Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 18, 1928, p. 2

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tfl begin here today peter pennington engaged by the government to capture chaihung leader of the yellow seven a gang of chinese bandits loves monica viney sister of captain john hewitt commissioner of police at jesselton british north borneo pennington goes with denis moorhousc district officer to hunt cvihung the ex pedition is guided by a dancing girl jebmohd shell it hot isnt it said pennington cheerfully a quarter of an hour later moor- houso touched pennington with his foot and tho man with the chinese eyes passed the warning on a trifle more heavily the girl had emerged s us to come out and show ourselves the d 0 of bukitiban an un pleasant taste in his mouth glanced oppealingly at dawson but dawson was thoughtfully examining the safe tycatch of his automatic and did not look up tho screams came again and moor houso jammed his fingers in his cats ho hardly remembered the details of that retreat there was something about pennington that made men fol low him or the magistrate would never have como at all phew ejaculated dawson as soon as they were back at the orig inal track that was a trifle too near to bo pleasant ho winked at pen nington gentlemen you may from tho hut and tho bundle still under one arm was making off in an easterly direction following closely enemy of tho bandit chief because of u tho heels of an elderly oriental tho theft of one of her wonderful silver gloves now go on with thr story pennington smiled youll havo to tuck that sylph like form of yours a deal closer into the undergrowth guayas gono in reported the d o of bukitiban mopping his fore head with a handkerchief always have the magic u wrigley package in 68 your pocket d 8g soothes nerves allays 2 thirst aids digestion after every meal g fg 8 st t issue no 4228 in a suit of butchers blue and enormous mushroom hat moorhouso glanced back give cm time muttered pen nington between his teeth it may be a plant to dawson it seemed centuries be fore the jungle expert rose to his feet and selecting a patch of ground be tween the trees where the giant ferns rose in rank profusion steored a diagonal course toward the path their quarry had taken it was fully an hour before they obtained a clear view of tho dancer and her guide but pennington em ploying some instinct he had acquired in his wanderings seemed to have been aware of their proximity for somo time with startling sudden ness chinese pennington dropped in his tracks and not n moment too soon his companions followed suit leaning against n jackfruit tree barely a dzon yards distant moor houso saw an enormous oriental nudo from tho waist upward a for midable parang dangling nt his side farther to his right tho do noted a similar sentinel and to the left again still a third motionless as a statue as they lay there a prey to vora cious ants and swarms of flies a piercing scream came from tho direc tion of the path followed by a wild hysterical sobbing moorhousc was up like n jack-in- thebox but penningtons fingers closing firmly over an ankle pulled him down again ho turned to ex postulate but a hand choked his ut terance keep still you priceless idiot tho other whispered in his ear you he held his case to moorhousc who did not appear to notice it and to pennington who shook his head tho stout man lit up cheerfully discretion ho observed senten- tiously is the better part of valor with a bit of luck moorhousc old son we shall arrive at your palatial residence in time for n cheering cup of tea the pentup feelings of denis moorhousc nt length found attcrance they were murdering that girl he said chinese pennington dropped a heavy hand n the others shoulder i should make yourself quite easy on that score chaihung dodsnt murder pretty women who are likely to be of service to him whether miss guaya was aware of it or not the ambush wo were within nn nee of walking into had been long and care fully prepared that doesnt account for the screams somo peopk scream before they are hurt i dont quite follow you ho means to say put in dawson inhaling tobacco smoke with the air of a parched wanderer in the desert quenching his thirst that tho ban dit merely threatened her he can bo a mighty unpleasant spectacle when ho likes i hopo to heaven youre right the more i think of it pursued pennington the more feasible it seems guaya you must remember is a consummate actress and her ef forts certainly struck me as highly theatrical where are wo now demanded moorhousc gloomily a shade better off than when we started we know that the yellow seven are hero inconsiderable force and that tho united efforts of three perfectly good white men armed with automatics would be about the for- lorncst hope ever embarked upon they passed through the screen of cocopalms ami emerged on to the strip of grassland in which moor- houses bungalow lay moorhousc hardly awake reached down automatically for tho blanket at the bottom of tho bed suddenly as his benumbed faculties began to return to him he started and blinked vacantly at the white canopy above him somewhero close at hand a dog was barking ten seconds later he had woken to the realization that it was the black chow and that the sound came from tho verandah shut up hitam lie down and then something black and shadowy slid noiselessly within tho rectangle of light and out of it again the d 0 experiencing that un comfortable sensation that is invar iably associated with a surprise in the early hours forced his muscles to act and groped under the pillow for his automatic his fingers touched nothing but tho crumpled edge of the sheet always a restless sleeper his pillw lay a shapeless mass to one side and the weapon had presumably dropped to the floor without waking him swearing softly to himself he reached down groping uncertainly in all directions the flimsy curtains blwing listlessly in a light breeze touched his cheek and bringing his head suddenly upward ho saw aa if dangled frm tho bedpost a silver hand the thing hovered there glit tering in tho patch of light and for some moments ho stared at it he withdrew his gaze with an effrt a wild hope revolving in his brain guaya the words formed them selves upon his hfs he had not seen her since that strategic retreat from tho bandits sentries perhaps she had sought him on the verandah and failing to find him there had come to his room he looked up again the apparition was still where he had first seen it he puihcd himself up ward on his hams then sank back mute with silent horror the thing was a left hand the gauntlet that chaihung had stolen he wriggled over onto his face and sent his trembling fingers over the rough floor they knocked presently against something soft and warm a human foot he set his teeth grimly he must somehow manage to slip out from the other side between the bed and the partition and snatch up the water jug anything with which to defend himself the bed creaked as use gil lefts lye to make your own and for cl jea hi i arid disinfegenfr meaning of her disheveled tresses until the dagger with tho jeweled hilt sped downward she oroc it with triumphant force between nyihaus shoulders and the creature pitched headlong across the d o ptrugglins to free himself of his nauseous burden moorhouso did not see how guaya died he heard her little panting cry and threw nyihau from him to discover chaihung forc ing his great bulk through the win dow frame leaving his knife behind the automatic caught his eye he faulted to the floor and snatching it up emptied the entire clip into the tropic stillness presently he saw that the silver hand had escaped the fugi tive and rolled to a corner guaya he whispered softly i have brought you your hand ho fell on his knees betide her thinking that she had fainted but the shapely shoulders that his fingers touched were unresponsive to be continued a third form pushed between chai- hung and his lieutenant he moved and the curtains parted a lean hand fell upon cither wrist and from out of tho corner of his eye he caw that the silver hand had vanish- ed there hung in its place a knife with a long thin blade and a hilt that he knew was yellow i mary refused to marry you then he aimed a kick at the arm which j didnt you tel her about your rich held it suspended but it moved swift- j uncle i did didnt that make ly upward and the force of his blow any difference oh mlnards liniment for every pain cutting out the prattle if no ono talked of what he does not under- sarid said hi ho the sage of china town the silence would become un bearable marys ray was spent upon empty air he could catch its shadowy outline as it hesi tated before deccending and then the door of tho room swung open and the light of a hurricanelamp illuminated the whole apartment the grip on his wrists relaxed and tightened again beforo he could wrench himself free the lamp stood unguarded on the threshold as if it had come there of its own accord and moorhousc recog- aunt now pouches that am messes jr mae martin its amazing to see aow easily outofstyle dresses are transformed by a few nized at ono and the same tine the buttons a little braid jnd man who held him and the creature with the knife nyihau and the great chaihung ho struggled with renewed vio lence tore one hand from the power ful fingers that encircled it and hit out at nyihau with all the force he could put behind it the man re coiled and the magistrate rolling to one side avoided the fall of the knife by a hairs breadth he caught the fierce breath of the bandit and a third form gliding stealthily from be hind the door pushed between chai- hung and his lieutenant it was guaya her garment was torn and travelstained and her black hair fell in waves over her dark shoulders moorhouso did not understand the minards liniment cleanses cuts etc the quick magic of homo tinting or dyeing your tinting or dyeing will always delight you if you are sure to use only true fadeless dia mond dyes tinting with them is easy as blu ing and dyeing takes just a little more time new colors appear like ni over the old colors they give all tho fashionable tints and shades with never a hint of that redyed look which conies from inferior dyes insist on diamond dyes and save disappoint ment color craft my big new book ot dollarsaving hints will be sent you free write mae martin diamond dyes windsor ontario your skin can be made perfect by the dally use of recheitciib conmvlui for iadlch who caro one 2ounce jar of vanishing cream and 1 hox of knee powder mailed to any addreas in ontario for iltto cant do any good hes waiting for a88 toe street toronto more and morr christies soda wafers arc sold every year maintained quality means increased popularity in the store or on the phone always ask for christies biscuits

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