Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 3, 1930, p. 5

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stouffville apkil 3rd 1930 local happenings midland has passed a bylaw pro hibiting loitering on the streets and dogs running at large mr harry paisley has rented mr i trout fishing season opens four alt pushs house in the east end i weeks from today irfovysg-ttry- wwinftfflinwggjysgs8- do not hang up your snow shovel the next public holiday will be yet see the latest patterns for spring suitings at p k raos one tists of canadas outstanding ar- elsie mcluhau will give a program of recitations and character sketches in the united church on wednesday april 9th at s pm those who went to toronto last thursday night in the hope of see ing the greatest hockey match in all canada in amateur lineups worn handed a lemon so to speak the game was such a walkover for montreal that in the last period the big crowd was surging out of the arena five to ten minutes before the final gong sounded more thrilling games have been witnessed in the ktouitville arena good friday april isth marcoling manicuring and water waving phone miss ruth cadgero 3200 stounville for appointment the united church choir will ren der selections at the elsie mcluhan concert given wednesday evening under auspices of the womens asso ciation the sum of s27s44 was spent on tlie roads in whitchurch township in the year 1929 on which the town ship council is entitled to the statu tory grant from the ontario govern ment the stouffville choral is adver tised vo appear in newmarket ou april 11th under auspices of the christian church theso are lean days for many blacksmith shops and a smith who recently established himself at claremont has folded up his tent and moved silently away coming dr p e luke optome trist 16 yonge st torontos able eyesight specialist at j boadways drug store stouffville thursday april 17th for over 30 years he has been coming bore dont forget the date directly store opposite leavens general no need to get soaked when you buy rain coats so moderately priced at f e raes we carry the latest in this line there will be a partial eclipse of the moon on april 13th and again on the 2sth of april there will be i partial eclipse of tlie sun on the radio last sunday the mayor of hollywood declared that churches nowadays were putting in tlie microscope before prayer books and if people were not saved it was the fault of static quality service w i smith of toronto who pur chased the meredith farm at glas gow was in town on monday arrang ing to ranch part of his property for the coming summer we have added to our tailoring establishment a reliable line of readytowear suits and overcoats new spring samples now in f e raes last week roy strong the centra garage proprietor received word that his father mr sam strong was lying seriously ill at niagara falls in a few hours from receiving the message red was at the falls when he learned that his father had iust a bare chanlce of recovery he is suffering from appendicitis but had been treated for stomach trouble until the abscess on the appendix broke for a year or two mr strong has been living at virgil at which place her resided when rushed to the hospital the new plymouth at 5735 and up the new dodge six at 1105 and ui the new dodge eight at 51400 and up together witli the famous dodge bros trucks of over 1200 different models of commercial cars lloyd turner and harry stoulter agents mrs pency allin of vandort was stouffville last friday and collected a very substantial sum to ward the expense of wiring the united church at vandorf where hydro power is shortly uo be in stalled ratcliffs hall was comfortably filled on monday evening by mem bers and friends of the horticultural society to hear mr j s hall and enjoy his wonderful views on iioral home suroundings and their cultiva tion following the talk by mr hall refreshments were served and a social hour spent together in the absence of president j r hodgins mr ii o klinck past president presided the small adv column of the tribune is a wonderful salesman one little adv inserted by mr sam fretz brought over frank stiver the grain merchant wthq purchased a faniey gray colt mr fretz wished to sell with a fair blanket of snow covering the ground right up to the present time the fall wheat area has come through the winter fine and with plenty of warm weather now will show wonderful growth the men s store new spring suits now a man can be well groomed without feeling that he is spending too much money for his suit in this group are greys browns and blues suitable for young and old new shades and patterns in spring top coats 15 and 18 mens fine shirts in fancy stripes and checks some collar attached 195 new spring suits for boys in grey and brown tweed 625 use sunworthy wallpaper order here your linoleum rugs phone 5601 stouffville special prices from now till the first of april there will be special prices on incubators and brooders tlstltwj spend if what you get hack when you buy an incubator or brooder buy a buckeye you may be able to save a few dollars on first cost by buy ing a cheap machine but you actually lose oil you save and much more your buckeye incubator is guaranteed to give you the very highest percentage of big healthy chicles with practically no cripples or weaklings buckeye incubators and brooders your buckeye colony brooder cither coal or oil burn ing will raise every raisable chick no crowding no chill ing grow three chicks where one grew before write your own moneyback guarantee let us show you this wonderful poultry raising equipment f y w brathwaite hardware stouffville hatch ever hatch egg this store will open tuesday thura day and saturday nights and will close on wednesday afternoons after may 1st the business mens bible class of uxbridge ihas secured mr denton massey uo speak at a special mens service to be iheld in the united church of that town on sunday evening april 13th a move is on foot in the town of whitby to billet 300 shriners there a further proof that a few hundred might have been arranged fpr to billet in stouffville if only some organization would undertake the matter of locating ihomes and gett ing in touch with the billeting head quarters in toronto which is in aotion on this work now considerable local interest is being created in the sale of horses belong ing to g am davison to be held in unionville km tuesday april sth among the animals to ibe sold are work horses hackneys and shetland ponies standard bred trotters and pacers saddle hlerses and hunters mr davison is a noted horseman and his sale will attract a great many admirers it will open at one oclock delos graham of itingwood is a successful well driller for he usually gets water when be goes after it just recently he has secured a good well on the farm of jos forsyth at glasgow at a depth of 95 feet as representatives from richard son lodge dr s s ball and dr h b freel attended a masonic function tendered the grand master in beaches memoriaj hall toronto ou friday evening last feed is lower in price a cat sleeping on a display of prunes in a store window along main street was the sight that greeted the eyes of church goers last sunday morning this is one form of window advertising that doesnt pay we 2 3500 per ton schumacher feed shorts bran oats oiicake meal all lower j lower wheat prices has made lower flour prices cannel coal on hand petitions to open and counter petitions not to open the business places in the town of uxbridge for three nights a week is the stimulus of a nice little war along the broad- way of our northern neighbor just now at the present time a bylaw forbids the opening of stores except ing on saturday nights and the action of the council is now being watched to see if they will allow those business bouses to open who are anxious to do so if intending to buy a four cylin der car be sure and see the new plymouth before buying at the new- low price a four door sedan equip ped with hydraulic brakes at sc0 delivered see lloyd turner or harry stouifer if that witty mayor of hollywood were in stouffville now he would be apt to tell the world of radio fans that the stouffville council are suffering from the foot and mouth disease reeve sanders has just had some teeth extractedwhile councillor ward has been nalting with threatened maize on his heel tiver joros claremont iviilugj commissioners are considering tlie matter of ring ing thei curfew bell again a number of young boys are running the streets alt night when they ought to be ait home and they make them selves a nuisance at times ringing the curfew ball has been mooted in stouffville on more than one occasion for tliere are many young lads running the streets here at night who might be better employed at limine on saturday of last week mrs john hamilton now living at the home of her daughter mrs john turner reached her 91 birthday re cords which recently have been con sidered show that mrs hamilton is of this great age altough in these columns on previous occasions her age has been given a few years under 91 mrs hamilton is in fairly good health and best wishes from her many friends ate extended to her on this birthday oocasion she is es pecially grateful to the womens institute of stouffville for sending her a handsome bouquet of flowers in honor of this great occasion j h silverthorn took over the standard garage business on mon day morning this week succeeding robt woodcock who moved to mark- ham that same day this garage was established by baker bros who took over from aswift when he built across the road from the present place the standard building served for many years and was built by the late v h todd as a carriage fac tory and blacksmith shop which automatically ceased business with the coming of the automobile the death in toronto on saturday of edwin forsyth retired farmer removes a former resident of mon golia where lie farmed some years ago and his daughter taught school tliere he passed away at the resi dence of his son at 117 perth avenue following an attack of pneumonia he was a member of tlie united church and was 73 years of age there survives two sons irwin and roy and one daughter miss lillian all of toronto councillor joe boiinsky and wife wore in toronto on sunday for the purpose of attending the memoria service held in the imperial theatre for lord ualfour who restored palestine to the jews rabbi ahramowitz of montreal declared in the meeting that whatever faults the jew may have no one can accuse him of ingratitude and for the british nation he declared that so long as great britain continued to produce men of balfours stamp the world would never lose faith in the justice of the british people dr d c smith was called to woodville last week owing to the death of his sister miss mattie e smith of the kitchener public school staff who expired suddenly at the kitchener hospital from a heart at tack as a tribute to her memory the public schools of kitchener were telosed and the remains were follow ed to the station by the board of education as well as the teachers and pupils mr carniichaol super visor of tlie kitchener public schools oflicially represented the board of education and teaching staff at the funeral at woodville on saturday auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday april 4 and 5 douislk header harold lloyd as grandmas boy and tim mccoy ill the itusiiitwgek pathe news comedy that dogswhich have been accord ed the freedon of the streets since the incorporation of stouffville must obey the indictment hurled against them by the municipal council last year was evidenced for a second time last week when the municipal body ordered john gower to shoulder his gun and lay low a few canines which had been aimlessly running the streets and disturbing the peaceful slumber of west end citizens two mongrels have been destroyed while a third was taken into captivity to give the owner a chance to redeem- the cur the alertness of the council may be taken as a mark of their determin ation to enforce the dog bylaw al though had it not been for the night prowling and the vulgarity of the brutes on the streets the bylaw- might not have been rigidly enforc ed until the flower bods are put in when their bonehiding instincts and lovo for fresh ground becomes a menace however with a council showing blood in their eye through a fusiiade of bullets the puppies would bo well advised to keep under cover except when under control with council receiving a fresh man date from the people by way of an acclamation in january after hav ing passed the bylaw last year it may bo construed that the citizens in general want the bylaw observed tuesday and wednesday april sth and 9th cliii the trail hoot gibson comedy collegians friday and saturday april 11th and 12th freedom of the press admission 25c children 15c s g schmidt prop it wont be long now until you are making longer trips with the car and will re quire a perfect car performance how long ago were your brakes adjusted when were your val ves ground is the gas and oil mileage holding up does the car pull as well as it did origin ally this is only half the storythe answer is told when we service your car swif t s garage phone 19501 mrs h porter was called to peterboro recently to attend the funeral of her youngest brother cassie roy peacock who died from pneumonia following a months ill ness born in manvers township he was the youngest of a family of eight children five sisters and three brothers and passed away in his 32nd year one of our weather profits who generally forecasts about right tells us that weather the latter part of march decides wihat we might ex pect until near tlie middle of april or to the 14th of the month there will not be much warmer weather until after the eclipse wliich will be a double one farmers ready you can save money in buying your implements from us we have in stock spring and stiff tooth cultivators disc drills hoe drills quebec sulky all kinds of plows rakes cultivators gasoline en gines and a big slock of parts of all implements payments we are prepared to take your note on bankable paper ben rexlin phone 192 stouffville highest prices for fat fowl wool and hides the death took place in markka lir village ton sunday of mrs charles leadbetter wife of tlie markham butcher and mother of harry lead- better and mrs r woodcock form erly of stouffville mrs leadbetter whose maiden name was florence m taylor was g6 years of age tlie funeral on wednesday took place to grace church cemetery markham this lis the season of the year when farmers and others are pester ed with agents soliciting subscrip tions for newspapers and magazines invaniahly they charge a higher price than the subscription could he obtained for through local dealer and they exaict money from you when you just havent got it to spare if you wish to take or renew your subscription to any daily paper telephone the tribune office we are official agents and can secure a rate for you that is not authorized by any canvassers or other agents not long ago a local reader paid for a toron to paper and was promised a silver spoon but the article never arrived which is evidence that it is safer to do your business with an established home office the markham economist has some nice things to say about some of the stouffville talent which ivisited that town recently with the local choral society concert while the concert was not a financial suejeess for the hockey boys it was nonetheless enjoyed by thoso present the paper goes on to say the stouffville choral society won laurels on the occasion of their recent visit here under the auspices of the markham hockey club miss ivy saunders and young lady direct ly behind her on the stage we fail ed to get her name captured the audience with their fine personality and whole sbuled singing mr larold sanders will doubtless some day charm the legislative halls of our province by his distinguished tenor voice evidently the smiths are not only noted for their good looks but also possess singing qualities of a very high order dr neil smith for example the auction sale on the farm of harry paisley last thursday drew a tremendous crowd and prices ruled high on the average the feature of the sale was the bids on cattle which came fast and with little effort on the part of the auctioneer the dairy cattlo proved a choice herd and this no doubt helped to strengthen prices an average for milk cows of 120 was made while the highest priced animal brought 136 robt burnett j kollington and a mr armstrong from west hill were among the chief buyers of tows horses which havo been hard to obtain fair prices on sold off readily very ordinary critters selling as high as 110 a hinder sold for 150 and a drill at 100 while other implements with the compelling influence of the auctioneer sold well the sale total led 3058 a figure which is no doubt highly gratifying to mr paisley he white porcelain tank of tke melotte cream separator is so easy to wash and it is so low that there a no tiresome heavy lifting the melotte skims close gets every ounce of cream it runs easily and needs little or no up keep the bowl is suspended conse quently it automatically balances itself and always hangs true this eliminates all vibration and ensures the same close skim even after many years of use write today for free booklet giving full description r a lister co canada limited tor on to winnipeg branches throughout canada the lister line includes gasoline engines crude oh engine crude oil tractor electric motors electric lighting plants pumps and water systems washing machines stove local dealer r j smith stouffvilie ont nearly killed by gas druggist saves her gas on my stomach was so bad it nearly killed me my druggist told mo about adlerika the gas is gone now and i foel fine mrs a adamek simple glycerin buckhorn saline etc as mixed in adlerika helps gas on stomach in 10 minutes most remedies act on lower bowel only but adlerika acts on both upper and lower bowel removing poison ous waste you never knew was there relieves constipation in 2 hours it will surprise you j m storey druggist stouffville j a wear funeral director ambulance service funerals 70 and up phone 0000 markham ont year round creamery service we would impress on cream shippers that wo are at your service 12 months in the year not merely in the sumer months wo collect your cream in any kind of weather or season or you may deliver it to obtain host results ship your cream to us lc per pound butter fat extra to patrons who deliver their cream also a can of butter milk to take home freo of charge this will well pay you for your trou ble to doliver your oream stouffville creamery co an unequalled creamery service since 1918 closed overy night at 6 oclock orceptlng saturdays

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