Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 18, 1928, p. 1

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vihum vol xl no 34 stouffville ontario thursday october 18th 1928 a v nolan publisher that lingering cough needs attention now do not let it hang on longer or it may lead to more serious trouble n y a l c rje o p h 0 s relieves bronchial affec tions deepseated coughs and builds strength hun dreds of our customers can vouch for the efficiency of creophos 100 large bottle j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs phonb 1008 business cards medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien nnd main ljione 100 drs ira herbert freel consultation hours dr ira freel 3 to 12 am mon wed fri 6 to 9 pm saturday tues thurs sat afternoons by appointment only dr herbert freel 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat to 9 pm tues sat mon wed frl afternoons by appointment only silver medal of merit the members of the stouffville horticultural society and citi zens generally will be glad to learn of the marked success that attended the first effort of the socity to place stouffville promin ently before the hundreds of thousands of spectators at the cana dian national exhibition by means of an elaborate float in the great floral prade of saturday september 1st the idea prevailed with some that the undertaking was too ambitious tobe attempted by our small community of membership and that the work and worry involved would far outweigh the benefits to be obtained but again courage has been rewarded with success and all who so faithfully participated in bringing the float into being sense nothng less than pleasure and satis faction from their work moreover a very gratifying measure of cooperation and hospitality extended by the exhibition authori ties made the workers feel that their labors were appreciated by this great organization the following letter has recently been received by president h o klinck from lionel godson cne director and president of the toronto horticultural society toronto october sth 192s dear mr klinck i wish to let you know as chairman of the floral parade committee how much i appreciated your putting in such a fine float it was help and cooperation from friends like you and your officers which made the parade the outstanding feature of the fair it was the board of directors are granting you the silver medal of merit for your float ii personal notes f our motto is plan for next year bigger and better for 1929 so begin now to a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffvllls monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am dental e s barker lds ds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of torento office in grubins block phne 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d a smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto dr nell c smith honor graduate of royal college of denial surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office standard bank upstairo phone offle kill residence 1015 win bruels of hamilton has re turned after spending a few weeks in the northwest mr and mrs h d sawyer and mrs geo brownsberger have re turned home after spending a few days in jlidland mr and mrs a d morris were in town this week visiting among friends about here they motored from their home near rochester ny mrs marshall jennings and miss big entry likely plowing match the big annual plowing match of the xortb york association will be held ou tuesday oct 23rd on the l h burkholder farm on the 9th of markham about three miles south of stouffville the prize list is now in the hands of the printers and will be issued tomorrow showing the various team i and tractor classes as obtained in previous matches there will be 500 given in cash and goods and it is almost certain that over 50 teams will be required to fill the wants of the competitors strong committees have formed to among the churches p klinck of victoria square spent an1 tne stouffville womens instit- sunday with h o klinck and family ute will do ttle catering providing international honors won adding to his long list of victories of other years wiutimbers of ring- wood last week captured the first prise for high cut sod at the inter national plowing match held near london ontario he defeated vete ran plowmen from all over canada and the united states mr timbers was crowded for first place by d j tran of atha another farmer of the stouffville section who is stepping out in big company and making a reputation for himself dave has won various prizes at plow ing matches but this is the first time he undertook to capture first in high cut it is a singular fact that both these winners are from the vicinity of stouffville and they are to be congratulated lloyd turner who is getting back into the farming business on the brown farm adjoining stouffville won second prize in second class sod while yet another stouffville farmer mass meeting on sunday night the stciffville branch of the bible society is planning to observe sun day october 21st as bible sunday and has arranged for a mass meeting to be held in the united church at 7 pm it is hoped that the new gen eral secretary of the canadian bible society rev jbm armpur who has lately arrived from england the representative of the british and foreign bible society in canada will be the special speaker the brit ish and foreign bible society of which stouffville branch is one of the auxiliaries has been the means of making the bible the cheapest and most accessible book in the world the record of versions in over 600 forms of human speech reveals the magnitude of its achievement during the past century and a quarter for some years now its annual distribu tion of scriptures has reached 10- 000000 portions each one a com plete book of the bible at least the presence of every supporter of the bible and this work is urgued to attend this meeting there will mr and mrs russell hunt of bethesda had a delightful motor trip to niagara falls mrs hunt re maining for a couple of weeks visit at niagara and usa returning sat urday mrs robt duncan and miss annie are spending some time in montreal at the manse where rev gordon duncan is stationed during her absence miss duncans position on the post office staff is being filled by miss libbie chappel mr and mrs hugh alsop and fam- i ily were in town on monday enroute from uxbridge to their home in fen- wick near wetland mr alsop will be remembered as having conducted j a butchering business here a few- years ago for his brother john of i uxbridge hugh is now station agent at fenwick for the th b wilfrid ferguson son of mr and mrs peter ferguson of the 9th con- be n0 canvas atthis meeting cession of whitchurch came fourth in the boys class under is years of age over 20000 people attended the match which lasted four days slack estate sale page jacobs lscaii harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc office silvesters block phono 18003 mccullough button barristers solicitors oonrsjp- ancers ac buttons block btouffrlue money to lovn wedding bouquets and funeral designs mustonfi sons wholesale florlsta stouffville ontario phone 7001 registered and grade cattle snap ped up at good trices carrying no insurance is unwise yon ore taking great chanoea bhrpcrlenco is bought with cbonp in surance and coin dearly proper protection in what a fully qualified agent recommends and good insurance is what he sella you will consult mm in the long run why not today t birkett general imuran agency phone 18201 stotjffviliib stouffville lodge no384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethren welcome jew cook w r sanders nowe grand recsfloy archie stover fin secy boadways drug store stouffville there was a large crowd at the public auction sale on the farm of the late cecil slack adjoining clare- mont village on friday afternoon last and the weather was as warm and bright as a day tfn july while everything connected with the estate was sold under the hammer chief interest centred on the splendid herd of registered shorthorns the entire sale proceeds almost reached 5000 and the main items contributing to this sum was the registered and grade cattle the seven registered cowa sold to the following buyers at prices indi cated retana 11 yrs old sold to e slack for 160 cecilia 8 yrs sold to jno scott for 110 august queen 13th 3 years sold to mac borsyth with her twin calves one week old at foot for 210 august queen 11th a young heifer with show appear ance went to orval burton ior 175 oakwood maid 5th 12 years went to raham pllkey at s5 and her bull calf 6 months old sold to t watson for 80 braemar violet 2yearold heifer brought 100 from mr hock ley village blossom s years an off spring of prince seaweed sold to luther middleton for 120 and her roan bull calf of 6 months brought an even hundred dollars from edw ward thornham moneymaker the herd bull sold to luthor middleton for 165 he is coming 4yearold and has the best of breeding there seemed to be even more ready bidding on the grade cattle and a nue pair of ayrshlres realized 136 and 130 respectively sheep were in exceptionally good demand a pair of ojres realizing 52 horses are not greatly sought after and did not sell high although the stock was not of the best as is so often the case in this day of motive power auctioneer sllversldes con ducted the sale at the church of st barnabas toronto on wednesday oct 10th 1928 miss madge jacobs daughter of mr and mrs w j jacobs of ringwood was united in marriage to mr watson page of toronto rev mr powell performing the ceremony only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony mrs gordon wilkins sister of the bride acted as maid of honor and after the ceremony a reception was held at her home on arundel ave the young couple later left on a honeymoon trip to detroit and on their return are locating in toronto silver wedding anni versary ringwood hare is in toronto as a new bargain prices on used articles electric washing machine in perfect order wagons and international tractor no s16 goodnumber of vinegar barrels 20 gal harness and other articles itexj rexlix phono 102 wo buy hens and hides nt highest prices robt juror t grove has purchased durant sedan the harvest home service on sun day afternoon in the christian church here was well attended our choir contributed the music at altona christian church harvest home service on sunday evening mr and mrs ross vague and daughter doris were sunday visitors at h brownsbergers our garage man j r mckenzie was on a motor trip to burks falls wednesday and thursday this week a number of our farmers are busy these days drawing turnips to stouff ville for shipment the price down to lie per bushel we understand the oakland from baker hill wanders down the 8th line south quite frequently the young people of this section tendered a shower to our popular young lady miss madge jacobs who was married in toronto last week many useful things were contributed and all were anxious to show their good will and esteem for the bride people around here have been watching the proceedings at dick sons hill where the county road people changed the level of the road and in building a new road into the mill did not provide any drains a heavy rain might cause serious dam age to the mill property as the road foreman on this beat refused to put any tile in the road leading into the mill engineer rose was here on monday and we understand that the road foreman has been ordored to place these tile the cost and waste of money will be considerable to the county over having the work done at the proper time but whos to blame an interesting event was celebrat ed on sunday last at the home of mr and mrs wilbur burnett blake st when they marked the 25th anniver sary of their wedding day by the presence of a large number of in vited guests tne home was attrac tively decorated with flowers for the occasion and a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served over 25 of the guests present were among those who witnessed the wed ding ceremony 25 years ago and they came from hampton enniskil len bowmanvllle orono oshawa and toronto also a few intimate friends from stouffville were pre sent and among the guests who sat at the festive table with the bride and groom of 25 years ago were mr and mrs j cowling of hampton who had also just reached their sil ver wedding day mrs burnett and mrs cowling are sisters and were given in marriage at the same time mr and mrs burnett who have resided in stouffville for the past five years were married at hampton a village just north of bowmanville rev e j anderson tied the double nuptial knot on that occasion and the happy scene on sunday was said to be a true transfiguration of the momentous event of 25 years ago prior to locating here mr burnett wa3 distributor for the imperial oil co at markham village for 12 years stouffville friends unite in wishing mr and mrs burnett continued hap piness and prosperity lunch at the grounds and a hot supper in ratcliffs hall in the even ing the- following have been selected to act as judges colin a hood neil a malloy bert kennedy james cameron messrs george watson stouffville and james davidson of cherrywood are the judges on outfits for which a good prize is awarded as a special with anything like fine weather there will be a tremendous crowd present as many from a distance have signified their desire to be here the officers of the association are as follows president ross e ratcliff hon prests a d bruce a jh eckardt robt miller ambrose stover col f h deacon f l but ton and j northway 1st viceprest h clendenning 2nd viceprest jesse cock manager j r campbell secytreas a v nolan directors p e ferguson j w reesor s w hastings w timbers aichie fliiiivg d j trail fred winn wm reesor edw nigh lloyd turner f w silveraidea flow struck at 25 foot level well drilling operations started last thursday on the town water works property at the wm ratcliff farm two miles north of stouffville and by saturday night a quiet flow was struck at only 25 feet ibelow the surface through a six inch pipe owing to the presence of this water drilling operations could not proceed lower and it has been decid ed by the council to sink probably three more such wells which will ensure a satisfactory supply inde pendent of the present source which is now taken from the surface and conducted into the reservoirs this surface supply will be done away with entirely should three more drilled wells bo secured the well found on saturday has sufficient force to rise three feet above the water surface in the re servoirs it is a matter for congratuatlon that the authorities undertook this work and that they have been so successful in securing what looks like an ample supply from artesian well source that will eliminate any possibility of dirt getting in from the surfacs c f boadway of sutton is in charge of the drlllng outfit which commenced on the quest for a second well tuesday goodwood wm crapper spent the week end in toronto all vegetables are a good crop in this district except onions we are pleased to see miss delia johnson in the post office again geo brown ha purchased a stude baker six many care are lined up here load ing all kinds of vegetables diston mcdonald unloaded a car of coal last week which looked to be extra good quality more of our citizens are signing up for the hydro geo stewart has completed his season for silo filling miss olive ottowell of toronto spent the week end with her parents traffic officers are reported to be on the roads even at nights stopping motorists mr and mrs harold crapper and mrs harry orpen are visiting their parents mr and ms wm crapper miss viola reid has opened her studio at her parents home and is now ready to teach music to any de siring same beginners a specialty the choir of the baptist church held a social evening and practice at the home of wm henderson why does not the united church choir do the same motorists have cards posted on their carg reading care courtesy and common sense but they dont have the presence of mind to turn off their bright lights when their car is standing mr geo hutchinson who had the misfortune to loose the top of his third finger will resume his duties as track foreman on the cnr mon day next some people are apparently using our park dressing rooms and booth in a very unbecoming mander if this is not stopped steps will be taken against them some of our young boys are a nuisance to some of the neighbors throwing stones on the lawns and doing other very annoying pranks which should be stopped a tip to parents is sufficient mrs eh storry is not improving in health and underwent an exray examination at dr freels in stouff ville to see if the trouble can be located we hope for a speedy re covery mr and mrs robt hyneg arrived back on thursday night and a pleasant evening was spent at the brides home mr and mrs d wat sons even some of our vocally trained male sex attended and de livered some outdoor music which resulted in a treat fred middleton secured a couple of plymouth rock hens lately which were molting nnd wanting to set ho shut them up for a few days and fed them a mixture containing riw- lolghs poultry powder and in ten days he received his first egg now they arc laying dally st james prkshvteiuan rev w h fuller thb sunday oct 21st j 130 pm sunday school 230 pm evening worship mexxox1te church s s shantz pastor sunday oct 21st the pastor will preach at the morning service and in the evening we all assemble in ifiass meeting at the united church in the interests of the bible society baptist church rev w w fleischer pastor sunday oct 21st 10 am bible school meets 11 am subject hhe christians abiding place 3 pm mission band 7 pm bible society meeting in the united church baker hill and sixth lixh baptist churches w s whltcombe ba pastor sunday oct 21st sixth line morning service the acid test of discipleship baker hill evening service the end of the world how will it come and when m christian church e morton pastor sunday oct 21st true religion is experienced when we hold fast to god with one hand and open wide the other in helpful ness to our neighbors that neigh bor may be a foreigner there will be no evening service at the stouffville christian church this sunday because of the bible society mass meeting at the united church united church of canada h s warren ha pastor sunday oct 21st 10 am sunday school 11 am anniversary of the wms speaker mrs d e jones soloist mrs preston morden 7 pm anniversary of local branch of british and foreign bible so ciety speaker rev armour can president a union choir will lead in worship of song melville bethesa peachs unitffd churches dr e h gray pastor sunday oct 21st peachs 7th line markham sunday school at 10 am public worship at 11 am young peoples meeting every wed nesday evening at 8 oclock melville cth line markham sunday school at 130 pm public worship 230 pm y p meet oct isth at 8 pm bctlfesda sth line whitchurch union sunday school at 2 pm i public worship at 730 pm young peoples meeting every tues day evening at 8 oclock at all three appointments on sun day a report of the convention will be given by a layman local improvement notice notice to property owners on main street the council of the corporation of the village of stouffville purpose to pass a bylaw under the local im provement act for widening the road on main street stouffville the said road to be of a width of 24 feet six feet of which will be paid for by the village and property on which said road fronts the estimated cost of such work will be 3600 of which the property owners abutting thereon will be assessed one half of such cost in such time and manner as the bylaw shall direct no petition against such local im provement shall avail j s dougherty clerk dated oct 9th 192s anne lehman a t o m teacher of pianoforte playing and theory studio lehmans block phono 4301 boadways drug store stouffville public dance this friday a public dance will be held in ratcliffs hall on friday even ing this week sergt major hole the renowned floor man ager will be here and a toron to orchestra wil render the music harmon hoover and clayt baker in charge itjxjhigh theres no remarkable secret about the recipes we use for our excellent bread and pastry ve make use of the best ingre dients and a lot of expert knowledge of the subject youll make no secret of how pleased you are if you try our product ambrose stover baker

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