s empire games ended organized flying canadian records fall has clear record increase of feebleminded greatest world problem percy williams is first in 1 00- yard dash but strains leg tendons and will be un able to compete at chicago left leg a similar injury to that he civil flying in canada shows suffered in the ace with eddie tolan at vancouver a year ago last july and one which kept him out of compe tition for ncaily a year ho wa3 assisted into the dressingroom and hamilton rain which fell contlu- w unable to come out to the dais for uously during the program at the british empire games on saturday aug 23rd drenched the 1so0o specta tors who filled all available space within the civic stadium but failed to dampen their enthusiasm for the the flag salute tor nearly an hour when h did mount the dais he was limping badly the shouts of the crowd when wil liams crossed the line a winner were deafening but they were brought competition which concluded the short when it was seen that he was greatest set ot athletic games ever injured although the olympic cham- held in canada pion attended the banquet at night unfavorable weather the first en- given the athletes and officials and countered during the week of the has been named on the team to com pete at chicago on august 27th there games no doubt helped in relieving the groat demand for accommodation j j no possibility of his being a partici and while saturdays attendance far pan i the international competition exceeded any previous mark for track t filler the hamilton sprinter and field sport in canada had the sun w probably take his place been shining as it did on opening dayl empire champions one week ago it is questionable if the fences which surround the stadium track aild new champions ot the would have stood the strain added i empire crowned during the beating accommodation tailed to fill wcek ot te brush empire games the demand as it was and many stood throughout the afternoon despite the track and field rain to witness a program filled with 100yard dash percy williams can- recordbreaking achievements al canadians do well j 220yard dash s e englehart eng- to hamilton for the staging of the laml game goes great credit the com- 120yard hurdles lord david burgh- pelition was he best ever seen in the england dominion records were broken in 440yard hurdles lord david burgh- the markets coarly ovary event on the track pro- gran chile the performances in the field cvhih were also zt a high order canadian athletes supplied the fea tures in nsavly every event and in none were t113 disgraced on dosing day the veurcrs of the marle leaf for the firs time led rll parts ot the ktn- pirc in the number of victories scored canadian placing first ii five of the nine events on tho program the last event the pole vault wen by victor picknrd ot hamilton was incident- ally the only triumph of a hamilton athlete during tho ertire program ot track and field competition canadas triunph on saturday in the 100yards dash vas bcught at at liigh price percy williams he non pareil pulling up lame after cross- j ing the finish line three yard a victor over e l page of rrghird whose ami lunge a- the tepo was just suffi cient to beat out jbhrry lsbtparick for second position ijciay in the start of the race is perhaps to blame for the injury to williams tho van couver flier was cvt ready for the event at least ten minutes 1 efore it was started and with rain falling most of the time it is likely that he became chilled before going to his mark added to the delay were two false breaks in which icgg and ger- hardt the south africans vere the offenders on the third trial however the runners got away to a beautiful start and williams was seen streak ing out from the field by the time the 15yard mark was passed he appeared to have the race at his mercy finishing easily a victor over his livals he was seen partially to stumble just after he breasted the tape and he turned into tho lano in which johnny fitzpatrick was run ning fitz pulled up short and seiz ed williams who was in pain having severely wrenched the tendons of his ley england i 4 10yard run alexander wilson montreal 410yard relay canada miller adams fitzpatrick and brown 1 8s0 yards t hampson england onemile run r h thomas eng land i onemile relay england leigh- t wood townend burghley and brang- win twomile steeplechase g w bailey england threemile run s a tomlin eng land sixmile run w j savidan new zealand marathon 20 miles and 385 yards d mel wright scotland running hop step and jump gor don smallacombe ctaada hammor throw m c nokes eng land shot put ii hart south africa discus throw ii hart south africa javelin throw s a lay new zea land running high jump j h viljoen south africa running broad jump leonard hut- ton canada polo vault vic pickard canada standing a complete detailed standing ot track and field championships at tho british empire games concluded sat urday is as follows large number c accidents ottawa definite progress iu all branches ot civil aviation is noted iu tho annual report on civil aviation is sued recently by the department ot national defeuce the report cov ers the year 1929 aud records import ant developments in air mail services forest patrol and general commercial flying throghout canada flying when conducted under pro per conditions is quite safe the re port states and in support of this the record of air mail services in canada is cited not a single life nor a single pound of mail waslost in three years ot organized opora- tions while the unnecessarily large num ber ot accidents in civil flying is de scribed as a disquieting feature the majority of them are attributed to overconfidence or neglect ot ordinary precautions the record of organized i flying services including the mail ser vice is described is remarkable in northern flying the most hazardous i famous ot all only two serious accidents oc- curred on organized flights in 1929 and services such as those ot the ontario government show a clear record year after year there were 29 accidents involving death or injury in 1929 according to the report tho deaf- toll consisted ot 14 pilots 16 passengers and one third party eight pilots five pas sengers and two other persons were seriously injured the accidents were distributed as follows sched uled air routes 1 light airplane clubs 11 commercial 12 manufacturers test 1 pleasure 1 and ground in juries from propeller 3 a statis tical summary shows that only one accident occurred for every 216692 aircraftmile3 and for every 4970 air craft flights the most serious fact in the situa tion of england at the present time said professor julian huxley of tho university of loudon iu a recent ad dress before tho british social hy giene council is not bad business or produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are buy- defectivo members instead ot hiding in p at the following lrices them as a family disgrace biologists 1 tggs ungraded cases returned agree however that this cannot ex- onds22c i butter no 1 ontario creamery pro- solids 29v4 to 30c no 2 23 to 2814c noted motor racer injured in crash unemployment or the chance of a new to have children and thus to spread j war but is the fact that the percentage their detect stil moro widely in the of mental defectives in tho population next generation public opinion iu has increased notably in the past 20 most countries will not yet support years since this same increase of la- moro drastic laws to prevent this sano aud feeble minded persons is be- tho beginning ot th cure ot this llevod to bo worldwide in civilized situation professor huxley urged countries professor huxley would bo i might be more teaching of biology in willing no doubt to exteuc his die- tho schools it every growing child turn to all of europe and of america got even as firm a grasp of the basic belfast ireland kayo don one ot great britains noted motor racer suffered a broken rib and his mechanic plain all of tho recorded increase of butter3io 1 ontario creamer ws seriously iniure1 whctt thelr mental deficient one cause prolohdslk to 30c no 2 23 tow4cl z w v th fessor huxley implied is that mental churning cream special 20c no mll ulster tourlst trophy race ot th defectives still aro allowed to marry 1 2sc no 2 25c 1 ko automobile club recently cjeesc no 1 large colored parat- tha british driver who only a few fined and govcriirent graded lcac mouths ago went to america in an al- quitations to pvltry shippers arc tempt to establish a new worlds spool is follows j recorj narrowly escaped death la the opinions differ concerning the causes ot this alarming increaso iu mental imperfection a part of it may be merely statistical duo to the fact that families now disclose their mentally facts ot biology as average children now get ot tho simpler rule ot arith metic it might become possiblo to get public suppo t for regulations to avoid biological dangers to the community old indian fort j polar expeditions to be dedicated of 1930 vintage poultry alive fatted hens over cras 5 lbs aeh 21c do over a to 5 lbs l 18c do over 34 to 4 ib icc do thirtysix car iu uo under 3h lbs 14c spring broilers drvl by pts from germany over 4 lbs 25c do 3vi to 4 lbs 22cj great britain and italy three italian do 3 to 3vi lbs 17c do over 2 to 2vi were leading in the hairraising event lbs 15c do 1 to lbs i3c oldj roosters over 5 lbs lfo do over 4 to 5 lbs each 8c duekliigs over 5 babies should be lbs lse do colored ice dressedi -r- poultry if in goad conditio- will be 1 augnt manners paid 3 to 4 cents above alive prices i babys training iu manners must ba- provision prces j gill as so as ha can toddle and ex- toroito wholesale deabrs are quot- press his likes aud dislikes this is ing the following prices to lh trade o difficult with things that can ba champioi ships 2nd 3rd england 9 10 5 canada c 4 9 south africa 3 2 5 now zealand 2 0 0 australia 0 3 1 scotland 1 0 1 british guiana 9 1 0 0 1 0 st hubert airdrome established record in handling of r100 indicative ot tho rapid strides by t tho wind is to bo placed ou them which ground operations in lighter- thanair transport aro progressing tho recent handling ot tho r10c at st hu bert airdrome at montreal gives pro mise ot a day when hugo dirigibles will be berthed serviced loaded and unloaded with greater speed less ex pense and smaller crews than is now necessary for mediumsized steam ships ground operations have always been a serious damper on tho enthusi asm of tho promoters of airship trans port and engineering problems in the task of obviating the ground crews ot 300 to 400 trained men have been in tricate the new mast at st hubert how ever with many novel featuros built by tho canadian government has esi tablislied several records first among gather by tho accurate synchronizing thorn is tho complete docking of the mechanism ot tho winches tho two giant dirigible in twentyseven mini auxiliary cables guided tho ships nose- tes after tho first landing lino was cono directly into tho mooring bell new industries tho toronto industrial commis sion announces that between january 1 and june 30 15 new industrial firms have come to toronto with which the commission has cooperated of these 11 had their origin in the uni ted states and 4 originated in other parts ot canada this list of these new industries includes a number ot outstanding companies whose en trance into the assembling and manu facturing field in toronto mean3 an important growth and development in the citys industrial life in reviewing vancouvers industrial progress of the past 18 months it is ot interest to note that- 100 new in dustries have been established giv ing employment to 1399 people with a payroll ot 1707u00 and that 03 established factories in vancouver have during tho same period made plant extensions involving expenditure in excess of 10000000 in the past three months 11 new factories have been established bringing the total number of vancouver factories up to 1600 employing 30000 people com pared with 507 plants employing 13- 334 people in 1925 rastus did you go to your lodgo meeting last night no sah we dun have to postpone it how was that grand-au-powortul-iuvinc- iblo most suprome-unconquerable-po- teutato dun got heat up by his wife taking a test in which ono ot the ques- southwold earth works will form part of national park system st thomas ont the official de dication ot tho famous south wold earthworks twelve mile3 northwest ot here which have been acquired by the dominion government as part ot the national parks system will take place on sept 15 under tha direc tion of officials ot the historical sites and monuments board ot tha do minion dr j h coyne local historian who is arranging tha program said that he has recently rece ed word from ottawa to the effect that the work planned by the government thl3 year will be completed in timo for tho ceremonies on sept 15 according to dr coyne tho south- wold earthworks are the only doublo- svalled indian fort ever discovoied on tho continent and the relic is regard ed as being of great historical value bv archaeologists ot canada and the tj nlted states the old fort is be lieved to be several centuries old in fact it may antedate the discovery of america despite its great age the walls ot the fort are clearly de fined evidence of the forts age is found in tho trunks ot massive trees that have grown up in the wall3 and have fallen to decay tinea the fort wa3 built many ot these lree3 are be lieved to have been two hundred years old or more prominent his torians and archaeologists from vari ous parts ct the united states are ex pected at the ceremonies a government engineer is making a survey ot the tort property to pre pare plans for tho improvements it is understood that a memorial cairn will be erected at the highway en trance tothe fort grounds and the en tire property acquired by the gov ernment will be enclosed by an orna mental iron fence how wireless and cinema keep polar expeditions in touch with home as tho rt100 approached tho mast lions was namo three kinds ot mar- at 000 feet altitude tho main cable was rlages and defluo each tho follow drawn out on tho ground to a white ing answer appeared on two ot tho marker to leeward ot tho mast tho papers polygamous tho union of landing lino was dropped from tho ono man with several wives poly- ship as near to tho marker as possible androus tho union of ono woman and attached to tho main cahlo with i with several husbands monotonous a special coupling tho engines were j tho union ot one husband with ono shut down aud tho winch was care- wife fully tied to tako up all tho slack j without jerking the ship then tho cable was reeled in when tho lino becamo taut tho two auxiliary lines wero attached to tho sides of tho forward quarters of tho envelope making tho yoko to tho mast in tho form of a trianglo with slightly greater tension on tho main cable all threo lines wero reeled in to- prize heifer a threeyearold heifer calf bred and owned by walter buntaiu of south uustico pei ha3 finished a years test in tho 305day division with a milk production ot 12699 pounds con taining 66s75 pounds ot butter fat and giving her the high average test the homo management class was f ra ed twice daily during the entire period canadas butter production tor 1929 amounted to 172581406 pounds as compared with 16s027309 pounds tor the previous year according to a report of the national dairy council of canada among the provinces the largest producer was quebec with a production ot 57509163 while on tario also produced over 50000000 pounds captain of the air dropped then through tho centro of tho 205foot tower tho passengers aud crow wero brought to earth in a twelvepassenger elevator afterward through permanent lines within tha tower the ship was completely rcser- viccd with fuel hydrogen and other necessities tho last two operations wero ole- menlary compared with tho task of erecting the machinery which moored tho great vessel in so short a time eliminating ho twisting stresses pro viding power to reel in tho ship ac curately and evenly despite wind gusts and the fact that no great strain could ho placed on any ono point of tho delicate structure of tho ship pre sented serious problems to tho engin eers tho completed mast shows an in tricacy commensurate with the prob lems involved a main cable of ev- tremely high tensile strength is mounted on a winch governed by vari able highspeed gears two other auxiliary cables are mounted on -inl- lar winches but no strain other thn that ot th9 side sway of lh h in where onco fastened all linos wero cast off and reeled further in to await the next mooring operation the reeling was dono at speed vary ing with the distance of tho ship from tho bell tho speed of tho malu cablo varied from 150 to ono foot a minuto slowing as tho ship draw nearer to prevent momentum from causing a crash against tho top of tho mast why dont you got married thom as a vicar asked his gardener you know adam was a gardoner andsho had a wife yes sir replied tho gardener but ho didnt keep his job long after ho got her there are aj many oniric for the fifth marathon swim at tha cana dian nation exhibition as there were for last years event interest is agan worm wide an i largos gaay of natatorial ii history will shir at r-i- fir h i wo rri 3 i r i i v i a small band of gallant men fought their way by dog sledge to the south pole while an anxious world waited weeks for the smallest crumb of news not until their little ship had limped back to the fringe of civilization was tha cable able to flash the first news to us and we marvelled at that that was polar exploration twenty years ago an explorer flies over the south pole in au aeroplane all the while he is thus making history ha is sending wiroless messages to new york 10000 miles away and down below on the ico two cinema cameramen crank that scene to preserve it for ever that is polar exploration in 1930 and we tako it pretty much for granted admiral byrds south pole expedi tion i3 the perfect example of modern exploration aeroplanes radio and tho cinema their possibilities are staggering iu piercing the unknown iiyrd was at tha southern tip of the world for eighteen months with tho exception ot two nights only ha spoke by radio to now york ovory night x scenes ol homo by film that is not all every day the new york newspaper reporter who went with tha parly wroto a story and tha radio operators shot it through tho air to new york so that it was on sala in the streets of now york and other cities the following morning aud in britain a ilttle later wireless obliterated space and timo as a matter ot dally routine mora than 325000 words of news and 20- 000 private messages votalltng ovar 3000000 words were sent every day new york soni the man ai the pole a miniature uawspaper by radio complete enough to enable some ot the party to keep abreast with their stock j exchange investments ou on oc casion when byrd wanted scientific data they sent him a complete geo graphical treatise tho cinema also set up records tho byrd expedition fllm is a complete re cord from tho timo they left new york until their triumphant return as we havo said it shows byr actually fly ing over tiie south pole films also kept the party in touch with homo every sunday night there was a cinema show for the men and tho greatest thing of all was when tho relief ship brought a special newsreel ot the mens own families at honro it showed the wireless operator his own son whom he had never seen for tho infant was born after tho expedi tion had sailed exploration 1930 smoked meals hams isied 28 to 3cc couked loiis 48 to 52c smoked rolls 28c brakfurt bacon 26 to 40c backs peamealed 34c do smoked 44 t 50c pork loins 28c should rs 20ac butts 2gvic hams 25 to 2gc j cured meats txng clear bcon 59 seen and handled when children are provided with their own table furniture such as blunt knives aud spoons and forks of suit able size they will take a prldo la copying and behaving at table juht liko mummy and daddy a hint to to 70 lbs 24c 70 to 90 lbs 2c 90 to thejr eillm l0 ua u loast a3 pome 110 lbs 21c heavywdght r lis 40c ol at tabio t b lightweight rolls 25c lardpure tierces 14 vi tubs s wer pseut similarly they new records set by young aviator jersey city youth crosses continent and back in 57 hours roosevelt field ny eighteen- yearold eddie schneider of jersey city nj landed hero from columbus o with threo juniortranscontinontal records in his possession beating tho threo records sot by tho lato frank goldsborough who was kill ed recently in a crash ho cliafkcd up the following marks eastwest 29 hours and u minutes westcast 27 hours and 19 minutes round trip 57 hours tha goldsborough rocords wero eastwest 3j hours 3 minutes west- east 28 hours 58 minuios and round trip 62 hours 53 minutes 15c pails 15v6c priits if fc 104 shortening tierces 12mc tubs 13c pails 13c special pastry shortening tierces 15c tubs 15v4c pails lgc grain quotations grain dealers n w toronto board of trade are making the following quotations for car lots man wheat no 1 northern 95c no 2 do 93vic no 3 do 90hc no 4 88c no 82 no 0 g5c feed 53 mc cif goderich aid bay ports man oats no 1 feed 33c no 2 do 3glc argentine corn 89c cif port col- borre i millfced del montreal lreights bags included bran per ton r2925 shorts per ton 3025 middlings 3525 i ontario grain wheat 78 to 80c iarley 37 to 40c oats 39 to 33c buckwheat nominal j hay and straw j wholesale denies in hay and strav are quoting shippos the following prices for carload lots delivered on track toronto j no 2 timothy 14 no 3 timothv 12 to s3 whsat straw 10 oat straw 10 live stock quotations heav beef steers g50 to 7 but cher steers chei 7 to 750 do fair to good 050 to 7 do com 550 to 625 butcher heifers choice 7 to 750 do frir to good g50 to 7 do com 550 to g25 butcher cows good to choice 550 to 575 do med 450 to 5 caime 3 and cut ters 150 to 3 butcher bu good to choice 125- to 5 do bologna 250 to 3 baby hecf 9 to 1150 feeders good 625 to g50 stackers 525 to g calves good o choice 1050 t 1150 do med 8 to 950 do con 6 to g75 do grassers 5 to 550 milkers 50 co 90 i springers 80 to lt0 lambs choice i 9 buck lambs 7 sheep 2 to 550 hogs bacon woc 11 do selects 1 per hog premium do butchers 75c per hog discount do trucked in 25c cwt nder woc can bo taught to bo tidy with their belongings if tidiness is the rule ot tho home it is when wo come to what may ba called the abstract virtues such as un selfishness courtesy and cousidera- i tion for the feelings of others that childtraining reaches a more difficult stage wo dont want our children to lose their naturalness and become self- conscious but wo do need to help them to fit iu with tile social arrange ments they will find about them when they go out into the world schoollite knocks the corners oft the selfish aud illbred child and uior quickly than anything else teacbei that it is no longer the centre of tha universe it may have fet itself to bs at home if a child does not wish to shan sweets or fruit or allow other children to touch their toys dont make tha mistake of scolding and calling it self ish or greedy point out instead itt happy it will make johnny or 1ouuiy to share ami how pleasant it is lo h able to give pleasure in that way there aro few children who will not respond to such suggestions the method that makes the baby mlael glow with tiie feeling ot having dona a kind or right thing is always tha best another mooring ma3t discussed a canadian playground north of the great fertile belt do voted to agriculture there lies in tha province of saskatchewan canada a region of rocks woods and water which seems almost tohave been forni- ed by nature as a special playground for man hero aro found thousands ot crystal lakes white birch lack pine and white spruce grow bore to unusual size and beauty pickerel pike and gray trout are plentiful in tha lakes and streams whlld moose deer bear and many species of same birds abound a typical example of this re gion is priuco albert national park it was set aside in 1928 and is au im portant addition to cauadas already fiiio system ot national reservations moncton nb may be site for further air de- j velopments i ottawa possibility of further de velopments in connection with aerial communication between the united kingdom and canada which might necessitate tha erection of another mooring mast in this country prob ably at moncton nb was seen as a result ot conferences held recently be tween officers of r100 and govern ment officials connected with air try these plum jelly isoil four pounds of souinhod plums in a gallon ot water until the liquid reduced to throa pints strain and measure then add one pound ot loaf sugar to each pint and boil again till jelly sets pour into jars cover and store in a cool dry place medlar jelly allow two or three pounds ot ripe uubruised fruit sim- mor with water to cove till quite soft strain and if not then clear strain again measure and to each pint add one pound ot loaf sugar isou quick- i ly skimming when necessary take off fire when jelly will set ou col plato and leavo to cool in pan pour into glasses or moulds and cover when set crabapple jelly allow half a pint of water to each pound of fruit wipe transportation st hubert which is regarded as the best equipped air- dromo on tho north american con tinent would continue to be the base ot such contemplated operations but an auxiliary base nearer the atlantic coast 13 favored as a means ot fur ther speeding up aerial activities in this regard tho city ot moncton i 1 occupying a strategic position as a distributing centro is looked upon as tho most favorable site one lots an idea form for years and when it is roady to be written it floats to the top and waits there john masefiold ed an unprecedentd numbor of mos quitoes a mans face is seldom his fortune sometimes his cheok is iant im hawks in cockpit of his aeroplane aftor arriving at i vaey sream ny in 12 hours 25 minutes and 3 seconds angeles new westtocast transcontinental flight rocord for three weeks jingleby had borne all the horrors ot the annual houso- cloanlng without a murmur thon his patience gave way and you sob- bod his wife you used to toll met was your quoonl yes he said with a wild glaro in his eyes but when a man finds that his quoon has usod his it anyone calls this afternoon b03t tobacco jar for oalc varnish and mary i shall be out announced the his boat briar pipe for a tack hammer mistress woll as it appons maam he begins to grasp tho advantages ot replied mary with finality i shall be aropubllcl out myself i strain through hag add one pound ot loaf sugar to each pint of juice boh till set about twenty or thirty min utes pass through jellybag and pour into moulds plague of alaska mosquitoes may anr r hd miners wrangel alaska mosquitoes may they como from tho faroff places blueqerity magic defeat tho quest of several hundred gold prospectors about to rush to ward the casslar region whore rich pay gravel has boon found blue hills and shimmering plain with fragrance of wide wild spaco and freshness ot summer rains v a inexperienced minors are amojig j tako trom ta tranquil heavoni the crowd who have lott for tho dig- tl glngs unless they havo provided thomselves with netting tho insects their color so puro and cool they carry tho magic essence ot flowers by a plneglrt pool may mako thorn forgot the yellow ma it and bearg m metal reports from yo village of fa fi a a thistledown j olenora scene of tfia and say hlgv afm trmkbi iwsuings water and heavy rains havo dovelop- and streots ot th own s ail an iinnmaarlanrif numhni nt mn wion i hear the song of tho whlta throat jjsj and tiie wish of the firs windtoitj when i glimpse tho blueberry acres long ago left and last t know tho lamp ot aladdin is potent as onco of old and i gathor a harvest ot gladness as much as my heart can hold lillian lovoridgs