Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 25, 1928, p. 6

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seeking control r ri h olci era ar o the peace of thc v of v llcll lviccctls wcre indicated by the commissio of tho coromission i marked significanco british financial men claim i control of nickel and now go after copper stock soars with international nickel which a few short months ago was around 45 a share where it had hovered for a period of years rising to a price of 200 a share the markets of the world have seen canada take the centre of world financial prominence now word comes that the fabulous ly wealthy noranda mine is to com plete contract for its output on a favorable basis so it will undoubtedly appreciate in value in the stock market canadian control of international nickel was gained by a spectacular battle on the stock exchanges of to ronto montreal and now york is but a part of great britains policy to ensure world peace by dominating the sourc3 of supply of one of the essen tial implements of war while the public watched the sensational rise of nickel on thc money markets the significant move back of it was a brit ish fight for peace and the results will be worldwide the internationalmond negotia tions are still in progres- according to new york authorities with a like lihood that the deal will be completed ealy this week the skirmish in jths worlds drama of peace was fought cut on the mone- markets it has been under way fci several months but all the public saw of it was the gradual rise of nickel and last weeks fireworks the gen- oial story which has gained credence n new york is that it all began uear- jy two years asp when the british chemical commission made its report to the british government sir alfred mond lord melchett was chairman two points of to the british vorld commissioners one was that during the great war canadian nickel went to the un ited states and prior to the advent of tho states in the war it nv7 have gone to germany charges wore free- ly made at tho time that it did reach enemy territory the second discovj cry was that in the event of future j wars the british empire wculd be in a j j bad way so far as copper was con- cerned i so the wheels began to turn british interests found a source of copper in the form of a contract with noranda then canadian interests gained con- trol of international nickel wresting it from the states through market j plays those are the two big moves which have followed the findings ofi the british chemical commission and rumor has it that there are more to come the future will bo well worth watching the leading canadians credited with controlling internation al nickel are sir herbert holt john w mcconnell and james a rich ardson immigrants for the west winnipeg liberie find it is re ported that one thousand british families will be settled in the west by arrangement between th british government and the canadian na tional railway we frenchcana dians are justified in having our own opinions on this matter in this whole business in all this talk about colonists do they ever think of us since it is necessary at all costs to populnte canada by people brought in from outside do they ever give a thought to france belgium or swit zerland what splendid colonies have we not already founded from winnipeg to calgary with these ro bust healthy and industrious popula tions of french origin greatness of graf zeppelin how the german dirigible centre compares in size with the wool- worth building new york and the united states dirigible la angeles british flyer lost on atlantic flight r aemelius jarvis seeks new trial toronto financier petitions minister of justice for order aemelius jarvls toronto financier although freo from prison and long slnco back at his affairs is necking a now trial to tho ond that his personal escutcheon may bo clean tho minis ter of justlcehas the petition about it under consideration power la veat- od in the minister to order a new trial but the precedents for it being used number only one or two and theso a long time ago tho position which has always been taken is that tho courts have a right to order new- trials and that there is no need of tho minister of justice exorcising that authority the jarvi case however is pecu liar his caso is all over and the courts cannot reopen it he was ac cused tried convicted and served a term of imprisonment besides he was fined 200000 it was for alleged conspiracy with andrew pepall and petor smith former treasurer of on tario over certain bonds which pepall bought from jarvls and which wero alleged to have been given to smith when it came pepalls turn to bo tried tho bonds wero accounted for as not having been used for any im proper purpose at all not long after this mr jarvis vras released and it is submitted that the verdict of not guilty in the penall case knocked the entire ground from under tho previous case against jarvis now mainly to clear his name he is asking a new trial the return of the heavy fine he paid and tho removal of his finger prints from tbjft records of crim inal justice many have signed a petition with these requests the case i3 conceded to be an extraordin ary one but what action will be taken on it is quite undecided though the sir kynnston studd he has been elected the new lord mayor of london his wife is a hus sion princess in addition to its other load and floats would be useless to keep so itiny a machine afloat on the atlantic concensus of opinion is that jarvls himself british postal authorities liberal with psychic rot dr m robinson psychic de votee who is the sender declares his etheric body once made the journey to mars in four minutes the speed of light london dr mansfield robinson psychic devotee for whom thc british post office will broadcast a radio message intended for mars declared recently that he had not only been talking with mars but had been there honor french aviator joseph le brix who hew from senegal to brazil is presented with dis tluguished flying cross by gen harts at the united states embassy in paris market reports grain quotations grain dealers on ths toronto board of trade -re- rakir the following quotations for ar lots man wheat no2 north 124 no 3 north 11 y no 4 wheat 1104 no 5 wheat 100a no 6 wheat 89 ac cif goderich and bay ports man oats no 1 feed 58v6c cif goderich and bay ports mr corn no 2 yellow 114 vi no 3 yellow 113 no 3 yellow kiln dried 110 toronto freights miilfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3325 shorts per ton 3525 middlings 4525 ont oats good sound heavy oats in car lots 50 to 52c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat fob ship ping points according to freights 118 to 120 barley malting 03 to 70c buckwheat 70 rye no 2 1 to 105 man flour first pats in jute 740 toronto second pats in jute 080 ont fiou track toronto car ots co per cent pats per barrel not quot ed seaboard in bulk 540 hay and straw toronto wholesale hay ana straw dealers are making the following quo tations to farmers delivered at to ronto no 1 loase 18 to 19 no 2 15 to 1550 no 3 13 to 14 lower grades 10 to 18 wheat straw 10 to 1050 cat straw 950 to 10 provision prices toronto wholesale dealers are quot ing the following prices to tho trade smoked meats hams med 30 to 32c cooked hams 45c smoked rolls 26c breakfast bacon 33 to 3gc do fancy 38 to 41c backs peamealcd 30c do smoked 37 to 39c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 21 70 to 90 lbs 19 90 to 100 lbs and up 18 lightweight rolls in bbls 1150 heavyweight rolls 3850 per bbl lard pure tierces 17c tubs 17c pails 18c orints 18to 19c shortening tierces 14 ubs 15c pails 15vic tins ltac prints lcic produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are pay ing thc following prices delivered eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 44 to 47c fresh firsts 40 to 43c seconds 30 to 35c butter creamery- solids pasteur ized no 1 39 to 39vic no 2 38 to 38 vic churning cream no 1 40c cheese no 1 largo colored par affined and government graded 23vic live stock heavy beef steers choice 10 to 1075 do fair 950 to 975 but cher steers choice 10 to 1040 but cher heifers choice 975 to 10 do com 775 to 825 butcher cows gcod to choice 775 to 8 do fair to good 050 to 750 do com 0 to 050 canners and cutters 4 it 5 butcher bulls good to choice 7 to 8 do met 0 toi 075 baby beef 12 to 15 feed rs choice 9 to 975 do fair 850 to 875 stockors choice 850 to 950 do fair 8 to 850 springers choice 110 to 135 milch cows choice 80 to 90 calves choice 15 to 16 do med 5950 to 14 do grnssers 650 to 750 lambs 12 to 1225 bucks 9 sheep choice g to 650 do heavies 5 to 550 do culls 3 to 4 hogs selcts woc 1150 do thick sivoth voc 11 do fed 10g0 moth airplane with wingj cnr sbcdoid wu spread of only 26 feet leaves newfoundland st johns nf commander it c macdonald english aviator took off from harbor grace in a moth type air plane in an attempt to fly across the atlantic ocean to england at 122 e i a surprise his little plane left the ground at the harbor grace airport at 1151 eastern standard time the who is officer of the british navy had anj uounced that he would not attempt the flight if the weather was not favorable by midoctober report3 received he i from harbor grace to day indicated that it was none too favorable when the young aviator de termined to wait no longer his takeoff consequently came as should be given a chance to clear his i can talk with these martians as jxood name nciiv o t t-ii- easily as i can talk to you and 1 hava new methods all round pm newfoundland time or 1151 st on thursday commander macdonald came to newfoundland about three weeks ago and began assembling his plane in him to pick his way over the atlantic i to his destination without difficulty i plane carried 100 gallons of fuel i which commander macdonald was preparation for the attempt although j confident would be more than enough he said he had had only so hours of to carry him e r flying he was confident that he could h confidence that his experience as make the flight alone in the small a navigator gained during his naval career would make it possible for since his arrival here the young english flyer has been awaiting fav orable weather conditions he had declared that he would not take off until he had a hunch that every thing was right macdonald said that the flight was being financed privately he was as sisted in preparing for the flight by a f williams a mechanic who ac companied him from england no further word has been heard from him and his name has been added to the many victims of atlantic- crossing ambition lioness killed by prince in africa in search of health sir austin chamberlain british statesman photographed when his ship put in at los angclos the first stop in amelca the abuse of leisure london dally telegraph cons the greatest social danger confront ing us today is the growth of a vast multitude of pcoplo in all classes of society with no skill hey can oxor- clso cither for their own enjoyment or other peoples benefit but with plenty of leisure at tholr disposal and with plenty of money in their pockets for the purchase of ready- made pleasures duke of gloucester bags first big game animal in jungle with an excellent shot which laid the animal dead at his feet just as she the plane which he used in his was crouching to spring the duke of flight was but a midget compared to gloucester bagged his first lioness at i lindberghs spirit of st louis j dodoma tanganyika known as an aerial sports car tho an allnight trailing of the queen gypsy moth had been secretly pre- of the jungle preceded the kill the paring at the stag lane airdrome in dukes party had just returned to london for many weeks for the flight i camp from a days sport when a run- it had a wing spread of only 20 feet ner came in with news that he had and when emptied weighs less than found the spoor of a lioness soma 800 pounds extra fuel tanks were i miles out in the bush fitted into the plane giving it a range hrh eagerly accepted the sug- of about 35 hours sufficient for 3600 1 gestion that they try to bag the beast miles cruising i they set out at darkness and after the engine has only 80 to 100 horse- an arduous trek they found the ant- power compared with lindberghs j mal drinking at a waterhole just as 250 it is a fourcylinder aircooled dawn was breaking motor tests have shown that it can run without trouble for periods of 21 hours and more thc gypsy moth with his equerry capt hrooks and a hunter attending him the duke woman aerial doctor dr opitz at right physician on the giant graf zeppelin which flew from germany to america the young lady is her daughter stalked the lioness through the long caalogucs again do you realize that it will be only about three months now until youll be getting those highly colored seed is the plane in which w l hope won grass and got well within range before j the last kings cup for a race around england and is the craft taken by capt g do haviland on an altitude recordbreaking flight for twoseater light biplanes the plane is too small for wireless she sensed his approach turning interviewer to what do you at- with a snarl the beast crouched to tribute your great age oldest in- spring upon him but before she could j habitant well for tho first 70 years leave the ground tho duke had shot of my lite there was no motor cars an her through tho heart ny herald for the last 30 ive been confined to triln i the house the air takes its toll charles if you refuse me nora i shall never love another woman as long as i live nora now if youd said youd never love another woman if i accepted you why then id think about marrying you mrs ugglns this cro fellow thinks c can sing liko caruso mrs ugglns well thoy do say as ow caruso ad a beautiful voice but ow where five were killed in crash know w mran on remains of liio plan which was occupied by capt c w ltrown ond his llancco when it camo into collision that island with nobody but friday to with another plane flying over detroit and llvo deaths rcsultod ioar lm had a journey to mars ho told an interviewer my etheric body trav eled 35000000 miles in four mlnutos the same speed at which light trav els dr robinson gave the further in formation that the martian men wero about 7 feet g inches in height and the women about gfcct he exhlbltod somo drawings of a martian woman who he said had acted as his guido tho drawings of a martian woman who he said had acted as his guido tho drawings showed a roundfaccd woman with long hair penetrating eyes a curious noso rnd very long ears sho has a very artistic flowing green dress explained tho exploror of mars and her clothes indicate that tho country is not very cold tho martians havo houses airships motor cars and railways thoy treat and electrify tholr fruit trees in a peculiar way so that fruit resembling an applo contains nil the constituents necessary to a human body dr robinsons message which has boon acccptod by tho post ofilco radio sorvlco will bo broadcast from tho rugby station on an 18500 metro wavo length and tho st albans station will listen for a reply on a length of 30000 motrcs j dont worry halt may nover happen your troublos j egag

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