Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 9, 1929, p. 2

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terrific gales sweep ontario while great lakes are dashed to fury lakes erie and huron take toll in shipping and shore lines while land transportation again suffers erieau inundated wind rain and resulting floods for tho second time within a month left their trail of damage through on tario friday and saturday the great lakes in the throes of a 50mile gale accompanied by a blind ing snow blizzard in the north and torrential rain in the south presented a menace to shipping which kept the majority of vessels stormbound in port while those which were forced to brave the gale were tossel about like matchwood by the heavy seas at least one casualty in lake huron and a near disaster on iakc erie was the toil of the high seas seamen on the shores of lake huron declared that the seas during friday had been heavier than had been seen for the past decade on the lake big lake liner in trouble battling huge waves and a strong gale with 135 culs aboard the pas senger steamer city of buffalo 18 hours overdue in cleveland was towed saturday into conneaut that tho desperate fight of the steamer to avoid disaster on lake erie during the terrific storm was handicapped at one time by sailors who fought for life preservers was the story told by william gibney ot bay at 4 oclock friday morning the crew was removed as the first streaks of dawn showed the craft floundering helplessly and with her cargo of lum ber lost to the waves courage facing danger revealing a story of fine courage in the face of difficulty and danger the rescued men attribute their safety tho lifesaving crew from thunder bay lland if it had not been for them it would have been all up with us harry jacobson of escanaba i ngineer of the illfated ship declared jacobson said the deck of the o e parks were awash with mountainous waves when tho crew of the life sta tion arrived in answer totheir distress signals he was unable to explain the causo of the foundering of the ship the storm came up unexpectedly and before the crew could make the vessel shipshape it had been swamped by high waves driven by a northeasterly gale erieau suffers chatham may 5 the village of erleau popular lake erie summer re sort and port is threatened with com plete demolition tonight as the waters ol tho lake continue to pound out their fury on tho surrounding beaches cut buffalo ny one of the 25 passengers off from the rest of the main land ex- who landed safely gibney vicepresident of tho bing ham taylor corporation said a narrow escape from death by drowning was made worse by an un ruly crew at one time three of the crew fought among themselves for possession of a lifepreserver when passengers were still waiting for thelre gibney said however that the offi cers showed remarkable calm and forcefulness in dealing with the crowd of inexperienced youngsters who made up the crew pulp steamer lost sault ste marie ont may 5 snatched from stormswept decks of a sinking vessel capt samuel shlolds and twelve men comprising the crew of the steamer 0 e parks were safe ashore todtiy after having battled against one of the worst gales on the great lakes in years the 0 e parks went down in shal low water in lake huron off thunder cept for the threadlike embankment of the pera marquette railway the peninsula settlement is virtually mar ooned while unless the winds and of the elaborate summer homes will collapse before long into a watery grave in the surrounding districts the waves have at last triumphed over the dykes and thousands of acres of low land arc inundated tonight rendering hundreds of familes homeless and pil- ng up a toll of damage which wll amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars in the dover and tilbury east dis tricts it i3 estimated that 2200 acres are inundated while in harwich town ship in tho vicinity ot erieau 500 acres of the burke drainage scheme are under three feet of water and there is imminent danger of the col lapse of another dyke which wll cause the flooding ot approximately 1000 acres of the upper section of the scheme british speed king speaks a recurrence of last years flood mississippi river levee breaks again and floods a wide area pressure ot flood waters from tributary streams caused tho mississippi river levee at canton mo to give way marooning more than 200 homes photograph shows part ot tho inundated area around the canton high school markets segrave on the radio major sir henry o d segravo and i1i3 wife broadcast tho sfcry ot his speed triumph at daytona beachpn their arrival at southampton- radio telephone on cnr train first phone call from moving train put through sat urday on toronto allan- dale line last week american newspapers featured tho story of a newspaper correspondent phoning his city editor from a plane flying above the city of biston on saturday canadians wore made to realize that we in our little way arc as far or farther advanced in radio science as our neighbors or any other country germany has developed system for phoning moving trains but it remained for the canadian national railways to put in to practical ser vice a train to station call as clear and distinct as an ordinary land wire cal right outside ot toronto for the first time in history a twoway tele phone conversation was held from a railway train while it sped along past farms meadows aim hamlets this telephono conversation from a moving train was the realization of the dreams ot both railway and tele phone engineers for years and its first successful demonstra tion occurring in tho dominion could not fall but strike a chord of pride in tho heart ot any canadian who wit nessed it it was appropriate too in a country where the earliest ex periments ot alexander craliam bell were held more than half a century ago epoch in progress but saturdays performance which noses of a score ot representatives of new york papers and th6 principal news service organizations o tho con tinent was far more than a matter for native pride even discounting tho initial enthusiasm of one witness ing such an innovation it can be said that this demonstration ot telephon lug from a moving train really mark ed an epoch in tho old obi story ot human communication that lifeline ot civilization it was easy from saturdays per formance to foresee tho time in the near future when a traveller speeding over distant lines will bo called from his berth to the train telephono and hear a message from home about babys first tooth this demonstration presages great tilings for tho social and commercial lite of the future what messages ot happiness or sadness what convent ences for weal or woe it will bring forth tho futitro will rfliow tho imagination ot tho presentday mind is dumbfounded by tho almost inftntto implications of this new device in communication grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trado are making tho following quotations for car lots man wheat no 2 north s12sh no 3 north 118 no 4 wheat 114 no 5 wheat 10591 no g wheat 91c feed wheat 89ic cif goderich and bay oris price on track lc higher than above man oats no 1 feed 4s9ic no 2 feed 46 cif goderich and bay ports am corn no 2 yellow kil ndried s104v no 3 vcllow kiln dried s103 delivered toronto millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 52825 shorts per ton 2825 middlings 3525 ont oats good sound heavy oats in car lots 45 to 50c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat fob ship ping points according to freights 128 to 130 barley malting 70 to 73c buckwheat 85 to 87c rye no 2 105 man flour first pats in jute 730 toronto second pats in jute c30 ont flour track montreal cir lots 90 per cent pats per bbl 570 hay and straw wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farmers delivered at toronto no 1 timothy loose per ton 19 to 20 do baled nominal no 2 do do 14 to 1450 no 3 do do 12 to 14 lower grades nominal wheat straw 1050 oat straw 10 wholesale seed prices prices per 100 lbs red clover domestic no 1 30 to 32 do no 2 28 to 2850 imported no 1 2j to 2050 do no 2 24 to 2450 alsike no 1 32 to 34 do no 2 28 to 2850 alfalfa domestic no 2 31 to 35 imported no 1 3050 to 32 sweet clover no 1 050 to 8 do no 2 575 to 57 timothy no 1 10 to 1125 do no 2 775 to s 50 produce toronto wholesale dealers are pay ing tho following prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 28c fresh first3 20c seconds 22c butter creamerv solids pasteur ized no 1 38mc no 2 37mjc churning cream special 43c no 1 42c no 2 39c fob shipping point cheese no 1 large colored par affined and government graded 20 to 20c livestock heavy beef steers 10 to 1175 butcher steers choice 1075 to 1175 do fair to gocd 950 to 10 do com 875 tc 9 butcher heifers choice 11 to 1140 jo fair to good 950 to 975 do com s75 to 9 butcher cows good to choice 850 to 950 do com to med g50 to s750 do canners and cutteic 450 to 550 butcher bulls good to choice 8 to 925 do mod 725 to 775 do bclognas 650 to 725 baby beef 10 to 1350 feeder choice 950 to 975 do fair to god 825 to 9 stockers choice 875 to 950 do fair 8 to 825 calves choice 1450 to 15 do me 9 to 1350 do assors g o 8 springers 85 to 5125 milkers 75 to 110 lambs per cwt 13 to 15 do culls per cwt 10 to 1350 spring lamb each 8 to 14 buck lambs 1150 to 1250 hecp choice 550 to 950 do med g to 7 do culls 4 to 5 hogs elects woc 13 0 to 1375 uo do fed 1320 to 1345 do do fob 1250 to 1275 de thicfemooths woc 13 to s1c25 fur seals increase rich herd sighted buy empire goods hamilton spectator ind cons tho motherland has dono her share in recommending dominion goods to british purchasers and it remains for the dominions to return tho compli ment in full measure it would bt a splendid thing tor the empire it moro of its citizens were convinced of tho advantage ot being selfish and patriotic at tho same time exhibition gets third wrigley swim toronto chosen after appli cations from other cities had been considered provision made that water must not be below 58 degrees for the third consecutive year to ronto 13 to be the scene ot the annual wrigley marathon emblematic ot the worlds swimming championship and for tho third consecutive time it is to be bigger and better than ever the swim will lie held during the two weeks ot the canadian national exhibition the choice of toronto was made only after consideration ot applications by others cities for the event these included cleveland new orleans detroit vancouver and 30000 males will be killed chicago in pribilofs in tune additional events and a stipulation i that 5s degrees falirenheit water tem- vancouver a 1000000000 fur seal per must prevail feature the herd swimming from tropical sea3 to sw 0 1929 as in last years swim bleak arctic waters has just passed tlle main events will be the womans the coast of vancouver island bound j sw d ten miles and the mens for bering sea tho mysterious mi- event of 15 miles for which the lead- gration ot fur seals will bo complete ers 0 tne womans struggle may early in may when they haul out ouqualif- as an extra attraction the rocks of pribilof islands the only j sl sprint races will be held on spot where the alaskan seal herd ever t closing day of the exhibition lands dont waste a tear on the vanish ing fur seal declares ii j christot- fers superintendent of sealing in the bureau of fisheries on pribilof is lands the fur seals contrary to tho belief generally held are increasing at the rate ot 10 per cent a year last summer the official census ot fur seals accounted for 810000 some time in juno about 30000 of the three-year- old males will bo separated from the main herd driven far inland on st paul island and killed in a few years the annual take of skins may easily reach 100000 without harming the future of the herds many employed on roads the number ot persons employed in road construction in canada during 1027 reached a total ot 34230 and was higher than in any of the last eight years in many districts thi3 work is supplementary to tho occupations or dinarily followed by the nearby resi dents particularly agriculturists dur ing tho slack periods on their farms after all we commonplace people enjoy the companionship of the per sons who make us feel comfortable course close to shore what will probably be the most wel comed feature of this years swim from the public viewpoint is the deci sion that tho course of the swim will be laid close to short tho leg out into the lake which carried the parti cipants for twothirds of each lap far from the crowds which lined the seawall is to be eliminated the full course of the swim is to be along tho inside and outsido ot the sea wall the swimmers at no time being more than a few yards distant from the breakwater freedom of the seas round tablo london it i3 be coming clearer every day that the whole attempt which has hitherto been mado to prevont war by defining the aggressor or outlaw state and requiring members to tako sanc tions against such aggressor or out law is on the wrong linos the obligation which tho peace pact or the covenant ought to impose is that ot taking economic or other sanc tions impartially against all belliger ents or intending belligerents politics in england taken seriously has your daughter benefited much by taking tho domestic science course oh yes indeed it tins i taught her how to pick out the right by the way tcok placo right under the at tho delicatessen storo prtotcst churchill budget ev service civil servant parading whitehall london protesting last budget presented by winston churchill 1 chancellor ot tho exchequer britain back to top in sporting world ryder cup victory sir henry segraves achievement successes at amsterdam olympics held to dispel illusion and talk about british decadence london great britains smashing win over tho cream of americas golf- era on tho moortown iinks lriday and saturday in the biennial contest for the ryder cup following upon certain other notable achievements in inter- natioral sport has awakened a nation wide conviction that the tido has at last turned and british preeminenca in world competition is well on its way toward restoration people began to raise their heads again when eng lands cricketers won back tho ashes in 192g they thought this might b indicative of a general sporting recov ery and subsequent events have prov ed it was something of a gauge britains successes at amsterdam in tho olympic games in 1928 helped to dispel the illusion that the mother land had become a back number in the spheres formerly dominated and conversation began to turn upon win ning of cups instead of losing them one by one trophies have come back sir henry segravo has captured a statuette spirit of speed by travel ing faster on land than anyone has done before george duncan has led his men victoriously through a battla with americans who had come to be reckoned unassailable in the biggest class of competitive golf it only needs tho britishers to win the open and the open amateur golf championships and the britishers to win a final or two in the wimbledon lawn tennis championships for the chatter about britains decadence to receive its final quietus lacrosse season over the lacrosse season here came to an end saturday with a match for tho iroquois cup emblematic of the na tional interclub championship won by boardman champion of the north over lee champion of thesouth tha winners superiority is reflected in the score of 7 goals to 2 the curtain also dropped on rugby football which ended what may per haps be called a harlequinade sinco qnp uopuoi snoiuuj sumboiih maintained the traditions of previous years by winning the sevenjside tournament for whicl a majority of the big clubs near london enter this variant of rugby in a vastly afferent thing from rugger proper speed is the most important factor and the fullback comes frequently into action as a scorer the ground was very hard saturday and more than one player preferred to trust himself to tenuis shoes rather than ordinary rugby boots in this ag of records it is perhaps worth chroni cling that saturday for the first tmn in a public match a twickenham play er shod in this unconventional fashion dropped a goal in the final the harlc- quins represented by five internaton- als including the renowned former captain for england middlesex royal air force and cambridge university w w wakefield defeated rosslyn park 1g points to 9 cricketers warming up the thud of the leather ball against tho willow bat has been heard all over the country during the ast week as the cricketers in clubs big and small limbered up fr the commencement ot a new season for two reasons tho campaign opening today will w itched with exceptional js the games followeds one is the visit of 83 strong south african team which will oppose england s best m a series of test matches and the other is the fact that intcrcounty matches will be decided under new rules which if they prove beneficial will bo perm- anentlv adopted several recommendations calculated to produce brighter cricketthat isto sav a quicker dismissal of atsmpn- ctmo up before the marylebone cricket clubs advisory committee but tho onlv ones they approved for experi ment this year were that the wckcu bo increased by an inch in height and width and that tho batsmen may bo given out legbcforewicket even rf the ball touches his bat or hand beforo ho illegally obstructs its course to tho stumps and that tho pitches may bo rolled beforo play begins and between the innings for only seven stead of ten as former y theso alterations will apply simpt to intcr county matches test matches and club games will be played under ordi nary rulings until if the m c c is satisfied that the innovations are for tho good of the game changes nra de finitely made in crickets rules christian science monito mining in quebec quebec is gcogrpblcally tho largest province in canada and is rapidly in creasing in importance as a mlnoral producer the richness and extent of its famous asbestos deposits still mo worlds greatest source of supply mar bo rivalled by the newly discovered wealth of tho rouyii coppergold area lobster industry in canada lobsterlng is a distinctive industry in 1870 there were three lobster can nerlcs on tho atlantic coast ot can ada- in 1827 the canneries numbore 43and gavo work to 6180 people 30 000000 lobsters is a normal citea ffj

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