Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 25, 1928, p. 2

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r the barrier of fire by edmund snell illustrated by r w satterfield this unusual scries of stories deals with the exploits of chinese pen- langton a detective sent by his gov ernment to british north borneo to run to earth the yellow seven a gang of chinese bandits enid bromley dark smallfeatur ed ami effective dropped her racket on to the grass and sank into a chair by hewitts side im afraid i gave you an awful let down in the last set she murmured im frightfully sorry captain john hewitt commission er of police at jesselton b n b passed a hand through his dark hair not at all he returned gallantly just fancy put in monica she eys she hasnt touched a racket for eighteen months you look tired mr dawson she smiled toward a stout redfaced man who blinked back at her through a sea of perspiration im not tired mrs viney declar ed dawson im hot he settled him self down on the turf at their feet youd scarcely credit it miss bromley but ive been spending the best part of three weeks groveling on my tummy wriggling like some jolly old serpent after a chinese brigand with a fancy name it sounds thrilling it wasnt half so thrilling as it sounds mrs viney the charming widow on my left has snaffled the affections of the only man on the island who can wriggle gracefully and effectively and thats chinese pennington did you catch your bandit dawson had turned again and was gazing down the slope toward the palmclad shores of tin bay not altogether he confessed enid looked puzzled dawsons endeavoring to achieve the impossible broke in the com missioner hes trying to appear deep taken on the whole borneos a nice comfortable little place but for some time past weve been having trouble with an oriental who calls himself chaihung pennington and dawson set out together to round up the yellow seven thats the some what picturesque title of the gang chaihung was too clever for them but in the sort of general mixup his secondincommand was put out of action together with several of his immediate bodyguard to all intents and purposes chaihung controls the movements of every chinaman on the island isnt that rather serious i be lieve father said that all his coolies were chinese the majority of managers employ chinese labor the allegiance of the more scattered members of the organ ization is fortunately passive but so great is their fear of the bandit him self and the little yellow card with the seven black dots that they would think twice before disobeying his commands jack said monica touching her brothers sleeve when youve finish ed frightening miss bromley with talcs of your brigand do you think you could muster up energy to order something with ice in it the commissioner started to his feet by jove im fearfully sorry come along dawson the two men mounted the wooden btairs together and passed through an open doorway making their way to ward the general room in which the bar was situated hewitt had just completed the order for his sister and enid bfromley and was turning in starch of dawson when his eye lit upon two long legs protruding from the lower portion of tl wrkleys more far your money and the best peppermint chewing sweet for any money issue no 4328 a long chair he crossed the interven ing space on tiptoe the occupant of the chair beamed up at him hullo old son i was wondering when you were going to turn up peter returned the commission er reproachfully if you have lost every shred of respect foi regulations and myself you might at least have the decency to report your arrival to monica tho man with the chinese eyes re mained unmoved i called at the bungalow but your orderly informed me you were eating the air i came on here to find you absorbed in a game of tennis hullo you old ucvil greeted dawson pennington rose wearily jack whos the lady they converged around a bamboo tabic and a chinese boy set a tray in front of them hewitt rubbed his hands together what dyou think of her not bad eh shes not bad conceded penning ton bit on the thin side not feel ing smitten i hope hewitt changed the subject abrupt ly hows the yellow seven affair pro ceeding you know we settled nyihau the feller responsiblt for looting a train the commissioner moved restlessly dawson told me i gather moor- house had a narrow squeak chai- hung escaped by a window and you followed what happened then peter pennington crossed his legs and stared pensively through the doorway i set my jungletelegraph buzzing rounded up my little crowd of brown- skinned agents and succeeded in rop ing in the young men of a local vil lage we got going and fell upon the bandits bodyguard hip and thigh chaihung wormed his way out of the charmed circle headed for the river and left the island in a tongkong dis guised as cargo of some sort or other hewitt sprang to his feet you dont mean to tell me hes left borneo the other nodded its even whispered that he spent a couple of nights in singapore but he added reassuringly hes sneaked back again and succeeded in making a landing at kudat under the eyes of our own people dawson whistled softly know where he is within limits yes theres some thing afoot however that i dont ex actly understand my chief of staff babatpilai knocked across a prom inent member of the yellow seven tho night before last i havent in quired too closely into the exact methods employed to extort the in formation but the blighter went as far to admit the possibility of a gi gantic coup where is this feller now asked dawson a faraway expression had come into penningtons eyes it turned out that he was the man who held rabatpilais arms while chaihung tortured him hewitt shuddered i dont think you need tell us any more i shall be going upcountry again tomorrow to tell you the truth ive been having a pretty tough time of it i just ached for a suit of decent clothes a smell of the sea and a look at you all the steward approached them his tray held two empty glasses from which straws protruded and a leaf torn from monicas notebook hewitt glanced at it the girls have gone on home he announced dawson old son were counting on you for makan he look ed at pennington youll dine with us of course thanks im still in ignorance as to tho identity of your charming part ner at tennis dawson grinned the lady with tho blueblack tresses is a certain enid romlcy daughter of chard bromley new man ager of the baniakbanink rubber estate sheltering himself behind the plausible excuse that the late manager was assassinated by the yellow seven and that the district want any too healthy for a whitgirl our scheming superior has arranged for miss enid to occupy a spare room in his bung alow and keep mrs viney company shut up dawson the point that ought to interest you peter is that bromleys london directors are offer ing a reward of 1000 for the arrest of chaihung arc they by jove a new man ager at baniakbaniak too that accounts for tho activity i noticed when i passed through what sort of nctivity theyre tacklirrg that new area got a crowd of natives hewing the forest all round them a group of government men usher ed in tho fall of darkness followed at intervals by club members of var ied callings who wafted in by twos and three to swell the numbers of those who were already in occupation a young englishman evidently n newcomer paused on the threshold as if in search of somebody then save money buy bonds 100 denominations 1 500 i 1000 write for list h r bain co ltd 350 bay street toronto self discipline walked straight up to pennington how do penn tho man with the extraordinary eyes came to his feet gwynne what the devil are you doing here the newcomer lowered his voice theres not a lot going on in singapore so they thought id like the trip i caught sight of chai- hung for a couple of seconds outside raf fles tracked him to labuan and then lost the trail altogether im to report to you for duty good man hewitt this is jocelyn gwynne dawson gwynne mr gwynne mr dawson he sat down again so you actually saw chaihung said the commissioner presently gwynne nodded ho was a short sturdy youth squareheaded and fair- headed just before the trouble began out here i met chaihung at johpre- and his face is not one that easily slips the memory since then of course the old blighters lost a hand which makes identificatiorieasier to be continued if we are to improve we must dis cipline ourselves the reason why most of us do not is that wc go day to day doing he same old thing in a routine way we have allowed our selves to pick up whatever ideas wc j could absorb without effort conse quently wc have become mentally jlazy aud inefficient in order to 1m- prove our condition we must neces- sarlly discipline ourselves by exer- i clsing tho mind making it subservi ent and obedient to tho will this discipline is necessary for the welfare of any business in great britain and scandinavia young men aro placed in stores to serve an apprenticeship just as they do iu any other trade they are first taught obedience to discipline they are thoroughly trained even to the minutest detail unfortunately iu america no such apprenticeship sys- tcm exists tho avcrago young man firstcrop japan teas are admittedly the finest that come out of the land of blossoms salada japan green tea fs comprised only of firstcrop leaves jfpak tea fresb strom the gardens kindness pays the wisdom or unwisdom of whip ping as a means of discipline and of children is a subject of isattracted to and is free to accept j frequent discussion in bis annual the position which pays tho largest report to the legislature mr j j salary to secure a position without n director cl the childrens aid government denned a young lady was inquiring ot her old nurse the widow of a superin- nuated government servant howshe was getting along badly enough darlint only the govermint intends to do something for us and whats government nora is it jokin ye are miss sure iviry child knows whats tho gover- mint its a halfadozen gintlemin an the loikes maybe that meets an thinks whats best for themselves an then says thats best for us an thats the govermint minards liniment for every pain training is decidedly not for his best interest no greater misfortune could possibly be his more young men have been ruined by drawing largo sal aries early in their business life than by any other cause the young man generally speak ing feels that while ho is young and before he settles down he must sec something ot the world as he ex presses it instead of devoting his spare hours to reading and study to uianch has this to say about it there are special occasions when corporal punishment is a necessity but in the general upbringing of chil drcn the emphasis must always be on a patient sympathetic understand ing of childnature and tho develop ment of good thoughts and habits by exaniple as well as precept chil dren are too often the victims ot bad how to make good mincemeat improve his mind he often passes temper and of a hasty decision they them in idleness and dissipation realize keenly the injustice done ere long not only hac ho acquired bad habits that are hard to break but his health may have become impaired it is absolutely impossible for a young man to spend the night in dissipation and be at his best the next day darling id go through purgatory for you you say so but how can i prove it be my wife belong to the 400 mrs heavystyle belongs to the moo doesnt she oh yes she weighs at least that much them and their lives and characters are embittered and hardened by it where severity begins for the very young the inex perienced the first offender the policy of kindness and patience should be the rule but of course there is a limit to all this and there comes a time when severity and cor poral punishment may be necessary to teach these young people that they cannot continue to do wrong with im punity one boy who was allowed to go with a warning on eight differ ent occasions simply looked upon the whole procedure as a joke where as if he had been given a smart whip ping on his third appearance he would not have been so indifferent and de fiant so often the mincemeat from tho store la dry tasteless or toohlghly flavored to suit the individual taste a recipe for a delicious homemade mincemeat that can be prepared now for the thanksgiving pies three pounds ot lean beef v- pound of suet 1 gallon of tart cooking ap ples 1 pound of currants juice and rind of 1 lemon salt nutmeg all spice cinnamon and cloves to taste boll beef until tender pare and chop apples fine when meat is cold re move bone chop fine and put with apples through food chopper add suet currants flavoring and lemon put all in granite kettle and add 1 cupful of sugar and 1 quart of cider bring to a boll and simmer for 1 hour or until ingredients are tender stir frequently while cooking pack in pint jars and seak this makes a rich juicy mincemeat easily prepared and possessing a superior flavor minards liniment cleanses cuts etc school definitions a deacon is the lowest kind of a christian a monastery is a place of mon sters marriage is a sacrament where a priest unites a man and woman in fatal union the bible is against bigamy when it says no man can serve two masters false doctrine is when a doctor gives wrong stuff to a man america was discovered by the spinach in 1s5s the pilgrims cvorsed the ocean and this was known as the pilgrims progress an appendix is a portion of a book which nobody yet has discovered of any use an ibex is where you loolt at the back of a book to find out anything you want a grass widow is the wife of vegetarian an itinerant collector of old iron was trundling his barrow along a very narrow road behind him was a some what elderly motor car the impatient driver of which was hooting and toot ing in his anxiety to pass the old iron barrow the old iron merchant look ed around at the car and then address ed the owner orl right guvuor ill call for that tomorrer mother i dont think darling that you should play cards on sun day small son but mummy we are not playing properly were only cheating your skin can bo made perfect by the dally use of rkc1ikrche cosmetics for ladles who care rt one 2ounce jar of nnlshmg cream and 1 box of kaec powder mailed to any address in ontario for j100 robertsons 288 yonjro stree toronto stvush frocks w little cost btvkae martin vj spending lext to nothing iresses from last season or tho sea son before can he made stylish again they are so easily transformed by a few changes in lines and the quick magic of home tinting or dyeing anyone can tint or dye successfully with true fadeless diamond dyes brilliant stylish tints or shades ap pear like magic right over tho faded or outofstylo colors diamond dyes never disappoint they dont streak spot or run they never give things that redyed look they have been perfected by over 50 years of dyemak ing tinting with them is easy as bluing and dyeing takes just a little more time to set the color you can get all the fashionable shades from them insist on diamond dyes and save disappointment color craft my big new hook ol dollarsaving hints will be ssnt you free just write mae martin dia mond dyes windsor ontario 10 minutes ago- no 809 graceful lines this style is designed in sizes 1g 18 20 years 3c 38 40 42 and 44 inches bust mea sure size 36 requires 2ts yards of 40inch material with t4 yard of 36- inch contrasting no 127 popular coat dress this stylo is designed in sizes 16 18 20 years 36 38 40 42 and 44 inches bust measure size 36 requires 3 yards of 40inch material with 6 yard of 36inch contrasting and yard of 18inch material for separate vestee no 135 smartly simple this style is designed in sizes 16 18 20 years 36 38 40 atwl 42 inches bust measure size 36 requires 374 yards of 40inch material with va yards of binding no 044 entirely new this style is designed in sizes 31 36 38 40 42 and 44 inches bust measure size 36 requires 3 yards of 40inch material with 2 yards of binding no 048 important school frock this style is designed in sizes g 8 10 12 and 14 years size 8 requires 2 yards of 40inch material with a yard of 18inch contrasting no 846 dainty bolero this style is designed in sizes 6 8 10 and 12 years size 8 rcquirea 176 yards of 40inch material and v yard of 18- inch contrasting and 314 yards of ribbon all patterns 20 cents in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap coin carefully ipwaamtbnxiiiwaistssmiism how many people you know who end their colds with aspirin and how often youve heard of its prompt relief of sore throat or tonsilitis no wonder millions take it for colds neuralgia rheumatism and the aches and pains that go with them the won der is that anyone still worries through a winter without these tablets they relieve quickly yet have no effect whatever on the heart friends have often told you aspirin is marvelous doctors have declared it harmless every druggist has it with proven direc tions why not put it to the test aspirin is a trademark registered in canada it t

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