4 hundreds of automobiles are i smuggled mo cana every year ottawa hundreds of automobiles said to have been posted n garages ottawa nuncrtus r throughout the dominion in the hope re smuggled every year into canada gg utful and sensational disclosures are expect- tie lavf provi penalties but the ed in the near future the automo- trouble is to catch the smugglers who biles include both new and second are exceedingly crafty they buy old hand cars somo of them stolen- in the cars in the united states secure cus- united states investigation already toms export papers on them and made by- the dept of customs show3 change the numbers on the cars using that 99 per cent of the stolen goods the papers forthe purpose of bringing smuggled into canndafemotor cars in new cars at the valuation of the the fact that there is no sale for old ones not only that but they use secondhand cars in the united states the same papers several times over swells the traffic the car are sold in canada to un- spccial officer knox who assisted suspecting purchasers who ar inspector walter duncan on the fa- fooled by the bogus papers autos mous bisauon case has been assigned thus smuggled into the country of to the iutomobile inquiry while de- course are subject to confiscation by tectives in the role of mechanics are the government j new canadian stamps bear pictures of noted 8tatesmen reproductions of the 5 10 and 20cent stamps in the new historical issue series are shown verdict rendered five of crew lost of manslaughter when steamer burns england to bombay in five days by great britains new air liner a year for experimental flights to jndia preliminary to regular service was exhibited last week for the first time it was shown to the dominion premiers here for the imperial con- vendor of liquor convicted no passengers on bss ing machinery j the airship r101 will be a luxur ious liner with accommodations for 100 passengers it is 700 feet long london great britains mystery promenades around the sides for pas- airship which will bo ready in about sengers of causing death of william maybee milton on three of the four counts of montreal carrying freight at time of disaster montreal fivo members of the manslaughter charged jicbtsy to iin t zlnl against him bert oangelo the ham- b to j thelr igible los angeles it has two decks ilton bootee was acouitted bv a gg jl ftjfcgg ctrt g gj metric elevator and ilton bootlegger was acquitted by a jury at the fall assizes the jury which was out two hours and forty minutes brought in a recommendation for mercy on the one conviction regis tered sentence was deferred and may be passed on saturday when d- angelo will likely appear on the sec ond indictment standing against him that of administering or causing to be administered to patrick- lyons of oakvillo poisonous ingredients few of the spectators who had crowded the courtroom all day were present when the jury filed in with its verdict at 813 thursday evening the cabins fitted with two or four berths aro to be built within the ships hull with lounge diningroom and kitchens capable of serving a six- course dinner the lower deck and the remainder of the upper cabin are to be devoted to crows quarters and a smokingroom quarters are to be fit ted with shower baths and radio head phones for passengers the ship is expected to shorten the time from england to egypt from six days to two and onehalf day3 to bombay from 15 to 5 days canada renews assisted passage agreement for british immigrants ottawa renewal for a period of to winnipeg from 5100 to 4100 two years the assisted passage agree- and saskatoon sask fro mnt arranged brt vear for farmers to 5 to ca flnd edmonton ment arranged last jear tor rarmeri from e 100 w q to van farm laborers and domestics is an- coaver bc from 9 to 8 nounced by hon robert forke min- nearly 20000 people took advantage istcr of immigration he further an- of the assisted passage rates to can- nounced that the rate of three pounds ada from the united kingdom last sterling had been further reduced to year these included family units two pounds sterling j farm labor and domestics of the 8- this means the following reduction 000 families planned- for settlement in in assisted passage for immigrants canada some 1200 came out tliis year from the old country land the selection of next years quota to halifax st john and quebec lis now going on perhaps 1400 or from 3 to 2 1500 families will be brought out next to toronto from 4100 to 3100 spring the markets men aro missing and attempts to lo cate them have been futile although the montreal is a passen ger carrier she had finished her regu lar season fifteen days ago and no passengers wero on board she was carrying freight on a trip from montreal to quebec when the disaster occurred the fire broke out near midnight while the steamer was opposite st joseph de sorel en route from mon- treal to quebec j the ss montreal was one of the single conviction was registered in the shi in the passengercarrying count arising out of the death of wr ham maybee oakville woodalcohol victim the prisoner was acquitted on the three charges based on the deaths of george gill and james john ston both of oakville and of mrs olive guertin of toronto fleet of the canada steamship lines limited on the montrealquebec ser vice of the company she had been employed throughout the summer sea son on the night line to the ancient capital she was built in 1904 at sorel for five suspended in montreal customs dealer in lingerie charged with smuggling goods from france montreal nov 21 five clerks in tho general postoffico branch of tho montreal customs house were sus pended saturday on orders from ot tawa pending investigations of data collected by agents of the royal can adian mounted police who on satur day also arrested a dealer in lingerie on charges of violating the customs act following the arrest the dealer was commercial timber nears exhaustion shortage within thirty years predicted at imperial conference london a review of the forestry situation throughout the world leads to the conclusion that available sup plies of the principal timbers of com merce are daily approaching exhaus tion was the feature of a report of the forestry subcommittee of the im perial conference there is every likelihood continues the report that in less than 80 years the short age of soft woods will be severely felt bag 90 lbs 365 bran 3025 j shorts 3225 middlings 4025 jhay no 2 per ton car lots 14 to j 16 toronto j cheese finest wests 17 h to 17c man wheat no 1 north 144 finest easts 17 to 17c butter no no 2 north 140 no 3 north 1 pasteurized 35 to 35hc eggs 134 storage extras 45c storage firsts man oats no 2 cw nominal no 41c storage seconds 86c fresh ex- 3 not quoted no 1 feed glc no 2 tras 62c fresh firsts 50c feed nominal western grain quota- cows 150 to 3 bulls 3 and tions in cif ports j350 good veals 11 do med 10 am corn track toronto no 2 to 1025 grassers 325 to 375 yellow 84c no 8 yellow 82c millfeed del montreal freights i rr the united states it is reported reused on personal bnl he will bei ony 25 s flf fo deck her speed was about 23 knots deadlock continues in british strike miners will now attempt direct negotiations with j owners london more than half the mem- bership of the miners federation havj ing voted against the governments j peace proposals at least another fort- quebec the quebec government night must elapse before anything de- nas become a patron of the art of tho richelieu ontario navigation arraigned tomorrow before judg j rft f th ftice of second company she has a gross register of j cusson on two allegations of having j areas ft j these 4282 tons a net register of 2299 j smuggled goods his possession and soon mm fey tons and was 332 feet in length 43 j f third accusation regarding irregular w3tern states canada has only 27 feet in breadth and was a steel j invoices at the time of the arrest paddlewheel vessel with two funnels tho police seized a quantity of euro- and four decks including the boat pean merchandise valued by the crown government teaches canadian cooks several thousand dollars tho suspensions and the arrest it is stated aro linked with the importa tion of goods from france which have come to montreal by parcel post per cent of her original forest left and her virgin soft wood resources will last only another quarter century business is good everywhere says thornton think it over when you feel unkindly toward the montreal nov 21 after complet ing an inspection trip over six weeks of the lines of the canadian national railways between the atlantic and the pacific sir henry thornton re- finite can be accomplished in the way co an mobilizing a staff of of a settlement of the protracted coal women to instruct cooks in hotels str j throughout the province how to pre- man you work for when your heart is turned to montreal todav rarrfn official figures given out show that b meals a canadienne this is fuu of resentment and your head full sctionri5thtbsin2f the governments terms for settlement the outcome of the complaints of tour- of revengestop and take a personal sg j tn buslnes3 bltua of the strike were rejected in the dis- that coining to tho province in inventory uommion trict voting by a vote of 460806 to the expectation of enjoying french- j there are always two sides to a 313200 in spite of the advice of the canadian cuisine they found the ho- situation you are not all wrong and miners federation executive that teis served meals practically the same if this be true is it not reasonable to they be accepted consequently the as the conld almost anywhere assume that the man you work for is miners delegate confrence was hard in pursuance of its policy of fin- not all wrong put today to decide on the next step i couraging tho tourists by building j no person on earth can do good and after a heated argument finallyie bags included bran per ton 3025 i montreal experiences shorts per ton 3225 middlings 4025 good feed flour per bag 230 ontario oats 48 to 50c fob ship ping points ont good milling wheat 130 fo b shipping points according to freights barley malting 60 to 64c buckwheat 85c nominal rye no 2 91c man flour first pat 780 to ronto do 2nd pat 730 ont flour toronto 99 per cent patent per barrel in carlot3 toronto 575 seaboard in bulk 575 cheese new large 20 to 20c twins 20 to 21c triplets 22c stil tons 23c old large 26c twins 27c triplets 28c old stiltons 30c butter finest creamery prints 39 to 40c no 1 creamery 38 to 39c no 2 87 to 38c dairy prints 31 to 82c eggs fresh extras in cartons 72 to 73c fresh extras loose 70c fresh firsts 58 to 60c fresh seconds 88 to 39c storage extras 45c do firsts 42c do seconds 37 to 38c poultry dressed chiekei spring squabs 1 to 1 lbs 32 to 33c do spring over 4 ibs 30 to 32c do spring 3 to 4 lbs 32 to 85c do 2 to 3 lbs 30 to 33c do 2 to 2 lbs 30c hens over 5 lbs 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 26c do 3 to 4 lbs 24c roosters 22c turkeys 50c geese 23c ducklings 5 lbs and up 35c beans can handpicked 360 to heavy grain blockade montreal with the seasons over seas grain shipments from the port of montreal up to tho bo- ginning of november 25000000 bushels short of the shipments at the corresponding date last year 11000000 bushels in the elevators and 54 lake boats waiting a chance to un load the grain blockade here has as sumed an unprecedented character one reason given for the failure of europe to take the expected quantities of grain is that there has been a short- ago of ocean tonnage and higher freight rates due to the demand for tramps to carry american coal across the atlantic it is pointed out that the creation of tho canadian wheat and coarse grain pools all operating through a central selling agency may be responsible for tho slowing up of the movement of the new crop last year the pool was an experiment this year it is an es tablished fact while the whole of the grain crop was handled by private traders competition supplied a pres sure to have tho grain moved to tho consuming markets as soon as pos sible traders here would sometimes pay storage in europe in order to be 390 bushel primes 345 to 360 maplo products syrup per imp ln a position to make quick sales but gal 225 to 230 per 5gal 215 the wheat pool has greatly reduced to 225 per gal mate sugtr lb 25 the competition and has no special il i incentive to rush grain to europe as ifes v fl s2 lgf b it 1814c 2v4lb tins 134 to 14c slde p of getting the raar ccmb honey 340 to 4 per dozen kets with offerings in the fall it can voted by nearly two to one a resolu- ments tion submitted by south wales that all tho districts be asked to negotiate with the coal owners with a view to arriv ing at agreements tho position therefore is that ex cept for a rather shadowy supervision which the wederation hopes to hold over settlements tho mine owners and men aro loft to make tho best terms possible without any aid from the government this is looked upon as another victory for tho mine owners for all along they have resented oov- ernmeiit interference of any kind roads and insisting on improve- work with a single head full of malice ac s in rural hotel standards the and two hands that aro closed like ilm f in all the territory visited between montreal and the pacific coast in eluding a dozen or more cities there existed the quiet firm spirit of opti mism that indicates good business con ditions there is no boom under way j but a healthy expansion in trade and government investigated the com- fists- plaint and decided that experts were needed to teach the average hotel cook something about frenchcanadian cooking new zealand traveler is going on and this should gather momentum during the next twelve months memorial must be removed st catharines the falling away of tho land on the lake shore in ofarta of t approved by imperial conference planes carry canoes to miners ical sc stone marker in order so many gold seekers aro going into l m n0 destroyed tho the remote parts of northern ontario i was erecuid about twentysix that ono of tho airways companies is yc y ag0 t0 comniemorato finding to provido airplanes that will carrv t rc- of the remains of two canoes i canadian and british soldiers who fell i in tho battle of fort george in may 1813 london tho imperial conferonco has set its seal of approval on what chateauguay niagaraonthelake one delegate describes as the magna duo to tho everencroaching waters of cliarta of tho dominions proceed- lako ontario has again mado it nee- ing ahead of schedule the premieis essary to removo the niagara histor- committee on interimperial relations i ment onthe acceptanceof the locarno 3 appointment of foreign consuls to a dominion to bo approved by that dominion definition of tho position of a governorgeneral 4 report makes no joint pronounce- smoked meats hams med so to 32c cooked hams 46 to 47c smoked rolls 28 to 30c breakfast bacon 34 to 39c backs boneless 35 to 42c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lb3 23 70 to 90 lbs 2150 20 ibs and up 2234 lightweight rolls in barrels 4250 heavyweight roks 3950 per bbl lard pure tierces wa to 16c tubs lgyz to 17c pails 17 to 17c prints 18 to 18c shortening tierces 11 to 12c tubs 12u to 12c pails 12 to 13wc blocks 14 to 14 c- j heavy steers choice 625 to 675 do good 610 to 635 do med 550 to 625 butcher steers choice 550 to 6 do good 525 to 575 do com 4 to 575 butcher cows choice 450 to 535 do fair to good 4 to 5 do thin 3 to 375 butcher bulls good 425 to 5 do afford to wait prices in the hope of better hunter rides deer for two miles in bush j sault ste marie ont nov 21 to ride two miles through the bush on a deers back is the thrilling experience narrated by eugene guzzo who has just returned from a hunt at goulais bay we were walking along a trail not far from goulais bay guzzo said when we saw a deer lying under a tree at first we thought it was dead on going close to it it did not stir and then we decided to roll it over i got hold of it by the horns iramedi- submitted its report to tho plenary treaties by the dominions it com- conference which adopted it not mends the work of sir austen cham- urtil saturday afternoon when thelberlain in the locarno negotiations report was issued were its secrets but loaves the question of their accept did not desire it proud parent so you desire to be come my soninlaw john blunt no sir i dont lnit if i marry your daughter i dont seo how i can get out of li while defending the town from tho invading enemy americans it has already been moved back twice known among its provisions are 1 formal rcognition in full of the equality of status as between great britain and tho dominions both in do mestic and external affairs application of this principle to each time the removal being necessary the negotiations of treaties thereby because of tho falling away of tho giving full effect to the resolution on bank the total distance being about treatymaking powers adopted at the thirty feet in all j last conference tance by tho dominions to any indi vidual action the dominions wish to take 5 report deals with ways and means of improving communications between tho dominions and great britain 6 it does not attempt to draw up any formal written constitution for i the empire med 425 to 5 bolognas 350 to the dew lumped up with me on 385 canners and cutters 225 to p as though i was riding horseback 250 good milch cows 70 to 100 the deer gave me a merry rldo for springers choice 100 to 120 med two miles cows 45 to 60 feeders good 6 to 575 do fair 450 to 5 calves choice 10 to 12 do good 9 to 10 do med 6 to 9 grassers 4 to 450 good lambs 1175 to 12 do bucks 850 to 875 do heavy 950 to 10 do culls 9 good light sheep 650 to 760 heavy sheep and bucks 250 to 650 hogs thick smooths fed and watered 1050 do fob 10 do off cars 1090 do country points 1025 select premium 205 m0ntr2al oats no 2 cv 70c no cw 64c flour man spring wheat puts firsts 780 do seconds 730 do strong bakers 710 winter pats choice 650 to 660 rolled oats mutt and jeff by bud fisher sales taxes overdue by two thousand companies ottawa two thousand companies in canada have not paid their sales tax to the government when it waa duo this is not ascribed to inability to pay but to tho fact that no interest is charged on overdue payments it is probable that an amendment will bo introduced providing penalties that will greatly reduce the number of de linquents heavy penalties are pro vided for persona who do not pay their income taxes promptly wait till jeff gets hold of that barber clve had bat uck etmc simce 1 wivt to slggp llu trig barbgfts chair awt he shavco off fy brush 5 e woulwt wawt miss schult2- to see vie tuith a facs ufcethis