Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 9, 1928, p. 2

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never before has such care been used in preparing teas for the public never before has such a blend of high quality teas been made as in salada this flavour this unfailing dellclousness is bring ing pleasure to millions oldtime radio african drums carry signals to the tribesmen fifteen miles i what canadians nro often tempted to do to walling saxophones unhar- monlous trombonists and overvocifor- ous trap drummers members of african tribes actually do to their bad musicians they mutilato them cruelly for errors in harmony or mis takes in tmnsmitting messages by 6lgnal drums probably every civilized person las yearned at times to cut off a saxo phonists ears slit the corners qf a trombonists mouth or chop off a drummers hands privileges of which eomo african tribes happily avail themselves in regulating musician ship and the conduct of those who play their drums and other musical instruments two large wooden drums from cam eroon west africa elaborately carv ed with representations of mythical animals ancestral figures and mysti cal symbols are now on exhibition in the new hall of african ethnology at field museum such drums are kept near the residence of a chief and he may strike oiem to call his men to war or summon them to a palaver a protecting hut is often built over the flrum and it marks the place of pub lie assembly symbolizes the dignity of chieftainship and constitutes an iddl to which a stranger entering the village is expected to pay his respects i signal drums depending on atmos- j pheric conditions can carry messages between five and fifteen miles some j are merely hollowed logs others are skincovered instruments while drummers are subject to cruel penalties as above related for their mistakes they have some com pensation in the fact that their art gives them an exalted social position among those fellows the africans have another type of drum the friction drum which leaders of jazz orchestras would find ideal as an addition to the various earsplitting contrivances now in use this drum has kf wooden rod passing through the membrane and projecting for about a foot and a half the player first rubs his hand with resin and then strokes his palm down the stick this vibr ates in such a way as to send out heartrending wails and groans above your head mr chathung and to come with me immediately the bandit smiled again may i ask where you propose tak- boraiorpenmnbtonttdetoy m u wouid unkind perhaps government to run to earth the yel- to remnl vou that have io2t vour low seven a gang of chinese bandits i way peter ss known as chinese penning- 1 ho lifted both arms as he spoke ton because of his slant eyes and his apparently in accordance with hew- to disguise himself and mingle itts request and at that moment the with chinese without any one suspect- j commissioner felt himself pinioned ias rf f so now go on with the story i cleverly conceived was tho attack the pack was gradually diminish- that tho englishman w overpowered ing there were only 13 cards left i without a stru bound hand and i counted them as they lay in thel wilh cathern thongs swiftly and yellow light of the lamp there was securely knotted and as he lay help- begin here today peter pennington detective is en gaged to marry monica viney sister of captain john hewitt commission er of police at jesselton british north 618 a chic new frock exceedingly smart is this frock of youthful charm having groups of plaits in the front of the skirt and a plain hackt the bodice has tucks at each shoulder a shaped collar long sleeves gathered to wristbands or short sleeves with cuffs and a trim belt no 1618 is in sizes 16 is and 20 years size is 36 bust re quires 3a yards 39inch or 2js yards 54inch material yi yard less 39inch material short sleeves yard addi tional 39inch contrasting for view b price 20 cents the pattern transfer design no 1176 is used to embroider the bodice front of view b blue or yellow price 2 cents the patter jay xo order pattekns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by return mail a dramatic pause and in tho grim sil ence that followed only one man spoke it was laiho hydes old servant and he spoke so softly that i only caught one single word my own name and then a strange thing hap pened tho archbandit who had lain less at tho bandits feet chaihung signalled for the stool of carved black wood that still remained outside his temporary residence i am going to take- you into my confidence mr commissioner he said j am a desperate- man driven still and motionless as a corpse raised by your a into a corner forced himself on one arm his fingers i to sufter p that do not al- emaciated with the fever that consum- together agree with a roan of my imb ed him hovered over tho table then ts am as you see but am dropped on to a singlo card he was b to rccover mv vin hav0 been too weak to take it and the thing flut- cli but th wi 8 a the teredto the floor falling face-upper- chln dragon captain hewitt is fascism and the italian emigrant chicago tribune our nation is composed of immigrants we are a nation only because those immigrants when they came here left behind them ail moral and political obligations to their various fatherlands the onere fact that the italian government pre sumes to retain an ascendancy if only a moral one over former subjects is in itself a threat to our national unity inevitably in a country made up as ours has been there is a certain amount of colonlalmlndedness it would be folly on our part to tako no action to prevent tho growth of the colonial spirit in any section of tho population east africa glasgow herald cons the fu ture welfare of this part of the world depends not only on reasonable co operation between british territories but also upon cooperation between all the nations who exercise sovereign power in africa there are many big problems to he faced among them that of labor and if the several na tions concerned proceed to solve these problems in not only different but con flicting ways the task will bo ren dered both difficult and possibly dan gerous and satisfactory results may be indefinitely delayed we in kenya and uganda are doing our best and are achieving considerable success more particularly in regard to the technical education of african natives formerly in the hands of the mission aries but now directed and subsidized by government but it is an uphill task in spite of the considerable apti tude displayed by those undergoing instruction properly taught the na tive is quite capable of handling trac tors and other petroldriven machines but the areas to be dealt witlf are vast and greatly underpopulated when labor problems are added to political and social complications it will be realized that the situation in east africa is not without its anxieties to the alleviation of which it is to he hoped that the hoyal commissions most not a yard from where i waited tho yellow seven hewitts lips formed the words pennington inclined his head the lot had fallen upon chai hung himself to take my life and chai- hung lay like a dead thing weakened even with the sheer exertion of his effort while his intended victim watch ed unseen at tho foot of tho bamboo ladder the commissioner turned to penning ton i thought youd like to know that monica insisted in coming with me on this trip to tell you the honest truth i hadnt the heart to refuse her were staying at dawsons bungalow why dont you run along and see her a look of pain crept into the others face i darent hesaid thickly i want to see this thingfhrough first the other nodded sympathetically when are you goingto collar him tonight come to ire here at nine and come armed the commissioners- form was out of sight before pennington turned on his heel and went back to the bamboo bridge where hewitt had first found him tho sun was already at its zenith when captain john hewitt commis sioner of police halted abruptly at a spot where two jungle paths met and realized that he had lost his bear ings it was precisely at that moment that he began to regret that penning ton had not offered to accompany nim pennington had an uncanny knack of finding his way through ter ritory that was absolutely unknown to him it was as if that extraordinary freak of birth that had presented him with the eyes of an oriental had gift ed him also with the mysterious in stincts of the primeval savage the track was imperceptibly grow ing wider and at intervals he felt the rays of the sun that poured down- on manyheaded and each head has a fang the corners of his evil mouth turned down have you ever heard of a sixth sense a mysterious intui tion that indicates when one is being spied upon i felt the promptings of that sense last night the man they call he who sees in the dark came to my house and you will understand your sister captain- hewitt he pur red maliciously exercising my cus tomary caution i am taking my own tea quite apart from tho imminent risks that threatened her lover mon ica although she would never have acknowledged it was desperately cur ious to know how the duel between pennington and chaihung would end from the moment she had left the little ramshackle tram to accompany tier brother to dawsons bungilow sho had become haunted with a vague ndefinite fear that she was being fol lowed sho had confided her fears to the commissioner but hewitt seeing in this sudden conviction still another symptom of the nervous trouble he had already noticed had not expressed surprise one gets odd notions in these parts he told her easily its that same queer restlessness you hear am- long the trees that gives rise to hosts of native superstitions the explanation had sounded logical enough hut on the afternoon of the day hewitt had started out to meet pennington monica encountered chai- hung himself in a narrow glade not a quarter of a mile from dawsons house isnt it delightfully cool under the trees sho faltered as pleasantly as she knew how she was aware of an uncomfortable feeling that chai- hung was a dangerous criminal with a price on his head a celebrity in fact that she must deal wth tactfully until she culd get in touch with ono of dawsons men do you mind let ting me pass im in a hurry to be continued iflffia the bifocal you have hoped for it removes the hazard of atalrways it allows freedom of action of the eyes gives greater comfort in reading does not imprison the eye behind a blurred field a british invent n ask your eye specially tongue twister a glowing gleam growing green the wish that was wished was very well wished five fine fish for frying a big mixed biscuit tin a big beadlo placed a body in a big black box wilful winnie went warbling to wcmbeywlien wily willie whacked wilful winnie well peter parker patted poor portly percy patrick portly percy patrick panted monica encountered chaihung not a quarter of a mile from dawsons house me fully when i tell you that i re turned the call the man who brought this pennington to me i have dealt with i have put out his eyes so that he will never see again i have re moved his fingers so that he may never point out the way there are only three people in existence who stand between chaihung and the freedom of movement he desires you know them all captain hewitt there is chinese pennington your sister and yourself now observe how cleverly i have separated them you are al- hand held out to china now york times tho american government have informed the na tionalist government in china that they are ready to revise the existing commercial treaties with that coun try a token of friendship has been offered to tho chinese on them now rests tho responsibility of meeting it in kind the nationalists have the opportunity of demonstrating by their acts as well as their words that they are prepared and able to carry out their part of such new agreements as may be made nothing would so greatly strengthen the nationalists prestige abroad as proof that they are masters in their own household shure dr kilpatrick may be a moighty clever man but hes not go ing to operato on me for bejabers my names patrick minards liniment a reliable first aid interviewer to big business man i have called to learn the secret of your unparalleled success big busi ness man just one moment please are you from the press or tho dis trict attorneys office bioyotn xiaslcrzlxiffs new asm slightly used j10 up imt shipping paid write v j latest illustrated bicycles and accessor- lea free cata- logue yrecrleus bicycle r7rj worig s st w toronto nurses know and doctors have declared theres nothing quite like aspirin to relieve all sorts of aches and pains but be sure it is aspirin the name bayer should be on the package and on every tablet bayer is genuine and the word genuine in red is on every box you cant go wrong if you will just look at the box aspirin is the trdo rairt registered cnd indicating barer manufacture whn n trado mark te ready in my power pennington is htmvher7tseisvere7etfarthcr waiting for nightfalldown by the apart ho glanced up suddenly then f and mrs viney is alone white to the roots of his hair darted mjdawson s bungalowalone because behind the trunk of a jackfruit tree x have ranged that dawson srall be flattening himself against the bark he knew that he had taken the wrong path for straight ahead of him rose a wall of rock sheer and frowning at the foot of the rock nestled a broad squat hut roofed with dried sago- leaves sitting tranquilly at his case his fat fingers interlaced over an enor mous paunch that even fever had not succeeded in reducing to any appreci able extent was chaihtmg he sat alone wrapped in a blanket acquired in one of his numerous raids his feet crossed in front of him his back rest- inquiry and the approaching visit of j ing against one of the poles that sup- tho prince of wales and duke of i ported the building gloucester may ways contribute each in different fast light craft lead french naval program paris information obtained at the french naval ministry lias disclosed that the naval program designed to give france for a matter of seconds the com missioner of police starvd in mute fascination at this apparition a pro longed scrutiny left no doubt in his mind ns to the accuracy of penning tons statement chaihung had been ill there were dark rings under his yes his cheeks had fallen in and the rolls of fat that hung from his jowl i powerful modern fleet m i were suspended like the shapeless lines of a deflating balloon tho bandit rose to his feet with a sudden effort clutching at the pole for more for your money id and th5 best peppermint chewing sweet for any money cie si 23 construction of three 10000ton cruis ers twelve flotilla leaders eight de stroyers twenlynlno submarines and other craft i support presently he steadied him- the flotilla leaders of tho destroyer sou md cam0 si yardthe spot type are the largest afloat two cruisers built last year have recently b i i proved by tests to be lh fastest shins aimost su commis- of their size in the world isioncr fumbling for his hippocket i the wartime french fleet almost swa sideways and broke the spell obsolescent at the armistice is helm- 1 tmt ncii him scarco conscious of he was doing he left the trees covering half the distance that where hewitt was hiding his beady light that avts replaced with ships that are fast light j what he wbs ioink h destined to and and economical ships guard the 3g00o miles of sea com munications between the homeland and tho empire overseas sixty mil lion people live in these colonies and the area is many times that of france separated them leveled his automatic libcrately at chaihung tho oriental did not flinch he let kept away until i think it fit for him to return he paused for a moment and a preposterously exaggerated fingernail pointed toward the com missioner each shall perish in his turn and each in a different manner i nm reserving you for the last be cause i should like you to live long enough to realize tho power of chai- hung tho inevitable triumph of the yellow seven i think i can safely assure you that you will not have to wait long ho reached for a branch ond pilli ng himself to his feet went slowly back to the hut a hunchbacked coolie following him with the stooli hewitt a prey to a host of unpleas ant reflections toro feebly at the thongs that held him a sudden move ment in his immediate vicinity caused him to jerk his head painfully round he saw a short thickset oriental with n parang- hung from his waist leaning truculently against the jack- fruit tree you will remember me oh eng lishman said the sentry grimly i am laiho that was the servant of hyde it would be better perhaps to remain still it was more than an hour before chaihung returned he was superb ly clad in a mandarin jacket of blue embroidered with silver dragons and the dwarf followed at a discreet inter val carrying a red umbrella and n chinese teapot in a nickel case that resembled a biscuitbarrel i am on my way to take tea with employer to butler what made ycu to late butler i fell down stairs sir that ought not to have taken you very long minarjs liniment for blistered feet tho blanket slip from his broad shoul- ders and returned the others gaze with a placid smile you want to see me captain hew itt he inquired with that oily smcothness he could pour over the habitual harshness of his intonation when he chose j i want you to put both your hands when in toronto slay at the royal cecil hotel cor jarvis and dundas sts every room with private bath rates 150 up garage at hotel 3 minutes walk to shopping district a real ppj roll full weigh 700 beet is more economical o even on the straight- issue of price yougee mote for your money when you buy white swan tissue ar 15c a roll the big white swan roll gives you more paper 750 sheets full count more than three times as much as the ordinary 5c roll actually one white swan at i5c is a more econ omical purcliasc tlian three average 5c rolls and when you putcluse white swan you are getting a paper of real quality a tissue worthy of your fine bathroom appointments every roll of it is completely wrapped protected against mine and dust guarded from all unnecessary loncing ask your dealer for white swan the tissvc of lxmacuucc cleanness and big value owuwom kelt hanmte compact llibeit grade llaiar serves to rhceri at a lie toilet tissues finest values in canada the eo coovco limrtco hull carcoa 24 3mmmm mmmmmmmmsb

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