Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 25, 1928, p. 8

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stouffville october 25th i928 ninth llne markham mr and ilrs carter and children of toronto spent last saturday with mr and mrs mcelwain mr and mrs ham and children spent last sunday visiting friends in scarboro 9fjr and mrs mcelwain spent sun day with friends in palgrave a large crowd attended the plow ing match on this line cant talk to wife too cross and nervous even my husband couldnt talk to me i was so cross and nervous vinol has made me a jifterent and happy woman mrs x mccall vinol is a compound of iron phos phates cod liver peptone etc the very first bottle makes you sleep better and have a big appetite nervous easily tired people are sur prised how quick the iron phos phates etc gives new life and pep vinol tastes delicious j m storey druggist stouffville goodwood mr john aloop in toronto this week a number from here attended the supper and concert at siloam on monday night the gravel crew has started hero again is the cxk pit but only for a short time win collins has gone to the city after visiting here and in the north ern country mr f middleton made a business trip to the city last week and is also agent for the champion poultry lay ing mash and feeds made by the pier co toronto and will send you an expert if you need advice on cull ing or anything free of charge the goodwood institute are ar ranging to hold a picture show here on nov 9th watch for details the question is are we going to have street lights and it is a question whether the council has power to grant it or not but as goodwood is not a police village and only a ham let why hasnt the council the say hydro in the township business opportunity in stouffville the canadian westinghouse company will appoint an authorized westinghouse dealer in stouffville exclusive rights in mngwood gorm- zey altona goodwood and intermediate points whether you are already established or wish to set yourself up in business the sale of westinghouse batteryless and battery operated eadio in this territory offers an exceptional opportunity every dealer is supported by effective advertising and coopera tion in his local paper and dealer helps further information may be obtained from the tribune office stouffville or toronto radio co ltd 241 yonge street toronto ontario walnuts wanted the ontario forestry branch requires walnuts for refor estation purposes the price offered is one dollar 100 a bushel for nuts from trees growing north of toronto other seeds re quired ae butternut seventyfive cents 75c a bushel hemlock five dollars 500 a bushel shipping bags tags etc will be supplied and freight charges will be paid tn all shipments of ten bushels or more for information bags etc write b0l0oz66 ontario forestry branch seed extracting plant angus ontario f you would bewealtiu think of saving as well w0 fl getting systematic saving is the foundation of prosperity the bank of nova scotia invites your savings account interest is compounded halfyearly the bank of nova scotia established 18m ckpftal 10000000 reserve 20000000 total assets over 260000000 j a mcleod general manager toronto m 1 create an account with your victory loan coupons victory loan coupons will ma ture on the lat day of next month clip your coupons and use them to open a savings ac count with us then the money your bonds earned will in turn be earning the standard bank of canam a c burkholder manager stouffville branch suborafkh at coodwooj county papers report that tho use of hydro power is becoming general in the townships and that farmers who have quite recently utilized electricity to help them in their work on the farms and to light their homes are now wonder ing how they got along with out it before the uxbrldge papers repoit that uxbridge township which la now practically all servsd by the hydro has started adjoining townships on the move with the result that hydro petitions may now be said to ibe the order of the day and well they might because cheap power and light is now available to rural as well as urban dwellers and it would seem that no rural section can afford to be without either for the benefit of rural places where hydro has not yet been in troduced it might be of interest to note that the government pays fifty per cent of main lines and trans formers which brings down the cost considerably the government realizes that the cost of erecting wires and poles and transformers in rural sections where houses and farm buildings are far apart would be prohibitive to the average farmer bo this bonus has been provided with the widespread use of hydro in rural sections and the possibility that as more power is developed in ontario by the hydro commission present rates will be lowered it is not impossible that within a few years farms without hydro will be less saleable while those with it will bring a much larger price whitby chronicle mongolia death came with startling sudden- nes to mrs jacob g wideman at her home here on friday october 19th 1928 she had commenced her daily duties in the morning as usual but after breakfast felt unwell and laid down the doctor was summoned at noon but at 4 oclock our neigh bor and friend had passed away in her sleep she was in her 62nd year and was beloved by a wide circle of friends born on the farm where she died mrs wideman- spent her entire life there she was a daughter of the late david nigbswander who came from the usa in the pioneer days she was married in 1892 and the bereaved husband and two child ren survive the children are allan and mrs simeon reesor the fun eral service on monday was conduct ed by messrs thos reesor and louis burkholder interment took placo at the wideman cemetery every sympathy is extended to the family in their irreparable loss for sale number white rock pullets r winn good house and lot to rent after nov 1st at bethesda fred march 35 l farmers next live stock shipp ing by the ufo will be monday oct 29th n rae phone 8403 card of thanks mrs jas waddingbaai and daugh ter thank the kind friends of stouff ville for messages of sympathy and for flowers estitay 9 chunks of pigs from lot 17 con 1 uxbridge russel storry phone 5s03 wanted young calves for veal- ing purposes also fat calves j churly phone 6405 37 stove for sale findlays tor- tolse cook 6 hole warming closet reservoir and waterfront complete phone 2704 farm for sale 107 acres more or less at lot 13 con 6 whit church bank barn and good housed apply geo johnston 714 gladstone ave toronto 36 house for sale ok rent in stouffville domestic water in stalled dan glebner town for sale 25 plymouth pullets well developed ed nigh phone cio for sale reg and accredited holsteins fresh milch cows and springers also calves both sex w h chapman phone 4609 36 uxbridge twp council the uxbridge township council met last saturday at goodwood all members present with reeve chas lee in the chair w m croskery agricultural re presentatlve acknowledged receipt of 25 for plowing match j a mcgibbon acknowledged re ceipt of reeve clerk and assessors selecting of jurors having been per formed in conformity with the jurors act messrs greig littlejohn sent a copy of the judges order for pay ment of uxbridge townships share of jiosts of division courts held in the town of urhridge 1600 pay able to the town of uxbridge being one third of costs of court for year 1927 the globe indemnity co refuted damage claims of sam deson and fred jackson stating they do not consider township liable for same the school attendance officers re port for september was received and approved j f reid cnr station agent at goodwood produced a telegram re ceived from the board of railway commissioners reauesting council to erect danger signs on the high way in goodwood this is a county road and the council instructed the clerk to write d j kean county road supt in reference to the matter s the following accounts were pass ed and payment made h millard hall insurance 2750 ingot iron co culverts 428 gl d dick 36 yds gravel 720 w toole grading etc 4250 g hockley grading etc 2000 h roach hall repairs 690 w j feasby culvert 1450 b crittendon cutting weeds 750 t wilson grading etc 12165 ira stiner lamb killed 800 isaac tompkins valuing sheep 100 d woodland gravel 1590 s macom culverts etc 4250 david symes dragging etm 1275 h armstrong work 4210 d mcdonald cement 1020 c w watson axle grease 75 reeve clerk assessor select ing jurors 1200 pedlar people culverts 27077 w n lee work 855 b mcguckin graveling 1000 w beach graveling 3000 w norton dynamiting 600 roy quantz work 2950 clilford lee dragging etc 1000 council adjourned to meet again on nov 17th apples wanted a fair price and honest weight will be given for any puantity cider apples deliver ed at cedar grove cider mill cider and apple butter making as usual lapp bros 36 for sale 1927 hudson brougham 1927 essex sedan 1926 star six coach hudson sedan mclaugh lin coupe the above cars are all in good condition and are reduced in price terms can be given with out interest and free fire and theft insurasce g r a clendening dudson and essex dealer mark- ham phone 112 farm for sale 100 acres lot 11 con 1 uxbridge 70 acres tillable balance bush and pasture good buildings terms io suit with small down payment gm brown on premises 36 for saue 12 pigs 6 weeks old- also 3burner perfection oil stove and hanging lamp shade w c w hopkins phone 1904 t remember jacob yake jeweler and real estate in connection with glasses which we fit giving a proper focus broken lense replaced at low cost every- thing in the store at reduced price real estate houses at 2100 and upwards also a few at low prices farms to sell at various prices we also rent and collect in stouff ville jacob yake stouffville for salt in the village of clnremont 1 good brick house stable gar age and 10 acres of land also a good range as good as new corona apply to cecil storey phone 3617 claremont grain and dairy farm of 100 acres for sale 1 mile south of stouffville on 9th con good build ings water house and small or chard price reasonable george lewis on premises 35 in memoriam in loving memory of mrs e barnes who died october 28 1927 we watched her suffer day by day and bitter was our grief to see her slowly fade away we could not bring relief not dead to those who love her not lost but gone before she lives with us in memory still and will for ever more sadly missed by mother sister and brothers credit auction sale of highclass holsteins cly desdale horses pigs fowl hay tractor truck roots implements etc mortgage sale under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by fred w sil- versides auctioneer at public auction on thursday nov 15th 1928 at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon nt the farm of william miller graham and thomas arm strong graham the following property namely all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the town ship of pickering in the county of ontario containing by admeasure ment seventy acres be the same more or less and being composed of the southern or front part of lot number twentythree in the ninth concession of the said township of pickering as described in the mort gage made by graham brothers of the township of pickering and re gistered in the registry office for the registry division of the county of ontario as no 16628 for the township of pickering on the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house the lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid terms of sale ten per cent of the purchase money to bo paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days for further particulars and con ditions of sale apply to harry w page east block parliament buildings solicitors to the mortgagee dated at toronto this 18th day of october 192s 37 the undersigned has been instructed to sell by public auction at lot 28 concession o markham half mile north cashel on saturday oct 27th 1928 the following property of frank h roberts horses 1 black gelding rising 5 years old 1 bay gelding rising 7 years old 1 brown mare rising 9 years old 1 bay gelding rising 10 years old 1 bay gelding aged 1 bay filly rising 2 years old cattle holstein cow calf by side holstein cow calf by side holstein cow calf by side holstein cow due time of sale holstein cow due time of sale holstein cow due time of sale blue cow due november 5th holstein cow due november 9th holstein cow due november 21st holstein cow due jan 2nd holstein cow fresh 8 weeks holstein due march 3rd durham cow full flow the above cows are a firstclass lot of milkers and perfectly clean of any kind of abortion swine and fowl 1 white sow and 11 pigs 25 young pigs 8 weeks old 2 white sows 1 fat sow 3 fat hogs yorkshire boar 30 leghorn hens and pullets 12 plymouth rock hens implements etc 1 fordson tractor in al condition ton ford truck with stock racks 3hp gas engine gray dort oiler 2furrow tractor plow no 8 masseyharris 6ft binder nearly new masseyharris 6ft mower nearly new mh self rake reaper nearly new mh 13 disc drill nearly new mh 10ft rake mh 13tooth cul- tiator international stifftooth cul tivator with tractor hitch interna tional springtooth cultivatorinter- national steel drum roller interna tional hay tedder disc harrow 2 sets of 4 section harrows corn cul tivator 2 rows fleury scuffler turnip drill 2 no 21 fleury tink ler plows nearly new set bobsleighs patterson cuttingbox cutter light milk wagon 2 wagon gears 2 wagon boxes 14ft hay rack corn rack milk cart 3 molasses barrels wheelbarrow 3 doz grain bags stewart clipper 3 steel oil barrels 6 chicken coops 2 buckeye incu bators 220 egg and 120 egg cross cut saw delaval cream separator no 12 500 lb capacity 4 milk pails milk strainer milk plunger 2 sjets doubletrees neckyoke 3 prs horse blankets 200 rods of barbed wire forks shovels and other arti cles too numerous to mention harness 2 sets brass mounted breeching harness number collars 1- set plow harness 1 set light harness grain hay nnd roots a large quantity of mixed grain a quantity of mixed hay a quantity of second cut alfalfa so rows of turnips a quantity of potatoes no reserve ns tlite proprietor is riv ing np farming terms calves young pigs fowl hay roots grain fat sow fat hogs and all sums of 20 and under cash over that amount 11 months credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent straight discount for cash sale at 12 oclock noon r allin clerk prentice prentice auctioneers wood for sale 100 cords dry hardwood 4 foot length at 1100 1 delivered firstclass 2nd class at 8 limb wood 7 cut any length at 150 cord extra 25 cords dry hemlock slabs at 6 cord de livered w ratcliff farmers we want all your live fowl best market price paid dont sell until you consult us phone sam golden at pennocka llverr stouffville for sale 6 hp international champion engine good order equipped with friction clutch pul ley galvanized lined threshing tank suitable for mounting on truck holstein cow 7 years old due oct 29th levi steckley phone 408 35 mrs stadlebar hair dresser main street stonffrllle phone 8009 for appointments notice is hereby given that frances gwendolyn snow lott of the city of toronto in the county of york in the pro- ince of ontario married woman will apply to the parliament 6t canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divirce from her hus band robert elgin lloyd lott of the city of toronto county of york and province of ontario broker on the ground of adultery and desertion dated at toronto province of on tario this twentyfifth day of sep tember 1928 h howard shaver k c 371 bay st toronto 36 solicitor for applicant notice of application for divorce notice is hereby given that adele cawthra rogers formerly of the township of york county of york province of ontario married woman now of the city of eastbourne coun ty of sussex england will apply to- the parliament of canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband alfred warwickpgers formerly of the townsr york in the county of york gbbi yiuan on the grounds of adultery dated at the city of toronto in the province of ontario this 15th- day of october ad 1928 osler hoskin harcourt 801 dominion bank- building toronto canada 38 solicitor for the applicant the oldest in town did it ever occur to you that we are the oldest ganage firm in stouffville there is something in it that commends itself to the publiclong service our determination to give ser vice is the basis of our success dont be caught in the cold weather with a faulty engine battery or tire our experience entitles us to repair your engine or battery and our vulcanizing department will re plenish a worn tire and save you buying a new one heavy stock of batteries and all auto accessories ort hand also the famous firestone tires phone 195 swifts garage farm machinery sale good work horse heavy horse 1600 one driver secondhand cream separator power cultivatoor peter hamilton pulper for sale secondhand cream separtaor power cultivator plow peter hamilton no 21 slightly used mclaughlin spring wagon nearly new at a bargain we also have a good house arid four acres of fcmd at ring- wood for sale on the 3rd of uxbridge we have 50 acres of pasture land to sell frank baker phone bakers garage agents for international farm implements the solution to your fuel worries there are dollars lying about your farm in waste wood which a toronto saw will readily turn into coalsaving fuel its one of the best moneymakers i know of and i can recommend it highly as a profitable solution of your fuel worries allsteel construction strongly braced built to last will operate best with a toronto engine built to run efficiently on gasoline or kerosene the toronto saw is only one of the many moneymaking proposi tions in the toronto farm equipment fine lets talk over the others when youre in town or write to me for literature george a lawson stouffvhile r ontario vvino enginerpump co- omomt

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