stouffville october 18th 1928 quality service the home town store you pay less for more at the home town store sugar crisp corn flakes 3 pkgs 29c quick quaker rolled oats chonaware qkg 35c quick rolled oats blk 4 lbs 25c mello crime porridge meal 5 lbs 25c fresh clean corn meal 5 lbs 25c beehive corn syrup- 5 lb pails 37c 10 lbs 70c pure clover honey 5 lb pails 60c sections white comb honey each 25c bulk cocoa per lb 20c fullsize pkg gelatine only 10c swanedown cake flour fresh fish every wednesday buy your winter blooming bulbs now crocus narcissus daffodils hyacinths tulips calla lilies easter lilies freesias ratcliff co town deliver phone 7112 style service quality new fall goods a special invitation is extended to the ladies to come in and see our fine hosiery and gloves- none better in town now is your time to get your footwear in fine straps pumps and oxford for women young girls and child ren fine holeproof hosiery full fashion fine gloves in kid suede and fibre just arrived from the factory in the latest shades also mens fine boots and oxfords mens work boots boys school boots the very best pussy foot boots and shoes for children buy now when you have first choice a g lehman the peoples shoe store stouffville ford masseyharris we can now give you immediate delivery of any model of ford car if you have any notion of buying next spring and have a car to trade in you will be able to get coonsiderably more by turning it in now than you will be able to get in the spring we have large stock of ford fordson and massey- harris parts on hand good used cars for sale 1927 ford fordor 1926 ford coupe 1925 ford tudor 1925 overland tour ing 1923 special gray dort 1921 ford touring chevro let touring 2 1923 ford ton truck we sell these cars very reasonable to save storing for the winter i d holden stouffville phone 184 i ford and masseyharris agent buy supply of bran shorts midlings now prices advancing rapidly sampsons feed is our general purpose feed good for hogs cattle and sheep marmill egg mash always on hand coal and coke agent for 1hlton brick for this territory s w hastings coal and coke always on hand phone 169 stouffville sxouffville c company farmers this winter it will pay you to keep more dairy cows and produce plenty of cream for best results ship your cream to us or pur trucks will call at your faim if you desire remember we are in the market for live poultry at the best market prices stouffville creamery co stouffvllle ontario we are 071en tuesday thursday and satur day evenings the penny bank teaches thrift the introduction of the penny hank for school children in mark- ham whitchurch or stouffvllle or over in uxbridge townshlphas never been accomplished various trus tees to our knowledge have con sidered introducing the system and it was discussed by the board at stouffville two years ago but no ac tion was taken an interesting art icle in the financial post should prove of interest to all trustees and to the parents hence we reproduce it in part insurance figures show that of every one hundred adults who die in canada or the united states sixty- four leave no estates twentyseven leaves estates which average 1292 each only nine leave 3000 or more all the business and production of every sort in canada are financed by the accumulated savings of thrifty people yet the thrifty people appear lo be a narrow minority of the popu lation if only nine out of one hun dred are building up a strong sur plus from earnings and the figures s em to support that hypothesis the prosperity and steady progress of this dominion become all the more imposing get km young children are more amenable to persuasion teach a boy or girl the value of money and the proper way of administering an income and the lessons will never be forgotten the habit of reading is taught by the daily practice of reading children learn to spell and to add by spelling and adding the habit of forming in line and marching out of schoc at the sound of the firealarm is taught by practice indeed the first twelve- year period of a childs life is en tirely occupied by the acquiring of various habits and skills which will tend to make him a useful healthy worker and a good citizen some of these habits and skills are acquired at home but the most of them at school where the regularity of practice is the feature for that reason the school is the place to teach thrift and the schoolsavings system offers exactly the practice necessary to fix the habit tlie penny bank of ontario is au thorized by its federal charter to operate in the schools every tues day is banking day the children bring their money to the teacher who marks on each passbook the date the amount of the deposit and tho resultant balance a carboncopy of the entry is torn out and sent to the bank with the cash and after many vicissitudes that identical slip conies to rest in the live ledger as the record of the transaction over 150- 000 accounts are carried by the bank by a triumph of modern bookkeep ing and by reason of the diligence and accuracy of the staff errors are extremely rare teach ijcsson of money many teachers of modern outlook who realize the educational value of schoolsavings practice supplement the actual hanking by formal lessons on money and its story or on the care of property one alert instruc tor who saw a boy marking his desk with a knife seized the occasion to tell the story of a school desk from its beginnings in the iron mine and in the growing maple tree she ex plained the care and lahor expended on that one piece of furniture and showed how the school board had taken the money of all the parents in the district and had exchanged it for that useful and beautiful article of furniture- she appealed to tho romantic sense of the boys and not in vain children damage property thought lessly rather than maliciously once they understand thatfrublic property represents the labor of their fathers and mothers they will be as careful of the school furniture as of the dinnertable or the grand piano at home fifty years ago a schoolroom was generally dingy and everything was hacked in a hundred places by the jackknives of flaming youth generations of boys at westminstor school carved their initials on the coronation chair the most romantia hit of furniture in england children of nowadays are better taught for tho most part tho condition of a modorn school room in a canadian town or city reflects a deal of credit on the teacher and on tho intelligent selfesteem and elfrestrnlnt of tho pupils school bunking and thrift- teaching encourage aolfrestralnt and selfrestraint is the root princi ple of good citizenship there la splrilai side so it appears that thore is a spirit ual as well as an economic side to tho schoolsavings movement while financial loaders and bualnois experts see in it a mean of gaining a per manent prosperity for tho canada of the future by developing a thrifty and intelligent population tho stu dents of scientific educational meth ods discover in it a means of moral training and character development not many phases of odecnflnn gain the hearty approval of both theorists and business men the first school savings system was established at lo mans france more than ninety years ago by 1s92 france had tho most notable development of school- savings banks in the world and in other european countries the plan had been followed with satisfactory results in the united states vari ous experiments were made from time to time but with no great mea sure of success until after the great war then the american bankers association got behind the movement and most effectually in over 200 cities of the united states the pro gress has been most amazing only buy federal bonds in some respects the canadian system as set forth in the charter of the penny bank of ontario is the best of all the funds collected in the schools must be invested in federal government securties or de posited in the post office savings bank not a dollar may be put out on loan there is no share capital and consequently no dividends are paid nobody makes money out of the childrens savings the only income of the bank is the difference between the narrow yield on giltedged government se curities and the bankinterest paid to depositors on their minimum monthly balances thus economical management is not only desirable it is necessary well over one mil lion dollars is held to the credit of the school children of ontario and every cent is as safe as the dominion of canada itself there are still many schools in the province where this system of thrift- teaching has not yet been installed j r littleproud of the head office of the penny bank of ontario york and richmond streets toronto is helping to spread the work remember jacob yake jeweler and real estate in connection with glasses which we fit giving a proper focus broken lense replaced at low cost every thing in the store at reduced price real estate houses at 2100 and upwards also a few at low prices farms to sell at various prices we also rent and collect in stouff ville jacob yake siouitville took soda 20 years for gas stops now w i n g s the- picture dlay wings in which 123 planes rise to a climax toward the end of the story will be shown at the auditorium theatreon saturday afternoon and evening next a few of the announced facts and figures concerning the manufact ure of the drama include five thousand men are engaged here in important parts it has been twenty months in the making most of it having been shot near san antonla texas not a foot of the picture was photographed from the ground which could conceivably be taken from the air the action was shot from airplanes from captive balloons and from lofty parallels ranging from six to 100 feet high flying 12000 feet above the earth and separated from the ground by a cloud wall s000 feet thick charles rogers and richard arlen featured players in the picture completed one of the most unusual feats of aero nautics in the history of aviation during its taking this picture comes to stouffvllle with a travell ing troupe who provide orchestra sounds effects etc for the picture send the tribune to absent friends woman regains lost appetite i was in a very rundown condition and had no appetite i took drmiles nervine and immediately began to get better today i am very healthy i recommend dr miles nervine to every woman mrs hhonias h brland lardoise cb n s dr miles nervine reached the root of mrs briands trouble disorder ed nerves this dangerous trouble is responsible for much suffering melancholy fltsmlserable depression sleeplessness frequent headaches elusive pains and aches and constant nervousness unless corrected ner vous breakdown is likely to develop dr miles nervine corrects these troubles by calming and refreshing the nerves it is the formula of a prominent nerve specialist guaranteed safe and sure one bot tle will benefit you or the druggist will refund your money dr- miles sold by j m storey stouffville ont ifpuimc- for 20 years i took soda for indi gestion and stomach gas one bottle of adierika brought me complete re lief j b hardy adierika relieves stomach gas and sourness in ten minutes acting on both upper and lower bowl it re moves old waste matter you never thought was in your system let adierika give your stomach and bowels a real cleansing and see how much better you feel it will surprise you j m storey druggist stouffville convert your attic into an attractive extra room at low cost with gyproc send for handsome free book walls that reflect good judgment it gives valuable information on gyproc and interior decoration canada gypsum and alabastine limited paris canada breproo for sale by stouffville planing mills stouffville ont save at our store sh sale 5 dozen only mens fine shirts nice assortment of patterns sizes 14 to 17 regular 150 and 9195 special 100 extraordinary values in mens and young mens winter suits mens and youths winter over coats sizes 33 to 42 in plain navy blue chinchilla and herringbone stripes special 1750 10 dozen only mens fine shirts in rayon silk novelty broad cloth and cordeline reg 250 300 and 350 special 198 6 dozen only boys fine shirts fancy stripes and colors sizes 12 to 14 special 100 w h shaw open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings save at our store phone 9512 close wednesday at noon stouffville ont ijrawsre