Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 25, 1926, p. 1

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tottlftti vwtttit vol xxxvi no 39 stouffville ontario thursday november 25th 1926 your opportunity to buy toilet preparations op supreme quality 3 for the price of 3 parke davis ooth paste 50c parke davis cold cream 50c parke davis vanishing cream 50c parke davis shaving cream 50c parke davis almond cream 50c patke davis tar shampoo 50c for a limited time only we will give you free any one of the above items providing you purchase two of them you get 150 value for 100 dont miss this storeys drug store phone 1008 w- db0 you ever think what it would cost you to replace your furniture if destroyed by fire do you carry sufficient in surance to refurnish your home m npt why the cost of insurance in a brick house in stouffville is less than lc per day per 1000 thomas birkett general insurance broker lawson block phone 18202 stouffville the fight is on despite the rumors that there would be a threeeorneted contest n the coming provincial tight in east york electorate such is not the case at the nomination meeting held on saturday hon geo s henry con servative was nominated also levi annis liberal prohibitionist these two men will fightmt out both were nominated by men who live in the south part of the riding mr henry is vicepresident of the farmers dairy co and mr annis is a retired farmer due to the fact that much of the city vote was taken off this riding since the last contest it is more difficult to estimate the outcome of the present fight messrs wm keith the sitting member and reeve pearson of new market are staging a big battle iu north yorkwherethe liberal forces are confident of winning the seat from mr keith on the temper ance issue both men are well kuown and highly regarded truman w eagleson teacher of piano conservatory and all branches of music taught reasonable rates stouffville saturdays studio over a g lehmans shoe store george keay auctioneer graduate national auction school canada farm and general sales a specialty write rjft3 stouffville for terms and dates pnone 9003 louden barn fixtures will make your stable work on the farm a real pleasure let ua talk over your require ments in this line we have an excellent water system for barns investigate our litter carriers prices rea sonable save the price in labor agents for singer sewing machines geo j lawson west end grocery phone 182 stouffville i ah canvassers scrutineers com niitteesch and all other work- els intlftrested in the success of levi e annis the proliibition candidate for east york are requested to meet in thlo band room at 8 oclock fri day evening- nov 20 important business k the export market for dried apples has been greatly curtailed this year- owing largely to ttie inattention of farmers to properly dry the fruit these goods must be good dry bright quartered dried apples wet dark or sliced apples are not wanted at any price farmers wishing to market this produce locally should give heed to the fruit and the con dition it should be in otherwise the local buyers cannot dispose of them dr herbert freel and mrs freel are expected back this week the misses smith mamie and hattie of toronto spent sunday with friends in town mrs may mother of mrs mcgru- gan at w e mordens is seriously ill and little hope is entertained for her recovery dr ira and mrs freel expect to leave here this week for florida the tribune wishes them asafe ind pleasant journey mrs n e smith miss mccarty and mrs dr e s barker of tor onto attended the anglican wa bazaar on thursday last earl strong has returned from grassmere muskoka where he had been employed at a private hotel during the past summer mrs wellington wideman has just returned trom a two weeks visit with her daughter mrs everett bright of wellington ont mr geo peart of markdale with friends from newtonbrook made a few calls in stouffville thursday also visited mr and mrs rob burnett bloomington mrs rev totten of shannon- ville has been spending the past week with her mother in town mrs s m warriner who was confined to the house through illness miss luella hoden daughter of mr and mrstrumau holden under went an operation for the removel of adenoids and tonsils at stjobns hospital toronto on nov 10th miss holden was able to return home this week much improved in health doubtful quality a temporary report on the water supply in the town mains received from the provincial laboratories by wire on wednesday morning showed that gas was found in the water which is an indication of contamina tion the local board of health recommend that water for drinking purposes should be boiled further tests are being carried on to ascer tain the extent of the contamination as to its effect on the purity of the water this issue is swamped with ad vertising largely due to it being the last issue for the advertiser be fore election day this fact coupled with the scarcity of news has re duced our standard issue somewhat favored ota births tait in stouffville on nov 20th 1926 to mr and mrs beft tait a daughter deaths 5 spenceley at claremont thursday nov 11th 1926 mrs margaret spenceley widow of the late noah spenceley in her 80th year fun- eralfrom the residence of her son wj spencley claremont ont interment uxbridge cemetery farmers i am paying highest cash price for hides wool and junk also i have a big variety of im plements wagons plows etc for sale at bargain prices h herman phone 102 stouffvtxile stop look read a hearty invitation is extended the young men and women of the united church to attend a social gathering in the s s room friday nov 26th at 8 oclock lassies are requested to come in gingham dress and apron while the lads are ex pected in overalls those coming in new gingham dress or overalls must pay a fine of 10c those not com plying with the rule will be fined 5c menu what all people need no ground for compaint squealers and new england brains when pies were young hidden tears our in memoriam gray in loving memory jjf dear sister mrs fannie jotinson who fell asleep on november 17th 1925 we think of you dear sister but not with outward show for the hearts that mourn sincerely mourn silently and low the silent grief that is in the soul for many an aching heart is hide behind a smiling face sadly missed by sisters brothers bethesda mr and mrs harry pointonspent a day in toronto last week glad to see miss eva kirk of markham in our community again miss clara sherrick of sehomberg junction has been visiting friends in this vicinity again quite a number from here attend ed ihe prohibition meetingatlemon- ville on friday evening dont forget the special service in our church next sunday evening under- the auspices of the wms miss vida sibley and friend of the 6th line spent part of sunday with mr and mrs wm empringham the new gas light put up outside of our church is a great improve ment to our town on sunday even ing mr j clark who has been spend ing the past few months at his sum mer home here has returned to tor onto the following tesolution was pass ed by the young peoples conven tional session at uxbridge on satur day nov 20th resolved that this young peoples iconvention desire to express our unstinted admiration of the stand taken by the hon w f nickie and in view of the ex ceeding great boon this act has been to ontario in the past ten years put eurselves on record as favoring the continuance of the ota we be lieve the temperance problem will be solved by the strict enforcement of the ota and pledge our moral and financial resources in the great crusade velma risebrougli goodwood geo todd has put in a piano mr wilmot storry has opened up a butcher business here a number of our citizens have been fooled on the bus timetable mr edgar latcham has his new service garage completed miss vera pickard of pine grove paid a flying visit with friends here one day last week dr rawleigh says flu may come andv flu may go but coughs and colds goes on forever mvand mrs jassclmider of tor- onivfsited her parental honie on sunday- mrs w a bingham and son billy of winnipeg man are visiting- her parents miss bella murison has gone to wo w if saginaw mich for a few days on pub tha the eeleh among the churches presbyterian church rev j l mccullougb in charge the regular sunday service at 230 pm the public are cordially in vited to attend united church of canada rev h 3 warren ba minister sunday nov 28th 1926 11 am quality vs quantity 230 pm ss and bible class 630 pm facing the issue baker hill and 2nd markham baptist churches sunday nov 28th 1926 mr- albeit baker whohai preachy ed at ballautrae methodist church for 7- years will be the preacher subject faith in a troubled world baker hill 1030 am markham 2nd 7 pm special meeting in the 6th church this thursday evening menxonite church a g warder pastor sunday nov 28th 1926 10 am sunday school 11 am and 630 pm preaching of the word let all gods people rise as one man against that sub tile monster alcohol which no government has ever been able to control and never will as long as it permits the stuff to he made and sold pray work and vote against the evil wednesday at 8 pm union class meeting in the church prepara tory to quarterly meeting in charge of m bricker pe baptist church rev w w fleischer pastor sunday nov 28fih 1926 11 am subject an old diamond that still sparkles 630 pm subject what should i do on december first country friends who attend our evening service are urged to be at the service whether late or not remember the mass meeting at 8 pm the churches of stouffville are joining in a great massmeet ing to be helclin ratcliffs hatf the purpose it to take a united stand for the maintenance ofv the ota business cards medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 drs- ira herbert frees consultation hour dr ir freel 3 to 12 am mon wed fri 6 to 9 pm thurs satur tues thurs satur afternoons by appointment only dr herbert free 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat 6 to 9 pm tues sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only dental bright young life intercepted by death canada warning to users of radio license fee 100 per annum ah radio receiving sets must be licensed penalty on summary conviction is a fine not exceeding 50 licenses valid to 31st march 1927 may be obtained from staff post offices radio dealers radio inspectors or from radio branch department of marine fisheries ottawa a johnston deputy minister of marine and fisheries this community was shocked on sunday morning to learn that one of its bright young mothers mrs daw son davis had succumbed to an at tack of appendicitis for which she was removed from her home on the previous tuesday night to st josephs hospital toronto prior to passing away and when her con dition was known to the doctors to be hopeless she fought valiantly for life to which she was determined to hold on the body was brought back to the home of her grand mother at dixon hill from which place the funeral was held on tuesday afternoon to dixon hill church and cemetery the family pastor rev e morton assisted by mr d w hehse took charge of the service the little church was pack ed with tear stained faces as the speakers unfolded the beauties of the life now ended in so untimely a manner the two little children one a mere baby and the sorrow ing husband were a pathetic sight i beside the bier banks of flowers attested the esteem for the young life gone and affection andsym pathy for the bereaved family mrs davis was a daughter of mr fred ramer of dixon hill where she was born and raised elevon years ago she married mr davis who is em ployed as tinsmith with silvester bros stouffville to them were born two children glenna aged nine and charles the youngest be ing about four years ol 1 mrsjtovis who would have been 32 years of age hadshe lived until christmas was a member of the christian church and was a faithful worker in the various organizations of the church she was always a bright jovial woman and enjoyed moder ately good health but she had suf fered previous attacks of the trou ble which proved fatal to her mrs davis has an elder sister living in the united states business while cutting logs in wilsons bush the middleton hoys found a supply of honey when felling a hem lock election talk is becoming strong both our candidates are very strong temperance men ana will no doubt support any legislation of this na ture mr t d bell conservative can didate for north ontario held a very successful meeting here on tuesday night the town hall was filled to the doors mr pmcgibbon and mrn d mcklnnon and the candidate made able addresses they held the ferguson policy would strengthen the temperance cause and reduce the taxation the funeral of airs wmreynolds was held on sunday from her daugh ters mrs robt s hope interment in stouffville mrs david scott formerly of this place died in caron sask and was brought here on wednesday tor burial a union meeting will be held in the goodwood united church next sunday evening nov 28th mrgold of uxbridge and his bible class will have charge borinskys is putting on a big sale judging from the bargains there will be a big crowd after them the business is being closed out as the goods are snapped up on thursday evening nov 25th a meeting in the interests of the temperance cause will be held in the town hall at 8 pm mr steve keown and the male quartette of woodville and others will be here mr and mrs wm sellers mr abe shaver and family of kearney have moved to town and are living in the henderson house lately occu pied by mr lemon clarke and fam ily another resident added to our villnge is air geo araye avife and family who moved into town and are living in the house formerly occupied by airs s 3 alsop all those who extended so many kindnesses during the passing away of our dear mother airs wm reynolds signed sirs r s hope and brothers and sisters j n dales ldsi dbs dentist claremont honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over afr scotts store phone 1405 claremont dentist stouffville e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phono 8201 dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital offices over shaws store phone office 1011- residence 1015 legal harold a sanders barrister sgligiror notarvjpublic conyeyancer ete office silvesters block phone 18003 card of thanks to the many kind neighbors and friends who assisted us during the illness and subsequent passing away of mother and grandmother we wish to extend our sincere thanks airs r jewitt mr aid mrs e jewitt card of thanks air and mrs wm robinson and family of goodwood wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expres sions of sympathy also for the floral tributes in their recent sad bereave ment in the loss of their daughter and sister aiargaret helen robin son tenders will be received for caretaker of curling rink for the coming season tenders to be sent to the club secretary by fri day dec 3rd h w sanders secretary mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan grei6 littlejohn barristers etc stouffville office over w h shaw store w f greig w h littlejohn a c kennedy chiropractor church st stoufmlu monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am scotch collie pups males 250 phone 4610 for sale stouffville stouffville lccjfie no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethern welcome ed lintner w r sanders n grand recsee archie stover fin secretary sheep breeding ewes for sale yearling shropsaiso 1 shropshire billy wilfred aiantle lot 12 con 1 uxbridge pigs for sale 6 weeks old also 50 rods stump fence arthur carruthers lot 32 con s pick- ering phone 1503 claremont for sale four grade and pure bred holsteins springers edwin forsyth phone 1111 39 wanted young calves for veal- ing purposes also highest priaes paid for fat calves j churly phone 6405 39 ontario county in ten months spent the sum of 8209792 on roads bridges and culverts accord ing to the report presented at tho mectngof the county council last week the township of uxbridge received of this amount 341269 which is slightly more than the township of reach received wanted live poultry at highest prices also feathers wool junk and hides and a quantity of apples and potatoes telephone ben roxlin no 7821 loyal orange lodge no 1020 stouffville ont regular meetings friday at 8 pm on or before full aioon mrs a grd7fiths corsehere for splreun corset for gtonffvliie ana vicinity stouffvjcllb phone 15803 flowers wanted live poultry best prices paid for fat hens sam golden phone pennock3 livery wanted girl for general house work electric conveniences apply stating wages to box 263 aiark- ham white sow bred nov 14th for sale and 8 pigs 3 months old jas l ogden phone 5827 lister phelps lighting and powr plant inal condition for sale will sell at big reduction see it in operation harvey moyer phone 6003 wedding bouquets and funeral designs on shortest notice we also have a beautiful selection of roses floral designs for all occasions muston soris sewing plain sewing and quilt making dono by vera hilts gorm- ley phone 6308 9 boadways drug store stouffvtlle

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