad contentedly stay wc only sell them in palm