Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 18, 1928, p. 3

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duty of making roads safe is placed on motorists safety council hears of plan whereby police drop spying but stress results kcir york education in safety methods safe thinking and the elimination ot chance taking char acterized the numerous group discus sions of the national safety councils boventeenth annual meeting safety for school children for in dustrial workers for railway and marine employees reduction of high way mishaps by removing the causes thereof and general education ot the public formed the keynote of the sec tional conferences the interest in the safety drat campaign is evidenced by reglstra- tlons at the meetings totaling between 7000 and s000 persons who havo como from all parts of the unltod states to contribute their part toward a reduction in fatalities occuring largoly through carelessness group meetings are being held at five different hotels here represent ed in them are all basic industries ouch as automotive steam railway marine electric railroads mining avl ation motion pictures and manufac turing education fire prevention and other activities also are represented new view of traffic lav a new procedure in traffic law en forcement which lias proved success ful was described by e b leuerts manager public safety department automobile club of southern cali fornia this innovation called the san diego plan was commended for trial in other communities the plan is to charge motorists with their own responsibility instead ot attempting to have officers spy on canadians cruise for business englishman for pleasure the sau diego police department served notice to motorists that they were not going to lie in wait for them and pounce out and make an arrest whenever a technical violation ot the motor vehicle act was witnessed they put the responsibility on tha driver to so operate his car that even though an officer was not present no violation would be committed which would result in the injury ot any peisou or property cooperation due officers in sau diego a traffic officer is coming to be recognized by the motor ing public as an individual who is en deavoring to increase safety on the highway and therefore entitled to their cooperation rather than a tax collector who is put out there to col lect toll to help fill the city coffers i am glad to say that this program has justified our hopes and has effect ed a reduction in accidents this plan lias been in force for a little over a year and during the first 12 months j the accidents were reduced from 001 to 703 showing a decrease of 20s per cent while the number of perioual injuries has dropped from 1200 to s77 a decline of 271 per cent these re ductions in facb of an increase ot 20s per cent in population and increase j west coast of scotland ot 703 per cent in motor vehicle registration and an increase ot 0s per j cent in this type of accidents in other lawrence asland a ketusfe communities similarly situated at the rairoad groups session with e r cott ot the hocking valley lines presiding t h carrow ot the penn- i weekend air cruise all the rage in england sir eric geddes chartered this tripleengine calcutta- nyiugboat to take his party for a pleasure trip on the love letters drivers all of thejime the police are assigned to make thorough inves tigations of all mishaps and fix respon sibility mr leuerts said in part i sylvania railroad said that 15g000 fatalities had occurred in 3s years among persons trespassing riding on walking on rightofway or illegally on rairoad property for a flock of rare sea birds kidrapore shrine a hindu art gem lavish presentation in sculp ture of the ancient religion of india is well preserved in the temple now being excavated bombay one of the finest known gems of the hindu templebuilders art is being brought to light near kidra pore in kolhapur one of the native slates of the bombay presidency enough of it has now been laid bare having obtained motion picture and other camera studies of gannots in their native haunts and at unusually close range s harmsted chubb as sociate curator ot the american mu seum of natural history has recently returned from bonaventure island in the gulf of st lawrence the ledges chiefly of fish especially herrings whose presence is often indicated to fishermen by the birds mr chubb observed that the birds fly in single file on the hunt each bird when it conies over the shoal of fish descends from a height of about forty feet with a velocity and force that takes it wholly out of sight and splashed the water into the air emerging cardinal points of the compass by the 20 of the strange seafowl after a few seconds it shakes th dominating figures of the bulls of o the coionies iu thc world protected by the canadian govern ment this flock has multiplied stead first tier is a frieze ot exactly 100 ele phants which extends around the eiii and j ofthis rockv little isteml tire temple and is emphasized at tho nesting and ureediug s ior water siva still higher the principal sculp ture begins and this is of such a char acter that a german professor who has studied it has formed the theory that the goddesses of the hindu pan theon had their origin in the ancient greek divinities a remarkable frieze the dominant note of this tier is its essential humanity human fig ures iu ecstasies of joy crowd into water from its feathers and mounts in a wide curve to take its place at the rear of the string and repeat the we two could be so happy we could be so happy with each other we could find new strength new healing all the agony and heartache would be wiped out put behind forgotten there would be just you and me and no one else in all the world to mind and everything that once had been unkind would iu oue kiss be drowned as iu a sea simple sporvs styling the smart women will choose syle no 24g to complete the chic of her summer wardrobe for it is a new sports type much in evidence and is yet conservative the jabot iiy although the island upon which it of flight and can travel for consider- flourishes is less than two square able distances miles in area lowered by a rope from the top of the cliffs to ledges mr chubb photographed many hun dreds of the birds on guard at their nests obtaining closeups of this inter esting seabird a variety almost en- bonaventure island which lies just off the gaspe coast opposite the vilj lage of perce was found by mr chubb j stars is pride more beautiful than peace one gave his love to save our souls and you can save to present remarkable opportunities by giving and forgiving lift the for bird study from a distanco the i island apperrs covered with deep niches and corners and onto the acks tirely white in color and ranging from snow which as one nears it dissolves of elephants and bulls all the ges- to identify it as a unique jewel among tures of graceful womankind are ex ilic master creations ot hindu archil mblted from tho foreground and from lecture a dream in stone dedicated to tbe deeply shadowed recesses of this twentyeight to thirtysix inches length with a wingspread of more than six feet dropped into this densely populated siva and enriched with all the lesser sods and goddesses of the hindu pan theon beneath the cool interlacing branches of the pipal and banyan at a point where the sacred krishna river suddenly loops itself iuto a crescent this fine achievement of in dian art lias proved to be in a re markable slate of preservation so far as it has been uncovered and its low est pan which is still being dug out of the rivers mud seems likely to j prove equally well preserved it belongs to the chalukyau period which dates it somewhere between the years 1000 and 1200 chalukyan architecture is intermediate between the brahmlnical and dravidian styles and the three schools differ littlo in essential plan all having a shrine for the god preceded by pillared porches they differ mostly iu their outer forms in the brahminical style the most prominent lines tend to the per pendicular and in the dravidian to the horizontal the northern brah mlnical temples have a curved pyra midal root to the shrines which in the southern or dravidian style aro crowned by a horizontal system of storied towers and each story de creasing in size is ornamented with a co ii ira i cell and figures in high re lief the chalukyan style is affected by its northern and southern neigh bors taking features from each with out losing its owr special character istics of which the starshaped plan of the shrine with the fivefold bands of external ornament i3 the principal feature in its general scheme the kidraporo temple conforms to the chalukyan type but in its wealth of sculpture it is remarkable oyeu among hindu temples the lavish use ot scripture on hindu temples scmetimes exceeds good tasto and imagination industri ous elaboration and vivid expression ot movement hindu sculpture is per haps without an equal elsewhere in the world the kidrapore sculpture is overpowering a greater ingenuity in intricate design it would hardly be possible to imagine the root ot tho starshaped shrine is supported by rows of pillars delicately carved with representations ot episodes from hin du mythologyand social life around the central shrine tho scheme of tho great temple is far more intricate than usual for the innumerable geometri cal patterns known to the ancient indian have been worked in number less involutions into the planning ot the outer walls the walls themselves arc a revela tion oven to students of hindu arch aeology thc flrt tier just above tho base has been done in a wonderful ccrollwork pattern with small figures of hindu gods and goddesses intri cately involved in it some of them garlanded others bearing gifts in their outstretched arms still others playing on musical instruments above this remarkable tier some are clad in j bird colony mr chubb found them the finest fabrics of the indian loom tame that little notice was aken and conform in their vesture and their of his approach although offering j the cliffs are inhabited not only by posturing to modern canons of indian some show of resistance with harsh the gannets but also by puffins mur- sculpture while others are clothed cries an1 flapping wings tho gannets j lies black cuillcmots petrels herring- with muslins so fine that only the em broidered hems are indicated by the sculptor the idea of this entire tier being that of physical beauty only those figures are clothed for whom costume is a necessary adjunct to or nament all the hindu gods and god desses disport themselves in this central flow of sculpture siva and vishnu aro the two prin cipal gods in the pantheistic scheme of hinduism and shrines dedicated to either ot them aro resorted to free ly by practically all the 220000000 hindus of india there are of course sects in hinduism but hardly as the west understands sects only took wing when absolutely com- gulls and kittlewakes while many polled to do so some stood on tho small birds nest inland among the short grass at the edge of the cliffs trees only seven families ot human the anglofrench agreement new york times in some quarters hard things are said about america standing aloof aud proposing to dic tate to nations across the sea just because she is richer than they aro i but it should not be forgotten that tho anglofrench agreement according to its very terms and by the explicit statement of lord cushendun at ge neva would not he proceeded with unless it was assented to by tho united states and tho other naval powers so there is no question of our government having stepped in to force the english and french to give up what they would like to do fast asleep with their heads buried under their plumage others were preening their feathers or feeding their young while many were quar- ling and fighting over standing room on tho rocks within half a wings reach ot her neighbors tho gannet stands incessantly on guard at the nest to protect encroachments plunge the gannet has great powers o lovely child why do we fight the va enough for town the jabot friil softens the perfectly simple bod ice a hi bi d molds thc figure pebble silk etepe i french blue and white tones is delightful georgette crepe crepe elizabeth fia silk crepe printed voile chailis print silk pique silk broadcloth and printed linen aro suitable and extramely wearable fabrics to select pattern is designed in sizes 1g 18 20 years 3g 38 40 and 42 inches bust price 20 cents in stamps or coin coin preferred how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by return mail into myriads of gannets when dis turbed they fill the air like heavy white flakes while their loud harsh cries echo and reecho among the rocks crowned with spruces and balsams beings live on the islar i theyre off an artist who had recently shaved off his beard complained to a friend that his wife had left him its leave or bo left these days the friend consoled him aud asked if the removal of his bear hadany thing that occur luough force ot sheer t0 do with hor leaving numbers and overcrowding brth mr chubb noted that when the baw me wubout my ueard g young gannet comes of age and leaves t know why t never bars of mortal reticence o speak one word and love would hear as love has always heard john meftert in the new york sun the empire spirit adelaide register the british commonwealth is challenged in some degree by the growth ot vast economic unions in europe and america and although these cannot compare in actual or potential resources with the brittanlc world the empire must fur ther develop its cooperative relation ship if it would retain its integrity without the force ot organization as the secretary of state for dominion affairs recently affirmed relative weakness would tend to force great britain intoc a european cconomi union and the dominions would prob ably gravitate as economic depend encies towards an american union the nest it is of greater size than the parent it carries an excess of fat to aid it through the period ot learning to hunt for a living the food of the gannet consists spectator that referee looks like if hell get into hot water when the match is over local supporter ho wont es goin in the orse trough sponsored by duchess of york a woman is bound to broadcast over the wrong hookup o j tho hotel clerk was adamant im sorry sir ho said but i cant cash it young men aro fitter to invent than to judge fitter for execution than for counsel and fitter for new projects than for settled business frajicis bacon when the agent for the life sur- anco company paid mrs stone tho amount of insurance her husband had carried he asked her to take out a policy on her llfo i believe i will sho said my husband had such good luck with his no dogs allowed newlywed did you get tho hot dogs for supper love mrs n no dear theres a sign al the door ot the apartments which says no dogs allowed baehmbgbstgmbassaebgbeba photograph of the newest ot the four canadian pacific 20000 ton vessels i wouldnt cash cheque tor my s wu hrother wmi ii i jt 1 immediately aflor it had been christened own brothor well said thc strati i uilur necn cnnsieiiei in her own name by her gcr you know your own family better ror s tn0 duchess rf york tho duchess of york is seen just than i do before taking the water on the ciydo the dominion department of agriculture prints many booklets for distribution to aid farmers and housekeepers here are two very seasonable right now poultry feeds poultry feeds and feed ing is a little booklet giving the latest and best methods of feeding poultry for market as well as for egg laying chickens turkeys ducks and geese are all thoroughly considered just fill in the coupon and mail it today no charge post free preserving preserving fruits and vegetables in the home is an invaluable little book for housewives being the practical information on canning pickling and preserving fruits and vegetables as proved at ftc central exprrinicntl farm the time tabic or canning peaches pears apples tomatoes etc is valuable just fill in the coupon and mail it today ho charge post free publications branch dominion department of agriculture ottawa piiv- nt n buflrtim on couw wici iaa u of booklet name post office rr no province teasmi wssmbaam

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